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Yea give the medicine to the people. The alcohol is poison, always has been. LEGALIZE IT.


This ☝️


I listen to court videos sometimes when I'm driving to work, usually sovereign citizens & weird shit like that bc I find it funny.. but there's this one judge in texas that *hates* herb, I saw her sentence one dude to 8 years, granted he fucked up a bit on his probation but still, all the dude ever did wrong was smoking weed & forgetting to do shit, now he's in prison for like 8 years. & after she sentenced him she's just like, "good luck to you" cold blooded.


What a bitch. How old would you say the judge was? I always find it’s the 50 and 60 plus crowd who views it as being more dangerous than heroin. They view the movie refer madness as a documentary


It's psychotic to me that it's still even possible tbh, to somehow get from recreational weed use to prison.. just a massive waste of everyones time & taxpayer money. & I'm honestly not sure, judge boyd texas if you want to look her up, she must have a history with it or something bc she always goes kinda overboard taking it out on folks who are brought in on charges for or test positive for herb.


I don't think it's nessacarily an age thing, especially not that age group, of which I'm included lol Hell, I'm in my 60s and I'm stoned at work right now :)


Too right!


And the prohibition of alcohol in the Early 20th century is what causes weed to be viewed as a demon dug by those in power. People were using it for medicinal purposes back then but more people started to use it for recreational purposes when they could no longer get their alcohol.


I feel the same about UP foods, candies, soda and chocolate etc... that stuff should have warning signs on it!!


weed is still a drug also if you smoke from morning to night its not a medicine its a addiction and your using it to cope


So is caffeine, sugar, carbohydrates, etc. Humans are a cocktail of different chemicals and weed is no different than the rest. We are composed of so many chemicals and to single out weed on a weed sub is just downright ridiculous.


I totally agree with that


never said that those arnt drugs but they dont alter your state of mind smoking weed from morning to night is just a addiction


They literally all alter our state of mind, fuck off with that. People are just as addicted to all of the things mentioned.


🤦‍♂️no they dont no one is saying im high asf from this energy drink weed gets you high i dont get how hard that is to understand


Just because you don't easily perceive the mental alterations of those chemicals doesn't mean they don't exist or that they don't affect your behavior, they definitely do


Totally agree


I cannot form a thought without my morning coffee. I’m completely addicted to caffeine in that respect and need it to wake up and without it I’m an asshole (you got me, I might just be an asshole anyway). I’m also addicted to weed but I don’t need it to wake up or form a thought.


Weed might fuck you up, but it helps me feel more like myself. If I had an energy drink it would indeed make me high for half the day and make me a jittery mess. It's not hard to understand, yet your tiny mind can't even fathom it. Different things effect people differently.


Apart from those prescribed it.....as a medicine.....for medical reasons 😂


smoking weed all day is not the same as taking it medicinally


Well, everyone damn knows it………we just want it to be LEGALIZED


Some people do consume a lot throughout the day. For medical reasons, prescribed by a Dr. Where did you get your medical degree from ?


So what about people who are prescribed to smoke it all day? Does it magically become medicine then


Exactly what I would expect someone with the n word as their username to say.


your mom


If you use Claritin for your allergies every day you’re addicted to claritin


Shouldn’t have been made illegal in the first place


Why was it made illegal in the first place?


Literally racism. Look it up. Fascinating shit. The prez at the time said something like "we knew it wasn't the weed. We just couldn't get the blacks and hippies (leftists) otherwise". Reefer madness. Edit: the quote was shared below “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” - former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman


smh literally 9/10 of most of these laws be just racism. making weed illegal was definitely one of them


man i’m asking myself the same question every other week, just because someone prefers smoking he’s a criminal instantly. like i smoke twice a month or so and if the police is control me my drivers license is gone… like come on


Exactly what they want. “Criminals” fill their prisons, and even in the United States, incarcerated individuals can be used for slave labor. They are literally turning cannabis smokers into slaves.


i'd say this is a bit of a stretch.. it should be legal for a number of reasons but if you showed up to a debate with this sentence they'd start kicking your teeth in for being dumb


It’s true though, prisons in America are privatized and for profit, they don’t give a shit if you just jaywalked, you broke the law and they want your money.


it's true it's true


It's not a stretch. It's literal slave labor, mostly of black and brown men. Do your research.


Yep…I’m just scared to smoke. That’s terrible… people should be free to smoke and not to smoke. That’s my body and ma life and I can smoke I one 1000 kilograms joint at once if I want to


exactly, if it comes to other drugs okey i get it somehow that they are illegal but weed is just the “same” as alcohol i’m from austria and our neighbors country germany legalized it now, let’s hope it’s gonna be legal too very soon


Ye, let’s hope! Bit by a bit, but we are gonna legalize the world!


A blend of ignorance and racism.


literally, exactly, EXACTLY this.


YESSS, as a white woman, I truly believe a lot of anti-cannabis arguments are rooted in racism


Never straight on thought of it that way, interesting & I agree


Why the racism?


“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” - former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman


Crazy to think how little has changed...


Wow thanks for the answer! Interesting stuff, I would read or watch some documentary about this if someone could recommend something


This very country was founded on prejudice and racism. We’ve come a long way but aren’t even halfway there…


weed was only ever made illegal for the war on drugs and what the problem is people still believe the propaganda from that time on weed were it was made out to be like if u smoke one joint the next day you’ll be shooting heroin it’s a lack of education on the subject


This summed my feelings up for this perfectly


i’m from ireland and all the older people see weed as something straight from the devil and that it ruins lives they don’t understand that it really isn’t anything like that


The boomers still believe weed is a "gateway" drug and its victims are on a slippery path from a casual toke now and again to a full-blown methamphetamine junkie. JFC boomers love their booze. Much more harmful to physical and mental health. Alcohol addiction has ruined relationships and destroyed lives.


& they preach and swear onto the fact that it’s monstrous, impossible to break down their infuriating ignorant barrier towards this


Ye, like all my family members say that weed “dries your brains”….


Weed brings peace, with peace comes unity. Too much unity in the people will mean less power in the ruler. So the ruler doesn’t want that happen.


Most accurate comment on this thread


Call your government. Vote when it comes up. Do your part to normalize its use for medical patients AND recreationally by not judging and perpetuating stereotypes about cannabis enjoyers. Look up the CORRECT, Up to date information and educate your friends and family if they say something incorrect about cannabis or its use. Learn the history of the plant in your country. The people will win.




True words!


Everyone could chill the fuck out


That's one of the reason I moved to Netherlands.Lol


If I got caught where I live, with the weed I have in my home, I would be a felon. All because I use it to sleep.


Absolutely insane. Something's clearly not right.


To be real, I live in a legal state that has been legal for years now, and we had med way before that. And still buying weed people definitely look at you weird. Mostly the assholes that didn't want it legal while they see you walking in and out if shops or smoking. But even the occasional old guy or lady will look at me like some drug addict buying weed in the dispensary as they buy weed next to me... it's mind boggling to say the least. Their generations are the ones that just followed orders and didn't legalize weed, some of them still come in and buy weed now, and a select few of them still look and treat you like a drug addict while buying weed, and I even got a card. I have found some people are just total assholes and completely lost causes when it comes to making sense. Good luck getting legal weed were you are from. But just know even once yall legalize you will still have roughly 50 percent of your population still treating you like you are the problem for no reason at all.


Yea, I prefer to call it “bipolar disorder of the society”. When it comes to alcohol: sure, we can see those glasses everywhere. Family occasions, parties.. but if you talk about MJ, people start to think about you as a weirdo or an addict right off… hate this misunderstanding of the actual problem


It's always fun looking out for cops when smoking with the homies.


Well, it’s definitely not fun to get away with 8 years of prison for holding 4.5 grams of cannabis in your pocket damn


Sure does make international travel interesting. Remember walking around Lima wondering if the right *guy* would come up to me. He did. And I smoked some of the lamest weed I'd had since high school. But I was happy I came up.


Ignorance and the rich don’t benefit


Too many politicians and greedy mfs shit will never happen sadly. Oh well


We all hope that it will eventually happen, ma bro


Because weed and hemp is a sustainable/renewable resource and a mind opening substance. Certain companies who were established already making paper from trees for example, had their business threatened by hemp, as it was cheaper. So men like William Randolph Hurst demonized weed and lobbied the government, using his considerable wealth and influence, to have laws passed making it illegal. They also demonized Mexicans for smoking it and bringing it over the border, convincing the American public of the ‘reefer madness’ bullshit. The American youth were getting their hands on it, freaking out the conservative parents, who thought their children were smoking themselves silly. When in actual fact, they were just opening their minds for the first time and asking uncomfortable, establishment-threatening questions about life and how it should be lived. Governments don’t want free thinking populations because then they can’t be controlled. They would rather you be addicted to alcohol and cigarettes so that your mind is dulled and closed, and your lifespan shortened by cancer, so that you don’t live long enough to create a strain on the economy, because of longer average life spans due to healthier living.


It’s a plant that can be mass produced if done correctly and “illegally”. Many countries could take advantage of this. And boom no more taxation cause everyone’s growing


Obviously torturing people is hard to justify in the context of supplying/smoking/holding weed. But there are some good arguments to keep weed illegal. I would prefer countries just decriminalise it. There's something about giving large companies free range to sell addictive substances to people that turns my stomach a little bit.


Would grant your wish if I could




Just wishin my fricken lame ass state jumped on board at this point. Even just legalizing medicinal here would be beyond amazing for me.


Yeah i feel tired to everytime call a dealer just to smole some flower it's tiring


Decriminalized at the very least


Control. That’s what it’s always about. When greed and control converge it’s even worse.


Right? Imagine a world where everyone could enjoy some herb without the hassle. 🌍🌿 It’d be a much more relaxed and happy place. Here’s hoping more countries catch on soon! What’s your top destination for a cannabis vacation?


We can’t even get every state in the country


That’s really sad….:(((


The irony is if it was made legal here (the UK) I’d most likely smoke less.


The world would be such a different place if all humanity just smoked a J once and a while. lol Like, would Hitler still have invaded Poland if he had a big bag of Banana Kush? would Jack the Ripper kill all those hookers if he had a bag of Godfather OG?...🤔🤔🤔 These are the questions that keep me up at night....lol


I’m gonna think about these questions too lol




The world would be a better place ❤️




So fucking weird, it feels like I get in arguments with skewt alcoholics sorrounding that everyday (take it with a grain of salt)


Yep, let's look at history. The war on drugs was about controlling people. My mum is an alcoholic and thinks I'm going to die before her, which is ironic because I don't drink or smoke tobacco. I have to travel 60 miles, an hour and a half away, to get green. It’s a risk just coming home from that far, so I buy in bulk. My last source was a narcissist, and I had to fake being his friend to get green. Luckily, I have new contacts now and access to better quality. I'm planning to apply for medical use, and I'm lucky to be in Scotland because I have autism. The main reason I smoke is to help me relax and get things done. When I went to Amsterdam, it showed me how the world should be. I should be able to walk into a shop, get professional advice about the best strain, and try it. I just hope to get good quality green. I don’t even get a choice here. The last stuff I had was Kush, and it made me paranoid as hell. I hate that stuff.


> ban weed and torture people those are two completely separate things. your logic is faulty


Oppression is still alive and well, unfortunately. Fuck authoritarianism and anytime who supports it. Legalize human freedom, already


My friend didn't know that people have been executed for weed in Singapore, they were shocked to say the least. I'm living in heaven in Canada but I often think about everyone else left behind.


That is totally sad…. I just can’t understand how people can kill another people over some weed! It’s just lovely grass, c’mon motherfuckers…


I have a dream...


Same bro, same


Make it so, start your own weed import/export business. Watch out for cops too!


Human beings are incredibly flawed (including not being able to understand how flawed we are). We have many many weaknesses. First, we are dumb as a bag of hammers. Second, we are gullible beyond belief. Third, we are totally self-centred and selfish. When you combine these shortcomings it is not hard to see how easily we can be manipulated by "Leaders" with hidden agendas. I asked ChatGPT to list 10 famous quotes that illustrate my point. Personally, I like Churchill's quote (#5). 1. H.L. Mencken: "No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people." 2. P.T. Barnum: "There's a sucker born every minute." 3. Joseph de Maistre: "Every nation gets the government it deserves." 4. George Bernard Shaw: "Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few." 5. Winston Churchill: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." 6. Adolf Hitler: "How fortunate for leaders that men do not think." 7. H.L. Mencken: "The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots." 8. Napoleon Bonaparte: "In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." 9. Plato: "Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses." 10. Gore Vidal: "Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half."


Thanks for your information about the problem and the quotes !


Probably religion. It’s a tool to oppress and control the population.


That's from radicals, radicals will try to take advantage of anything look at Islam. Except the Bible actually authorizes it really (see quoted verse below). Eating or smoking both have psychoactive effect. Don't mean it should be abused though, they have other verses about abuse. "Genesis 1:29 states, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of the entire earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you""


Certainly in some of the Eastern parts of the world.


Wonder what r/monkeyspaw will do with this one


After canada legalized all hell broke lose and people stopped working and everyone became homeless. /s


Socially conservatives are like the 2nd worst people politically and it’s global… They think somehow their nation (they are helplessly collectivists) will die when weed available and people become zombies. Same mindset that prohibited alcohol back then.


Yeah I don’t know why we have collectively decided it’s better to have gas stations selling who fucking knows what instead of dispos selling tested, high quality shit, but I’m fucking over it.


Amen brother


I love this pro weed back rub session😉👌🏽


For sure . I feel so goddamn blessed to live in a part of the world where its accepted and okay. Anyone else tend to plan their holidays on the basis of legality/ease of access? I know I absolutely do... lol


I wish every state in the union did at least. Come on Florida, let’s get it this November!!!!!


I wish that too but not just because I’m tired of people getting demonized for smoking it. Weed could also help with medicine, co2 emissions,uses to make textiles and fabrics. In terms of other parts of the world. I was talking to someone from India who said he used to smoke weed when he was younger. He said weed is illegal in India but you can just see the growing naturally in the wild and just take it if you want.


It's a literal crime against humanity that It was ever demonized and made illegal.


Exactly how I felt in Japan


As with the root cause of most of humanity’s problems… religion.


Careful what you ask for. California dispensaries were found with a bunch of DEADLY pesticides like a week ago that has me doubtful I can trust the system to even buy weed now.. also its not just a small amount of chemicals that were found it was a MASSIVE amount and from what I hear the states with legal weed laws are all operated the same way. Profits before human lives.


Because at the end of the day weed it's evil and it leads to addiction. I know because I've been smoking for 20 years and I don't think I'll ever stop. 


Well, alcohol lead to addiction too. I want to smoke and not to drink




literally how is people being lgbtq+ even remotely related to this


Also why is remembering 5 letters so hard for these people? Do they get confused when they see 'NAACP' too? Stop feigning ignorance and just same the name normally lol


















You Suck


Don't be mean.


I'd have to disagree and say that is all dependent on the will of the person. I am not a scientist, but from my research, weed isn't really addictive like other drugs. You can become mentally dependent on it if you overuse it for things like anxiety or as a sleep aid, but as far as addiction, there are no downfalls to quitting and there are no physical withdrawal symptoms which are the things that separate dependable from addiction. If we're talking about addiction, I'd say caffeine (coffee) and any sugar other than straight glucose from fruit are much worse and have much more hardcore side effects. Personally speaking, when I think I need to stop smoking for something, I've not found it difficult other than controlling anxiety I was born with.


I'm over 30 years in. And I will never stop maybe change form that's all. Only regret I have about the lungs, all the other stuff BS. Back in the day we didn't have no choices that we have now though. Edibles weren't common at all. Concentrate didn't exist unless you made your own I did bubble hash from leaves since the late '90s, real hash was hard to find. Now you got all the options in the world to save your lungs including vapes which I do think are more healthy than smoking but of course it don't have the same effect. If you can go back 20 years and it was completely legal and it didn't put a strain on your money, and you had options to save your lungs. It improved your quality of life though I bet. You have beef with for the government it sounds like to me which I do also. Weed should always been cheap or free, not bankrupt people


How is it evil? And weed itself doesn't have any addictive biological factor so the addiction you would develop for it would/could apply to anything. I'll never stop playing video games for example