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Weed has stopped me from several suicide attempts.


Say ur history


No, don't feel like sharing more than that.


I understand u


It's a great plant, and I'm still here because of it. Let's just leave it at that :)




Weed helped me quit drinking and being a cunt. As a result likely saved my marriage or at least stopped its decline. My kid was conceived my first evening with weed, after a year of trying.


Men i feel that if you need talk i'm here ma men


Nah man it fixed all that šŸ˜ Lifeā€™s good ā˜˜ļøā˜˜ļøā˜˜ļø Cheers tho. Smoke one.


Gives me something to look forward to everyday when I get if work!


Depressed stoner here, I would like to chime in. After having depression since I was 6, and being on tons of different meds throughout my life, weed is by far the best. For the childhood and adolescent years, meds meds meds. Changing every few months, sometimes a few years. When I became 18, I dropped all the meds and started using weed. I noticed instead of a ā€œbuild upā€ period of 2 weeks, it was about a minute and whatever rabbit hole I was in, I simply forgot it. Which is good cause most of the time it was scenarios that I made up and just reflected emotionally on in the moment.


Ear that song men *de periodico un gallito* u can translate and read the feeling men


Fuck the drugstore men


Weed takes care of me and I take care of my weeds.


I went to 4 different high schools and had a lot happen my sophomore year so when Iā€™m at a new school junior year and donā€™t know anybody it helped me get through a very hard time when i didnā€™t even have a friend to talk with or kill time with to take my mind off of things. It brought me comfort and kept my mind at ease. Now things are luckily a lot better but itā€™s still so fun to even just watch a movie stoned lol


The only thing I can look forward to besides food and girls.


Where's you from?




Isn't legal right?


Only medical


If you have a recipe, u can smoke on the streets?


Nope, only on private property and if you're carrying it needs to be in it's original container.


Weed made me understand how much I donā€™t really need any drug / medicine to feel free (including the weed itself)


Same šŸ§¢


When you have you the shittiest day possible and nothing is going your way but u know by the end of the day youā€™ve got that delicious meal waiting for you šŸƒ


weed was a friend when i was alone, weed was a little luxury when i was poor, weed was a fun time when i was bored, weed made me happy when i was sad and weed eased me when i was sick.


Why did I read this as a poem


Everytime Iā€™ve almost been sent over the edge I manage to get my hands on a blunt and IMMEDIATELY my brain stops moving a million miles an hour. I also have ADHD and unfortunately use it to self medicate but fortunately it does wonders, so..


Well, I'm a bipolar with PPD and constant depression so it's saved me in a couple situations


Helped me reduce drinking and smoking fags. To be fair tho, I just got addicted to zoot


last year anxiety hit me like a bus. iā€™m talking panic attacks constantly, just thinking i was constantly gonna die. i took a weed break because i figured it couldnā€™t hurt to, but my therapist refused to put me on medication, so i started smoking again. RELIEF DUDE. it helped my brain slow down and i felt relaxed for the first time in months. i switched my therapist, started zoloft, and iā€™m still smoking. life is good :)


Oh man I was at my ex's place for Xmas dinner and I would've been so uneasy without it. It was a train wreck


Iā€™m actually trying to quit weed because it stops me from being ambitious and Itā€™s too expensive. Itā€™s also made me dissociate a lot. Weed is terrible and shouldnā€™t be used to put your problems away. Going to the gym has helped me more than weed ever could. It was fun while it lasted but I canā€™t keep weed in my life anymore