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Just saw mike Dillion with Les. Bastard jazz was fucking amazing. Guy is frankly great.


I’ve heard his mom is a really nice lady.


Vera is hysterical!


That’s my baby! Rory is wearing his old logo… we designed a new one that says Mike Dillon in the teeth a few months ago. Bastard Jazz in Nola 19 was the best show of Jazzfest that year! Stanton and Les and Mikey and what’s not to love!!


Just noticed the Boognish ovaries lol


Courtesy of artist Peregrine Hoenig- light of my life.


Nan of us




Fuck more, bitch less 🙌. Love Mike D!


I'd love to see Billy Goat one more time...


Chef boy-ar-deeeeeee!




I’ve got that shirt 👍👍🙌


Luv the nunz!❤️🙌


This is from night 2 of the South Park 25th anniversary shows. Pictured is Rory Doland of the phenomenal band lespecial. NUN of this is about babies NUN of your business NUN of us support SCOTUS We’ll be bringing the theme back for Night 1 in Boston… it got a lil lost in the sauce w all the hoopla that was the anniversary shows and we want to get the message out there. I did NOT call the theme for Boston but best believe I will continue to run w it. It’s sooo important right now. #bansoffourbodies


I agree with your stance, and also, Lespecial frickin rules. Sincerely hoping they make it to the midwest sometime soon


Thought that was Rory!! Lespecial FUCKS


Nice shirt mang


You'se guy's seem like pretty awesome peoples!!!


Life is all about the company we keep. We are the freak show. We are the artists, musicians, creatives… I’m blessed to have these wild children to share my life and times.


…Valentina from The Sopranos. Leslie Bega.


To be honest. One thing I love about ween is the lack of politics. They are a great escape from the nonsense.


You are going to hate Gener’s Twitter feed.


And Claude's


There’s never a lack of politics anywhere. There is no escape from politics except in turning a blind eye.


That sounds like a dreadful way to go through life.


I don’t go through life. I am life.


Ignoring the world around u is worse


If only women could escape the bullshit of politics in their actual real lives. No politics is the worse kind of politics.


Do we need a reminder that there are just as many pro-life women out there? It’s not quite where I fall, but it’s hardly the patriarchal oppression espoused in these low-res activist claims. Or I could just ask what a woman is and get myself banned.


No, you all self loathing idiots are loud enough already. I dig how you had to bring up an unrelated hot political potato to attempt to drive the conversation in a different direction rather than the topic at hand. You think modus ponens is a Greek std don't ya?


Your idea of politics might be a "team sport" thing and yeah, that's irritating. But speaking up about what politicians do, because they're negatively affecting the lives of everyone you know? That's crucial.


Yes!! It is crucial. My influence is VERY limited but we do what can, right? We have to


Fuck off


omfg. Eat a dick


how dare someone not want politics in every facet of their life, i guess.




“not everything has to be political” >”omfg. Eat a dick” “that might be a bit of an overreaction” >”🤡🤡” youve made it abundantly clear you have nothing half intelligent to say sooo, have a nice day i suppose.


Clown ass comment


No such thing as a lack of politics lmao


I agree. It would be nice if there was one thing that could bring us all together regardless of beliefs. HAIL Boognish


Hail Boognish and politically motivated music!




womens rights shouldn't be political


Except that we are our beliefs…


Holy meow you’re gorgeous That’s a sick homemade Ween shirt by the way. If you ever make a gentleman’s large I’d love to buy one!


Thank you!! It’s actually a bra I wore on top of a bodysuit. We recently figured out that I debuted the original boog bra in ‘06. There’s a great pic of me in it with the one and only Johnny Williams… I have a lifetime of beautiful memories w the flam.


Johnnys the mang 🤘🏼


That's fine, but I don't support anything any judge does ever. That's what free will is about. Nobody has the right to tell you or me to do a damn thing. That said, aren't we all glad our mothers did not decide to terminate us?


But that’s simply not true. You don’t have the RIGHT to kill other people. You don’t have the RIGHT to abuse others. And my stance here is that no one should have the RIGHT to tell a woman what to do with her own body. I believe in free will as well but…


Well, obviously. That is natural law. Because it’s the right thing, not because of who or what it is enforced by.




How could natural law possibly have a negative connotation?




There are laws of nature that supersede frivolous and controlling laws of men. That’s all I’m saying. Not trying to argue. Peace!




I’m taking a nap. Natural law governs that I must. Hehe!




But what is the nun in ‘nun of us about’? Safe bet old queen ween ain’t a nun.


What you prefer the laws of men?


You’re right. No one has the right to tell a woman what to do. But not only a woman…can brighten up my day. What’s the nun part aboot?


People had started coming to shows dresses like NUN’s and I, artist and feminist that I am, wanted it to mean something. My gf and I came up w the word play. We do theme nights for a lot of shows, especially three night runs and I always wanted them to come from specific songs or ideas… we did rainbow night for homo rainbow, we did purple cheer for ATL for many reasons but one of them being that I wanted an LMLYP, I was voodoo lady for HalloWEEN one year, we did boognish nights (70’s,) dressed to the nines in black and white, cape night, etc. Who doesn’t love a good theme?


Nope. At least one of us does.


Doors that way -> You're unwanted in this scene. Truly.


Idgaf. Turns out you can love Ween and also not be down with baby murder.


Not be down with women's bodily autonomy\* Ween does not love you. Nerd.


one side believes the other wants to kill babies. the other side believes they want to oppress women. ad hominems only bolster the fact that neither side understands the other. grow up and realize that people have their own moral reasons for everything, and mindless bickering won’t change that. hail boognish


Not allowing a woman to choose her own future (and denying science) is oppressing women.


you can say she chose her own future by having unprotected sex


But you’d be absolutely ignorant for saying so.




Remember those cases of rape and incest that were absolutely going to be exceptions from any laws prohibiting abortion? Well, that didn't last long at all, did it? By supporting the SCOTUS decision you are in support of raped women being forced to carry pregnancies to term. Period. If you weren't, you wouldn't be playing devils advocate like a jagoff.


Hey everyone! Look at the enlightened centrist! >murdering babies. >bodily autonomy. One of these phrases is relevant to the conversation, & the other is a disingenuous misnomer. If one can't tell the difference, then they deserve to be spoken to like the scientifically illiterate child that they are. Lose me with this both sides are the same bullshit.


it’s been widely debated whether or not the fetus is a separate entity from the mother. the distinction between arguments hinges on this one point of view. stop acting like the opposite side is acting out of a hatred of women




stupid pcm joke from 2 years ago lmao really reaching here


Lol. Well I still love them. As Jesus still loves you.




“Boognish is alive and well” “Stop believing in adult fairy tales” You seem confused.


Lol you're so close to getting it. Think a little harder, just don't hurt yourself.


Thanks for proving my point. Every time you seethe in the responses it makes me cum. Keep it up. I can atone for my sins later.


Lmao. Definitely seething over here.


Your inner hatred must be a burden. I know a book that can set you free.


average redditor


You post on /r/teenagers so I hope once you get older, you’ll understand how the world works instead of listening to your parents or your local church youth group. Start reading books and expanding your mind.


We don’t believe in murdering babies. We believe in women’s autonomy. We believe in women’s rights and that women’s rights are human rights. We believe in science. We believe in protecting choice. We believe in CHOICE. For all. And especially for victims of abuse, incest, rape, the underaged. I have no idea what your gender is but as a woman who has been raped I cannot imagine being forced to carry the burden of my oppressors sins… mind boggling that anyone would force their views on my body, my future. Would FORCE that on me. It’s disgusting. And you are of proving to be the exception to the rule. NUN OF YOUR FUVKIN BUSINESS WHAT I DO WITH MY BODY. Or what any other woman chooses to do with hers for that matter.




I just want babies to live.


Are you being forced to carry them? Are you paying the mother’s medical bills? Are you experiencing the labor pains? Is your life forever altered bc you don’t have access to decent health care/child care? Are you raising the children? I didn’t think so. So STFU. Stop worrying about the unborn and focus on the living.


what’s the distinction between unborn and living? just asking


I just think babies should be, you know… alive and not vacuumed into a bucket.


You’re missing the point… what gender do you identify as? Not that it really matters because shame on you either way. Sad to think you’re smart enough to like decent music but think you should be able to control other’s. What you decide for yourself is your choice. Let others decide for themselves.


I am a transracial Latinx fae creature and I identify as having dwarfism. My pronouns are fae/faeself. I also prefer babies to be living and not dead.


You’ve literally bright nothing to the conversation. Later


You know who you look like?