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Your 170 was a 1/4 Squat too. **try the daily threads in /fitness, weightroom, powerlifting, or bodybuilding besides the below subreddits** **1. No Posts unrelated to Competitive Weightlifting** In addition to posts completely unrelated to any barbell sport, posts about other strength sports, general fitness, weight loss, body-building supplementation, and especially the use of steroids is forbidden. /r/weightlifting **is where we discuss the competitive sport of Weightlifting; the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.** **try /lifting, fitness, exercise, weighttraining, gym, strengthtraining, workout, workouts, powerbuilding, powerlifting, weightroom or bodybuilding**


He wasn’t even close to depth even if he sat on the bench Just a heads up bud this is a sport of Olympic weightlifting sub not general fitness Get a new coach this was dumb top to bottom good way to jack up a young athlete


Your coach is failing you




You have no business having that much weight on the bar. Maybe no business having half the plates that are on the bar. Only an idiot would have you attempt that.


Bruhh you’ll get clapped. Get a better coach!


Is there a reason you jumped 17kg for a half depth box squat?


My friend was already going for 187 and I wanted to try


I understand you're excited but we're all concerned for you because from what I see you had no control of the weight. The way you dumped the weight is terrifying, your back and core aren't strong enough to handle that weight. Without the safety bars you could have killed yourself. Even when attempting prs most of us can dump the weight behind us. You were folding under that weight. Your 170 attempt was not much better tbh. Just take a slice of humble pie and move on.


I doubt 170 looks much better


It was a lil shaky but I got it


Listen bro this is a olympic weightlifting forum, what ur doing I can barely qualify it as powerlifting since you didnt go anywhere near depth or had any control over the weight. Not hating watch others squat here and youll see what I mean. That just was not even a squat bruh.


Lulz. No you didn't


Yes I do I have a vid


Show it




You bent your knees slightly... if I hit that range of motion I'd be squatting 300


Ur hating on a teenager wyd


Teenager is no excuse. What you're doing is not squatting.


How is it not


You're destroying your body for no reason. Wyd


I document my maxes once a month this isn’t a regular workout


Im a teenager and im hating Bro have some humility accept that you are doing shit squats to use heavier weights and fix it


Bro that’s a half squat




That's Just 1/3 of a squat so it's Just nothing done. You are strong and immature, it's obvious. Deload until you can go ATG with a correct form with your squat and start again from there 😉


Sorry dude, no one that seriously lift would consider this a full squat. At the very least your quads need to be parallel with the floor. Right now you,re very far from that. Maybe that's enough to impress your teenage friends that don't know any better but if you share this video online people will just laugh at that squat.


Play stupid games, win stupid prices… Follow this rule and u wont regret it later on your career, i know that your young and you wanna feed your ego but try being smarter. “ no humble, no gym bro”


Big ol balls on you kid. Drop the weights down and work o heavy sets of 5. No need for you to be doing 1 rep maxes until you’re a little older in my opinion


Those legs were never going to finish this squat. Check the ego and lower the weight.


Usually when someone fails a PR attempt they do not fail that way. For example, not as shaky on the way down, don’t collapse forward, etc. Thankfully you had spotter arms. No shade thrown here. You’re 15 and experience isn’t on your side. To provide some advice, I’d majorly scale back the weight and focus on technique. No offense but I cannot see 170kg you claim to look any better than the 187kg. If you get proper coaching and check the ego at the door you will have potential to hit 187kg in the not so distant future. Best of luck!


You’re gonna get hurt man…go back down a lot, take your time, you’ll get there!


Yeah no shot your hitting 170 kg legitimately


https://www.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/s/My1Vx7RHHO He doesnt


I love that you’re into lifting weights at 15, I sure wish I took it seriously when I was that age. But the way you bailed on that could have gotten you seriously hurt, and I hate to break it to you, but it wasn’t even worth it because that wouldn’t be a legal squat by any standard. Take the time to build a solid squat base at full depth (below parallel). You’ll get there, and you’re certain to build some nice quads that will impress your friends while you’re at it!


Next time you go for a PR I recommend having the spotter arms alittle higher up. Something like a few inches from the lowest point the bar will be during your squat. It'll make missing the lift alot safer and less sketchy in my opinion. Good bail! You'll get it next time!


That is too heavy for you at your age.. your growth plates aren’t even closed…get a new coach.


Snap city here we go 😂 find a better coach mate.