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This subreddit is about the competitive sport of Weightlifting, contesting the Snatch, Clean, and Jerk. My brother in Christ listen to your body. A good physio will absolutely listen to you, but unfortunately it can be quite hard to find a good one sometimes. Keep looking, I can assure you that someone will work with you.


Dont do barbell squats Use belt squats, where weight is carried by a belt on your hips Old russian case study i read a translation of said that it worked pretty well for a guy with a bad back


Where do you set the bar on your back? I strained my lats/neck once with bad bar placement and form. It left me with migraines for a few days. Have you tried front squats? My main advice would be to take your time to figure it out. Even if it takes years, you still have decades of good lifting ahead of you. Don’t fight through a lot of pain and turn it into a permanent disability.


True man


Don’t squat, simple as


It's pretty much easy to say , Squats are one of the most essential movements, but yeah I was thinking the same


You could try front squats, get that bar off of your neck


Dumbbell lifts, machine stuff, front squats, belt squats. There’s no reason in this day and age to pick exercises that hurt.


**try the daily threads in /fitness, weightroom, powerlifting, or bodybuilding besides the below subreddits**    **1. No Posts unrelated to Competitive Weightlifting**     In addition to posts completely unrelated to any barbell sport, posts about other strength sports, general fitness, weight loss, body-building supplementation, and especially the use of steroids is forbidden.     /r/weightlifting **is where we discuss the competitive sport of Weightlifting; the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.**      **try /lifting, fitness, exercise, weighttraining, gym, strengthtraining, workout, workouts, powerbuilding, powerlifting, weightroom or bodybuilding**