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This mf just pulled 315 so high and the casually push pressed it. Gtfo


Split power clean push press mf'ers!!


The way he yanked then hoisted 315 fucking points broke my brain


Tall cleans. Also, brother, I'm begging you to work on your front rack.


Holy.. strong đŸ’Ș mofo.. awesome


You pull yourself under. You don’t just ‘drop’. Also please, for the sake of your wrists, fix your front rack position. The barbell should be supported by the shoulders - not by the wrists. The only thing the wrists do in the front rack is hold the bar in place. It’ll also make your jerks far easier.


Do your telling me my extensive education in self love have not toughened my wrists?


He's trying to make sure your education in self love isn't tragically wasted


Advice taken, hopefully my wife will understand it's for my wrist sake.


Lol. 👆 This guys fukin rad.


Man! those muscles take forever to stretch out, so many days with a resistance band only for your wrist to bend back an inch or so. We really limit our bodies with lack of usage and it's astounding how much it can show through.


I’m a pretty big believer that the best way to improve mobility is through weighted stretches. Of course, the amount of weight you use will vary quite widely though depending on the area in question. Front rack? Front squats while strapped in. Ankles? Load a bar and just set it on your knee while in a squat. Best working up slowly here, but I got to 70kg with no issues before. Overhead? Overhead squats - these are pretty great and will help shoulders, back and also a bit of hips.


I have a question about jerking because if I try to jerk in my front rack position, it hurts my wrist. But if I bring my elbows down and kinda jerk/push press it feels better. So are you supposed to jerk in your front rack position? It seems unoptimal


The rack for the jerk differs slightly in that the elbows should be pointed about 45° downward to allow for a better drive of the upper body. A common mistake in beginner lifters is that they will initiate with the arms too early which will mess up timing and can feel very uncomfortable. At no point should the weight be placed on your wrists. When it’s in the front rack, the shoulders are what should support it. Again, this allows for optimal force transfer. If you are holding the bar with your hands, it’s going to push down on them when you dip and drive rather than sitting more stable on your shoulders (which ofc won’t move down).


I will give you weightlifting advice for one unit of your strength 😂


the short answer version: drill technique with light weights (empty bar or 40kg)


That's what I'm going to try since it's been repeating theme of response.im just grateful for how nice everyone is


This is not what you need to do, at least not with only an empty bar or 40kg. If you are able to pull yourself under that, work up in weight until you can’t. A light bar moves very differently to a heavy one. Pulling under is also one of the few things that gets ‘easier’ as you increase the weight on the bar since the effect is more pronounced.


This is very true. I'd echo what others said about your less than ideal front rack position, but I would also add that you're basically just muscling the bar up there and leaving a significant amount of power in the tank by leaving your legs out of the equation. If you use your legs right that weight will float upward.


And gradually work your way up. You are clearly strong, but you have zero ability feeling under at that weight. Even if you managed to get under you probably wouldn't get under and meet the bar right so you'd have 140 kg crashing on you. That's a recipe for a collarbone breaking especially as you aren't used to it and collarbone not used to cleans. Start light, keep adding more weight, keep focusing on helping the bar close, the closer it is the easier you have dropping, and at really light weights when you extend, don't use all your force at extension but hit the positions. You can also try variations like a tall clean, which is a clean but from standing position. It's all pulling under the bar.


Bro you aren’t using a front rack to catch 375lbs
 What!! How are you so strong? You seem to want to learn to squat snatch based on what I’m reading from your description. Your immense strength is allowing you to get away with lack of technique. I don’t mean to criticize, and maybe you’re using a method I’m not familiar with, but you might want to get a demonstration and coaching in-person to get your foundations down. To answer your question, you move quickly by using the mass of the barbell as a counter-weight to yank yourself down into the squat part and catch the weight on your shoulders directly. That’s how you can beat gravity to get beneath the bar faster than the bar can fall down.


I just pop a dip in, drink a monster, and remember I have to stay fit because pegging is only looks good on video if everyone is fit. Yeah one guy was saying to practice just dropping with empty bar so that's what I'm going to do. I just wanna have that speed. I've got pretty good mobility. I'm half training to hit splits again which I haven't done in years. Only lifitng and strongman seem very mobility oriented


“I have to stay fit because pegging only looks good on video if everyone is fit”
you’re only clean and jerking, it can be done with a group or partner but usually done alone. If you want to get into all that group stuff, maybe the “strong man” sub would be more knowledgeable 😂


This response belongs on r/moreplatesmoredates


I always found practicing with an empty bar to be a fruitless endeavor outside warmups because you can contort your body any way you want with it so for me it never taught or reinforced anything. You're so damn strong that would apply even more so. Also pulling anything below 75% BW is really forgiving in terms of trying to keep the bar in a single plane because the bar doesn't shift your overall center of mass as much. Still worthwhile to drill but I don't think it's going to be the solution long term. I always did power cleans and was awful in a squat clean because that's not what I cared about at the time, currently high hang clean to full squat I think has been improving my form the most. Just my $0.02


Crazy strong man, You need to work on the mobility of that front rack though so you can get your elbows through and pointing forwards and your hands back onto your shoulders to support that weight. There are different ways to do it, pvc pipe, bands or barbell, just google front rack stretch. Just keep at the stretching and do some front squats and it will improve.


Okay my dude, you have apparently become so fucking strong with improper technique that this is now literally the only way your body knows how to do stuff. If you really want to get better at weightlifting, you gotta realise that it is a ridiculously technical sport. Learning the most efficient technique is impossible with weights this high. If you want to learn the right positions/movements you will have to start right from the start and thoroughly watch instructional videos/get coaching and use very light loads to improve your mobility and technique. You will have to decide if that is worth it for you. For example, I learned the hang power clean as a rower, for general strength and conditioning. I did 100 kg years ago. However, it was kind of a “thrower clean” with very poor technique and a starfish catch. Right now I am learning actual proper technique and I have yet to hit the same weight with that, while I am absolutely stronger now than I was then. I think I might be able to do it right now, but I haven’t tried for some time, because I’m working with lower weights to perfect my technique.


Once you finish extension, keep pulling with your arms. The bar is heavy enough that you can use the weight of the bar to pull yourself under it


Strong as... That rack though makes me scared. To answer your question though once you hit the top of your pull you pull yourself under the bar into a front squat with your upper body.


Dude, do some hip cleans. You’re a GD tank, you just muscled 315lb get under that shit. Get under the bar at like 135lb first


I wish I was a tank. I really just like being able to move stuff around in day to day life and not worry if it will be to heavy So far I've gotten a you tube channel to watch and advice on how to warm up into it. Which I'm super appreciative of


I would suggest do some complex’s high pull, to power clean or even full clean. Start light to the point where you wish you had more feedback on the bar, pause at the top of the high pull and get under the bar into a clean. Light lifts are more beneficial then heavy lifts for technique. Keep me posted on your status.


Do you find it easier with less weight on the bar? Youre obviously strong af but you will be less likely to drop under such a heavy weight than say 50-60%


I can front squat a little under 500lbs. I just wanna get the speed for the catch. That mobility ily lifters have is genuinely remarkable


It’s awesome isn’t it? I’m still a noob but that’s what got me interested in the beginning. Ultimate power meets ultimate mobility.


what's the load on the bar here?


its pretty fuckin heavy. dont worry about it.


I am literally just curious bahahahah I’m not sure why you are being an asshole the point of our sport is to lift the most weight so it’s a common relevant question


I’d recognize mother anywhere.


Mother lol?


Mother ruckers got renamed


Ooo I was confused. Yeah I come down here sometimes to visit my spouse who flys. I'm just a filthy dependa


I would really recommend learning how to front rack. It will make it easier to catch the bar correctly. You’re damn strong tho Edit: you say you front squat so I assume you don’t squat with the weight the way you’re holding it in this video right? You need to focus on bringing your elbows up in the catch so that it rests on your shoulders like it would in a front squat.


Well you keep it close, drive up with legs at end of pull, then pull yourself under. Your strong. Could be good at this once you figure out how to do it


Fucking house bro


I took me a lot of reps at lower weights to kind of build the muscle memory;pull, pull 2, learning where the bar is going to be and where to catch it.


Also, your arms shouldn’t be holding the bar in the clean or dip and drive for the jerk, doing some front rack mobility wouldn’t hurt


Love the retro style! Just for fun? Do a deeper split clean, if that’s your jam. Check out Tommy Kono. You have more room to get under it. I would work on doing the splits front to back though. Don’t want to injure anything. Or you could just do a squat clean and practice riding it down ;) speed comes with practice and confidence with the movement.


Like mobility isn't to much of an issue. I've front squatted I think my best so for is 475-480. I just am not fast enought to drop into the catch position so when I try and do the full movement I'm just yeeting it up. I'm 6"2 so not overly tall


Gotcha. I would just start practicing dropping/diving under it with an empty bar every day or two. Really fly under it. Then gradually increase weight. Sometimes there’s no drill/secret. You just have to practice the movement. Slow, then faster.


I think your issue might come down to 2 things: First - it's actually impossible to *drop* or *dive* into the catch position quickly. The speed comes from actively pulling oneself down to the bar. You do this is by lifting your feet (not jumping) once you reach full extension so that your connection to the floor is broken, and then shrugging hard and turning over the bar into front rack. Lifting your feet + turnover will allow you to actively pull yourself down to the bar, vs try to drop or sit down under it. Some things you can try: 1. Just practice picking up your feet and landing in a squat 2. Cleans from power position (ideally with light weights or even an empty bar, just to get the timing town). 3. Tall cleans (also with light weights or even a dowel for these, they can be pretty disorienting at first). Also: some big, tall lifters you can watch to see this in action: Lasha Talakhadze, Karlos Nassar, Lesman Paredes. Second - and maybe even more critical - you'll have to get comfortable receiving the bar in front rack (vs how you are now). You mentioned mobility isn't a problem - will take your word for it! As long as in your front squat the bar is sitting across your shoulders (no weight on wrists/forearms), your elbows are pointing forward and you can get all your fingers around the bar, then you are in great shape. You'll just have to practice receiving cleans this way. It may actually happen as you learn to pull under - your elbows will start to naturally want to whip around the bar. Practicing muscle cleans from the hip is a great way to get used to turning over the bar into front rack. This stuff may take time to learn - and you may want to seek out a coach - but is definitely worth the effort. You're already strong. With more experience you'll be putting up huge lifts.


do you rack the bar for front squats the same way you do here?


No I try to do it more or less the proper way. I like the getting choked out feeling


You talking about the clean or the push press / jerk ? Either way, it's timing. You learn to first finish your pull, using your legs, and hitting that maximum extension that accelerates the bar and makes it weightless. It's so important in the process, cause it's your cue, that moment where you become instantaneously and momentarily weightless and so does the bar. When you're in tune with that moment of full extension, you know to pull hard under to secure it. You can train it with exercises like drop snatch, dead hangs etc that get you consistently and quickly into that full catch position, and make it second nature. Your lift looks like there's a bit of flexibility work needed to get you comfortable hitting those positions. So start with that, flexibility and consistency of hitting that deep squat position with drop snatches (I suggest those as it looks like you may be more comfortable in that squatted position) You'll develop your ability to hit that spot, over and over. It's kind of like using the sat nav, you get there quicker when you know the path to take. Hope this makes sense and that it helps, keep smashing your lifts, and good luck.


Thank-you for the in depth response. For the snatch up to two plates I can drop.under pretty well and can power snatch a little more if I've got some vodka in me. The power clean/clean and jerk have killed me trying to drop into quickly idk why


Then definitely flexibility Looks like a good bit of rotator cuff stretching is needed. You've not got the front rack position to make the pull under you're looking for yet. Thats absolutely priority number 1. So stretch out the shoulders, that'll give you the platform to catch for you clean, and to drive in your jerk. After that starts to progress... Take the weight down, use the legs, that'll help you stop muscling the clean and the jerk. Need some deliberate practice to feel that bar go weightless from leg drive. Remember: arms pull us under, they don't pull the bar up. If you feel like you're bringing the arms in, you're slowing it down.


Watch Bulgarian training videos of Zlatan Vanev and Ivan Chakarov all day everyday


Start with lighter weight or just the bar. Work your way up in weight. Hang cleans kind of force you to be faster under. I can’t hang power clean 100kg but I can hang full drop clean 100kg no problem. I have to be snappy though. Get very comfortable with front squats. Get very comfortable at the very bottom ass to grass front rack position. Spend some time down there. Work on your ankle mobility
. Watch videos from catalyst athletics and listen to what he says! Get a coach.


Catalyst athletics got it. I'll download some videos and listen to them while I get stretch


Dude you are crazy strong. Do you typically split clean? I don’t know how you would hang clean with split. I do catalysts program and it’s basically hang cleans twice a week and my lifts have skyrocketed. Keep doing them. Pause front squat have been really helpful as well. 


So normally do some squat variation every day. Highbar. Low bar or front squat. If my hips are up to it I will.split clean on the log or bar but if I'm fried I will just do a push


Interesting. Honestly I’m not a super knowledgeable lifter so I wish I knew more about what you are looking for, but the one thing that always helps with technique is going down in weight and getting the reps in over kilos in


I just wanna be faster so I can get into the front squat position. The guys "sorry lady's I call everyone guy if you commented" have given some suggestions I'm going to try this week coming up. Everyone's been really nice.




I've done some strongman competitions and powerlifitng. I like doing them but overall I just wanna be able to 1.) Eat whatever I want. 2.) Never worry about being "2 trip grocery bag man". 3) maintain pegability


I did download some ca videos going to fiend through them.


To go down faster, something must go up. Pull your legs to you just fast enough to not excessively leave the ground.


I’m amazed by your strength, how much do you weigh?


Influctuate between 220 and 240 depending on how strong I need to be. Just slam apples, bananas, yogurt and steak everyday


Shits crazy, good shit man


Ooo and donuts. My ass loves some donuts


😂 Krispy Kreme’s are bangin


Lies lol. Im a dunkin man till I die. That being said panera has these pecan braids and I get those. When I'm actually dieting for a completion or a school I'm going to I just eat steak, hamburger, eggs, and fruit. Coffee and water.


Thanks but there are some mutants on here. Like no shade to the smaller guys but seeing a bug chungus move fast as a light weight with the strength of kyrakos grizzly is inspiring af. That's what I wanna do


For me, getting better mobility so I can comfortably front squat deep helped a lot but for technique, I like to let my feet come off of the ground after extending. Pulling under with the traps is also very important. Elbows should stay high and back to keep the bar close before turning them over to catch the bar.


Are you doing split cleans with 375lbs???holy moly


I mean a gross over simplification is it’s all about pulling hard with your arms and picking up your feet. Essentially if you train the bar path / turnover really well you’ll pull yourself down. So you aren’t dropping solely with gravity but essentially yanking yourself with the weight in your hands. Wayyyyy easier said than done tho. This is where all the magic happens tbh and requires loads of drilling and sound positions. You’re strong tho and clearly like training so you could do it


Goddamn that’s strong AF


Split clean to push press with 3 plates. Fire.


Is it possible to learn this power ?


Is that 140kg or 170kg? Too many random gyms with the wrong colour plates. If that's 140 you are strong as for the lack of technique. If that's 170 I almost can't believe you can bro rep a reverse curl and push press like that at your body weight


You are very strong but technique is your best friend.


Bros out here half muscle cleaning more than 75% of this sub (myself included). It ain’t pretty, but it’s honest work


https://youtu.be/um4VxiI2Ng0?feature=shared Watch these, you'll see in these lifts, the power isn't through the arms, they are dropping themselves under the bar.  You're doing a push press with a knee dip for flair. Start recording yourself from the side to look at your form. I can't tell from here, but it doesn't look like you're extended back enough on the first pull, which would make you compensate by using your arms/shoulders more.  Stick that badonka out like you're getting ready to twerk, keep yourself centered over the bar and pull while extending through your legs and hips, only pull with your arms enough to get the bar going, a nudge, that's all. Catch in front rack with your elbows pointed as far forward as you can get, with the underside of your wrist up to the ceiling, do not break the line of the wrist to your arm. the bar should be resting on your shoulders, not supported by the wrists. From a proper front rack, the force under is coming from your legs. Again, the arms are just there to guide the bar into place, not forcing it where you want it to go. The goal is moving your body under the bar, not moving the bar over your body. The force on the bar should be zero, so that it feels weightless as you go under, then lock out with your arms to catch the weight in your core.  If you can move that amount of weight by sheer force, imagine what you could do when working with gravity!


Great tutorial series on all the techniques you’ll need  https://youtu.be/J0UOvBFwcRw?si=88JAW9CUj360TvAq


Peak male performance. Seen you lifting at sabo a few times and gd you’re a fucking unit lmao


Good old sabo. Now that you've mentioned it I might go there today.


I like Shaw for oly lifts. A lot of good dudes who lift there and they’re willing to give you pointers if you run into them and ask as well.


My beef with shaw is that if Brian isn't working those sloots have a mental break over chalk. I know the 24hr one by the mps is pretty nice now. Just don't do what I did and think you can bring in your own strongman log. You'll get chewed out by a angry civilian


Yeah I just throw some chalk on anyways😂 I go to the back room with the turf and get to working haha. Golds has a strongman log if you’re willing to drive and pay for a membership


I'm taking my allowance I get and getting some bars, a platform, squat rack etc to work on garage gym. It's alright now but I want more so I can just work out at home


Yeah garage gyms are the way. Plus when you pcs all that weight is extra money in the pocket. It seems like Campbells gyms are more for CrossFit type workouts but it gets the job done


Yeah I get out next year. SO is trying to go to shaw or campbell. I'm just the glorified dependent lol. My issue is that I've been here 5 years now and its just progressively gotten worse. After me and my 1sgt got accused of telepathy by a junior i gave up mentally


I would kill to be a dependent lmfao. Yeah I’ve been here since ‘18 and it’s just been a constant downhill. Joes just say the dumbest shit man😂


It's so chill in regards to just becoming stress free. I cook I clean, work is a choice at the moment. Like no pressure. Supports me going for my masters. I just have to stay in shape and not shave my head. Easy wins


That's why I like rucker. It's alot more strength friendly. Huachuca isn't bad either for it. Kinda weird given the demographic of campbell


This is probably irrelevant to getting under faster but your start position is very strange. You are still looking down when the bar is already off the floor, your knees stay back very far, and it almost looks like your torso is parallel.


Insane strength smh.


What an absolute unit.


If you sort your technique and upper body/rack mobility you could lift much more. You’re very strong. The bar doesn’t even touch tour shoulder how do you even keep that up. You have so much room for improvement for something that’s already strong Sort out stiffness in shoulder/lat/upper back area


Lmao you just muscle cleaned and push pressed 315 can we ask you some advice


It looks like you are pushing your left leg back and your right one forward, like you would do in a jerk. When cleaning, your feet should only move to the sides, so you can drop your hips.


This is one of the strongest mfers ive ever seen lol...funny ironic thing is, this is precisely why he will never be great at weightlifting. He has little ability to relax muscles. Probably limited mobility too. The sport of WL is ironic and difficult for some to understand


The bar should be resting on your front delts and chest when you pull. Like a front squat, then dip and drive up. You are strong as F and could probably easily clean another hundo


This guy


Work with a coach and understand it takes time, but you def have the strength and power