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Explosive, intentional movement is what you're after. You're doing it in slow motion.


This and break down the movements to learn them.  Separate the Hip snatches and overhead squats.


Just keep doing this 1000 more times, it's actually not a bad starting place


Jazz hands. Get those arms up quick, get under that bar, and dazzle the audience with your explosive power. Right now, it looks like you're more worried about getting the bar up rather than you under it. It's leading to an unintentional movement of the bar a bit away from you, which is also wrecking your balance.


Hip snatches, catch low, start with just the barbell until you nail it mate.


If I have only one cue - Get a coach Don’t take that wrong. That’s not an insult. You’re starting from a really solid place. But it’s just a start. As many have said you need to break down the movements, build power, adjust form, work on explosiveness. There are a lot of things to do and having a pro who knows how and when to do it all without crowding your brain with everything at once is the best, simplest, and most time efficient way to get there.


“Imagine your arms are ropes with hooks”. Shoulders back and down to engage your lats. Loose arms. Hinge, Jump then PUNCH. For now, I’d have you hang power snatch focusing on this cue. Add in overhead squats @ RPE 8+ and snatch balances with light weight based off of feel / confidence. Shift your stance slightly narrower to give room to jump both feet out equally in the receive for the Snatch. For the Snatch Balance, your feet should start narrower still, under your hips. Catalyst athletics is a great free resource.


More overhead squats


You really need to really do a high pull with intent. A controlled yank. Your sneaking under the bar right now


Knee magnets of the same pole


pull under the bar


Relax your arms. The force from your extension is not being utilized, since your arms are taking all energy while bend. Maybe try using straps, it makes it easier to feel. It doesn't look like you're using a hook grip, that would help loosen up the arms as well .


Try pulling off blocks and exploding up in the movement as if it's your last and only rep every time you lift. It will really help you focus on the second pull mechanic.


Use your legs not your arms


I like the socks 👌


relax your arms the cue that is being repeated... however how to do that ? to relax your arms you need to have a neutral shoulder, rounded shoulder and you overcompensate by bending your elbows a bit to try to get the bar closer so my cue is neutral shoulder also this sport doesnt rely on single cue... its for perfectionists so you would need a coach... my brother hit 120/160 in comp under a coach but now he barely could do anything close to 60/70 and drags me around to train with him just for the input!


Turn up soad


Solid mobility for a beginner! One cue is probably not going to help that much without some context but I'll bite: Jump and shrug. I normally avoid this cue tbh because it obscures a lot. But, if I can only tell you one thing, it's that. Why? Right now you're using your arms too much. What you want to do is to elevate the bar by driving with your legs, and then use your arms to pull your body under it. Technically, you shouldn't be actually jumping, but "jump" is the quickest way to communicate "drive with the legs". There is also obviously more than a shrug to get under the bar, but the shrug is what initiates the pull under. So "jump and shrug" is a pattern you'll want to emulate. Things to practice that could help: * Snatch pulls to get a sense of driving with the legs and not pulling up with the arms * Snatching from power position to work on overall timing and pulling under


Finish the drive with your legs before pulling with your arms


Jump under the bar instead of pulling it overhead. Try some drop snatches to get the feel.


The cue for that would be ‘pull under’. ‘Jump’ or ‘drop’ under implies its a passive movement - a good third pull is far from passive.


Ah, thanks!


Get a coach, preferably in person


Control the bar's movement more during the first two pulls and try to move quicker and "land" more solidly during the pull under.


Mobility and get better at squatting deep


IMO: you have an amazing start to a complex lift not many are comfortable with. First IMO I like to work on mobility, practicing sitting in a deep squat feet flat on the floor roughly should width (barefoot=bonus points) in addition to hip rotations and ankle rocks. Which leads too….. Second mobility gives makes you more capable of faster movement specifically the third pull aka pulling your body under the bar. ( good practice: snatch balance & the more scarier drop snatch balance) both are roughly the same movement but the caveat of the DSB is your feet must stay in the receiving position and are not allowed to move in addition to no leg drive assistance. Third panda pulls: for this pulls from the floor or at least knee height are positions I recommend. Focus on your bar positioning staying close in addition to slow and controlled pulls (gain more awareness of your body and your posture) Lastly keep recording yourself ur doing amazing and don’t be afraid of getting under the bar. PS: just make sure u got space in front and behind you just in case u need to bail out of a bad lift.


double the weight


Overemphasize the heck out of the shrug.


work on heavy compound lifts first(squat, deadlift). You look very shaky with this form, regardless of weight.


everyone starts as a shaky beginner :)