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I've been working on my form with some of the pointers mentioned from this community and wow I appreciate it. Looking back it's blatantly obvious the errors I was making.. glad to have invented the long jump snatch variation


My dude doing long jump with a barbell.


pls get a coach.


You didn’t extend at all. The moment you made hip contact you divebombed under the bar. The pull should continue after contact. Try a high hang snatch or hip snatch and you’ll see what I mean.


Start from the top down, hip snatches focusing on driving vertically with the legs then move down the leg then eventually the floor


Yup. This was going to be my suggestion. The bar path has so many issues that it needs to start as short as possible, correcting a segment at a time.


After looking at bar path diagrams for the snatch this makes a lot of sense. From this angle it's possible to see the bar flares out and stays out. instead of staying narrow with the middle line throughout the lift


We first need get a tutorial going for “how to properly film your lifts”, these are atrocious


I'll use the little seat they have at the racks next time instead of a dumbbell 🤣


Father away too if you can. Too close


YES! Please!


I mean, the athleticism is there, just practice more.


Technique is a bit of a disaster but you have soooo much potential I'm jealous! Get yourself some classes/ coaching and you'll really progress 🚀🌚


Yeah, I find it suuuper impressive he managed to get under that so quick, and stick such a good position at the bottom when there was just so much wrong with the pull portion of that lift. Speed under the bar and mobility can be tough to improve, he'll be great once he fixes all the other stuff.


Watch this: https://youtu.be/hi9M6V83j9U Then go do that in the gym a couple of times until you nailed it.


Bar path bro, starts going forward and never stops until contact, at which point it also stops going up Given your bodyweight and lack of proper weightlifting shoes though that good of a bottom position was really a shocker nice job there


Bottom is solid. Like crazy solid. I’m not particularly superstitious… but dont kick a barbell.


Use pvc and practice more. Break the whole movement into smaller parts and prscticr practice practice


Learn snatch pulls first, then eventually progress to snatches


Little humpy.


Is this a snatch long jump variation?


Snatch broad jumps is absolutely a new CrossFit move in the making!


I’d take it back to drawing board slow it down, drop the weight, and start from scratch working on form.


Work through one of the [learning progressions in the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/wiki/index#wiki_individualized_learning_the_lifts.3A).


You should consider slowing down your lift from the floor to just above your knees. Then you will have a better feeling of the bar path. Alternatively you could slow down the lift all the way to the top of your extension. So you can feel the weight throughout the movement.


Hoping that far forward is a liability lol no-foot snatch for the rest of your life.


mobility is on point


Work on keeping your back tight. That'll keep the bar closer to your body. Which will mean a more vertical bar path (easier to receive) and will also keep the bar from crashing into your pelvis.


Bar path straight up


Try vertical instead of horizontal!


You’re not pulling the bar back on its way up to your contact point. You should do block pulls and work on pulling the weight overhead, and not up in front of you.




The CrossFit home has videos of trained professionals teaching these movements, and also the progressions step by step.


Bar need go up, not forward. No foot on bar. Treat bar like woman. Well done for starting and asking for help — keep going 👍🏻


I think a lot of things are fixed in this lift, by getting a solid set olympic weightlifting weightlifting shoes. I think that will drastically improve the leap forward. The barbell needs to go up, not forward; brother listen you need to scoop under the bar in the second pull with your legs and explode up. Not kettle bell swing it up and forward then dive under it in an extremely athletic fashion that not many could match. Hang snatches and snatches from power position to help reform second pull.


Don’t understand why people do this unless they are trying out for the Olympics or something it looks so dangerous and I’ve seen people dropping 225 plus pounds on their necks