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Looks like you need more front squats in your life.


Who doesn’t.


The boot scoot and boogie forward 3 inches. Let the legs finish.


boot scoot😭


no jerk


You forgot the jerk.


You are cutting your extension to get under faster.


Agree you are cutting your extension. After getting hips more forward with extension might also want to think about pulling the elbows a bit higher to help get you there. Lighter weights for technique work.


why does my body not lnow the difference between over extending my hips and underextending my legs


Like a hopscotch


Yo me lifting and certain lifts and techniques is a form of art. Intrinsically there is no wrong way to do something because in a real world situation you might have to contort your body in strange ways but in an art form where a certain style is required then yea critique may be necessary. With that said lemme crack open another beer.


confused by your comment


Looks pretty good


Stay over bar. use lats more past the knees. Shoulders back much to early.


The green isn't doing it for me


green? the plates


Wait so what’s wrong?


More extension but honestly looks good


Looks good to me


Basically it looks good bro


Overall pretty sound technique. I’d think that a little more shrug when the bar makes the contact would be good. Don’t make the mistake of using your arms too early. We only use the arms to finish the pull. Keyword finish. And about jumping forward, I suggest no foot cleans. Stay rooted to the floor. That’s the cue: feet roots. Light weights with those.


what ive been realizing is thay the chinese say you want your foot pressure in the balls of ur feet right around the knee so that you can push the ground with ur legs and get nice extension. do you think i would benefit from that. i feel like i extend by pushing my whole foot into the ground and i dont plantor flex well enough i kinda just do a flat foot jump sort of if u understand me. like extend and get onto the tippy toes


Im gonna personally disagree with that point about balls of the feet at the knee position. I see why they aim for that, and in my experience that does lead to a more explosive extension, but it also introduces a huge margin for error where you will swing the bar forward and miss if your hamstrings are not strong enough to keep your ass down when your balance is so front-loaded like that. With like 90% of the lifters ive coached, being too far on the balls of the feet at the knee is a gamble for the rest of the lift, and most of the time they end up making the weight easily if their balance is more heelsish instead. TL;DR - your technique is great but you need stronger legs. Dont trip about that stuff right now. Do a lot of squats and keep lifting how you have been 💪


noted. recently started going off programming and basically without a coach. just doing squats and classic lifts and its been working out alot. about to get a new coach much better than my last so it will be fun to see how that turns out. the thing is ive been having alot of fun just squatting and cleaning heavy with bb work so idk how i will feel about being a strict program


like it might help me stay more balance instead of having my balance on my heels


if u go see my other clips ive always har chronic issue of not fully using my legs or cutting extension short


Slight jump forward and you should slap your feet


As some people have said, you don’t finish your leg extention. You can do some high pulls while focusing on driving the bar up and keeping extended until you catch the bar again. Also I understand this isnt super necessary for everyone, but for you, try and catch the bar with as much of your hand as possible. You lost a few fingers after the catch and your mid/upper back was starting to round.


Nothing for this young stud. It’s not the way to gain muscle weight. It is a Olympic Event, but I don’t think it can be good for general people who want to get fit and strong.


im not a bodybuilder im a weightlifter bro


It don’t you have to build your muscles to lift?