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You need to get shorter legs


Yea 47" from Hip to Floor is not a good ratio lol.


What has helped my wobbles is I like to start my workouts with a couple minutes of Superman and planks: (3 sets of 60 seconds- Superman) (2 sets of 60 seconds- plank). Helps with back and core muscles and engaging them before weights! Making great progress on your form!


Thanks I will definitely add these in. I appreciate it.


Sit lower


That’s a joke btw, holy bottom position dude. Esp as a tall guy? That’s ridiculous. Propos


No, I appreciate it. Yea im 6'8". Did I go to low?


As long as you can keep control over the bar(brace/scapular tension, balance), there is no such thing as too low. Until your butt touches the floor.


Thanks thats what I was looking for. Keeping everything tight is the key.


Try some snatch balances and see how that feels


Could you post a side view at some point. I kinda looks like you relax at the bottom and lose tension.


I definitely will. That is something I'm focused on though. Preventing butt wink and losing tension.


I have the same problem. I have great mobility, it’s easy to let my back round when I go as deep as I can.


Shoulders to ears


Lower than Garth Brooks friend circles.


Great form. Main comment (this applies especially because you’re so tall) is to eat more.


Hahaha thanks, I appreciate that lol.


Broo this man’s 6’8” and can get that low 😍😍 that’s madness, you be an insane weightlifter one day!


Could be the angle but it looks like your shoulders roll a little bit in the bottom. Could think about arm pits facing forward the entire rep. Should help with avoiding potential shoulder pain/impingement down the road


Thanks. Is it kind of like in bench press when you try to bend the which helps protect the shoulders as well?


Right, similar thought. If you put your hands up over head and point your thumbs behind you, that’s the right position to feel in your shoulders. Pressing up through the bar through the entire rep should also help. Should’ve said this first, but this looks pretty good and better than most starting out. Nice work man


Thank you I appreciate it. I'll work on it


I would change your beard color.


Black or Brown?


I’d leave the red but use touch of gray with like black and brown! That would be cool. Watch oiling and then lifting though. Balms and oils are slippy.


I really aspire to be able to overhead squat one day… congrats man, good luck with it!!


Thanks man. You can do it. The easiest thing to do is get a piece of PVC. When doing the motion you will feel where you are tight. Shoulders, lats, hips, ankles. Then work on mobility exercises to fix those areas. It's all about relentless forward progress.


How did your back feel? I remember my first time OHS with weight that’s the day I realized I needed more thoracic spine mobility


My back is fine. My delts is where I felt most of the DOMs but I think that was from doing KloKov Presses the other day.


I gotta do those they just look bad ass!


Aaaallll the way down there! The ability to go that low will be very useful later with the big weights. I'm jealous!


Thanks. I need to work on my explosiveness still though. It's a weird combo of pull and dropping. Those body mechanics are going to take some serious work.


From a fellow 6'8'er that's wild


Thank you. It feels good.


You almost touch the ceiling wow jealous. Probably would help to see the view from the side too next time! Looks good from this angle 👌


Thanks thats what I another person said. I will definitely do that next time.


Lookin good mate!


your mobility omg




Critique? Nah good form, worry about that over heavy weight...that'll come eventually, focus on posture and balance first my guy


Stay active at the bottom.


I find you shouldn't be fighting to stabilize the weight. I find the cue of sinking your shoulders down and back. Similar position to where they would be in a bench press makes the weight super stable for me.


Pls get weightlifting shoes.


With that kind of ROM why does he need them? Honest question because I've got fairly good ROM and rarely wear them myself.


Coming from a lanky lifter myself , it looks like his depth is only possible with a wider than hip stance and wide knee angle. Imo it is not ideal for the bottom position of a snatch. Having elevated heels can help with narrowing the stance a little and providing more power out if the hole . Just my 2 cents


Awesome, I appreciate the insight.


Very little if any to critique. Great form, definition of ass to grass. You have a great physique, keep working!


Amazing mobility dude!


I thnk folks have you much too worried about your form. Keep lifting, keep progressing, and you do you. (I have a thing about people demanding perfect form as people are starting. . . not that I'm some advanced lifter, but you got to start somewhere. . . )


Prediction: about 2 months from now we will see this guy OHS 225lbs


Look up the burgener warm up, it will get your overhead position feeling nice and stable and less wobbly with time.


Advice: get weightlifting shoes Genuinely great overhead squat in flats, especially for your height


I personally feel that looking 45 degrees down helps me get a better overhead position


Not that it's necessary but I forgot to unpack my Gym clothes so rocking the same as yesterday. I couldn't skip the Workout. I noticed I started to get wobbly as a the reps progressed. I need to work on my shoulder and core stability if I want to add weight to the movement.


Look up videos on breathing and bracing -Brian Alsruhe has good videos on it and some others


Hide you balls


Where does the bar make contact on your body when doing a snatch (assuming no arm bend)?


About 1 inch or 2 below my hip


So what do you do about that? Just let the bar make contact there on your thighs or do you bend your arms to compensate? What's your wingspan, for reference?


Well I've never completed a full snatch yet, when I was going through the stages I bent my arms to compensate. Iv never measured my wingspan but probably like 76 - 78in.


This is a bad angle


I’m just here in case a testicle slips out those shorts 👀