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Back foot of the jerk looks funky. Been told that the foot should be just on the toes and slightly internally rotated.


Yeah you're right. In that incorrect position you're probably gonna destroy your Achilles heel


Thank you! I’ll try to implement this on my next session.


kg next time, please **3.All weights should be posted in Metric (Kilograms)** Weightlifting is an International Sport and thus, Kilograms are the official metric of mass in our sport. Preferred for Bodyweight as well, but not a hard/fast rule.


You don't really reach full extension- only your heels leave the ground, making this a no foot clean. Extend more fully and allow your feet to leave the ground. Jerk looks pretty good, though from that angle it looks like you're drifting forward a bit with the dip.


If the man can no-foot clean with sub-optimal hip extension, bro needs to add more weight. But cleans don't HAVE to cause the feet to completely lift from the ground.


I'm glad you said it. People seem to think triple extension is mandatory for every lift lol.


Aka CrossFitters


Yeah, they don’t need to physically leave the ground necessarily, but OP definitely isn’t hitting full triple extension.


Triple extension is overrated anyway. Just make sure you produce enough force to get the bar high enough for you to get under and work on your pull under, then you're gonna be fine.


I’ve found this type clean very comfortable for me. Definitely not every person should do this, but many elite weightlifters have this style. https://preview.redd.it/pl9dagmu5t1a1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=8dffd0ad5c4dd4139fdbdcc11f226661a0da7633 The most important thing is to make sure you still hit full extension when doing a no footed clean. In the picture above ( excuse my face lol) am I hitting full extension and if not what should I work on in order to do so.


I'm just starting to lift but wanted to comment regardless... I think your form and transitions look great(: fantastic work!


homie in the background 😂


I wonder how long the average form checker has been lifting, ive been reading some very confusing things under this post. 285lbs is a lot of weight, especially for reaching a dead stop in the bottom of the clean. Youre very strong.


You gotta love the nod of approval 😎


Strong, just watch that back foot in the jerk, with the rear foot flat you won't allow yourself any rear knee bend which could be a problem if you need to save a jerk with a sub-optimal bar path.


Footwork. Your feet don’t move from a starting position to the squatting position during the clean. Doing that will allow greater extension and even bigger lifts. You’re strong enough to easily clean and jerk 300 lbs IMO.


My squat position is the same because that’s where I am strongest. I have a narrow squat so moving out wider would hinder me. I hope to hit 300 eventually! But I don’t have the strength for it my front squat max is only 335.


You tool all of the ankle flexibility please share


When I first started squatting my ankle mobility was so bad I would start to fall forward if I tried to go past parallel. It took consistent mobility training to finally feel all loose goosy in the ankles lol