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Front squats 3 times a week.


Id say backsquat 2x and front squat 1x 10x3 at heavy weights has really helped my strength skyrocket


That is a pretty standard protocol but he could perhaps do more specific work if he's focused entirely on hang cleans and not being fatigued from other exercises. Some variation and intensity of hang clean every session. If he has to do low hang, alternate pull or squat every session, if he can do big bouncy high hangs then mostly just more front squats.


Is it weight classed? If not, eat your way to stronk.


it is weight classed unfortunately


Ideal if you want that record to stay on the wall awhile after you’re gone though. Adding that much to your PR by March will be wild but I’m in for the ride. Please post the journey so the smart ones can help and the rest of us can cheer. Love to see young strength with goals.


I’ll try to remember to post updates on here semi frequently if there’s stuff to post about, I also have a lifting instagram that I post on more regularly if anyone cares


I’m motivated to see you succeed a reddit amount but not an insta amount lol. What is it though? In case others would like to see you may as well post it.


to build strength for the clean = more front squats. Heavy triples and doubles. Also yes, hang cleans too


What’s your 1rm for a clean? I’d start w high volume for a few weeks at 65-75% Incorporate training back squat, front squat, deadlifts and clean pulls from hang if u can


I hit 114 about 3 months ago and I haven't really tried to max out on cleans since, but i've made improvements strength and technique-wise so i'm fairly confident i could clean somewhere in the 120 ballpark right now if i tried


This is a video of a 93kg/205lbs Hang (power?) clean. I just need help with how to build the strength. I would need to hit 132kg/290lbs to break the record, I have until march to do it, my best idea is to do 6x3 hang cleans starting around 93kg or 95kg and increase by ~2kg every week but I don’t know if this is a smart idea or will work, any advice? Also the equipment there is horrible since it is a school gym, the bar barely spins, but I have a gym with nicer equipment I train at.


Am I the only one that thinks adding 85#’s to a PR in 4 months is insane? Where is the recovery? Deload?


Young training age + 18 year old hormones He can get there with a decent program


This isn’t a pr it’s just an example of a lift I did that day to demonstrate form


So-then-my advice would be to give us more information to make an educated and accurate assessment of what’s “possible” or not.


Of course, I’ve never seriously put an effort to max out on hang cleans before yesterday but I think I would max out around the 110-112 range, I can try to actually max out later this week and update everyone if you would want actual numbers and not just estimates


The instagram is @jml.lifts, I’m also currently competing in powerlifting for my school since we don’t have a weightlifting program, but I’ll be fully committing to weightlifting when my season ends. I’ll probably post more on insta (meaning like top sets from each session or something) and then save my posts on here for the big progress like the PRs and such or just updates or whatever. Anyways, follow if you want


I think his max is 114 kg not 93kg I think, so more like 40lbs


That seems oddly specific.. Is there a regular clean record? Or only hang?


It’s the “power clean” record for the football team, I’m not on the football team but their records are on a big plaque in the weight room and I just want to beat the record for fun, plus I’d get a shirt out of it which would be cool


The question nees to be whether it's a power or full, not Hang or "regular"


He just said hang clean. Doesn’t sound like it necessarily needs to be a power.. I’m just pointing out it seems odd the record is for a hang clean and not a full clean from the floor.


That's bc most high school/college test the "Hang Power clean", or as they incorrectly call them Hang cleans"...reason? Assumed easier to teach and execute which is not necceasrily true when you have a coach who knows how to easily reach the lifts..I'd argue the Power snatch is easier and safer just not as sexy bc less weight naturally and people are scared bc o no wide grip and "overhead Injures" athletes lol


Yeah, I guess it makes sense now, because whenever I see these videos of footballers maxing out cleans it’s always from the hang.


It’s just a hang, can be a hang-full clean, doesn’t need to be power, sorry I thought that was clear


Does it have to be low hang like this? Most big hang cleans are from the high hang, really using that stretch reflex. Getting that technique down will be the biggest factor, then just being really damn strong and athletic.


The requirements I were told were that it just had to be “from the hang”, it’s a football record so I don’t think they’re too picky about form


Do lots of reverse curls, deadlifts and barbell overhead press. Reverse curls should really help!


Do Tall Cleans, Hang Clean Pulls, Front Squats and just more hang cleans


Look at Catalyst Athletics on ig for olympic lift help first of all they are a great tool. I would look into full ROM warm ups, Lat mobility drills, shoulder mobility drills, and wrist mobility drills they are highly underestimated and a good warm up changes your entire day. To get "stronger" there are basically three theoretical ways. You need to work on the movement with speed work, subdivide the lift with blocks/pins/spot work or have focus days on one portion of your lift and strengthen those spots, or you can hypertrophy muscles that are agonizers by gaining muscle/weight in general. Personally I find most high level coaches indicate that the best growth potential is speed work which is rarely prioritized but makes the biggest difference. Front Squat strength and depth is a priority so I would work around 70%-%80 of your 1rm and around 3-6 Reps per working top set but also take time to cut down the intensity and also do speed training while really pushing depth/larger mobility. For cleans, use bands and blocks at 40% of your 1rm and focus on full velocity and force production. Also make sure to add in pauses throughout your lift where you are the most exposed/weakest to solidify confidence and stability. Do these in at least 6 week blocks and for all lifts progressively work up intensity then throw in a deload every fifth week or so. Seriously, take a week or two to cut your volume on lifts, deloads suck but they will actually lead to growth. Also go through a volume phase and put muscle in those legs to really get things going lol. Bulgarian split squats, single leg RDLs, hack squats, deficit RDLs, farmer carries, sled pulls. Then give yourself a couple of months cut to slowly back down to fit into the weight class and depending on if you water cut or not to make weight, being calorically around maintenance+during meet time will dramatically affect lifts. Good luck smashing that record my dude!


Sort of banging the bar. Do no contact sometimes. Stretch to be able to get into a deeper squat, front squat more. Also stretch front rack. This is a below the knee hang clean. It looks like you are behind the bar the entire time. Try to get your shoulders directly over top before pulling.


The first step is to put your head symethrical to your spine. You are not giving all of ur strenght




I don’t think they allow horses to break the records


First find a way to get lower depth for absolute bottom position. Then? Honestly if you have until March I'd hammer heavy doubles until about January, then just go nuts on singles/bulgarian if you REALLY want it


The technique looks really good - you probably just need more front squat work; think low volume but high intensity. Also incorporating 2-4 sets of hang clean doubles on the day you're not front squatting, and could also probably benefit from a complex of 1 Hang Clean + 2 Front Squats at higher weights. ​ Go get the record!


Do a lot of front squat and hang cleans