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Perfectly passable, very good clean considering its outside your usual range of training


You got the beard to be a strongman... but where's the gut?


Im a 105kg/231lb class guy who just competed this month, give me some time to bring the gut back (before i have to cut again lol)


You're nothing without the fortified gut! Funny enough was just randomly watching the Eddie Hall docu on Netflix. Ya better be eating 10k calories/day like him! Lol good luck to you


Good shit right there, there's a tiny bit of early arm bend before the pull but it's really nbd since you fully extend >The biggest problem i have is the quick drop under the bar. One day i get it, the next i miss. Try focusing on heavy-ass high hang cleans, focusing on a strong catch with a rigid trunk. I see no issue here tbh.


So for the high hangs cleans, how far down the leg should the bar be before i start the clean? Mid thigh? Above the knee?


>So for the high hangs cleans, how far down the leg should the bar be before i start the clean? Mid thigh? Above the knee? Above/at the knee would be (not high) hang clean in my book, high hang is the same depth as a jerk dip if that makes sense I find them really fun


Thank you. Ill add them in as its probably the one area holding me back on the c&j.


high hang for me is everything above mid-thigh but below the hip


no lower than mid thigh since any lower than that is basically abovetheknee basically a bit lower than your junk. lower 2-3" from hang.


There seems to be an intentional ankle extension. I'd stop doing that since it seems to be messing up your balance at the top of the pull, just let it happen naturally. Also try to not pull the bar as high, and catch lower - it will make you more efficient and allow you to lift much more if you learn to get under a bar that you only just pull high enough. Looks decent overall though, carry on with it!


Pulling too high, makes total sense. Its natural for me to pull high on an axle clean to get it to my gut.


Youre bending your arms to get the bar into your hips. That will make it a lot less consistent and limit your second pull. The chinese get away with it because their legs and arms are very, very short.


tons of lifters do it, not just the Chinese. Lasha is one of the first that comes to mind and he's as long as any lifter there is. Also if you watch Chinese Nationals, there are *plenty* of long-limbed Chinese lifters (for weightlifting) that make contact at hip in the clean - they just use a wide grip plus a little arm bend - Li Dayin is a good example and you can't tell me either he or Lasha are lacking in the 2nd pull. As long as you don't unbend at any point and have no issues in the 3rd pull, arm bend doesn't matter much.




You actually brought up what certain elite lifters do (the Chinese), therefore I was pointing out lifters that don't really support the argument. And Lasha does indeed bend his arms to make hip contact (for cleans, I define hip contact as contact above the junk, maybe you don't?). Zack Telander, known to be one of the lankiest if not the lankiest, even does. Watch his latest power clean video if you don't believe me.


The big consensus of "hip contact" is contact in the hip crease, right below the belly, which is more akin to snatch contact point. Just above the junk, is still within the region of the thighs on most people. Lasha and Zack included


ok then by this definition, basically none of the aforementioned Chinese lifters make hip contact either (yet the consensus is still that they do). It's all semantics at this point.


Is gud train


Not to shabby dude keep it up you could always extend more! I Actually thought I was a video of me... we look super similar


I was trying to do a snatch the other day. I never felt more incorrect in a lift then I did that day.


Way better than most


The fact you have strongman in your title, my brain still expected to see a power clean. When you did the squat, I was like, oh he meant an actual clean! Good on OP.


One day i might post my axle clean and press in here and send everyone into a frenzy lmao


Do it!


Good attempt