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Has anybody thought about having Shrek hang out with The Joker


I [once saw fanart](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/868/776/8ff.png) (drawn by a human!) that depicted SpongeBob pregnant with Shrek’s baby.


Every day we stray further from God


God sees you all as degenerate children that deserve eternal punishment. My pantheons don't care about my indiscretions. They only care that I sacrifice to them and put in the work to receive the good stuff they give me. For I care not how you identify, thank you for all that you have given me. It's not just a phrase. It's a prayer and a blessing.




And Shadow the Hedgehog was their eldest son.


I think about Shrek  a lot.


I mean, listen, he’s an icon


For He is why it is called *iconography.*


Shrek is love


Shrek is life.


Are you a member of r/wallstreetbets?


What about Snoop Dogg and Darth Vader DJing a party


Perhaps when people generate content for Reddit or other online popularity contests, they try to appeal to the established tastes of their target platform. I tend to generate things that I don't think many people on here would get excited about so I don't post any of it. 


I got really sick of the popular IP content that is so common. "Here are images of Mario, Darth Vader, Harry Potter, Sponge Bob, or whatever in some different flavor" It got old quick.


'I'm gonna post uhhhh..... young, human ladies!'


“It’s depressing that so little of what could happen, does happen.” -Salvador Dali


That guy was the joker. He wanted to watch the world burn.


He wanted to watch the world get strange.


I thought it was fitting for the Smithsonian to hang Dali's Last Supper painting over the restrooms. I think he would approve 


Be the change you want to see in the world


The counterpoint is that the most popular posts are generally mashups of familiar memes. It seems to be what people want. I’ve tried all kinds of edgy stuff but it mostly gets single figure upvotes (sob), often justified because the experiment didn’t really come off. (An honourable exception being the Pixar cannibalism movie. Yet to be topped)


Ooh send me a link, that sounds funny.


enjoy: https://www.reddit.com/r/weirddalle/s/fWhw2i1laT I also did “Pixar’s Dog Wedding, just a boy and his faithful hound celebrating a love beyond convention and prejudice” along the same lines but I guess the world wasn’t ready And then there are the egg-laying dogs, the insect mammal hybrids, the school where everyone is a happy dunce, etc etc


The egg dogs were awesome. I remember those!


Thanks! Maybe it’s time for a new riff https://www.reddit.com/r/weirddalle/s/2ZD9ADyWKv


I blame the algorithm that sorts “popular” posts. Lately I haven’t bothered looking in here because what shows up on my feed is so unoriginal!


Damn that goes hard.


Funny enough i follow this sub quite a while and never saw harry potter dancing at a gas station 😅


It was a recent post where the prompt was CCTV footage of [a fictional character] in a pink bunny suit, having the munchies in a gas station at night.


This is not a limitation of people's imagination. It's a limitation of what generative models can produce good results of. AI isn't magic. The things it does best are the things it has the most training data for.


There was a time when this sub was almost entirely made of screenshots from Craiyon. As early and primitive of a generative model as it could be, and it was much more creative. Even this "shitty" model didn't have issues generating hilarious stuff like the Hubble space telescope as a foil wrapped burrito, or Peter Pan caught in high voltage lines, assembly line robot lightsaber duels, dumpster fire by Van Gogh, burglar taking a screenshot of an NFT, man sitting on a throne that is literally made of flies, Godzilla destroying a city on a Wedgwood vase, vaporwave Bob Ross painting, hi-viz invisibility cloak, a DJ laying sick beats in the cardiac ward, happy toaster having a bubble bath... Of course the model must be trained, but with current models, our imagination is the only limit, and I'm not saying that because of Zombo.com.


I am reminded of the timeless idiom: Put up, or shut up. 


Lol I've wondered this too but never mentioned it. Maybe we can get some A.I. love for Dickens, Dante, Verne, Poe, etc


AI generated content is top-tier karma farming because it is admittedly a new way of generating content with massive potential. But it’s lost its novelty, it remains paywalled for many who could take it in exciting directions, and the rollout remains disappointing overall. For instance, I’ve been getting those AI “film trailers” in my YT feed for over a year now. It’s the same distracting, half-assed technique of creating a series of stills, making each one move like a centimeter or two, and then putting most of the work into the voice over. Meanwhile, we’ve seen like two commercials and a handful of uncanny ads (I’m looking at you Amex; that’s not a real ice cream shop in any universe). The tech isn’t where it needs to be but people are caning it anyways.


Submit some content yourself then.


"my humor is elite and I am edgy unlike you peasants" ass post lol


If you don't like it here you can always leave..


I'm more of a Waldorf and Statler airbrushed on the side of a van type of guy.


What about the Simpsons, family guy, and Rick and Morty? During the finale of Endgame?


The primitive Craiyon model was much more creative than these later supposedly more advanced models, whose source material is internet junk & pop culture AI's source material from here on out is just going to be AI junk The models will end up worse






lmao at the children getting pissy everytime one of these posts gets made. it's really pathetic. they have no imaginations and become infuriated when you point out that the point of this sub wasnt to create 50,000,000 images of cartoon characters in random boring ass situations, it was to show the weird things that come out of AI


I’m astounded this post got any upvotes. Was immediately downvoted and the first 20 comments were super defensive, presumably from people who only post Harry Potter content here.


It’s because this shit is mostly being made by teenagers whose favorite movie is out of context Family Guy clips on TikTok.


you have 0 submissions


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Blame the NPCness on Disney, cia, and Mkultra 😉


Look at all these fools, these SHEEPLE enjoying popular media. They aren't true Artists, VISIONARIES like me would create . . . nothing at all it seems /s Get over yourself dude lol


Where is your contribution to the sub?


this post has taught me you're so uptight you probably bust a nut every time you drive over a speed bump. how about you post something funny instead of bitching about it?




Siri remind me to post LP.


If you don't like it, contribute something creative


I like it personally


So where are your submissions? Surely you wouldn't just whine about the problem despite it being entirely in your power to solve. EDIT: LOL, the single angry downvote. By the way, you don't have to buy software to make any of this




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