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WJ’s MAX 8s have no IFE screens, only the 787s do. If the app says no WJ connect, you probably will have no WJ connect and no wifi. Additionally, even if the app says you’ll have power, bring a battery pack juuuust in case the power port doesn’t work. Safe travels


My wife has converted me to a battery pack user when travelling, just so damned convenient if there's no plug handy or working. Also... the attachment that attaches to the seat back in front of your that holds your phone for watching stuff.... I'm a big fan.


Dunno about westjet’s usb sockets, but on other airlines, even when they do work, I’ve measured them at putting ~450ma out, which is absolute garbage. You’ll be lucky to maintain the charge you started with on a phone while it’s in use. In other words, ++ on power banks. Also reduces the wear on your phone’s battery by keeping it plugged in more often.


It's great when you go to charge and it indicates a full charge will take 12 hours. Ugh...


Yup, I wish *just one* of the aviation YouTubers would review & make a stink about this instead of taking out their rulers and measuring arm rest widths and counting grains of rice in their meals or thread counts of the carpet.


Listen... 99 grains of rice is for plebs.


I only got 98! Just added the CEO on LinkedIn to send them my complaint.


The wifi and in-seat power is only available on the mainline WestJet Max-8s, the ex-Swoop Max-8s with the all economy cabin layout don't have the outlets or wifi installed.


This! It is the ‘old’ Swoop planes that have no power/wifi and you never know when you will end up on one.


I have had all of the cdn airlines swap planes at the last minute ie. after check in - so now I plan for flights with no screens and no power outlets. It just makes life easier...


I have been on WestJets Max 8s dozens of time and have no issues connecting to their system to watch movies on my iPad and in premium at least they have power USB outlets


They are now using the Max 8s from Swoop as WestJet planes -- repainted outside but unchanged inside. These 16 planes have no power outlets, no USB and no wifi.


Oh wow good to know


They haven't repainted them yet, just added an "operated by WestJet" decal on the sides.


If these are the ex-Swoop planes, some have wifi and some don’t. I find there is no correlation to what’s advertised and what they actually have. Some flights I’ve taken said they would have it but didn’t, and vice versa. Their customer service rep was confused by the discrepancies but said it was likely cause they’ve been slowly working to install the wifi on all of them. So hope for it but prepare not to have it.