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It’s probably a partner flight and you can’t use them on them. I don’t think West Jet flys there themselves so it likely is operated by another airline so you can not use a companion voucher on it.


Is the flight wholly operated by westjet?


I think this is it. 3rd leg is Air France




Yes I know


If this is the one with the mastercard, its limited to Canada and US (excl hawaii). If its with the mastercard world elite, its anywhere.


World elite




Interesting… is this a change? I used my previous one to Japan in April.


I don’t know. But it wouldn’t let me. Hope it works for you. Maybe try calling them or reaching out to them on X


Westjet flies to Japan, they do not fly to Greece.


This 100%


That’s simply not true. The companion voucher cost for “anywhere else” is $399. What’s likely happening is the magic “other ATC” fee that WestJet has imposed as a means of dropping the base fare to the point where the companion voucher costs more than the base fare. This allows WJ to pump those $$ while enticing you to get their card. “Other ATC” are not eligible for coverage with either the voucher or WJD so you get to give them more money out of pocket.


This is correct, but to help explain it for those not as familiar with these terms, let's say the ticket cost $1,000. Westjet breaks down that fare as $200 for airfare, $600 in "other fees" for things such as air traffic control (ATC), and $200 in taxes. The companion voucher entitles you to buy a second ticket for $399 of airfare cost (plus fees and taxes), but since your first ticket only cost $200 for airfare (not including the other fees or taxes), there is no savings by using the companion voucher, so it does not allow you to use it.


Thanks this clears it up! Those sneaky buggers!


Glad to help - I have never found the companion voucher to be of any value or even possible to use for oversea trips. Best value is for premium ticket to USA, at least until they change the rules again.


They already added the extra $100 cost to using it for a premium ticket so that lost some of the value too.


Yeah I swapped them to lounge vouchers the last time around.


We used ours to buy a ticket to Rome last year, we definitely saved money.


It's not sneaky, it's very clear.


I don’t think it’s that. Even with the most expensive dates $2000-$5000. It says invalid route


Is the route fully operated by WJ? The companion vouchers won’t work on code-shares.


I tried it for Honolulu & it is not working


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