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TIL there is an animal called a sugar slider. Too cool! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar_glider


Looks like only birds, cats and dogs can fly in cabin. I would call to see if it would be accepted in the hold or via WJ Cargo


It’s cruel to keep sugar gliders as pets, but I assume you knew that already. I doubt exotic animals are allowed, but you’d have to contact WestJet to be sure. You’ll probably need to drive.


You can buy them where I am from small town in Alberta. But you also need to know your stuff before you get one.


I know it’s legal to buy them many places, but that doesn’t mean it should be.


I disagree and nah not really interested in your personal views on ownership of sugar gliders, so why don't you go share them with someone who cares. This sub is for WestJet related questions.


I’m not surprised that you personally don’t care, but I really don’t want anyone stumbling across this thread to think it’s okay to go out and get a sugar glider. https://www.worldanimalprotection.ca/news/do-sugar-gliders-make-good-pets#:~:text=5.-,Sugar%20gliders%20are%20wild%20animals,needs%20of%20their%20wild%20counterparts. https://pethelpful.com/exotic-pets/Reasons-why-Sugar-Gliders-should-not-be-kept-as-Pets https://www.thedodo.com/amphtml/sugar_gliders_are_not_pets-332162416.html


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No, I personally do not care about what you think about ownership of sugar gliders. So Keep it to yourself, this forum is for people asking WestJet related questions not your half baked opinions on pet ownership.


FFS - as someone who lives in Victoria, please stay in Toronto… Sugar Glider…


lol there are idiots all across Canada apparently. No one asked you for ur useless contribution. This is sub is supposed to be for WestJet questions FFS


I live in Victoria. The more people the better... hopefully we'll reach critical mass and get an Apple Store or an IKEA! Anyway, the Island is great, best wishes for your move. (I visited TO for the first time recently, thanks to Porter's new direct flights... Toronto is awesome!)


Thank you. That sounds great. 👍


Sugar gliders should not be kept as pets, I’d hope they aren’t allowed by WestJet