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Giant black horsefly. They have a nasty bite.


I believe this is a male so it doesn’t bite. But yeah they pack a punch!


Correct I believe. The eyes are the distinguishing characteristic between sexes if I remember correctly. Female eyes are spaced apart.


Yes, it has a fancy name [holoptic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holoptic_arrangement) but I just call them butt eyes


I think you got it, thank you! He was pretty docile. A gorgeous, quite large one. Lots of rain here this year so they’re probably breeding in newly-formed “ponds.”


They get big big too like bumble bee size it’s like getting stung by an epi pen/ that needle u use to shoot liquid into a turkey


An excellent and bizarre mix of comparisons!


I can attest to this . I was swimming in the lake when I was like 10 and one of these sucker's got me. I had to leave and go home it hurt so bad . Worse than the whole hornets nest that attacked my wrist when I was like 3


That's daftpunk


Love their music!


These things are such assholes. I remember them chasing me around the swimming pool, when I was a kid. They’d even wait for you, if you went underwater and held your breath.


I have such a memory of being at my friends house, 5 of us in the pool screaming and dipping under water as these fuckers zoomed passed us, thought it was only me who assumed they wait for you, now I know they truly do 😭


Had one land on my shoulder when I was learning how to swim. My dad was in the pool, ensuring me that if I jump, he will catch me. I was scared to jump in, then, the seventh gate of hell opened up and released this unholy abomination. As soon as I saw it, it had already bit me and I’ll never forget how bad it hurt. I guess jumping in the pool wouldn’t have helped my cause…


My brother and I would get face to face in the pool and wait for one of the bastards to land on our head. When it landed, we would smack the other’s head to kill it… Most efficient way to end the threat.


Yes! My husband and I were talking about this the other day.


*tabanidae* the ray-ban fly


That's Big Helmet




“You went over my HELMET!?”


Looks like a horsefly. Male I believe. I see these at my work. The females look more like house flies but are still solid black. Be careful because they bite and leave a nasty bump


The schwartz is strong with this one


Dickhead Fly.




Isn’t that the villain from space balls?




Dark helmet


Kill that demon. Horseflies gotta go.


That's a vile fucking bastard. Should've killed it.


Fucking horsefly. Fuck these things, they have a bite that feels like Satan shoved his 15 inch long, 7 inch girth, fiery bladed demon cock into your skin without lube. It's like being stabbed by a fly with a tiny knife, it's awful. Worse than hornets. They wait above water if you dive down just to bite you the second you come up for air. They will follow and stalk your ass around a whole damn Lakeshore like it's Halloween, they're Michael Myers, and you're Laurie Strode. This one is male, males don't bite, but horseflies are like corrupt law enforcement in that they're all bastards.


I knew somebody who hated these so much he killed them by punching them with his bare fist. He would just smash them with no remorse


They land on you face first. And the bite hurts!


One of the greatest annoyances to exist on this planet imo. I hate these so much. It is fun however when they land on you if you pinch them between your fingers and rip one of their wings off and throw them on the ground, you get the satisfaction of knowing they will die because their most powerful skill was ripped from them, literally. :)


This is terrifying, I knew they got big like this but I didn’t conceptualize it.