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Use a shovel and cut that bastard off below the soil. Don't let it bloom and go to seed. You will never see the end of it.


Yeah, it looks like it's right next to a bunch of hostas too


I’m pretty sure you have to get most of the root with it. But you are correct that it will be a hell of a fight if it goes to seed.


Right, but cutting it off before it goes to seed will help the situation.


A friend of mine said he got a syringe and injected weed killer directly into the stalks of the larger weeds. Said it worked great. He would do that when he didn’t want to accidentally spray nearby plants, or was unable to dig them up due to location.


he didnt just kill the weeds, he executed them by lethal injection


I killed the weeds not just the men but the women and children too. I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them!


Gotta hate weeds, along with the invasive plants, uncontrolled, and they’re taking over my backyard like wildfire this spring from my neighbors yard to my rear, they don’t live there, and left the home vacant and unkept. City notified them upon my complaint a year ago July. Nearly an entire year of doing nothing, after that. Unacceptable!


Probably also doesn’t like sand…


*leafel injection


A herbicidal maniac


I’ve had success injecting simple vinegar in Himalayan, insane growing, blackberries, right at the base.XX🌞


And here I am growing them on purpose...


It’s just that the 40 untamed acres by the house get overwhelming, even a 2 story farmhouse, so seriously, edge control. I grew up picking said berries by jamming dads old loader tractor into a field side hedge, climbing out & tossing a ladder horizontally on top of the berries. Wonderful fun & terrific berries!!! I probably could’ve near died if I’d fallen, but that was then. Big. We are talking big.🌞😳


That's not really a bad idea...


You may end up regretting it. 


Not at all, I've been growing them for almost a decade


What growing zone are you in? My uncle got a steal on some land in the PNW because the entire property was enveloped in Himalayan blackberries. Those things are horrible in this area. 


7A, New Jersey. We get a lot of wild ones but nothing like the PNW


If you thin them out and prune them they're not nearly as bad, it's when they're allowed to grow into brambles that they're a problem. I cut mine once they're finished fruiting and top the floricanes in the late winter so they don't get that tall. I've got a few varieties that can grow a foot a day and get 30' long, when you cut them shorter they put out a load of fruit


The places they are bad in Oregon are generally in the coastal and forested areas in the valley. If you go far enough into the Cascades they start to become less frequent and even more so once you get over. In central Oregon you'll find none other than someone intentionally growing them but they won't make a bramble unless you force it out here!


The birds keep reseeding them in my backyard. But the neighbor crop gardens so I've been having to just pull and refill the soil gaps repeatedly.


Does that work for other blackberry varieties? We have a native blackberry we'd love to get more fruit off of


https://preview.redd.it/84fzth82c96d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2815b7edca3312bf3938e740e06f9263565959b6 It works for all of them, this is a wineberry that I brought home this spring and I had to cut it down to about 5' to get it in the car. All that lateral growth popped up this spring and these plants are loaded with fruit and I just transplanted them this year. The first year is the primocane, it grows from the ground into a long cane, the second year is the floricane, and if you cut them around February to around 5-6' they'll do what the plant in my picture is doing. This is a couple months ago, there's about 25 berries on each of those clusters and there's probably around 100 clusters


Me too for the bees, but I cut the the flower just before it goes to seed.,


I'm a bit concerned about the bees, I hardly see any honeybees and most of my fields of berries are pollinated by bumblebees and wasps


I know that I have seem less and less in the last 5 years. I only have a small veggies garden but have beds. I even have a dandelions bed and a wildflowers beds, and some others just trying to keep the few bees I have. It is helping because I counted 8 bumblebees last week and saw several honeybees but not like I used to seeing.


The neonicotinoids are really doing some damage and I'm not so sure it's not on purpose


I think it is just carelessness. Farmers sure are happy about it.


Yeah because it kills all the pests but they're gonna cry when their crops don't get pollinated


Not just the bees. Almost all of the insects are just gone. 20 years ago if we drove at night,we would have to clean all the bugs off the windshield. Now it's almost clean.


Yes I've noticed that too


That’s great! Vinegar works well on many things


This is intriguing. Just a syringe without a needle?


With needle.


You can buy them at Tractor Supply.


Hate weed killers ever since it killed half my granduncle. Use a couple squirts of white vinegar


If you get “cleaning vinegar” which is just stronger concentration white vinegar sold in hardware stores and in the cleaning section of grocery stores, you’ll find it works even better for killing weeds than regular food-grade white vinegar.


I use a mix of cleaning white vinegar, as much salt as will dissolve in the vinegar, and a good squirt of dishwashing liquid. Seems to be extremely effective on the gaps in our patio paving.


“Half?” Like Python’s ‘Eric the Half a Bee’ skit?


No half as in there were six of them,and then there were three lol


Thank you for the clarification-- I will not have the nightmare that was brewing from reading your statement. Sorry for your losses.


My uncle keeps getting checks from roundup for leukemia


Was his name Dexter?


Tell me about it. 😪


So, we’re not gonna talk about what it is?


If you say the name, you might summon it.. hence peopless dread. I'm from Europe but it looks like a kind of thistle. Which means the best course of action is digging it out and burning the remains and the entire root in the fires of mordor.


We don't talk about thistles no no no We don't talk about thistles ~~~~


Kill it with acid and fire. Seriously you've gotten good advice here those things are nasty once they get a toe hold


Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure... =D


Total Bull.


it's a weed


Milk thistle


If it's thistle, like I think it is, this is very true, but I think they also share a root system, so if you don't get all of them at once and the whole network, they will just keep sprouting up. I have them in my yard along with a few other weeds that I inherited from the previous owner and neighbors (thanks neighbors for the trumpet vine) and it will never go away no matter what I do. I think I'm going to have to dig up the whole back yard.


Put a clue water softener pellets on the root to dry it out.


I'm gonna try this on the Trees of Hell too. That's what I call those invasive Trees of Heaven


They are good for something, evidently you can grind them up and make gunpowder.


Omg. You’re not joking! Been invaded with them from my neighbors overgrown backyard behind me. They don’t live in the house. It’s vacant. A year ago July I reported it to the city and that’s where it ended. My yard is overtaken and my city in Illinois don’t do squat with invasive plants. It’s been a literal nightmare and I’m afraid for my dog. It’s highly toxic to both dogs and humans. It emits a toxic odor that’s bad for people with respiratory problems. Something I learned on my own was that the instant I saw it take off this spring with the saplings shooting up from the roots, I also noticed my mole tunnels and gophers mounds and holes were all gone. They must not like the fumes the roots put out underground. Honestly, the tree is SO bad I’d rather have the moles and gophers! The fact that everyone I’ve tried to get help from thought I was out of my mind, made me more angry. Seems im going to have to find the owners and their address where they do reside, and with an arborists report, with their suggesting to remove the trees, (with very detailed instructions). I can’t imagine how this is going to work out but it shouldn’t be my problem since they’re NOT my trees. I paid almost a $1000 last year cleaning out all of their poison ivy covering everything on and under my fence line and it was well worth it, but I can see it coming back since their yard is a total disaster in the rear, that can’t be seen from their front yard. I unleashed all kinds of hell when the guys I hired to remove all the poison ivy, coming back and forth to make sure it was all gone along with removing all the dead vines, made way for at least two TOH’s to spread like wildfire straight towards me! Once you see it you can’t ever not unsee it! Edit: spelling corrections


Those are salt. You nave to be careful with salt or nothing will ever grow there again. I found that out by accident.


Except asparagus, which can grow in salty soil with no weeds because nothing else can survive it.


You must believe e on a clay bed. I'm on sand and use boiling salt water to kill certain botanicals and they will come back within 3 months if I don't repeat.


Tell that to the weeds I have. Salt & vinegar is no match.


Thank goodness you said it. Someone else in another plant forum said to leave it and let it bloom and people were agreeing with them. 😬


Looks like a Bull Thistle to me, which is invasive in North America.


Agreed. Bull thistle or sometimes called field thistle. They are actually edible. You just have to peel the thorns from the main stalks, boil, roast, or saute. Same goes for their roots once you wash and scrape the skin off.


Comes with free extra added protein with all those aphids 😆


I found out my local community might hate me for I keep my drive way lined with them for a random vegetable to eat and to keep aphides away


But does that actually work? Are the aphids leaving your other plants alone and mostly go for the distraction food?


Yes it helps because I can target the bugs on those plants and they mature faster than most other green thus drawing them away from other crops like brussel sprouts or tobacco


If only there were something that was a slug repellent without me having to kill them....


Something eats the heck out of my slugs! I’ve got some huge leopard slugs, but I stopped seeing them altogether early spring, but still saw their slime trails all over my patio. Something is fattening up on mine because I’ve never seen such huge slugs


Goldfinches love them!


Hummingbirds too!


You left out the part of painfully removing the thorns.


Nah. Just wear some gloves and make sure your penknife is nice and sharp. Easy peasy. 😉😂👍


You just peel the thorns off and then boil em and nosh on them that way, right?


Sounds like way too much work in the age of grocery stores.


I dunno... I find it easier to walk to my yard than drive to the store and go shopping. 


Yeah true. But yah never know, right?!? When the SHTF, this bit of useless knowledge then, is now very important. Lol. Be prepared! 😉🤠


Thank YOU! I’m not knocking anyone who does that, but it’s NOT anything I’m interested in!


Pretty much. Lol. Or you can mix them with other veggies or wild greens. They are kinda bland on their own.


Good info!


I’m sure it probably has good medicinal properties too, looks very similar to wild lettuce to me , does this thistle have a milky sap?


No milky sap. Bull thistle is more closely related to artichoke than wild lettuce and the spines are no joke, especially when you find the juvenile thistles hiding in the lawn with your bare feet. Ah, sweet childhood memories.


Hum, I need seeds, I can plant in along my back fence and give the cut through the yard and jump the fence guys a nice surprise.


I'm sure someone can oblige you.


I don't want to plant bull thistles, but I know there are native thistles. I actually might just follow through with this little gardening fantasy. There are a lot of native thistles, that look pretty interesting. Plus, very very pretty. And a good barrier plant, no more fence jumpers, or if they do, it won't happen twice. I am not sure what thistle this guy has, I had no idea that there was such a variety.


Ah okay, I think I know what thistle this is now, thanks!


Edible, but NOT delicious, trust me.


Meh, nothing a little frying in butter or olive oil can't fix. Hell, throw some bacon grease in there and you'll probably crave them as one would potato chips! 😂


Y'all, I tried all that. Bacon and everything. It's so bitter, and hard to chew. I really wanted to like it. 😆


😓 Sorry you didn't have a good experience.


You would not catch me eating random plants in my backyard.


Thistle. Super invasive. Kill it with fire.


🤣 Nevermind the wood fence behind it!


Quick little bursts. And then Shou Sugi Ban the fence


Fair enough I suppose. I like playing with fire more than most but I'd opt just to dig this one out. lol


Bull thistles get roots feet deep and can regrow from a few centimeters of missed root. ETA I was being sarcastic about the fire. Hence the reference to Japanese wood burning technique.


Oh, well damn. Good luck fence! 🤣 But sounds doable at least.


Hadouken punch it.




2,4D with a dash of surfactant works very well on these.


Doesn't it have an outrageously long tap root? I believe I had one and first loved the purple flowers but then it became a cockleburl situation. Nightmare for my lil geriatric terripoo.


It sounds like Tribulus Terrestris aka puncture vine, the burrs are commonly called "goatheads." They are a very flat ground that cover small leaves and cute yellow flowers. Each one can have hundreds of burrs. It is horrible to get rid of.


Childhood was picking those burrs out of your socks and out of your hair and off your clothes if you were actually being a kid and rolling in the stuff. Lol


This had big leaves


I mean, in that, it's deceptive. Oh, that's a cute plant. Until you try to pull it and get a handful of owie!


Yes I felt duped for sure!


Avoid the cockleburl situation


Wtf is a cockelburl


Velcro like seeds that stick to everything and I’m guessing turn into giant matted messes in the coats of geriatric terripoos. ETA , cockburrs also refers to the plant genus Xanthium. If you look at their seed pods you’ll immediately understand the reference.


Did you know that the guy who invented Velcro did so based on his observations of how cockleburs are able to cling to pretty much anything?




I can believe it


Yes! Learned that this week right here in this sub I believe!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Bad bot


Its what happens when one person mispronounces “cocklebur” and the the another person spells phonetically. Like some people mispronounce “cell phone” and then other people hear that and write “cellafoam.”


I frickin’ a-toad-a so!


I knew what that was. It's the terripoo that has me stumped.


Terrier/poodle mix.


Oh, it's a dog! Thank you, hadn't heard of that one before. So it's a mutt, not the exotic hamster or something my brain was trying to form an image of.


Yes an adorable mutt, miss him.


Ugh 😩 I hate those cockleburs!


Guys, stop the armageddon talk. It's just a plant, an invasive one you don't want, a thistle. You cut it off at the base. Then you start the treatment. In the morning, you boil some water -- maybe to make coffee, maybe to make tea, but certainly for the thistle. And you pour a cupful ***or more*** of that boiling water on the thistle stump. Slowly, so as to get every part of the stump covered and anything green that comes out of the stump blighted. No poisonous chemicals are required, and no jackhammers either. The thistle will die. It is not Freddie and does not have gloves with metal razors attached. If it tries going sideways, just keep on with the boiling water and extend your action to anything green from the Satan-spawned root. And next time, get on the thing before it gets a tenth as big as this one.


See but that’s Armageddon to me. Many years ago we had a delivery of mulch and then shortly after thistle started growing. I’m talking like 15 years ago. We finally have gotten rid of most of it but it’s been several years of basically digging up our beds each year. We did have a landscaper use something he called Stinger on it that seemed to help buy I have no idea exactly what it was. Now it’s big broadleaf plants that are spreading all over (some kind of skunk plant or something like that? I forget what it is).


Looks like bull thistle milkweed. Get ready for gorgeous purple flowers.


You got it, it’s a thistle, with nasty thorns right down to the ground. Careful when digging it out, use thick gloves. Got a thorn stuck in my finger and it got infected.


It does have beautiful flowers.


Looks like some kind of thistle. I'd get rid of it before it goes to seed.


Canadian thistle. Will have a beautiful blossom on it. After it blooms cut it down so it doesn't spread .


Wow, you got yourself a big ole weed, an invasive one at that. Dig down deep and get the entire root.






Oh god this is the worst. Bull thistle. Kill it with everything you have. It took me 3+ years to finally eradicate it from my landscaping.


Wear gloves and pull that thing out.


I've yet to find a pair of gloves that the spines of a bull thistle won't poke me through.


First use a small shovel and loosen the soil at the base. Any old glove will do, you just slowly close your fingers at the base of the stalk and move up. The spines are all angled so they bend down and don't go through the glove. Pull. Easiest after a rain. Then drop boiling water or herbicide on what is left of the tap root.


Nuc it quick. In another week, especially with warmer weather, it's gonna flower, releasing millions of alien thistle babies that will invade more of your yard and your neighbors.


Canadian Thistle


These have small little thorns too. Learnt the hard way-


It's evil is what it is. Bull thistle that looks like someone tried killing with herbicide and failed. Take a shovel and destroy it before it flowers. Then bag it in a garbage bin. The seeds will spring into existence the minute you try to mulch it.


Canada Thistle. In a month or so it will have beautiful purplish pink flowers


And demon seedlings


Well, there’s that, too




The un-scientific name is pricker bush.


I was weeding my flowerbed and pulled a small thistle (not knowing what it was or that the small ones have hairy little thorns) and my fingers still flare up and itch horribly sometimes 2 years later. Dermatologist just called it “contact dermatitis from plants” but those things are evil and I hate them (thistles, not derms). I use pliers now to pull them but never fully get the taproot. Tried boiling water but didn’t realize I have to cut them first so that didn’t work either. I did try Roundup as a last resort and they are dead (?) for now but I guess we will see.


Looks like a Thistle


Why don't people use google lens?


Spear Thistle. Butterflies love them once they bloom.


Thistle. I let of bloom in my patio. Pretty purple flowers and the bees love it... Now I have baby thistles everywhere.


No one ID’ed the plant yet? It looks like a cute little Christmas tree, but it ’s a thistle. It will have BEAUTIFUL purple blooms, like the Scottish icon. One of my favorite birds, goldfinches, love the blossoms, so this thistle will attract them. I haven’t found them to multiply and crowd out other plants as much as lots of weeds do. I leave them alone as much as possible, for the finches. But if they migrate into your lawn, they’re painful to step on, barefoot! Even worse when their thorns dry up and turn brown. Keep them out of areas where kids might walk around barefoot.


I let my milk thistle go, bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies love them!


It's only a weed if it's something you don't want. Thistle and especially bull thistle is a cornucopia of food and medicine. In my opinion, grass is a weed. One of the more useless plants to grow in your yard. Before the advent of lawn mowers, it was very common to let everything grow but grass. In my yard you can find an entire meal for four people in a very little space. Sill looks green. Just no grass.




It’s weed, boil water and pour it were it’s growing




Lots of people eat the stems like celery and the purple flowers are super tasty too


Why do people watch weeds grow!?


Because we hope it’s something good. For example I babied pokeweed in a flowerpot because I didn’t know what it was and my photo app wouldn’t identify it. It grew tall and beautiful—and then I found out it was pokeweed using someone else’s phone, and yanked that sucker up.


Funny as something can be nice till you slap a label on it.


Aphid apartment.


Ugh I get thistles in my yard!


Ugh…it’s thistle. You’re going to have to dig it out. Cutting it down won’t get rid of it. I would get it out of there ASAP. That stuff spreads like wildfire.


I know most think I’m nuts but I grow thistle in my yard for the goldfinch and pollinators. I cut the flowers before they seed. Now that I’m working part time I have more time in my garden to do so. They are formidable plants to say the least.


It’s the largest freakin weed I’ve ever seen in my life!


My arch nemesis, the thistle.


Stop it now. You do not want that thing to go to seed it’s a weed.


You take “spent nuclear fuel rods” and a mallet. Drive each one thu the roots . Then pray it works……/jk


“Piss on thistle”


If you let it flower it will seed within a day and you will absolutely never be rid of them — so pull it out ***now*** with the entire root — its seedlings won't flower if you mow them down, but they'll live a very long time, including probably for everyone in your neighbourhood (it's a wild thistle, doesn't much matter what kind specifically)


Ah yes, the invasive bastards that I continuously battle with a flamethrower every spring.


It is a Canadian Thistle. It will keep growing until you dig it out. Be careful not to touch it and make sure you dig every part of the root system out because it‘ll come back.


Evil, evil weed


I call that demon weed... It's the devil to get rid of and damn it hurts if you get "stung". It's definitely a thistle. Kill it before it possess your lawn!!


So pretty! I like it! I’d keep it. I think weeds get a bad rap for no reason!


It helps to mention the region that it grew in .I'm thinking a milkweed/ thistle type mother fucker . Kill the bitch and BURN it quick !


The spawn of Satan. Dig it up (roots and all) and get rid of it. They'll be everywhere if you don't get rid of it completely.


Ugh! A thistle. My condolences.


A glorious Thistle, the national flower of Scotland. That said, they are tough, thorny, and the roots probably go down all the way to Scotland.


Looks like a thistle to me, they spread through the roots so dig them all out.


I've always just called them Thistle. Pretty purple flower. Need some thick leather gloves to pull that thing out though.


Prickly lettuce? Milk thistle?


Chop it low at the base with a shovel. You won't be able to pull it. You can maybe then spot vinegar to it?


Also, am I the only one that remembers that Eeyore's favorite food is thistles?!?!? Ah... Nostalgic memories. 💚😌💚


Kill it as soon as possible they’ll take over and they hurt.


I got plenty of those in my garden!!👎👎😩


That is a picker or thistle you should not let it Bloom and you should not cut it you need to pull that thing out by the root


Bull thistle. Edible.


I have use a hose with a jet spray to get to the roots, and just sprayed and sprayed the dirt away until I get to the roots, and pull it.


I’ve never had such a negative reaction to a picture of a plant before… imma grab my torch and pitchfork


An asshole, it's an asshole that is a pain to get rid of.


I've always known those as Russian thistles. You do NOT want it to flower, and you need to get the roots out, or kill them. Vinegar works, although if it weren't so close to a wooden fence, I'd dig it down as deep as I could, then use a propane torch on the root remaining


Probably thistle. Dig it up! Wear leather gloves. You can find recipe for using vinegar as weed killer on YouTube.


one of the most nutritious and least eaten plants in existence


The definition of a weed is "a plant that is not where you want it"


You can eat those !


I love the flowers and leave one to seed every year because the Gold Finches love them. Mind you, it is way down the garden and not somewhere someone might rub against it. I can't say I've found it particularly invasive but there are a few different types.