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Root cellar? 




Yes, root cellar. The first photo looks like it has been more recently repaired. When actually used there would have been a small door. They were used to keep vegetables cool during the summer. They were built into the ground so they would be cooler. More complex ones would be able to store ice cut from lakes during the winter.










Spring house (if wet). Root cellar (if dry). If dry, used to store things like carrots, potatoes, etc. since it will be cool most of the summer. If wet, cream or anything that can get sealed up. The water perc'ing up will be cool year round. Natural refrigeration. I imagine that 1.) There used to be more trees around so that it was shaded more - that would keep it cooler in the summer and 2.) It was probably one of the last ones built in the area. Decent concrete structure built from a mold (and poured concrete). Someone wanted a solid cellar / spring house, but electricity came along shortly after (or they just wanted a back up).


> Someone wanted a solid cellar / spring house, but electricity came along shortly after (or they just wanted a back up). Even with the advent of electricity they were still useful for preservation if you grew your own vegetables. My grandpa was still using his up until his death in the 90's. They left that room in the basement with a dirt floor when they poured the slab. I think my brother still uses his, as the previous owners likely did because they left a bunch of styrofoam coolers for vegetable storage, and the wildest thing is that it also has a smoker built in....in his basement. He's trenching water and power out to his garden to expand it this summer to grow even more veggies.


That is so freaking cool. I'd love to see pictures.


They can also double as tornado shelters.


Sure looks like standing water in the last pic.


Is there water in the one that’s dropped below ground? If so it might be a spring house.


Spring house.


It’s a spring house if it’s where I think it is there’s a creek that it dumps into by the road


Where is this in skyesville? Grew up there until I was 15 and still have family there... small world lol.


Cold storage, potatoes, beets, apples, broccoli, etc


We have a bunch of these along the roads around here that look similar....without seeing the inside properly, I'd say spring house.


If you live in the area or are back in the area check out the Farm Museum in Westminster. They have a root cellar as part of the exhibit and if you ask one of the staff they will be able to help.


This also might have been some sort of child’s shelter for a bus stop?


Well pump house?


I've seen some places put up structures like this by the road for kids to wait for the school bus.


Looks like cold storage before refrigeration. My great-grandmother had a farm pretty close to there there that had a springhouse sorta like this. Used to see them sometimes when driving around the area.


Pump house for a well or spring. That doesn't look like a root cellar.


Absolutely a spring house.


Root cellar


If it's next to the road, could have been for keeping milk delivery.


It could also be a shelter for kids waiting for the school bus. I see a lot of these in my neck of the woods.


Tomb of the Unknown Neighbor?


It’s where Link awakens in Breath of the Wild


I don't think it's big enough or deep enough to be a storm cellar (which usually has very sturdy doors attached.)


Looks like old well houses I see in my area sometimes


My title describes the thing. I saw two of these structures while I was traveling through Sykesville Maryland. One was standing alone (first picture) a concrete shelter in a yard. The other one (2nd and 3rd picture) was built into a stone wall and dropped a few feet below the ground. I assume they are related because the openings are around the same size (around 3ftx4ft) and in homes next door. I am curious what they are used for .. my ideas were alter or dog house? Except dog house wouldn’t make sense for the one below ground. Thanks !


Being close to the nations capitol, I have to wonder if they also were supposed to double as bomb shelters. That looks like reasonably thick concrete.