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The hate started when it was announced and people called it a Breath of the Wild clone, but of course that’s not the reason it is hated today


I remember watching a video of someone bringing their switch to a convention Genshin was at, like some kind of announcement that it was coming to systems if I'm correct. And bro just snapped his switch in half in a crowd of people as some kind of rebellion lmao


what a waste of a switch


It never even came to switch as well


Nintendo deleted him at the evening


https://preview.redd.it/b1z30l01pzxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d25fb5d5fd78de0eb66dcc3c0dde4ae029801699 Nintendo finding his ass like


Oh right I forgot that part


I remember People were destroying their consoles over this shit lmao


Is it a clone? No, but it definitely is heavily inspired, by that I mean they just used a bunch of core BoTW mechanics for movement.


I mean, the trailers dipped heavily into that so I don’t blame people for making that assumption.


I can think of 3 factors 1. Anime 2. Has Gacha mechanics 3. It was made in China, which already has a bad reputation of making crappy Gacha mobile games (Street Fighter Duel, DMC Peak of Combat, etc.) Personally, I never played it and never plan to but I have no real reason to hate it.


I imagine the fan base also has to do with it. (Though I guess you could wrap that into point 1)


basically, because lolicons are also apart of the fanbase if im not mistaken, i can't tell how many, but there is no denying that lolicons play the game


The lolicons are very much a part of the fan base, but the rest of the genshin community has made it our sacred duty to viciously bully them.


that is righteous


Even then, there’s only like 4 children characters in the game. I honestly think the genshin community is relatively tame compared to other gatcha games


If you wanna get hyper specific then there's about 20 ish characters under the age of 18, and then like two under the age of 12 iirc.


Does the game even specify other characters ages? The only one I think I know is collie because her age is mentioned in the manga.


A lot of it is just guesswork mostly, for example Klee looks like she's 9 and acts like she's 9, so therefore she is 9, but then you have the weird outliers like Nahida who is 500 years old and acts like a grandma (doesn't matter she still looks like a child)


There are lolocons within the community but it's a tiny portion of it. The community is horny as hell but it's generally for adult characters


r/nahidamains sends their regards (they’re unapologetic pedos)


And now there is proof i'd say


Exactly. I’m also a Genshin player but I’m not siding with Kaiser


The soundtrack is fire NGL, also they have twinks https://preview.redd.it/st09wt78gvxc1.jpeg?width=2590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5475e02eea9a2f93d98afa1827a21adffc7e3648 Bonus: I'm my opinion Genshin have a exelent soundtrack, average anime-style characters with asymmetrical clothing, and mediocre gameplay.


Hell nah, they took Venti's braids away. Can't have shit in Mondstat


bruhh i knew something was off


The gameplay is better than mediocre imo. The exploration is pretty fun and so is the combat. Not saying it's a masterpiece or anything but definitely good at least


Oh shit, I forgot that, the feeling to find an unopened chest in the middle of nowhere, and the constant rewards for exploring in every corner https://preview.redd.it/3aix3297zwxc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebab637f0e84c92ca1252713cfff49c90d425557


The combat is horribly painful until you spend like 30 hours farming for good artifacts and then it becomes ok. I'm still never playing that game again because there's no skip button and I already watched all the story on youtube.


I used to remember the very early days, when people called a Breath of the Wild copy but with gacha. Not sure if it was hated because of it or it was just a noticeable factor.


It copied all of the animations from nier automata also, like breath of the wild for coomers


Please never associate Peak of Greed with Genshin Impact. That's an insult to Genshin Impact.


I can think of one more that not a lot of people think about: It came out a little while after LoZ:Breath of the Wild and a lot of Nintendo fans were comparing the two, and saying that genshin is a rip-off. And yeah, when it came out it was just a little too similar, but now I think they've managed to separate themselves a bit.


I played it and it was very, very boring and grindy. 90% of quests were simple fetch/kill thing quests


and how long did you play it exactly?


I don't remember exactly but i think i played it for a week? Then I got bored.


Fair enough. I myself have taken month long breaks simply due to burnout. Having friends who play the game and being active in the community is a big driver for me to play Genshin.


It was also for me. But then I got bored and quit it when I installed steam (I have upgraded my pc so I was new to all this videogame thing)


I tried it once and made the mistake of using the mobile version, and it is so obvious that this was made to be played with a console controller


The mobile version is fine. A controller is better obviously but I've been playing primarily on Mobile for like 2 years now. Even endgame content isn't bad


I just can’t handle that many controls and movements on that tiny of a screen


Also pedophilia and loser incels


That shit in every fandom with anime characters, fuck those sickos


No, that's what they want




https://i.redd.it/m5xrdzclawxc1.gif Yeah, I'll smoke that shit


4. Part of the fanbase is into lolis


That's true for like every anime fanbase


Oh yeah, because a minority represents 80+ million people Those kind of people are in every fanbase


Every anime thing goes through the same cycle of 1. [anime thing] comes out 2. It has child characters in it 3. Pedophiles draw porn of them 4. Normal people discover this and think "ew all fans of [title] are pedophiles!" 5. Normal people who enjoy [title] and don't beat off to children get caught in the crossfire Repeat n+1 times until the heat death of the universe. It's why people hate VTubers, it's why people hate Genshin, it's why people hated anime in the first place when it started to boom in the early to mid 2000s.


child gambing


luigi's picture poker?


pair-a-gone took so many coins from me


6 - gacha.


people 100% also hate that aspect but when you tell someone you play genshin youre prbably going to hear "fucking pedo" more than "fucking gambling addict"


There’s plenty of other reasons to hate modern anime and anime games besides what you said


Yeah, but to most people who hate it, it usually just boils down to "haha pedophile game" because they don't actually hate it for any real reason themselves, they're just parroting what other people say


It’s a common meme, but I don’t think that’s a genuine criticism most people have. In terms of visuals and character design, I personally just find it really generic and bland, and the fan service-y outfits and jiggle physics are obnoxious too.


It's partially a meme but it's also a genuine criticism among some people. if you dislike the visuals and the fanservice that's a fair criticism, not every art style appeals to everyone. But I feel like calling the visuals "generic and bland" just isn't true. https://preview.redd.it/5swhhsx7gvxc1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8e87c0daa7f708532aac68043fdab326e92bf8e


True. And I poorly worded my comment, I was talking more about the characters and their designs.


I don't play the game,but I have tried it coz my friend wanted me to, enjoyed it for a bit but got tired of it quickly. however, me and my friends do like to joke about the "Average Genshin Player™️©️" a lot, so I can confirm it's not a genuine criticism


Literally never encountered any people who blame Genshin for what pedophiles do with the characters. 


i have never seen anyone *not* hating it because of pedophiles


really? I see it almost every time someone hates on genshin.


Horrible voice acting is at the top of the list for me


it's not the voice acting bro it's the dialogue. They can hire fucking Leo DiCaprio and it won't save dialogue written by a basement dwelling mangaka.


Also every gacha game deserves a death sentence, I hate gambling


Your loss https://preview.redd.it/sxkv5w13xuxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ee3a72fd8ddd6c96a9be68a22ade1198427421


Skill issue, maybe if you played for a few more minutes you would have won it big!


Don’t forget the worst writing and dialogue ever put on screen


I dislike vtubers because the technology isn't all there yet. It throws me off when their mouths are doing one thing and their voice doing another.


This, except point 3 happens way later and point 4 happens on assumption alone just because it's anime


Also it released around breath of the wild and gained some hate around being a free to play mobile knockoff game


Genshin got to the pedo stage early since the max0r joke blew up super fast




I also think the issue stems from the character being prominent in the game (haven't played it, just see it alot in ads) and also the community adores said child like character (again just from what ive seen)


why does anime tend to attract pedophilia more than other media?


I don't like vtubers because the core concept seems kinda odd. The ability to mask yourself behind a cute avatar just takes parasocial relationships to a whole new level and allows one to hide their (rather shallow) personality, similar to all those camgirls people complain about on twitch


Some people hate it for valid reasons, but others just hate it because hating it is popular


Yeah, i tried to get into it multiple times but just couldnt. Having most characters that have actually interesting gameplay locked behind gambling is annoying, and the story was annoying to even try to follow thanks to it being locked behind certain adventure ranks, which are a pain in the ass to grind


The last one hit my passion for the game hard, having to grind for like 10 levels to go to Inazuma was an absolute pain and it basically killed my enthusiasm about the region


The adventure tank thing is entirely an early game issue but it’s perfectly reasonable if you get put off by it. All things considered it’s probably a dumb mechanic that makes me roll my eyes every time I see it. But it just stops happening when your AR is high enough, so I tend to forget it’s even a thing


I hate because its like a watered down anime version of warframe and warframe has taken a part of me I can never recover genuine addiction that game


Personally I don't really see the connection between the two besides "enemies drop shit when they die"


Maybe because in warframe some stuff are locked behind some Mastery Ranks? I do have to say that it's easier to level that up compared to Genshin's Adventure Rank.


Main reasons I hate it is because it kept stopping me from playing the story because my adventure rank was too low and because it got the game award for music instead of Sonic frontiers


As others have said, it’s a combination of several things: the weird fanbase, the fact that gacha games can be pretty shitty, and the general “cringe” perception of weeb stuff. As far as I’m concerned, the only justifiable way to engage with a gacha game is through the r34


Honestly it feels like the devs agree with you based on how they design the characters. So many of them feel like they were designed purely to be r34 bait, they aren’t even interesting designs outside of that.


the community is pretty terrible depending on where you look but thats pretty much anything these days, the game is okay but its still a predatory gacha that takes a while for the story to get good at the end of the day, and most people see the kid characters as pedo bait, which is fair considering games of this genre have a lot of that and many fans of genshin are actual creeps Oh and also theres zero fucking endgame making most people who put actual time into the game also dislike it a bit, especially during dry asf patches and while waiting for the updates.


I've seen several post about how a 'fan' smashed their ps4 over it, heard about someone draining their bank account containing around ten thousand dollars on genshin, the genshin playerbase horribly bullying and harassing a VA in the game, and even the devs getting in trouble with the CCP over game events. Just awful things


An 99% of all controversial events are contained within China. They're crazy for genshin over there. In every possible sense of the word crazy.


I mean, idk I’m F2P and doing pretty well for myself.


I would stop hating the game if they would stop advertising to me. Like I like anime and I like videogames, but like real ones, not ones where I should be grinding 2 hours a day for just so I can get a character that's a little bit funnier. I think of some videogame as an art form, and I would prioritize and prefer those types of games instead. You should play more games instead of playing games more, that's what I always say.


Thats a really intelligent and nuanced take man. I dont really know what else to say that just a really nice way to put it.


I hate getting bombarded with 10 Genshin and Honkai ads in a single YouTube video. I just wanna listen to a video in the shower, not hear about your “precious mask” for 3 minutes straight


"Memories are ever changing. Lies an endless abyss!" 🖐 🖐 🧍‍♀️ 🖐 🖐




THAT’S WHAT THE FIRST PART SAID??? No wonder it made no sense, what the hell do those two lines have anything to do with each other??


That's the shortened Ult line, it actually goes like: "Memories are ever changing." "Beneath the silent watchers lies an endless abyss!"


Idk, I don't play HSR. Probably referencing some lore


She's a "memorykeeper", that's her ultimate line. She likes memories!


This but now it’s all ads for afk journey. Don’t know anything about the game but I know I don’t plan on playing it.


ʸᵒᵘᵀᵘᵇᵉ ᴿᵉⱽᵃⁿᶜᵉᵈ


^ios ^user ^here I’d try but I don’t have the motivation to learn how to jailbreak a phone I’ve used for years at this point with zero issue just to get rid of Genshin ads


Fair enough, my condolences


I think it has the makings of a pretty decent game but its dragged down by all the elements that make it an anime gacha. There were points where I felt genshin actually had soul, and thought "yea now this is a game". You could even call it art. That was when I ignored all the grinding, I muted the characters and just explored with the orchestral tracks and ambient sounds playing in the background. As far as videogame music, genshin honestly has some bangers and the locations are really captivating. Two places in particular the chasm and Enkonomiya are probably some of my fondest memories in gaming. Even after playing a bunch of better games, those places have stayed in my memory. Too bad the overall game is kinda shit. The combat system gets repetitive and the story is such a drag, I seriously wanna stuff paimon into a blender but that wont fix the game. I quit not too long after my experience peaked


I wish I could have 2 hour a day of content I could do


Like all forms of media, the hate stems from the fans themselves


While true, the real reason is because the game is popular Mfs forgot the times people hate on minecraft while it was at its peak popularity. Fortnite and Genshin too People just like to be "not like other gamers" tbh


I dont like freemium predatory gacha is all


community sucks, game's fine


Uhh, pretty much any online game so far? kinda


Ask this on the genshin sub to get the real answer because 80% of people here will answer with the same stigmas in their minds that you're asking about. Genshin's not perfect, nor is Hoyoverse a goody-two-shoes company. But the fact is that Genshin is a good game. The gacha system is better than many games out there (doesn't mean it's not predatory). My counterpoint to the gacha hate is: Do you really expect a free game with such a beautiful world and soundtracks, character designs, a new update every 6 weeks, to be not profitable in some way or form? What do you want? Just a one-time 60$ fee for a game that'll run for about 7-8 years with constant updates? Sure, genshin is a little stingy with free rewards, but it's still enough to be an f2p player and have all your favorite characters if you play long enough. The community is horny as fuck, true. Who says you need to interact with it?


"The community is horny as fuck" Every community is horny as fuck if given the right (or wrong) materials


The vocal minority of weirdos are very annoying. The normal genshin gamers are just being caught in the crossfire


I think the first hate came from the phrase "breath of the waifu", as it had similarities to the BOTW game when it was first shown. But, after 4 years later the game has it's own ID, so it's fine. In fact, there are now "genshin clones" rather than "BOTW clones". Second, people tend to hate really successful things, like how people hated Fortnite when it first came out. As for the community, if the fanbase is really big, then it's expected there will be a lot more screwed-on-the-head fans will show up. And boy, there are some quite fucked up people i have heard, like harassing VAs because they didn't like the character that they're voicing, or in one case, torturing and killing cats because they hated one character and that character was depicted as a black kitten in one of the scenes. And the company itself is not at fault either, no endgame, terrible rewards, no feedback on the community, and other stuff i can't remember at the moment. Since the game is successful and gets lots of revenue, they don't bother to add or give anything that would make everyone happy. Like, for example, few months ago before the 3rd anniversary, there were leaks going around that hoyo will give everyone a free character skin of their choice. However, when the 3rd anniversary announced, turns out the free skin reward can only be obtained if you purchase a PS5 with it, in China only. People were mad, but since they knew hoyo wouldn't be that generous, it didn't get that same attention as the first anniversary fiasco.


People just hate popular things I guess. As predatory gacha goes, it's one of the most f2p friendly sides where you can reach the end of the story without spending anything (even without doing gacha). For the people that think there's alot of pedophiles because there's loli characters, mind you there's only 7 (gonna be 8) child characters out of 80+ characters (Azur lane literally has more than this) And for the community, yeah no defending that, it already got a bad rep when the first anniversary happened. Just don't engage those people on twitter In my opinion, the game is quite good, if you like exploring gameplay, the story kinda mid in the first two nations but actually improved in the last year, and for combat, there's a lot of theory crafting that can be done with dozens of characters


It's a gacha game, anime artstyle, BOTW "clone", made by China, and weird fanbase (which is literally every fanbase tbh)


I think it started around the trend of hating Fortnite and League of Legends Maybe clubbed together with those games as "the normie games"


the community gets a lil silly sometimes (death threats)


If any gacha game deserves as much backlash as Genshin is receiving, it should've been Blue Archive


I'm getting fucking bombarded with "(character)_mains" subreddits and it's just people beating their meat to suggestive art of the characters. I don't even know if they're lolis or not, hell half the pics are AI and they're not even actual porn. Like what's the point As for women, there's Scaramouche. There's other characters but for some reason this one makes them go crazy Also, it's just a gacha game "inspired" by Zelda BOTW


character_mains are 50% builds and 50% fanarts, depending on what character it is


There's like 7-8 child characters out of 95 and I think only one of them called "Nahida mains" got closed because people, or just the creator of the subreddit, kept posting suggestive art. Or at least that subreddit gotten most attention for the reason of being shut down.


The only reason people play it is because of anime titties, which reflects onto its fan base.


Believe it or not, the game company actually censored a lot of them in the past


I play it because it's fun and casual. It's not the type of game I have to be good at to enjoy playing and I only really have to log on when I feel like it.


Genshin is one of the least fanservicy gachas there is, what are you on about?


I mean map exploration is fine man, thats what I do most in genshin, not spending a dime rolling a dice for a hyper optimized build anyway


I think the hate mostly stems from the fact that its a gacha game at heart, which means its essentially F2P. But also its a result of popular thing = overrated = bad There's evidently a big fanbase for genshin impact and other similar games, and I think the hate has mostly died down. It's sort of the same for when fortnite was gaining popularity and people started hating on that


dawg you did not unironically put "gacha game" and "F2P" in the same sentence


It is tho, played for 2000h and no money spent, you don't have to gacha, its an added mechanic, the parts of the game you should care about is the open world and 5he in game mechanics


Well it’s literally free to play, you can download it right now lmao


My dyslexic ass mixed up P2W with F2P my bad


From what I've seen as a long time player 1. Gacha, fair but you really don't have to do it to be good at the game, and if you do, the grind is free tho time consuming 2. The community, I don't interact with them so I'm not that familiar, but it is extreme from outside looking in 3. New player experience, even when I started it was already getting a little cluttered and that was 3 years ago, now with all the new content, it gets difficult I can give it credit for a lack of paywall, the amount of content, and that hyper optimization is completely unnecessary and can lead to a bad experience Don't make the game your life, and don't let supposed good players dictate the way you play


The men are hot I'll give them that but otherwise not my thing


Lack of endgame makes building characters somewhat pointless. Which is frustrating because the combat is honestly pretty good. But this grind is also horrible (artifact farming). Frustrating story (imo) with lots of filler even on the good parts. The two main characters (Paimon and Traveller) are imo inherently problematic to high-stakes engaging narrative (think blank slate except they don't do what you want, defeating the purpose of having a blank slate character, and incessantly yapping "comic relief" character GOD SHUT UP). Frustrating story because of incessantly overworded blatantly padded incomprehensible empty dialogue. I've seen Touhou bullet patterns express more emotion, story, and character background than even the longest of Genshin exposition dumps. Frustrating story because every character needs to be marketable or "pretty" and hence have no engaging flaws or quirks or "humanity" behind them. None of them appeal particularly to me, character-wise, it all just kind of feels like LCD waifu/husbando bait, with no real flaws or quirks and a homogenous atmosphere of "polite lady" or "serious man", some interesting exceptions aside. But even those exceptions are only half-assed, everyone is just kind of "nice". Also they all talk WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH in story dialogue. Also, it's a gacha.




“Anime bad” but in game form.


Gacha system is absolute doo doo fart and I don’t like games that have them


Gacha game, derivative artstyle, annoying adds.


Thing with Genshin Impact is that the players you meet in game are some of the nicest people in the gaming community. It’s just the small 1% that ruins it reputation.


My friends play it and I like pissing them off


I tried it out, and it's kinda ass


at least you tried it and came to that conclusion yourself instead of parroting random people's arguments. good job.


All I can think of is \> anime style game \> gacha \> popular bad \> some of the fanbase \> This Scaramouche guy Never played it, but I ain’t gonna hate on something I haven’t tried cause that’s plain stupid


Soo here's what i remember 1. They had a first anniversary event where they received bad daily gifts, so they review bombed the game in the appstore, But they didn't stopped there they also review bombed other apps thats not connected to genshin impact (Google meet, Google, classroom, Youtube, Arknight, Clash of clan, Etc) 2. The non stop lusting over the characters. granted this is unavoidable since many are horny but G.I takes it to the next level, Every and i mean every single character have a 100+ horny posting about it 3. voice actors and actress receiving hate comments and Death threats from fans i forgot the reasons but i just remember its about stupid reasons 4. attacking artists for their fan arts of a character, like the Safe for work type of arts, again like in point 3, same reason 5. Overall being a dick, everytime a new game comes out G.I. will attack it Tower of fantasy? Spammed by hate, Arknights? Spammed by hate, Among us? Well idk but im sure they attacked it 6. Its a minor one but theres once a post saying Arknighs character designs are over sexualized, So arlnights fans clapped back and compared G.I. extremely sexual poses and clothing compared to arknights Military anime like designs (its a minor one but its pretty funny seeing the comparisons) 7. Shit Gacha Rates 8. if they hate a character they will attack the VA, the artist, and comment on their other works as well 9. Everytime a new character is released they will either white wash or blackwash? them causing ofc a lot of loud complaints 10. Toxic and racist attacks, so in G.I. theres many different places thats heavily inspired by irl cultures (Mondstad medival Europe, The rock place is China, The lightning place is Japan etc) and if one culture is being represented then they Will be offended by it and be loud thats all i remember, Take it with a grain of salt since im not a fan of the game since shit gacha, item drop rates, Tedious gameplay. But I'll give credit where credit is due and say the story, history, legends of G.I. world is fascinating oh yeah, they're also hated because since the drop rates are shit many would spend thousands just to get the 2% better stats or better hero, so many hates the company for being greedy and exploiting the horny and die hard characters


Several of my friends have spent exorbitant amounts of money on the game and (most of them) regretted it. I make fun of them for it of course but I’m mostly angry because that’s money that I could have coerced them to spend on me instead. Also I just didn’t enjoy the game very much when I did play it.


To add onto everything else, there is no character in the game NPC or playable that has a skin tone darker than a paper bag




I remember seeing it and thinking it was a BotW knock-off with shitty cash-grab gacha mechanics and overdone bland anime waifu designs. Just pure popularity-baiting with no actual substance or deeper meaning. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s what my first impression was.


For me it originated from a youtuber called Upper Echelon. He emphasized points that others didn't like how the game shamelessly felt like a mobile port lazily ported PC and even though at the time I was far more lenient towards MTX in games. This game crossed a line for me even at that time. This game was how I found out what gacha games are.


The early game is so damn slow to play through, grinding for adventure rank just to get to a new area as a beginning player is hell


It's a chinese dweeb vieogame


It has the most god awful, insufferable fanbase I have ever seen from any videogame


It's not Genshin so much as Gacha that's the problem, and Genshin is the biggest Gacha game out there.


I played the game and it was bad, simple as that


I used to play the game, but once the grind hit me like a truck powered with jet fuel I almost immediately dropped the game. I am NOT spending 12 hours grinding just to get slightly better stats on a shitty equipable 😭


As a member of said community, it fucking sucks. Most subreddits for specific characters are just full of softcore porn. There's a group of basicly radicalists who are fans of the main bad group of the game. And the game itself is alright (i have 200-300 hours in it) but its main gameplay loop after you finish the main quest, or where its at right now, is just gamble for a character, eventually win and get said character, spend 5 hours grinding for materials to level them up(up to chance on what you get) and build them properly (which also relies on chance) and finally build a team, which you will then switch out in a month when the new character releases. They also really mistreat the main character and basically use them as a punching bag so new characters can save them so people will pay for the new character


Personally I'm offput by it because my abusive ex does nothing but play it


I finally decided to play it recently, and it's actually really fun. But I can definitely also understand why people hate it. It would be pretty hard to list every reason someone would dislike the game, but the main ones would probably be: Gacha mechanics, community, anime, characters, etc.


Compared to other gachas, it was far more popular because of the BotW asthetic. I assure you most people who hate on genshin can’t name any other gacha game


simple: Gamble simulator disguised of anime.


The actual game is incredibly tame, as far as gacha games go. And it actually has a huge amount of content, with most of it being a pretty good quality. The first few acts of the main story are a little rough around the edges, though, and I could see that turning people away from the game itself. It’s also very time-consuming, but I don’t think that’s where a lot of hate for it comes from outside the actual playerbase The real problem is that there is barely any positive presence for the game online. The marketing strategy is abysmal, for one thing. There are 0-effort, practically scam games with significantly better ads. As a consistent player of the game, most ads I see for it make me want to play it less. I would 100% understand someone judging the game pretty harshly because of them. But bigger than that, the community is an absolute train wreck. So much of it is so toxic in so many different ways. Even the official social media/forum by the devs is an absolute cesspool.


Since released it already had a bad rep because it's simmiliar to breath of the wild, afaik it was released at the same time and announced on the same comvention too


I thought it was because of Lolis or somthin


I thought it was a shitty gacha game with rpg elements. Is it not?




One of the main reasons I see is because there's a lot of loli mfs in there even though the majority of players actually really hate those people just as much as the outsiders do. My brother is an avid hater of it because the game is "to gay" because some of the most popular ships in there are gay/lesbian ones that have implications about them. There's also the fact that a lot of people just find gacha games and anime cringe in general. And because it's a "breath of the wild clone" apparently. Idk most of the reasons I've seen have been pretty dumb like all these. If you don't like the game for whatever reason that's perfectly fine, that's you're opinion just don't be rude to the people who do🤷🏻‍♀️


The game is "good" for mobile standards and have twinks


It's a gacha game that uses sex appeal to get it's players to spend money and time gambling. The definition of predatory monetization. Also my brother has played it a bit and says it's boring and doesn't even have a compelling story.


why u got watermarks on ur memes


Cuz I said so...


Well you see it is an anime gacha game. That's all you need to hate it. I've played it and it's honestly pretty good but the character design is usually mediocre and the gameplay itself is held back by being a gacha game. Also, like most games the community is trash.


Yet another Chinese psyop


It came from a smart person


It's just a massive grind with expensive as fuck gacha mechanics. I have no idea why Asian countries love gacha so much, it seems like a feature they actually want in games


I tried to play it and got bored in 30 minutes  Plus, fuck gacha games


The heavy number if pedophiles in the fandom


BOTW Chinese🚩ripoff 🚩with gacha🚩 Add it together, you get asset stealing authoritarian predatory game. Not that I agree with this unprofound statement.


I think I've muted at least 20 genshin softporn subs that are constantly on my feed.


The moment it was made by the Chinese


I remember that the character pulling system sucked and the character designs are not so great. Also there's so much porn in their community


scammy gacha mechanics and coomer fanbase


From people who tried to bang the underage (looking) characters as far as I'm aware


Gacha games are inherently mid or worse. They all boil down to a horrible grind that has to be repeated every time you pull a new character (not to mention abusing the absolute fuck out of FOMO). It’s popular and anime styled, so of course you’ve got weebs and lolicons who are all about their favorite character (which, again, because gacha, boils down to flashy character design with heavily implied personality). And it did absolutely ride BotW’s coattails. I mean, it’s quality garbage in a sea of just plain terrible garbage.


I accosted it with people who treated me badly Also I just don't like gacha games, and genishin is a game that eventually will become lost media


Seemed like BotW but hornier on release, and then people realized it's also a pay-to-win gacha game, which are generally ill received in gaming communities, and then Genshin players got insistent about the game being good, causing an uproar of hatred directed at the game.


the community is so fucking horny some characters have a higher member count on their nsfw subreddits than on the main one. oh and also some of the art on the main sub is borderline hentai.


All I know is that I keep getting very sexual ads for it on everything and I don't even watch anime or play games...


I just don’t like MMORPGs


i used to play the game, was fun


No idea but the porn is good


I just fucking hate MMO games, I don't know why it just stems from my anger issues


I think a great part of the hate camefrom the fact that Genshin has a lot of characters tht look like minors, like Paimon for example. I remember there were a lot of jokes during the release about the Genshin community being composed by pedos.