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Replace "my man" with "bro" and add a skull emoji at the end and you have a youtube shorts comment


Bro taught us how to speak in yt shorts 💀


Bro is starting to understand enough that he’s observing internet etymology (what the skibidi) 💀


Bro did it himself 💀


thanks for explaining the joke


Man the starting episodes of Breaking Bad are a bit too boring I'm going to make crystal meth


that's why one-pace exists, where it cuts the unnecessary extended scenes


yeah I've heard about it. But tbh if a fan edit is a better alternative to watching the show than the show itself. You've failed as a decent show to begin with.


My guess is that Toei doesn't want to catch up to the manga, so it just drags on the anime and covers the half or 1 chapter per episode


That's not just a guess that's literally the reason for filler to exist. It's kinda smart. Same problem that early dbs suffered from.


DBS never followed the manga and was ahead until the anime stopped. They both follow a core story and then have their own paths on how to get to it.


Fair enough. I mean, I know the manga and anime are entirely different, like the way ssg and ssgss is used are better in the manga and stuff


And DBZ.


Oh yeah absolutely.


It's smart but it's also a problem to suffer from? Well which is it?


Honestly I don't mind. If it's too boring and it's an old series you can just skip it. But personally I think it's fine.


And bleach. So much filler o.0


So I've heard.


yeah that's a fair point. I guess the show has gotten a bit too popular to just take a break for a while and let the author finish the story before animating it but I heard they are doing a remake that fixes most of the pacing problems so that's good at least.


>finish the story Lol. Lmao.


The story was confirmed by the author to end in the next year or two.


Goddamn we all gotta catch up on the manga NOW, the moment the One Piece is revealed you won't be able to touch the internet without spoilers


2 1/2 years according to my random prediction 1 1/2 years ago.


I'll give it 5 tbh. There's a lot to do and it takes a while to do it properly. Not everything needs to be explained or paid off the way people expect, but the main stuff is gonna take a while regardless (Elbaph, Laugh Tale, the One Piece, the final fight with Blackbeard, the takedown of the government, the world history, Rocks, and the truth of the D., just to name the biggest stuff, but there's also characters like Weevil and Urouge who need to actually get a conclusive story)


Nobody is arguing that the one piece anime is peak fiction. The manga is peak fiction. Also the anime since like, the wano arc has genuinely looked incredible, and one piece 2 is coming soon so yeah, epic sauce cool beans


> one piece 2 two piece, perchance?


Deuce Piece, mayhaps?


That's only an issue in the anime, not the manga


I mean, they have fan-shortened cuts of a lot of big animes. Naruto and dragonball z have the same deal. They were decent shows, which is why the production company decided to stretch them out with filler to make more money. Nobody would put up will the crap if the rest of the show sucked too. 


DBZ straight up has an official one lol


Depends on the goal set


Many people prefer a slower pace. If they didn't, One Piece wouldn't be popular.


Thats actually the best argument against one piece i have seen. Im using that


It’s not a better alternative it’s just butchering someone else’s work for the manga babies. 


Nah One Pace isn’t as good as everyone says. Especially the recent releases, stuff is way too choppy. Just read the manga instead.


Isn’t there an official remake happening that cuts all the fluff


Before you guys come at me for hating without watching. I have actually sat there and watched like 600 episodes over the last year and a half. I couldn't bear the damn padding of the show anymore so i just started reading the comic and its infinitely better than the show at the pacing. They no joke just take a chapter which you can read in a few minutes and turn it into a 20 minute episode.


Good choice. If you were struggling at Punk Hazard, you would not have survived Dressrosa. After that the pacing gets somewhat decent again, but that arc is the roughest


dude i gave up watching the anime and moved on to the manga post dressrosa; seriously it has more episodes than it has chapters (same thing with wano i think)


At one point, I wanted to know how bad the pacing was in One Piece, so I decided to sit down and note how long One Piece took for each arc in both the Manga and the Anime. The results were really clear with how abhorrent the anime's pacing is. Dressrosa averaged out to 0.86 chapters per episode. Wano was even worse, at 0.78 chapters per episode. https://ibb.co/r25Jndg


I watched a decent amount of wano and the most memorable part of the Anime adaption was them turning a 3 page gag fight into an entire episode, with the majority of the fight consisting of Luffy and his opponent wobbling back and fourth for minutes on end. How the fuck did they think that was remotely watchable lol


Wano had some of the worst episodes, but also some of the best. The fights on Onigashima were insane. It has a lot of inconsistency, but when it's good it's honestly top tier. Pretty much every time we see Kaido fight there's some crazy animation going on. I'd love to see some put all of it together just to see the entire fight (even if it would probably be around an hour or so of pure fighting)


I've seen far too many episodes of the anime because it's pretty fun to watch with friends, but from what I saw of the wano adaption, at least before the onigashima raid, I actually enjoyed it a lot, especially compared to the previous arcs (I had only watched pre-timeskip though which is adapted less horribly than the rest). I liked the goofiness that the anime adds: Queen's choreographed dance number being the one I can think of off of the top of my head. It's brought down by the bad pacing, but the bad and good episodes seem to fluctuate so I could usually just skip them. I did give up at onigashima though, cause the pacing was so agonising I usually just watched the highlights and the well animated parts. I knew it was gonna be bad because the pacing was pretty slow even in the manga, but I'm still just pretty disappointed that such a cool fight is let down by a company desperate to pump out an episode every week with no breaks, instead of just giving such a good Manga the adaption it deserves. (it's really sad that the live action achieves that better than the Anime)


Well, hopefully Wit's upcoming adaptation will be well paced as well as animated


Wano is more of an enjoyable watch pacing wise imo. Currently on Part 3 of it and I’m having a blast with every episode. Part 1 and 2 were a bit slower but it was building up characters and backstories. However, never once while watching did I ever get bored. Even with Oden’s backstory which I assumed was just going to be a snooze fest, I was glued to my seat the whole time.


I skipped 12 episodes that were consecutive and I knew exactly what was going on in the story


My ass made it all the way to wci and then ran out of dubbed episodes so I said if I'm gonna have to sit there and read one piece anyways I'm gonna read the damn manga


i was like you with the Wano saga the anime made the castle feel like it was infinite but the manga does better to feel like an actual castle of Kaido


You're completely wrong. They take a chapter you can read in 2 mins and turn it into 2 episodes. Not 1. Get your facts straight please.


>so i just started reading the comic For some reason it always cracks me up whenever someone refers to anime & manga as "cartoons & comics", I know it's technically accurate, but it just *feels* wrong.


I remember people were on MatPat's ass one time when he called manga "comics"


Yeah I don’t blame you. I drop the anime when I was still watching animes. The pacing is fucking terrible, it’s not just one or two arcs. Animation is doing a little better now, but for a long while it was also bad.


The dressora arc legit has more anime episodes than manga chapters lmao


That's almost exactly where I switched too. Right around the end of punk hazard, so the first thing I saw in the manga was doflamingo getting frozen.


Yeah I just suggest that everyone I know reads up to the Kaido fight and then watches from there. It gets better but that first section is pretty brutal.


I def recommend reading up to start of wano then start watching there’s still a lot of padding but the pay off is worth it in my opinion


If you really can’t handle the padding read up to where episode 1015 is


It gets good at episode 700, I promise /s


Dragonball has the same issue, I'm watching the anime but I throw a look at the manga as I go on, and they stretch the chapters so fucking much, and also add a lot of filler scenes that are nowhere to be seen in the manga. I'm thinking of switching to the manga entirely but at least Dragonball isn't that long and I haven't much episodes left anyway.


It’s more tolerable when you watch it late at night before you go to bed. Put on like a couple boring episodes you really didn’t want to sit through to get to the good shit and it is more effective than Tylenol.


What a brave statement a million people have said for twenty years.


I watched like 700 episodes over the course of a year and a half(during quarantine) and I dropped that shit >!right after fishman island after watching Luffy punch a fucking boat for 15 episodes(or that’s what it felt like at least) while listening to the backstory of a bunch of dead characters and how they’re the reason that fish men hate humans(though it doesn’t make as much sense considering other stuff we see)!< and I’ve tried getting back into it a few times with no luck. Hell, I got back into bleach despite not being able to connect to anyone from Soul Society and the horrible fillers(I didn’t know what fillers were at the time)


Honestly might do that until I get to episodes that have better animation lol


Too bad the manga now is too struggling with pacing


There's r/piratefolk users so it's save to hate One Piece


Pirate folk users are deranged. Not in a fun lobotomy kaisen way either. The stalk a singer they like and kill them kind of deranged.


Most animefolk subs arę toxic cesspools tbh, to the pointy that you wonder why do they still read the manga if they came to hate it so much


Chainsawfolk used to be funny but every break week it gets slightly worse and more hateful of the source material it's meant to be a fan group of.


Yep, that's the reason why I left that sub - sure, the manga isn't flawless, but every chapter they act like the author killed their dog.


The anime is so great I don’t want to start the manga and spoil it. Same for JJK. On the opposite side solo leveling worldbuilding is so fun but trash that I just hope the anime fixes the godawful plot.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piratefolk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Oda beat the Lolicon allegations.](https://i.redd.it/kajn31fp959b1.jpg) | [547 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/14mycme/oda_beat_the_lolicon_allegations/) \#2: [Marvel presents One Piece](https://i.redd.it/8dgxruy2ut6b1.jpg) | [213 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/14cslpb/marvel_presents_one_piece/) \#3: [THE FOUR EMPERORS 🔥 credit: eric_terlato](https://v.redd.it/5u1iydn1s1ab1) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/14qwfou/the_four_emperors_credit_eric_terlato/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Seriously, I quit the anime after 100 episodes and just read the manga instead. It's infinitely better.


I’d miss all the music and laughter.


I get the music after 400 episodes


Pre time skip is tolerable but good lord everything after that is horrendous. Obligatory manga recommendation, the pacing is so much better, the art is consistent unlike the animation, the fanservice isn’t as bad as the anime (still present of course), and the violence isn’t censored.


Going straight into Fish Man Island post time skip was honestly whiplash not only due to the shit pacing, but mostly because literally nothing happens during the arc. The most that goes on is the Straw Hats finding out what one of the 3 ancient weapons is and reading a Poneglyph. And maybe Jimbei getting some more depth which isn’t really alot. The villains are so unmemorable that I forgot Hordy and Davy Jones were even characters until 10 seconds ago. Had to actually force myself to watch it because I knew good shit was coming afterwards and some of the lore drops were important enough to be small callbacks in future arcs


The amount of episodes is why I couldn't get into One Piece. I don't have time for all that!


*One Pace walks in*


one pace isn’t really a solution for people who don’t watch on PC or phone though. Kinda like when people say “just use an adblock for youtube” like brother you are assuming im using youtube on desktop in the first place. nobody I know watches anime from a computer. they all watch via a streaming service


Unless you are literally dying, you have time for everything lol


Being unemployed has it's perks but I've got bills to pay


You don't need to bingewatch everything lmao


You don't think there's other things I like to do when I have time to do something? I ain't dedicating my life to watching every episode of no pace 💀


you could say the same about anything tbh


Yeah and it's always a valid point that you've got limited time on earth so you don't want to waste it watching filler episodes.


who's talking about filler episodes lmao just skip them


Dog I’m not doing research on a show to see which episodes aren’t dog shit, I’m just going to watch something with no filler


this thread is childish, jeez


watch one pace if it's one piece or read manga if you want the best quality possible in terms of artstyle, pacing and scenes


I understand my comment below getting downvoted for some reason but this is unpopular? wtf are y'all smoking? I was literally telling the truth, what that person said can be applied to anything, that doesn't make a show less worth watching


Non-bingeing One Piece would probably take me 4 years


Take your time


Nah, he should go watch an anime that has good pacing, good animation, and an ending. Fuck One Piece.


Or he should watch one piece because it's the best story ever and there's more to entertainment than le pacing


Nah, fuck One Piece. He should go watch a better paced anime.




>me when I make a single anime my entire personality “Bro just read it bro it’s peak bro bro please please please watch one piece bro you have to do it bro you need to watch this anime bro it’s so good bro I swear it’s amazing bro” Jfc I work in a comic book shop and one piece solos are the worst, second only to jjk solos. One piece is the Friends of anime




No responsibilies☝️


all 1000 episodes of one piece take a whole month to watch in one sitting without breaks


Two pieces when?


Two piece chicken nuggets


I would complain to you but i have read 731 chapters in a month so i would be a hypocrite


Inb4 someone randomly brings up attention span


100 years of Bellamy bouncing to charge up his final attack in dressrosa! Bellamy forever!


As a one piece fan, I don't blame you at all. I just read the manga and watch the anime for the fights/animation.


You skip that garbage and read the manga instead


im currently on 300 episodes. I hope the new adaptation from wit studio helps the people who cant be bothered (fr i cant blame them) to love one piece.


And then there’s people saying “oh one piece doesn’t need a remake it’s already good” up to Part 6 which has been animated, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure has 752 chapters and 190 episodes. The latest One Piece chapter to be animated is chapter 1075, this is episode 1107. I love one piece but this is horrendous and I’m glad the remake is coming


Thank goodness. The anime is gorgeous recently but truly painful to watch. I love Oda but even the manga has pacing issues. A good editor could truly make it great.


"How do people watch 1000 episodes" for most it's Stockholm syndrome. After you watched like 500 episodes you go like "at this po8nt I am too far gone to quit"


Gambling for weebs


Drrrr aw dangit!


Chck chk cht errr Aw Dangit


Sunk cost fallacy for anime fans


Post time skip is stockholm syndrome yes.


One piece fans are so brainwashed into liking the bad pacing, that when they saw the live action they thought it was moving too fast.


What did they skip in live action?


No, the pacing is normal so they got to Arlong in the first season.


Meh, everything before the grand line is pretty uneventful anyway. With the exception of Mihawk showing up out of nowhere and just obliterating Zoro for no reason. The first real satisfying storyline we get is Alabasta.


Yes those events that had character development for everyone, booooring!


That’s why I only read the manga. Dressrosa and wano was long enough. I don’t need to add Toei’s shit pacing on top of it.


Read the manga first until the end of the Kaido fight in Wano. Just started the anime recently and I'm up to 144 which is the start of Skypiea. I knew it was long, but I never heard the pacing complaints or anything since I went into the anime review blind. I'll still keep up with it, but I am not looking forward to parts of Thriller Bark or Dressrosa which were two areas I remember dragging for me in the manga.


good luck making it through dressrosa


Thriller bark was the worst fucking arc ever except for the very end of it


There is a remake of the anime in the works by a different studio which hopefully removes unnecessary filler. We'll have to see when it releases.


Me in my little corner enjoying the anime in peace


I'm with you


It ebbs and flows. Always funny seeing a filler episode that looks like 3 people total drew it in an hour. And then next week there's a fight and it looks like 100 people drew it over a month.


It’s crazy how JoJo can be longer than One Piece and still feel kind of short


It's a bit disappointing that One Pace has to exist, the show couldn't properly pace scenes by itself?


The manga is better honestly


the manga>>>>>>


Simple. I read it.


I never felt any pacing issues until it was specifically pointed out to me in a video by GLR. (I started op 9 years ago and watched the video only 4 years ago).


When an anime is threatening to overtake the manga, you have three choices 1) Anime grinds to halt or a crawl so as the keep the same pace as the manga/let it get far enough ahead again 2) Anime adds in non-canon filler episodes/arcs. In some instances they may even branch into their own story separate from the manga or may create plot-holes/inconsistencies with later canon 3) Anime adds padding, either adapting/expanding canon side stories, expanding on the greater lore of the series, or drawing out scenes for far longer than they need to be. One Piece originally started out with 2 and gradually transitioned to 3 until just short of episode 800 phasing out 2 entirely.


Dressrosa was honestly when the filler and pacing was at its worst. Been starting at episode 1 snd watching every episode since last year and no arc made me want to skip it more than Dressrosa. There would be some good episodes here and there but then 2 characters would fight and it would take 8 episodes.


Skipping the first half when they yap about what happened in the past episodes. Also, naturally, not waiting for the new episodes. Why do people even watch any ongoings…


Anyone who watches One Piece hates themselves, I'm sorry. Just read the manga


Most of the time the anime DO have it's memorable moments moments. But yeah, the pacing does suck ass especially during the first half of the timeskip


I don’t. I started going completely fucking insane after 100 episodes and began reading the manga instead and holy shit it’s so much better


Same with Tokyo ghoul, literally just read the manga.


I just swapped to the manga after Marineford because I realised that they stretched two fucking chapters into 11 episodes.




I got through it really really easily with a 10 second skip button and it was only bad in two or 3 spots.


That's why I read the manga


this post is edging me


Same for Naruto when I tried to watch it goddamn.


That's why A lot of people don't watch... They read.


If you can't bear the length, there's One Pace, or you can read the Manga which has a MUCH BETTER pacing


infantilism hurtcore hentai inspiration


This is what it feels like the first time you realize there are an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1.


This is why I can’t wait for the remake Like damn, I can’t suggest the show to anyone, hell I don’t even feel like watching it subbed because that means I have to sit there, staring at the screen all through these slow ass moments.


There is a lot of subtext that only the Japanese fans would appreciate ..


When I was watching mha 13 months ago, it felt like a fucking chore having to watch 1-2 episodes everyday in my free time after rearranging my schedule (I stopped watching and left the season off where >!one character was introduced with a wind quirk that rivals with todoroki!<)


one piece would be so much better if it was animated by anyone other than toei




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It's fucking horrible 


Just read the manga if you don’t like the show’s pacing.


doesn't One Pace exist? also you can read the manga and go for the anime when stuff is actually really good


‼️One Piss breaking bad refrence⁉️ https://preview.redd.it/nkrxoyu8y49d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d098d41d1c2ded7e63abd03be3a712a24d18e54


No clue it's such a shit anime. But hey people like what they like.


Read the manga lmao, watching it is miserable


In retrospect, I enjoyed it, but man in the moment it sucks sometimes (looking at you dressrosa)


We only watch the anime for fight scenes. We read the MAGA for the story.


I've decided not to watch it. Black Clover taught me there's nothing I hate more than a show that willfully wastes my time.


Everyone talks about how bad OP’s pacing is but then I saw this and I was floored on how badly you could fuck up https://preview.redd.it/l0zdh9e5859d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccbbd364bb40c3b5e396df274d446ac4f95eaeed


I have read the manga about 4 times while waiting for new chapters because I just fucking love it that much, however holy fuck the anime is difficult to watch, it is SUCH a struggle. I could read that manga THREE times in the time it takes to watch the anime ONCE. It's the only reason I understand when people don't want to get into one piece, because I also understand not everyone has as much time as me to read.


I will say as someone who started watching the anime in 2020 during the pandemic, who is now in the 800s in the Manga, I stand by the belief that the One Piece anime is one of the worst adaptations ever seen due to how badly it butchers the pacing of the story. A single panel getting stretched out to a 5 minute gag? What if I boil myself alive instead (I am also not speaking for the more recent arcs of Wano and Egghead Island but the animation there at least looks CRAZY)


The sane people switch to the manga.


By the time enies lobby ended the anime was a solid 100 episodes behind with like 300 episodes to the manga's 400 chapters, and to compensate to not go past the current chapter, they just kept making each saga 10-30 episodes more than the chapter count. In hindsight, they should've done more filler arcs I guess.


Read the manga


I read the manga and only watch fight scenes and stuff in anime




I watched to many times wanting to see the truck hit


Real af. I read the manga instead. It's a million times better.


Manga >>>


[try one pace](http://Onepace.net)


I love one piece but even the manga is starting to piss me off at this point when Oda starts treating his reveals like this, especially now. Like damn bro, we're supposed to be in the last arc rn, either people are already invested or not, just drop that shit.


I watched all episodes 3 times, and the animation is never that bad. It IS slower than the manga, but what isn't? It usually adapts 1-2 chapters an episode, and considering how many things usually happen within one chapter, that's enough for 15 minutes of animation.


And the over the top goofy ass villains One Piece is way over rated


Sometimes the charm is all you need.