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The thought process of looking at media and thinking “yeah that was pretty good” to then see everyone else shitting on it and think “yeah maybe it wasn’t that good” happens way more often than I’d like to admit


sometimes I hold on to the opinion of me enjoying a movie that everyone else hates, like cars 2


I don't think Cars 2 was bad, it's just a different type of movie, more action than depth. Not typical Pixar


I like Cars 2 because I had the dogshit DS game about it


I love the halo show


I disagree heavily, but if you enjoy it, then keep enjoying it


>> (Death threat here, full name and address if possible) <<


Cars 3 is obviously the worst one


Fuck you, Cars 3 is a cinematic masterpiece.


Cars 4 is where it's at


nah man maters tall tales is fire tho


tales of radiator springs 🔥


Didn't enjoy it


It is, but its still the worst in the series


(reads the rest of the comments) Yea totally, worst one


Cars series as a whole is ultimate shit, definitively the worst pixar series by a large margin, but the least worst is the first movie


>Cars series as a whole is ultimate shit, definitively the worst pixar series by a large margin, but the least worst is the first movie 🤓


It’s the weird late 90s update of Great Expectations for me. I know everyone hates/forgot it but godamn do I love that shit.


Cars 2 was the least boring imo I assume the hate is because of "They changed it, now it SUCKS!"


Truly, a Collective Consciousness (Maniac Agenda Mix) moment.


Personally I rarely find a movie or show bad. This happens to me way too often


I stopped playing Far Cry 6 for 4 months because strangers online said it was bad. Eventually I got back into it and loved it. Just wish random peoples opinions didn’t affect my choices so much


I think that happens because of the dopamine in our system, an example would be the second doctor strange movie for me, first time I watched it I loved it then looking at the reviews saying it’s bad didn’t entirely make me change my opinion on the movie but it was when I watched it a second time knowing what the movies flaws were that made me realize that the movie had some bad writing.


It's time to differentiate between good and fun/cool/whatever you call it You might call a movie good because it uses the movie-format well, OR you might call it fun/cool/whatever because the story was thrilling If the story is good and fun it doesn't necessarily make the cinematography good; you might as well have read or heard it and enjoyed it just as much unrelated to the media That's my take on good and bad The movie "come and see" uses the audio-aspect terrifyingly well by adding a constant ringing and muffled filter to effectively ensnare the audience in the setting - the audience gets to experience bomb shells and its consequences - the media and its implementation is affecting them. Whereas some might call it a bad movie because its effects are "old" or because its not some cheesy super hero action packed movie (Whereas they might just mean to say its simply not a "fun" movie)


Happened to me with The Last Jedi. Had so much fun with it in theaters but when I read the fan reviews I started questioning everything. That’s why I don’t read even spoiler-free reviews anymore, others’ opinions easily influence you.


"*I judge a movie, based on whether or not I'm miserable while watching it.*" -Mike Stoklosa


Me when Jurassic World


Absolutely the new Jurassic world movie is awesome, >!but I wished that they focused more on the bugs, and asexually reproducing humans.!<


I just wished that they'd at least mention the Spinosaurus tbh. Camp Cretaceous season 5 totally made up for it tho.


They're being chicken about it Spino is damned to stayed in spinoff series and games ever since that damn rex got killed.


Fr. I really enjoyed the Jurassic World movies but people just tell me not to


I loved fallen kingdom but was super disappointed with the new one because they had a prime opportunity to make it a disaster/apocalypse movie about the effect of wild dinosaurs on the world, but then they ended up with the weird bug plot


True, but I like how it crossed the Jurassic Park movies and Jurassic World movies together


yeah i find that the JW movies followed a similar format to the star wars sequels First one? Good, but thats cause they share a lot of traits with the original film Second one? Kinda bad? I guess thats all i can say Third one? Feels over the top and kinda cringe, misused potential, disappointing grand finale, etc


Thought the new one was really fun tbh


I liked it but I can’t help but feel the series went from a complex philosophical debate of the intricacies of playing god and it’s consequences to just another turn your brain off action blockbuster.


Me when morb


Average marvel fan


Every time a new marvel show comes out I see people talking about how “it’s the best one yet” and how “the story will have an affect on the other movies” yet like a month later every starts talking about how shit it is.


Thor Love and Thunder is the hottest piles of shit ever existed in cinema.


Agreed It so unfunny it hurts


Me when Stranger Things


Stranger Sex




Me but subreddits


Mrw I'm listening to my music while mommy okbuddychicanery and daddy Schaffrilas are fighting


Then Shaffrilas responded to "his favorite subreddit finally noticing him" on twitter, twitter post got posted on okbuddychicanery, now most people aren’t hating for no reason (emphasis on "most") We truly live in a society


Shaffrila rn


Me basing my entire opinion of the latest Disney movie/series to come out on Shaffrila new video about how it’s underwhelming (has happened more than once)


schaffrillas productions my beloved ❤️


Honestly I just don’t watch his videos on stuff that I enjoy if he doesn’t like it, still love him though


Moon Knight moment. I liked the show but upon hearing what Moon Knight fans wanted I can’t help but feel like they got a bit shafted.


Started of strong, peaked about halfway and then became a rushed mess in the last two episodes. Definitely needed one or two more episodes


You literally described every Disney+ Marvel show.


>I liked the show >I can’t help but feel like [fans of the comic] got a bit shafted. Those are not mutually exclusive though.


I feel like moon knight is one of the better Disney+ shows, but I completely agree about the second part of your comment. After watching gozillamendoza's video about it and learning more about moon knight as a character, they really did the bare minimum.


I watched the exact same video. I’ve been a longtime subscriber of his actually! I get that they were going for a more “palatable” moon knight but it just feels like they didn’t push the ideas far enough, like they held back. I still enjoyed the show and would love to see Moon Knight return but who knows


I watched Morbius, it wasn't that bad


Morbers are one of the most oppressed groups in America.


So sad 😞 rise up morbheads 😤✊


Of course, it's one of the movies of all time!


People hate Morbius?


Fuck I guess I like Morbius now. Thank you for the opinion.


I thought that was the whole origin of the meme. The movie is so aggressively mediocre and forgettable, but not bad enough to actually be called a shit movie.


kenobi was good imo


People who loved the Star Wars sequels deciding they don’t anymore because two video essayists on YouTube said they can’t like it for reasons they made up on the spot


Somehow, the sequels were good.


I agree as well, shallow and pedantic.


Me living my life knowing I was the only person in the world to enjoy Thor: Love and Thunder


Critical Drinker moment


Nah I watch his reviews to make sure that my opinion is the exact opposite of his


If that's the case you're the only person I've seen who likes Netflix's Resident Evil


If something is so bad that it gets me to agree with him, then it's terrible. And RE is terrible tbf


nerdrotic and hitop films lol


I actually liked Skyler from Breaking Bad. Hated her at first especially when she cheated, but i realized how realistic she is, she felt like an actual person reacting to all the bullshit happening around her. Marie is the real bitch.


Hahahahaha yeah, Stranger Things is pretty bad hahahaha I'm right or I'm right guys hahahahagaa


Dr Strange 2 was pretty solid


me omw to trust someone else's thoughts on a movie more than my own (I have immense self doubt and am easily persuaded)


Anthony Fantano


When people like stuff I often think it's shit and they're arguments are dogshit.


Same here, I sometimes wonder if I just have horrible taste.


so called free thinkers


The so called “free thinkers”


Me when Star Wars episode 9


That's very in character for bateman


darksouls, minecraft and espetially teamfortress 2 are overrated.


Sao is goated


I disagree (i haven't watched a single episode of sao)


I also disagree (I have watched 2 seasons of sao)


For me it’s like, objectively sure, it’s not that great, the writing could be better, but goddammit is it a fucking blast to watch. I will die on this hill, but it is genuinely one of my favorite shows to watch.


I have a burning hatred for sao more than any form of media but I respect your opinion


The first arc of season 1 and the last few parts of the next arc were good. The slice-of-life aspects and the episodes where Kirito and Asuna were playing house were a bore to watch; SAO also had an op and bland MC. Personally think log horizon did a better take on being trapped in an MMO videogame story-wise


.hack sign is where it's at


I disagree but it’s def not as bad as people say it is


Until you watch the abridged version.


Me with genshin


Sometimes I feel like the only person that enjoys a lot of the shows and movies that get torn apart by a rabid fanbase. Obviously there’s some that are bad like Jared Leto SoundCloud rapper Joker..


Worst Joker but unironically healthiest Harley and Joker relationship.


Can't wait for this to happen to Attack on Titan


Free thinkers, smh my head


My mental problems make me not even have an opinion on many things before I've heard someone else's opinion on said thing.




more like literally anything


I love cars 2


It’s a good movie and I’ve always stood by it Mater was always the best character anyways and it was nice making him basically the main character of Cars 2


cars 2 was brilliant, it even had a your mother joke https://youtu.be/1TrSKIeR2Ws


Awful opinion you have there. would be a shame if I were to copy it.


(Your hot take is now a freezer level take)


Got season 8 😶


I liked everything except Daenerys going out of character tbh, they literally couldn’t have done a better job with the Hound in his final battle that was awesome


literally me, I'm stupid at having a really thought out opinion about a show/movie I just watched and if it's not a really bad movie like Lightyear then I'd just say it's really good until some critics on the internet start to point out the flaws that I have never noticed


Me: Parasite wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. Everyone else’s review on the movie: Most interesting and in-depth movie ever, if you don’t like it you don’t understand the message!! Me:… eh


Me but with music


I liked it when thanos tossed er off ze cliff. She fell funny.


I look at twitter (Twitter screenshots on other sites, I dont use twitter) if there are alarming number of inhumanly cringe fanart and unfunny stan memes, I start to hate the show


Me with High Guardian Spice 💀


Yeah I'm really bad with this lol. Half the time when I see another opinion my original opinion just fr vanishes.


Godzilla 1998. Although I REALLY didn't like the fact that he just died from a few missiles, I still enjoyed the movie.


I don’t think the end of Darling in the FRANXX was as bad as everyone says it is, and the rest was an absolute masterpiece.


Only reason that show is remembered is because of people being horny over zero two


Literally 1984: Famous person I've known for decades mysteriously disappears. Ingsoc says they never existed in the first place. Oh well, I'll just change my memories to fit the narrative. Likes a show. Goes on Twitter to see everyone boycotting it. Oh well, I'll just change my opinion to fit the narrative.


me who loves all the saw movies with all of my heart:


I stopped watching breaking bad at season 4. It just got too hard to keep watching, especially with Skyler being such a bitch while having too many scenes. It goes on like that in season 5 as well apparently (although I only heard that from my friend). It was too hard to continue through it and I already knew the plot from all the spoilers in memes and stuff so I just gave up on it. Now Better Call Saul, that’s something I can’t get enough of. It is perfectly made and I had no trouble watching it at all.


same thing happens when an author decides to give that one character everyone hates a redemption


Netflix Resident Evil


people with games when dunkey uploads a review on it


relatable. i watched a video that highlighted a lot of the flaws of the demon slayer series, manga and all, and from then i started thinking that some things like the pacing is kind of off.


The last jedi is the 3rd best star wars movie


"Yeah I just watched Loki now and I really liked it- yeah nevermind it sucks lol"


Eh I just learned to stop giving a shit eventually. Let them mald, I’ll have fun.


Me when Thor Love and Thunder