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I’d say because a healthy amount of good people are born out of being wronged and doing their best to ensure no one has to deal with what they dealt with. They feel worthless because others treated them as such and are good people to ensure others dont feel that way.


Mhm, you can learn best from bad experiences. Even if it leaves some terrible habits at times


Treating other people well takes a certain amount of self-awareness, which makes them more aware of their own shortcomings. Whereas a jerk can just plow through life without reflecting on themselves.


Also they always feel like if they make the wrong move, they’ll be left behind.


And despite all the right moves they are most often left behind by those seeking new experiences, Often picked, never kept


I always have the utmost respect for people who manage to break the cycle of abuse they've been raised into. I can't imagine how difficult that is, but plenty of brave souls do it


Starts playing Duckworth by Kendrick Lamar


Bro are you in my house or something lol- That's exactly me-


The best people I know were dealt a 2 of diamonds and 7 of hearts. Congenital disease, abusive parents or school life, etc. They're all golden in my eyes, I just wish them the best in overcoming their trials.


The old 2/7 mixed suit, it makes you a monster or missionary far as I can tell.


Because society isn’t good to good people


Depression hits hard.


I literally had cancer (sarcoma) and had to go through chemo and the like. Depression is way worse than what I went thru. I either got lucky with my cancer treatment or unlucky with my depression.


As someone who doesn’t believe the people saying this about me (At least fully), sometimes it’s also because we know of our own worst parts. Others pointed out other factors, but knowing you’re capable of doing great harm, or knowing how badly you can mess things up can be bring you down hard. Sure, like you showed in the meme, that’s what many might see from the outside, but the person in question knows the other side too (Because let’s be honest, everyone has done something awful and can do it again, it’s just how we reflected on this that affects if we avoid repeating it or not) Or maybe I’m unintentionally coming off edgy. Seems to happen whenever I’m trying to paint myself negatively


I think there’s something to what you’re saying. Those anxieties can also be compounded by external factors. Demons can become harder to control, and phantoms become more real.


> Because let’s be honest, everyone has done something awful and can do it again And it doesn't need to be something super-duper bad. Even small infractions can cause some brains to hyper-fixate on the small bad things.


I was thinking the same thing. I do my best, but I intimately know all the worst parts of myself.


I gently opened the door. That's why.


Fuck you, random redditor




Oh god i hate how i know this


I don't. Would you mind explaining?


it's a scene in full metal alchemist . as far as I remember , in one episode there was a father and his daughter , they also have a dog . the dad is a researcher of sorts and he >!transmutates his daughter and the dog together which made the dog semi sentient , while she could only barely say words and one of those words that she said to the mc is the famous line "......ed.....ward?"!<


Full Metal Alchemist, if I'm guessing right. In particular, the chimaera scene. (It's been a while since I've watched, so I can't give you a better description than that at the moment.


Lmao the irony hahaha I aspire to be like her Dead


Do you want to talk?


The best of us had the worst lives. Keep that in mind


Being a person with a kind heart, took nearly 15 years to finally find people who truly care for me and I don’t know how to feel about it. Maybe this is the happiness everyone always talked about


Accept it, you deserve it!


Doki doki literature club is a punch in the guts, but it's a game worth playing, and handles mental health well


a little bit of MONICA by my side 🎶


A little bit of Monika’s all I need


I remember a scene in DDLC Plus that was the most realistic panic attack and helping friend I have ever seen. A lot of literature just shows the breakdown, it was nice to see the recovery techniques.


I haven't played plus but my SO did, and I think that is the only scene I watched them play. IIRC it happens >!in the gym!!Sayori and Yuri!


or just makes them delve farther into depression with thoughts of unaliving their self. There is a content warning at the beginning for a reason.


I know people who have suicidal thought and depression, and for them DDLC was helpful in elaborating those thoughts. I don't know people whose suicidal tendencies got worse by playing this game, but I can not exclude it, I think your observation is fair


The best two reasons why: 1. Someone could be treated wrong (harshly) and wasn't given any compliments to make them think they are worthless. 2. They know what it's like to feel worthless so they try to make everyone else's day better. Whenever they say something like that, it's best to stay with them because they might be going thru something.


makes me feel warm inside think I this might be true but then look in the mirror and say nope lol


They're the best because they're convinced that they're worthless. It necessitates in them a need to be better and, they do. But that feeling of worthlessness never goes away.


As someone who felt this way, I can say it is a good factor of things. I feel worthless because I usually compare myself to other people. My friends all have had jobs at the age of 14, but I still do not have a job at the age of 16. My younger and older siblings have a friend group they interact with in their everyday life, but I only see my friends at school. My moms have to break their backs to care for us, and I feel like a burden. I have a youtube channel that I used to not believe in (but now I have reached 100 subs, so that's something). My living space I take up is a small corner of a room. I tried to go through therapy, but I felt bad for my therapist for needing to listen to me. Middle schoolers are having boyfriends and girlfriends, but I sing my cries to my Hello Kitty posters and my large pile of blankets (the latter is more common, about 99%). I still suffer with these thoughts, and I am working on it. It is just being very difficult. I don't even remember what happy felt like.


Because a lot of people with no sense of self worth think they need to be constantly, excessively selfless to justify their own existence. Trauma will do that to a person. I know someone like that, myself. I hope I can help her through it.


I’ve recently had this realisation, that most of my bad thoughts come from my parents, because I was never good enough, I was lazy, ungrateful and so on. And it’s so weird to hear at both first and side jobs, how good I am, how they value my experience, motivation, willingness to learn new stuff. One colleague was shocked to hear, about me being antisocial, because I don’t seem to be that way around colleagues and clients. The contrast in feedback from colleagues/supervisors and dad/brother drives me to despair


Sometimes they're the kind of people that get treated the worse


The only way to stay sane in a world this crazy is to become more insane than everyone else


Because the worthless ones try their best to give themselves worth then when they see someone with more worth they feel worthless again continuing to strive for more and more in a toxic relationship cycle, yup definitely not me


...Literally them (God I hate myself for that joke)


For me it's probably because I'm treated like I'm worthless by those around me so much that I've started to believe it and I don't want others to feel as worthless as I do


They're depressed... Help them...


Could've been told so to the point they began to believe it Have not been shown much love to the point they believe they do not deserve it also one of the options is they hold themselves accountable for various things which slowly adds to their lack of self worth, gradually conditioning them to believe they are just the worst Or another alternative is they have been shown way too often that love was simply transactional, and that they do not have enough/any value to recieve it.


Always loved hanging around with them


What voices do you listen to? Does not matter how good or bad the person is. Heck, we are all bad on a large enough scale. Life is all about learning who to listen to and who not to. Sadly, the voices in our heads can often be one of the ones NOT to listen to.


My bestfriend in a nutshell


Sure ain't the case for me. I wholeheartedly suck at, well, right 'bout everything




Because they don’t know I exist. I hold the title. I even have a trophy for it


A lot of times people don't look back on their past actions and have a realization they've done a lot or even more than what people have asked of them. A part of that is because they try to stay humble and don't think they've done much. They'll sooner see it if they get a chance to talk to others about their life.


Taught at a early age that "Humble = good" & "good = always" or in some cases learned the hard way on how to be humble. Then their's the outliers that act humble just to farm good karma(Manipulative tactics) TL;DR: People act or are humble because, Yes.


The image is fitting because people with that pattern of thinking are at higher risk of suicide


Sometimes it's rooted in humility, like mine is. Objectively speaking of course. Subjectively my mind says I have no redeeming traits.


Because we live in a society where the 'best' people get quickly replaced with people who can do better. Never competition paired with society's obsession with the 'best', basically.


Society... 💀


They have suffered


Its called being humble


Literally me and also not me


Me too




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Because they hide what on the inside by showing what people want to see on the outside


I refuse to fall back into the "everyone despises me" pit


How else would anime feed their audience their fantasy?




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Cus of things they don’t reveal, usually. And maybe impostor syndrome.


Doki Doki!


No matter what you do, it will never be enough but im not claiming to be the best but even if it wont be enough at least i made someone day better.


Well then riddle me this. ( )


I also think that most nice people tend to re-evaluate themselves almost constantly.


Depends, are they love and peace angels or massacre and righteousness angels?


Damn how you guessed I'm suicidal as her?


Wholesome Sayor :3


So good people who think they are worthless are wearing short skirts? I don't get it... Just kidding. Actually there is a lot of self worth talk lately. What I really think is that we are getting lonelier and have to come up with "I am worthless" dogmas about ourselves. But worthless as opposed to what or who?


Being good doesn't amount to anything in society though I am a decent human being I am living garbage imo


Lowest trust because of high amounts of manipulation and betrayal of intentions


جون چه بدنی. رو دامنت کراشم. شبی چن #


Good question, probably has something to do with that ugly ass guy that watches me brush my teeth


Confirmation bias


Because if you're kind you're neither braindead or faced too much shit before or facing it rn.


so much of the time it's because they were treated that way, and they couldn't find the reason for it or come to the natural conclusion that THAT many people were Just Dicks For No Reason, so they conclude that THEY must be the problem. sadly, a lot of absolute sunrays in the world are just naive and forgiving enough that they let really shit people stay in their lives or accept treatment they don't deserve because "maybe they're just having a bad day" "maybe they just don't know how hurtful that is" "maybe i really did mess up". and trust me, once you've been beaten down that way, it takes a LOT of work getting yourself to *neutral,* let alone self-positive.




Me personally I am an amazing lovely person and I know it.


It's hard to see the splendor of the stars if your own light outshines them.


Cause they find its easy to cater to others people needs above their own feelings. When they can't give that. It's like what worth is there at that point? Nobody needs me anymore so I am now worthless.


In the case seen above, it's Depression. And Monika. The fault lies with Monika, all of it!


How people are and how people perceive themselves varies wildly in all directions.


I give others the acceptance and love which I don't feel for myself. In a rather selfish fashion, I hope some of it rubs off on my own psyche I guess.


"Selfish" There's that word again...


Reality is a cruel and harsh, better to live in it than a fantasy.