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Hey i commented that mental health is important


I had no idea people could care about men's mental health. I wish I grew up with people who cared about my mental health.


Hope it's not too late but I do care about your mental health! Hope everything is going well for you, and if not, hope you can find your way through it soon.


If it helps, I care about your mental health. I’ve been in a dark place once or twice myself. Sometimes it takes a journey there to understand how others feel. Stay positive my friend - life does get better


May want to check out r/menslib. They have a mental health check in every Tuesday. Great community.




They don’t, that’s why this month is news to all of us.


You sir, are a good person


More karma for you!


I feel like it should have been advertised a bit more maybe? Anyhow, there really should just in general be more effort to have resources advertised for mental health year round


The reason its not that well know is because of pride month taking center stage. I have nothing against it but i wish it was on a different month.


I just want a parade where each float is a different mental issue. "Here comes the ADHD float, oh no, it got distracted and turn down a side road." "Whats this, it looks like the bipolars are alternating between forward and reverse." "The depressives have a beautitul float this year, someone should have mentioned they cant just build walls around themselves and hide. Ah what the hell, its a celebration." Fin


It can also go hand in hand though, pride month and men's mental health. And don't get me wrong, I kind of see what you mean but I prefer seeing it as like simply a way to get it to be talked about more : "Hey it's pride month and men's mental health month" versus "hey it's June already".


The reason it’s not well known is because men don’t advertise their month like gay people do, or like black people do, or like women do. No one’s gonna stand up for ur rights, you gotta build community and do it urself y’know


This exactly, it takes putting in the work to draw more attention to the issue and allies will join in, but things are just magically done for you.


It doesn’t help that the people putting down mens mental health are people both inside and outside the community. This isn’t to say LGBTQ people haven’t gone through shit to gain recognition, but it is incredibly naive to pretend the issue is similar and can be “solved” by similar methods.


You would get lynched for trying to push mens mental health during pride.


Yeah that's easier said than done. Whenever men actively do this they are only met with a roar of hate thrown at them, so " building a community and doing it yourself" becomes impossible and only makes the mental health issues worse. Edit: thank you for proving me right.


Well, do you think lgbtq+ people, women, and black people aren't met with roars of hate thrown at them? They are and have been. But they've been fighting for their rights, to be recognized and to be treated right, and still are fighting for it. In the past it's always been "easier said than done" for those groups, too. But they're still fighting. You can do it, you just can't stop whenever you (sadly and wrongfully) get met with hate. Also, it's probably easier now than ever.


These days no, not the same extent. LGBT and black issues are not dismissed and mocked so flippantly as general male issues.


lgbtq+ and black people are still the victim of hatecrimes and are even killed. There are still places where being lgbtq+ is illegal. Many people will still go out of their way to be hateful/disrespectful to these groups. Also, it looks like it's about to get even harder for these groups in the U.S. (just mentioning the U.S. too).


No one said to stop fighting. But it would have been wrong in the past to do that to black people. It’s wrong now. And yet you’re defending the people who are doing it, and dogpiling on him. There is so much clueless proving of the point happening in this thread.


All the people shiting on you contributing to the problem they support the communities they are listing through. The irony.


The irony Do you think LGBTQ haven’t had a wall of hate thrown at them. Pride parades started after the stonewall riots in which they were brutally beaten by police. LGBTQ are beaten and killed every year. And now the Christo Fascists are trying to criminalize them. And you have the audacity to act like men are the ones being persecuted? GTFO.


And it was wrong to do that. It’s not happening today, and that’s a good thing. Past injustices are not an excuse.


>“No ones gonna stand up for your rights, you gotta build community and do it urself y’know” That’s just not true. People stand up for other people all the time. I stand up for women and LGBT people all the time, and always have. People specifically don’t stand up for men because it’s not currently socially/politically fashionable, and men who do it for themselves get called incels or men’s right’s activist in the “manosphere”. It’s pretty telling in and of itself that “men’s right’s activist” is a disparaging term that people use as an insult.


I mean, I agree. But also it shouldn’t be delegated to just a month. It should be advocated for repeatedly until it gets more attention.


Yeah, it’s hard to compete with an established heavily promoted event


June isn’t men’s mental health month, it’s November


It's june in some countries and november in others. However june is recognised as the official mens mental health month by the international mens mentah health month (organisation/website) and mental health america (MHA)


Ah Google told me otherwise!


I guess it is a bit overshadowed as it is also the pride month. Dunno


Nobody is going to spend much on the cause of men’s issue is the sad reality. It buys more goodwill for a company to spend those charitable dollars on women’s issues.


Men need to advocate for themselves just like all other groups who fought for decades to have their rights recognized. No one did it for them.


They're not gonna like this, but it's the truth.


It’s hard work. All the groups who have attention for their causes put in the work to get there. And allies will join in and advocate too, but first men need to learn to help themselves and their brethren. I say this not to be cruel but to explain that that is how causes start.


Completely agree. As a man, it sucks seeing my fellow brothers struggle, but at the same time I see them belittle those who do not fit within our predetermined notions of masculinity. Often times, they'll used the suicide statistic to belittle women's mental health efforts or to shift responsibility. But at the end of the day, we have to be the ones to reclaim our humanity and unlearn a lot of rotten behaviors. Now, accessibility for mental health services is a huge issue and I understand lots of people can't afford it. The American Healthcare System certainly makes it hard to afford or get the proper care they need.


Oh absolutely lack of accessibility is a huge issue in the U.S.


When people say "no one cares about mens health," they seem to forget that 49% of the population is other men. 87% of the worlds billionaires and 90% of its millionaires are men, they can readily submit their resources toward this problem. In terms of enemies, rich men cause more damage to the average man than women do, but women are always in the cross hairs. No one got anywhere without allies. I am very happy to be part of the solution *when a solution is being actively worked toward.* It simply can't be the case that it becomes womens' problem to fix male loneliness.




we are trying. But it doesn't help when we are taught from birth "men don't cry". When most of society has this belief that a man who shows emotions and cries is weak or effeminate. It also doesn't help that a good chunk of those that are very loud about LGBTQ issues and womens issues and Black issues stay utterly silent on men's issues, because we are seen as violent oppressors.


It’s challenging but worth it. And men expressing vulnerability are not seen as oppressors but as men trying to break that paradigm and it will engender empathy. The times it doesn’t work is when men blame women (typically for not dating or sleeping with them). Don’t do that and instead focus on how society is rigid and cruel to men who need help.


I have never in my life blamed women, yet even in this thread I have many downvotes.


They don’t just stay silent, they actively suppress it. There’s not a lot of room in the “oppressed” group, so adding more to the mental catalogue is usually met with reluctance.


I mean yeah, after all, cis men are the violent opressor! /S


Men advocating for the issues they face are constantly belittled because life is meant to be good for use. No more than any froup advocating for themselves its not as simple as juts doing it. Theres no sympathy or history of abuse to draw guilt from. It doesnt work the same.


Wasn't it November?


19 of November is men day. According to wikipedia is > To promote positive male role models; not just movie stars and sports men but everyday, working-class men who are living decent, honest lives. To celebrate men's positive contributions to society, community, family, marriage, child care, and the environment. To focus on men's health and wellbeing: social, emotional, physical, and spiritual. To highlight discrimination against men in areas of social services, social attitudes and expectations, and law. To improve gender relations and promote gender equality. To create a safer, better world, where people can be safe and grow to reach their full potential. June is only for the third point


19th of November is also toilets day.




No idea


As far as I can remember November is more about physical and sexual health


That was nonutnovember


No it's not that. It's called movember iirc, it's male mental health awareness.


I think November is more about trying to get rid of addictions, mainly porn addictions


Nuh uh


Guys every month has multiple things going on for it, never just one.


Yep like June also has World Yoga Day


November has military family month and native American heritage month etc etc...


They didn't know because it's never mentioned.


May is already [Mental Health Awareness Month](https://www.nami.org/get-involved/awareness-events/mental-health-awareness-month/)


Sure, but I guess June has a more specified version? Maybe there is a month for women too


There is. March is women's mental health.


I’ll be honest its a little disappointing it isn’t April for the back to back to back trifecta.


Linking to information for visibility as we are currently in May




Wait, this is mental health awareness month? How come I never knew about this




i sure don‘t notice anything about it, so ppl just seem to ignore it


I’m in a support group outside of seeing my therapist and psychiatrist, and the support group is how I learned about it. I’m new there and they put on an art show last week to share mental health awareness. I’m going to my first in-person (non-Zoom) meeting next week and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that I have to direct myself toward things that are good for me. I am in charge of what I am exposed to and participate in. I have to put myself there, no one else can do it for me. So, put yourself in a place where these things are important if you need these things to be important to you. Because you’ll never come across these things if you don’t.


As someone unloved this is nice, I like the concept, wish my family held the same sentiment


Oh shit, we have a mental health month? Huh, ima talk to a therapist instead of my partner tho.


As someone who JUST completed a year of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, I do also wish someone had anyone cared for my mental health as a young boy? You are the first person you should Thank, listen to, love, and respect! Never expect it to come from outside, when it should come from within <3 The love and respect for oneself is paramount! If ANYONE is struggling or needs a shoulder & Ear, please send me a message!


Appreciate your gesture!


I was born in that month


Me too! I was born on 22 what about you?




Oh hey, my birthdays in that one! Cool!




*I* didn't know I had a mental health month!


All I asked for was affordable housing and talking instead of texting


We, the council of homies is here for you


Someone tell my wife that men also have mental issues. Im struggling and she says I'm just bitching around.


She sounds like a 🚩


That's sad. I'm sorry I can't do anything but if you need help, we all are here for you!


You married someone without telling her about your mental struggles?


Mental issues come in any moment of life


“Awareness” doesn’t do shit for people actually suffering.


Also many may not agree with me/even cancel me but I sort of dislike the idea of days reserved for recognizing specific genders or problems like is that supposed to be the only day we celebrate or recognize them?? Even if it isn't, many people act like they care on these days whilst on the others couldn't care less


Both yours and original commenter's points are fair. It should not be restricted to month but what can we do...


Yeah it's unfortunate that communities and people like this don't usually get the recognition they deserve, so this is our only alternative


It does. Because the more people speak about it the more likely the taboo is broken the more likely it is that people who suffer will eventually be able to find help.


Actually awareness makes the problem worse because society pats itself on the back for doing nothing & the problem grows larger.


For me, it would matter how impactful the conversation actually was to me


Except May. That’s pollen month.


I'm really tired of things like this honestly. Mental health months, pride month, ext ext. Do we really need just one month to speak up about these issues/express ourselves? These things should be normalized all year round


I know and completely agree with you but what can we do? This is something normalized by society


Bars and bowling alleys reporting record profits in June.


I guess some people care about themselves during this month! While I do not support that these things should be restricted to a month only, it is atleast something


All health is important




i thought november was mens health month


This irritates me very much. As a male who's part of LGBT, pride needs to fuck of when it comes to men's mental health. It's never talked about. The only time men's mental health is ever touched on is trans men. And not just June, all year long every year men's mental health is just a joke to so many people. Shit needs to change. This is just a bit of a rant but there's a good bit of force and research behind it. Do some research and you too will realize how important it is that we actually do something for men's mental health.


r/kgergis_ bro, you should see this


Isn't June already for gay people?


I don’t mind sharing the month. After all, mentale health problems are also a big problem among LGBTQ+ people




t You dropped this


My bad bro


A month can be used to celebrate/encourage multiple types of people. Who cares that june is for men's health and gay people at the same time, because both are important.


Okay, then might as well make every month for everything. It's important to be aware of everything important always, right?


How are you at multi-tasking?


My attention span is so short I’m only able to care about 12 topics a year! /s


We have more important issues than months in a year


Months don’t have to be restricted to one thing, we can celebrate many beneficial things in one month! Many LGBTQ advocates also strongly support mental health awareness, so it works out pretty nicely.






May is Mental Health Awareness month - never heard of a men-centric month. https://www.mhanational.org/sites/default/files/MHM/2024/toolkit/2024-Where-to-Start-Toolkit.pdf




It's both**


I thought this said “Men’s Menstrual Health Month” at first


Happens to the best of us(me, happens to me all the time)


I thought June was pride month


Months can have multiple different distinctions. May, for example, is both Military Appreciation Month and Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month in America.


It is but also men's mental awareness month. Pride month probably overshadows it


Proud again of June.


While its cool to have such a month i think what it is discribed is mad. They say that men should speak up and search for help, yet that is the problem. I think most men have such bad mental health because they now an expirienced that society doesnt give a fuck no matter how bad they search for help. So this month basically says. Go help yourself


True. A guy in this very comment section is struggling(many probably are but he said so openly)


I can't wait to see my own mental health needs co opted and twisted into why I deserve less by the worst fraction of the population.


Then you should take a break from the internet or those parts of it for your own mental health, especially in honor of men's mental health (this isn't meant to be rude, just something that might be genuinely helpful).


Mental health is important for everyone in every month. We shouldn't wait for only one month to focus on a certain group's mental health, that should be focused on all the time. Mental health is pretty much a universal problem, whether rich, poor, black, white, or really anyone, so we should, as a society, put a much larger focus on mental health than we do. I think that would make things better for a lot of people, and definitely save some lives with it.


My wording is on me, I explained what I actually meant in another comment, and I realize the way I worded this sounds a lot like the whole "all lives matter" bullshit, and that's not at all what I was trying to say. I'm more just saying that society as of now has little focus on mental health, and we should change that.


"all lives matter" energy


I'm not saying that we shouldn't focus on men's mental health, but thst we shouldn't reserve it to one month of the year, and that society as a whole needs to focus on mental health more than it does, so the overall quality of life improves


Overshadowed by pride month because that matters more to big business.


Tbh I think the stupidest shit I ever saw is to put Mental health month to June. It's the pride month already, it's very much understandable it takes away the attention, also June is a generally happy month, it could be much better on a more depressive month


Men's mental health month was official before pride month from what I've read. Also one of the points of mental health awareness is so people can get help and be overall more happy/relaxed people in the end (not saying you can't feel other emotions) so it kind of makes sense it'd be in a more "happy" month. Also whether or not a month is happy is kind of subjective. For example, I personally hate summer and am sometimes worse during those months.


Lmao that's the exact opposite for me. June is my most depressing month. And it's also my birth month


Hey, it's my birth month too! Mine is on 22. You?




A depressing month is subjective for different people there would be different depressing months. I would suggest the end of the financial year as it has a lot of pressure but even this is subjective in other countries


Lol we all know that this month will just be like 2 of our friends checking up on us and not a single other god damn soul. Also, it's pride month! So happy pride 🏳️‍🌈, but of course male mental health has to share with the one month of community recognition that has a parade lol.


It's interesting 'cause at the same time it's pride month, and many times I've experienced and seen people all around the world saying a man is gay for showing his emotions, like crying, a lot of times even parents saying that... So having men seek help and show emotions in the same month as pride month is very... Suspicious.


I'm not sure what you mean by "suspicious" but a lot of lgbtq+ struggle with mental health, including men in the community. "Gay" shouldn't be used as an insult and no one should insult men for showing emotions. This isn't some odd way of calling men gay. If I'm misunderstanding your comment then my bad.


I didn't mean much, it's just suspicious, just curious. Maybe that's not the right word since English is not my main language. "Gay" shouldn't be used as an insult for men trying to show emotions, but it's. Got called that by my dad, a few uncles, friends, a few girls, and saw the same thing happening to a few friends, saw the same thing happening around the internet with posts of men speaking out on their feelings, they're not supposed to do that, they're supposed to man up. Some dads don't want to have an emotional boy when all the others are out there doing stupid sh*t like hitting each other and laughing it up. Of course, it's rare to happen, but it happens, and for men with such deep insecurities, a rare event is enough to discourage a good amount, 'cause they're already discouraged by family members, the internet, the world and themselves. And I'm not saying that there's an intention behind having the pride month and men's mental health month in the same month, it's not a big problem or neither it needs to change, it's just a thought., but that it's an unfortunate combination considering what i just said, and there may be men out there that after seeing that, could feel discouraged for speaking out.


I understand what you mean. While I have not been called gay, my parents have said that boys don't cry only girls do. But its sad what was said to you


>odd way of calling men gay. Well, that's society for you


Wait we get something in 2024 besides hate


It should have stayed just that




Because now it's overshadowed by the rainbow vomit


I mean there are historical reasons as to why June was picked for pride month.


And it used to be just a day at this point it's just an excuse for people to get naked and jerk off in front of people in public. The things I've seen people doing in the streets during pride parades serve no purpose other than to fulfill someone's kink. Keep it in the bedroom and leave everyone else out of it.


I mean, yes, kink sometimes is a large part of pride parades due to their history in the community. There are more family friendly pride parades you can go to if you don't want to see it.


June pride month if over shadow everything


Isnt june pride month




Happy Pride Month🏳️‍🌈


Gay premium people is replacing that on june




Never had your birthday be on the same day as someone elses? It doesent devalue either birthday and you can celebrate both without being whiny about it :) and if you dont show up, i doubt many people would miss you at a party


No one talks about men's mental health month anymore it's drowned out by the rainbow vomit.


To be honest I've never heard about men's health month until now and men's day on the 19:th of November is still not as celebrated as women's day which is a shame. If we want young men to avoid people like Andrew Tate, we need to welcome young men instead of just hating them for being men.


Then start talking about it, check in with your friends to see if they’re doing ok


We do that's why we are all still alive dumbass.


Nice try