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>Vanessa: *"Tell me about my Mummy, in the sixties."* >Austin: *"Well, she was very groovy. Your Dad loved her very much. If there was ever any cat that could have loved her as much as him, it was me. Unfortunately, for Yours Truly... that train has sailed."* There's something so honest about this line that makes me misty-eyed, even though I'm laughing. 


Im a big fan! Do you dare Disturb the universe ?


I'd love to brag about being a devout reader of poems and literature, but no such luck. I picked my name because of *Cyberpunk 2077*. 


oh lol that’s cool too


Funny. I heard some lines at the end and they seemed familiar. I thought "oh hey, I should check that later", then forgot. Now, I randomly read this.


In the same vein as women being treated like objects in the past, honour between men in regs4ds tontheir wives was also pretty rare especially in the media. It's cool that Austin respects her husband as well as her.


One of my favorite lines from the Bond v. Powers ERB: [To the Sean Connery Bond] To be honest, you are a bit rapey. I mean I like to swing, but Dr. No means no, baby.


That line is why he is the winner in my opinion






Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery


..... why this website? I didn't know what I was expecting, but I was not expecting that.


Did you get the add of porn too?




We should all be winners! [Teach](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/100jwa1/example_letter_to_local_lawmakers_to_help_stop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [consent](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/zyznhe/rape_is_so_common_in_part_because_so_many_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


A person of culture


I do like how both Powers and the Daniel Craig Bond call Connery Bond out on that.


That line won him that match up imo


Oh please, I'm extraordinary gentlemen, I'm distinguished. If they made a Mini-Me, they'd have to cast Peter Dinklage


Or maybe they should cast a Bond who is actually English.




They can't, there are only like 30 British actors. Watch some Downton Abbey and then a Harry Potter movie and a few Doctor Who episodes and tell me you disagree.


"Hello Nicholas! How's the hand?"


This isn’t tiktok, you can type out “rapey”


The day I see "unalived" on Reddit, I'll unalive my account


Super bad news for you, it's already been on a *lot* of comments. Along with "ouid" and various self-censoring of curse words.


the fuck is ouid?


I believe it's "weed" to get around the TikTok censors


But you just—


Shh bby is ok


It's been so funny watching reddit become older and make fun of how younger kids talk on (and off) the internet like we weren't just as cringe


Force of habit


How often do you type that word?


I love that line so much!


I immediately thought of this lmao




Indeed. Being a highly Randy individual does not excuse shagging without decorum.


Oh, behave!


"Jimi Hendrix deceased, drugs. Janis Joplin deceased, alcohol. Mama Cass deceased, ham sandwich."


"shagging without decorum" is such a great line.


Manwhoring with ethics


Even back when I saw that in the theater years back, I thought that was the coolest thing about Austin Powers. Years later, I still do.


It used to be cool. (It still is, but it used to be, too.)


I love escalators because they can never break. They can only become stairs. Like you'll never see an "Escalator temporary out of order" sign. Only an "Escalator temporary stairs" sign.


Someone asked if I wanted a frozen banana and I did not. But I thought, I might want a regular banana later, so I said yes.


How do you feel about frilly toothpicks?




he's horny, not desperate.


[Consent](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/zyznhe/rape_is_so_common_in_part_because_so_many_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is sexy!


Yeah baby! Yeaaaaaah.


I was watching this with my kids not to long ago and a little apprehensive about the sexed up spy stuff. Then this hit and I felt really good about. Presently surprised to say the least. It aged EXTREMELY well especially considering how sexed up things were the time this movie was made. You had Howard stern on the radio getting ladies tops off, Jerry springer with the cat fights tearing tops off, wwf with bra and panties every week and girls gone wild on late night commercials.


Consent is sexy! Yeah baby! YEAH!


What happens when they’re both drunk? Is it sexy or rapey?


If you’re both drunk, then context matters.


Yeah, Vanessa was slowly warming up to Austin, but I like to think that even if he'd been really drunk along with her, he would have realized that things were still moving too fast.


So he has the burden of realizing that but she doesn't?


Not really a burden, but think about it from their perspectives. Vanessa - He is kind of charming and cute, except for those teeth. I really do want to kiss him... Austin - Wait a tick. I had to practically beg just to call her Vanessa. Why is she jumping on me after one night on the town?


Ok, I get where you're coming from, now. I think there were a few other things probably coming into play a bit more but I bet that's part of it too.


As much as we try to put things in black and white there are so many shades of grey in between. I've been in situations where women get drunk and do some slutty things only to regret it in the morning **but** do the exact same shit the next weekend.


Could go either way, and this is true even if only one party is drunk. Given how bad "rapey" is, the smart move is wait until "rapey" is no longer a risk -- when everybody is sober, or at least in an established relationship where the boundaries have already been worked out.


As long as they are still capable of consenting or withdrawing consent, it's still sexy


That doesn't change anything. One side is drunk and another side is, too. Unless you've clarified the rules beforehand.


if both sides are drunk then I'd say it's probably regrettable but not rapey (obviously depending on context tho)


This is the correct answer. I have an accord with my partner for free use and the potential for aggressive play, but we have a safe phrase and I 100% get us in a safe position and freeze if I hear that phrase. But to set that up was a couple hours of really deliberate communication and then practice.  Rmember, sex is somtimes the most violent physical contact a person has, so treat it like such. If someone continually fouled you in a sport, you wouldn't play with them.


wear HEMA gear during sex for protection got it


That's why I always record with a camera every intercourse. Think about it.


According to some dipshit ad on a subway, the dude is a raper.


I feel like this is a crazy thought, but Austin Powers was ahead of its time! I feel people didn’t generally think this way.


Even funnier when you remember Austin Powers is literally a movie about a guy from the past who gets woken up in the modern world


You could almost say he's woke! ... Alright, I'm gonna see myself out.


If Austin Powers was filmed today he'd be from 1994, two years before he woke up in the original movie.


Hey. Stop that.


They should totally do a follow up series in 2026 taking the mick out of the 90s


Aged surprisingly well. There are definitely some parts that wouldn’t happen these days but overall I was surprised


Austin Powers was a relic of a by-gone era someone who didn't fit at all in the new world 30 years later. If it was made again today they'd be making 30 year dated references to \*check notes\* the Austin Powers movie.


Nope, not yet. Absolutely not. You bastard. It's *22-27* year old dated references (depending on the specific movie), thank you very much.


The fat phobia might have needed a rethink today, but for the most part it is a solid homage to comedy films of previous decades like ‘Airplane!’


could never get away with fat bastard these days


Why not.


> The fat phobia I cringe a little whenever people add "-phobia" to things, like Russophobia for when you make jokes about Russians. The fact is that the Austin Powers movie eventually addressed Fat Bastard's eating disorder, and the fact that he ate because he was unhappy. It's like saying IASIP shouldn't do all those jokes about strung out drug addicts on the street because it's also an addiction, it's cringe, just stop.


You're not wrong. There is just a continuing bigotry towards large people even today - imagining it as some failure of personal discipline, a manifestation of gluttony, or even a fear based in the fact some people don't hate themselves for it and so self-love might be a meaningful route to take - hence the downvotes.


I feel like “I’m fat because I eat and I eat because I’m fat it’s a viscous cycle” is pretty fuckin woke tho


I think it's "I eat because I'm unhappy, I'm unhappy because I eat". Certainly resonated with me when I was much larger


I think that’s really the thing, there’s a character arc here surprisingly enough, where he’s really just a lost guy who’s doing odd jobs while on missions because he doesn’t like who he sees in the mirror. Despite being well, a fat bastard, there’s depth there, and that line is the culmination of the development we see. Great movies all around, especially Gold Member, all of Dr. Evil’s monologues are gold.


It is.


You right


It was meant to contrast with the Bond of the time who was rather fuzzy on the notion of consent.


In high school and my early 20s, I got so much shit for not hooking up with girls that were boozed up. Sometimes the next day by them!


Last year a girl kicked me out of her house at 5 am because I was adamant that we wouldn't have sex because she was extremely drunk


I didn’t think that way. Yes, I think Meyers did something great, here.


> but Austin Powers was ahead of its time I mean taking advantage of people was always considered a dick move. Some people just justified it for themselves.


It’s funny cause I watched these movies as a kid. When I started growing up and going out to clubs. I had an incident like so happen, all I could think of was my boy Austin and how he’d be upset. So I said to sleep it off and lmk the next day if feels are the same. Thanks childhood




Obviously you can’t do this the other way, but it works much better the other way. As right now you’re saying consensual requires sensual. But that doesn’t mean sensual requires it (given the sentence). Thus I can say “Can’t spell non-consensual without sensual” without it contradicting your sentence.


How about: “you can’t get sensual without getting consensual. Yeah baby!”


Thats definitely way better. Obviously not the same type of thing, but a good slogan that rolls off the tongue. And trying to say the opposite does contradict which is good.


Puts the 'sensual' in "consensual" then




It's funny going back to some of these movies I watched when I was younger, and am now realizing that I really misremember just how good they were. Not just like... in terms of quality, but also in terms of stuff like this. I had the same shocking realization about Stardust a little while ago - Captain Shakespeare is an extremely effeminate crossdressing man who pretends to be very traditionally masculine because he is afraid that he'll lose the respect of his crew if they found out, only for the joke to be that they always knew and never cared. Like... I'm sorry, this movie came out at a time when "crossdressing man" was both set-up and punchline. This is such a sweet and wholesome approach to that sort of character! I love it.


The first one was extremely good, definitely one of the best 90s comedies. The second one was as well except for the clear callbacks that were done way too overtly (sort of like sequelitis rearing its ugly head) and it lost a bit of the quick wit from the original. One of my favorite sequences from the original was "Only sailors use condoms, baby!" "Not in the 90's, Austin!" "Well they should those filthy buggers, they go from port to port." and I feel like that kind of humor didn't really make it into the 2nd one as much. Goldmember on the other hand was the last Austin Powers movie ever made for a reason. I really have no idea what they were thinking with it. It seems hard to keep a comedy series going after 2 movies as it is but man that was painful.




"...I mean...mind you don't wear that wench out too quickly!"


Definitely an under appreciated moment from that movie


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nestormahkno19d: *Definitely an* *Under appreciated* *Moment from that movie* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Even in the 90s we knew consent was important and yet only now it’s being widely talked about


I’m assuming most people understood what constitutes consent regardless of the given decade. The outward push of messaging consent almost feels like a PSA for individuals who might not inherently get it and need to be reminded that certain behaviors aren’t appropriate… at least I hope most people realize that consent is a normal part of a hookup / relationship


Honestly people are overreaching with this scene. It was more of Austin not wanting to have casual sex with her because he had feelings for her and her mother.


I always took it to be that he doesn’t take advantage of girls that are too drunk (insert drug of choice) to truly know what they’re doing.


Really, you think he was implying exactly what he said and not playing some kind of mental 3d chess for the viewer to come to a totally different conclusion?? Fuckin weirdo


Uh, what? That subtext is not at all implied in the movie.


Austin Powers was supposed to be the extremely satirical take on James Bond. James Bond has a bad history with sexual assault, so Austin Powers is meant to be kind of his opposite (like how he succeeds by being incompetent, just like his villains) by understanding consent even if he is very open about his promiscuity.


knew that taking advantage of *any drunk person was not okay


There's a big difference between both parties being equally drunk and one being sober. It's funny but there was this girl in college I wanted to sleep with but I wasnt sure if she was into me but she got super drunk and was all over me one night but I hadnt started drinking yet. As a person who didnt get laid a ton, was it a dream come true? No, it was weird and I walked her home and put her to bed and continued on with the night.


I rewatched this for the first time in a long time last year and I was so happy that this fucking sex maniac didn’t take advantage of drunk women


Someone described him as “He loves to fuck and will bring it up, invite you openly to it but respects any answer you give because he’s about to take another swing elsewhere. He just loves fuckin’”.


It holds up surprisingly well for a 25+ year old movie full of dick jokes.


The fact this was twenty years ago too


closer to 30 years ago, this movie came out in 1997


Closer to 30 than 20 unfortunately 


I always remembered this line as a kid for some reason and it really stuck with me - who’d have thought he could be a role model in some way


austin powers being your role model is so funny




Based consent enjoyer


I first saw this movie as an impressionable teenager, and this line made a big impression. Much respect. 


I recently rewatched this for the first time since I was a teen and I was pleasantly surprised at how wonderfully sweet Austin was. I remembered him only as an inappropriate horn dog, but he’s very sex positive, open, and all about enthusiastic consent.


It goes both ways


You're right, drunk people shouldn't take advantage of sober people.


And vice versa


don't think anybody said it didn't 😊


Yes. There have been a couple of times a girl was trying to get me drunk. I only realized the next day.


Before my wife and I were dating we both got drunk and stuff happened. We were both were drunk but even after I never questioned her judgment. It’s always seemed odd to me to assume a woman cant make good decisions but it’s never questioned when a man is in the same situation.


He was horny, sex crazed, and loved women. He wasn't a rapist. He *LOVED* sex with willing and enthusiastic partners. That's how it should be.


The hero we didn’t know we needed.


I wouldn’t take advantage of a drunk woman one night. She got pissed off at me and yelled at me the next day.


Had the same experience.


I might get downvoted for saying this, but I think this situation is a bit more of a grey area than what people are making it out to be. Just because you are drunk, it doesnt absolve you from being responsible for your own actions. If you get drunk and ran over a family of 5 with your car, you are still guilty, being drunk isnt an excuse. So if you spread your legs when you drink, and you regret it next morning, I think you are to be blamed as much as the other person. If you cant control what you do when you get drunk, then maybe you shouldnt get drunk. And in my opinion, I dont think its right to treat the other person like an abuser. I would only agree that the other person is an abuser, if they deliberately got the other person drunk to try to get into their pants, because there is malicious intent. Overall, I would still recommend people to not have sex with a drunk person, not because I think it makes you a terrible person, but because if the other person regrets it, it can become a problem for you.


I lose all attraction and with it the willingness of my member to perform when a woman is shit faced. This has been true all my life and also experienced during my marraiges.


The thought of her throwing up on you when you kiss is a bit of a turn off.




A friend of mine told me that happened to him but while getting a BJ




His minds telling him yes, but his body, his body is telling him nooo


Underrated comment


Lol what's it from


I was weirded out when my wife would get drunk (I’m sober) and she’d throw herself at me. We sat down and talked and she said “we’re married, so it’s ok” and I’ve been good with it since.


You can say penis.


It's a cilinder


It’s nuanced and depends on how drunk a person is and what your relationship is beforehand. Drunk sex can be great. If my wife is drunk and wants sex, I don’t have a problem with that at all. If she was falling over blackout drunk it’d feel too weird. If it’s dating someone and we are hanging out drinking and this progressed to that, it’s also a little different, assuming the context is that it was happening and the alcohol was to take the edge off. A random drunk woman you don’t know grabbing you at a bar? Pass.


Austin had enough rizz that he didn't ever need to take advantage of anyone


the og rizzler


Taking advantage of *anyone* is not okay. Drunk men can't say no either. Consent is sexy! Always get consent because knowing you are wanted is part of the fun


That's not always true.. It depends on the context. If you are already physical and in an established relationship it's a lot different than taking advantage of some drunk random. It also depends on how much someone has had to drink. If they had a few glasses of wine with dinner vs sloppy drunk.


What if both people are sloppy drunk?


I guess it depends on the context and who decides they regret it the next day really.


"was never groovy"


"Yeah to be honest you seem a bit rapey. I mean, I like to swing but Dr. No means no, baby!"


I actually had this girl telling me sometimes she plays drunk specifically to have the upper hand in blaming the guy if anything goes wrong or she can storm out if she didn't like his body/hygiene/grooming. My jaws literally dropped and i just stared at this evil girl


Sometimes it’s right, it wasn’t in that context and in most contexts. There is a lot of drunk sex happening, every day, and a lot of it is fun and consensual. If you’re worried about consent, you’re probably one of the good ones, as I think the horrible people who take advantage of others are not worried about consent




yes definitely


Austin Powers is awesome


It broke my heart when the girl I dated and got engaged to (3 girls ago) cried when I turned her down on the first date because she was tipsy. I literally watched this 26 year old woman realize for the first time that every guy before was thinking with his dick and didn't give a shit about her.


"i shagged her rotten babee"


Austin powers ftw as per usual!


But what if they both are drunk and decide to go for it?


I would do anything for another Austin Powers movie


Watching this as a kid, I never knew how impactful it would end up being going through puberty and becoming a young adult. I was so hot for Elizebeth Hurley, and seeing this I thought that's how you treat woman; Respectfully decline offers that aren't real, control your boner.


Said no frat boy ever!


if that ain’t the truth 🙃


Are we really infantilizing women like people were in the early 1900s? Women can't consent once they drink alcohol? What about when two drunk lesbians have intercourse? What then?


“Drunk people can’t consent” is so insane to me. If that were actually true, I would suddenly be the victim of dozens of rapes. I feel bad for young adults. Glad I got to have fun before the world went bananas.


So anytime a woman drinks the man is taking advantage? This is some reddit sludge for sure.


A far better spy then Bond will ever be.


Idk I really like Daniel Craig as James Bond. Haven’t seen all of them but in the ones I have, he’s been an absolute stud even while turning down women making advances so he can carry on with his work.


IMO Daniel Craig's coldblooded James Bond doesn't quite fit the series, but does fit the books much better. I prefer it, but I could see why someone who likes the goofy, low sci-fi of the older movies might be put off. 


Jesus Christ, again with this meme?


So drunk drivers are not responsible for what they do or want? A drunk woman can't consent but a drunk man can? Some of the comments here are treating women like kids.


There has to be consent, not only is the fear of being sued, it's common sense. Especially these days.


Although she wasn’t a woman. A mere fembot sent to destroy Austin.


“Swedish Penis Pump Enlargers: This Sort of Thing Is my Bag , Baby.” By Austin Powers


She had guns in her nipples tho.


I watched this movie in the last year or two and was amazed at how well it aged


Sober is sexy


And then there’s people who hang out drunk girls while sober for that specific purpose…


You know, I had this exact moment happen to me the 1st time me and my gf went out of town we visited her family, I told her I would dd being her family event and all we go back to the hotel and yeah, powers taught me a powerful lesson. I did the right thing. She was so fucking mad lol but in the moment you know it just didn't feel right. We weren't drunk together. I took her to breakfast the next morning, she's hungover, I made it up to her the rest of the trip but this situation you need to make the right call everyone. No matter what.


Or just don't drink at all, it causes all sorts of problems.


Yes it was a documentary 


He also worked with her mother and probably had some respect for her


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ZealousidealMail3132: *He also worked with* *Her mother and probably* *Had some respect for her* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Vanessa was a robot this whole time!? Basil: yeah, we knew.


For me, it is a bit older. In the film High Society (1956) there was this dialogue when Grace Kelly (Tracy Lord) was suspected of having an affair with Frank Sinatra (Mike Connor): Mike Connor (Frank Sinatra) : Mr Kittredge, it may interest you to know that our so-called affair consisted of exactly two kisses and one rather late swim both of which I thoroughly enjoyed and the memory of which I wouldn't part with for anything. After which I returned here, carried her to her room, deposited her on her bed and promptly returned here which you will no doubt remember. George Kittredge : That's all? Mike Connor : That's all. Tracy Lord (Grace Kelly): Why? Was I so cold? So forbidding? Mike Connor : Not at all. On the contrary but you were somewhat the worse or the better for the wine and there are rules about such things.


Question, do these movies still hold up? I loved them when I was in middle school but I've tried rewatching a lot of other stuff from childhood the last few years and it is all terrible to adult-me and ruining the nostalgia.


Being a ladies man means learning consent baby! That what separates the men from the assholes.


Cast lesser restoration… suddenly she is no longer drunk… runs away…


For context: this was a funny joke in the film because it was clear that this fictional character broke all kinds of boundaries on appropriate relationships with women/consent. Nice try though.

