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If you ever have the misfortune of getting covid, you’ll most likely get a 1%.


currently enjoying a couple 1% nights in a row from withdrawal from quitting Kratom(plant drug they sell all over) Crazy how well whoop catches when things aren't right


Why did you stop Kratom? Do you plan on going back? And if so, what benefits have you seen? I tried it once when I was like 16 but don’t recall anything from one use.


Well I was taking it every day. Ive quit like 2 other times so it wouldnt be that suprising if i went back but not planning on it as of now. Today is like day 6 and I'm starting to feel mostly normal again. Idk if I would call it benefits - but taking it first thing in the morning gets you a nice buzz. Downsides were starting withdrawals if I didn't redose after more than like 8 hours. Also not eating much cause it doesnt do shit on a full stomach. Twitching if you take too much. Would not recommend.


I always heard great things about it and then it got banned so I figured it must be healthy if the government bans it 😂 doesn’t seem ideal for me then since I already struggle to eat amount to gain weight as a cyclist, runner, and lifter.


Interestingly I currently have Covid (3rd time) and I have the highest most consistent recovery and HRV I’ve ever had for four days straight since symptoms started. I would describe my symptoms as a mild cold.


I’ve had CoVid three times now. 1st time whoop caught it after some cold like symptoms, second time I had amazing recovery, no symptoms, and if I hadn’t been exposed and thought to test would never have known. Even with alcohol my numbers didn’t drop, it was super. Third time was the worst and I had garbage numbers.


I’ve had the 2 highest recovery and hrv 2 days prior to this and that led to my worst day.. and today is my 3rd highest HRV and a 78% recovery… weird


It’s possible that it is however today my HRV has jumped way up today and my recovery is 78%! I was super shaky and cold around dinner time and after that got really sore in the neck and lower back/hips. I couldn’t sleep and was in the high stress zone for like 12 hours. Now I just have a head ache with almost my highest ever HRV just a day later???? I felt like I’d atleast be in the yellow one day after being sick.


1% isn't unusual. Many people hit it with illness or from alcohol. I hit it sometimes with diet . Sounds like you are sick though. Take it easy today and get well soon!


First time is it?


It is! I had 21 drinks before and got to sleep at 1 am, up at 7 am and still had a mid 20’s recovery 😂


Had very similar readings a few weeks ago when I came down with the Flu. Seems like you have a fever, get some rest and stay hydrated. Side note eating raw garlic has helped me tremendously with the lingering cough and mucus.


I wouldn't be surprised to die and find reddit in hell. haha Mine has never been that low. I wonder if you have an underlying infection somewhere causing chaos.

