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There is absolutely a problem with the free trial but the trial is nonsense anyway as it takes that long to calibrate. I pay £16 a month. Seems totally worth it


Especially considering the monthly price includes the hardware. I find it well worth it as well, providing you actually use it.


The hardware in all fairness is pretty mediocre and lacking features. It’s like any generic hr strap, probably costs $5-10 to produce. No gps or display, although I like that it doesn’t have a screen.


I’ve had my whoop, same band and everything for 2 years now. No issues ever. I track everything from trail running, hiking, 40 mile mountain bike rides, weight lifting, yoga….everything. Maybe customer service is rough but I think the company grew fast and didn’t have the structure in place to support that. Still seems like a great product for the money I’ve paid.


If my Whoop would track my pace via NRC/Strava I’d definitely drop my Apple Watch, the duplicate workouts in my Health app are frustrating


Excuse my terrible fat ass pace, but Strava and Whoop do talk https://preview.redd.it/yo8n6iljrspc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca07a52ee2098d8534096e808d10d870a371c82


They do but you need to have your phone slapping your ass with every stride otherwise there’s no gps data for strava and it just says u ran


Ymmv. Their service is certainly inconsistent, based on what others post here, so no argument there. I’ve been fortunate to receive nothing but great service the few times I’ve had to reach out. “Often and on purpose” might a stretch though. Of course, what’s posted and viewed in this sub is going to slant negative. It’s human nature to “communicate” bad experiences, but less likely to communicate status quo or “meets expectations”. How often do you think people post when they simply get what they want or expect? We unfortunately don’t have any data on total membership, but estimates could be a few hundred thousand. If their poor service was malicious and on purpose, I’d think those negative posts would be tens of thousands.


Fair point. I would argue that people willing to pay for memberships do not necessarily get in touch with the Whoop support team, they just pay and use the Whoop. It is hard to determine the quality of a service when it is not really challenged.


Their customer service is terrible but the product I’ve enjoyed and seems very accurate.


I think the support is just really bad. Not for when you're trying to cancel but in all situations. For example, I really like the product and I didn't receive accessories I ordered. Trying to get this resolved with their support team has been a complete nightmare.


It is bad but I had a good-bad experience. Purchased from Amazon, battery charger didn't work. Reached out to Whoop, did the tests they requested (download some software on the laptop etc) and they agreed it was faulty. Sent me an entirely new band and charger and then...... didn't ask for the original one back? So now I have a brand new but broken Whoop 4.0 & charger in a drawer.




It just sucks get an apple watch


The trial is objectively a bad deal just because they send you a used product and then charge full price and the app literally takes a month to be accurate. I just plunged into the yearly membership and the only complaint I have is that there’s no gps. Otherwise it’s been a bit of a godsend tbh. I hate the business model though, it’s peak capitalist scammery, paying monthly for a device.


Member when 4.0 came out. Did a year and left. Last year went through some heavy stuff, almost half a year later still struggling. Signed up again with a free trial, received a band with a broken clasp, it literally won’t stay on unless I tape it, no way I’m already buying a new band. Since Feb 4th, I’m turning in circles. After sending numerous individuals (bots) several photos and videos of the band, a few requested my address for replacement. My last correspondence has now been over a week ago, I’ve sent a support ticket every night. Completely ghosted. This is not the same company from 2 years ago, either support is an utter dumpster fire right now, there actually is no email support or they have all hands on deck for 5.0 and they have no idea the flames are approaching. Yes there is a phone number, I’m not calling it. For a service that requires a rolling payment, you’re not going to offer the best customer service available? With all those trips around the world Will Ahmed takes for photo ops he can’t afford to pay a person to control CS.


The fact that you have to commit to a pre-owned product on the trial but pay full price is also a scam.  But yes, couldn't agree more. There are far too many occurrences of this happening for it to be a coincidence. 


Everyone so quick to call something a "scam" these days if they don't like it and/or just didn't bother to do their research up front. You deserve the downvotes.


What research exactly? The product was returned in full 1 day before the trial ended. I am not exactly sure how I could be more compliant. Downvotes? Oh no. Good thing I don't measure my success in life with this metric.


Yeah their practices are very questionable. It you chose to go two years I think it’s an ok deal. Or get it on a discount. But overall the value continues to decline I feel. Especially with the lack of updates both software and hardware.


>> They even banned (on this sub) the use of the word This sub is not run by the Whoop company. I imagine the subreddit moderators banned a word because so many people ask questions about subscriptions without bothering to read their contract and/or the material on the official website.


I paid for the entire year, wasn’t using it, marked on my calendar when to cancel… it wouldn’t let me without paying another two months no matter how I did it. So I do believe they are not above board


Same happened , ask 2 weeks before trial end just to make sure a was 1 week with them throwing the email forward to other "department" and then another which is as is already "weird" when they can't themselves direct to the right department right away 😅 Then only when I said I would not pay anything even if trial period end and canceled my card already since I asked for return label already then they give it in 1 or 2 days 🙂 so yeah it all push to get the full year so I learn the lesson bur ofc people will defend them since this is a customer group so people who are here long term are not the trial ones and generally happy with it and don't face any issue since they paid the full subscription Trial unhappy come to do this kind of posts like you did and just leave after 🙂


I think scam is a hard description. With the vast amount of information this band collects, I find it hard to call it a scam. It is designed to be minimalist. I paid for the year and yes it is a bit pricey, but I won’t be renewing. I’m tired of filling in the journal daily and I mainly just lift weights and some cardio. I don’t mountain bike or snowboard or any other things like that. The Strength Trainer lacks a ton of machines and exercises. I’ll be staying my AWU and the Workout app


It totally is. As someone who paid for it for 2 years it’s a scam. Buy a Garmin watch, most of them do hrv tracking and are better in literally every way than a whoop strap. No monthly fee either.


Same experience!!


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