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I like the design but I'm not paying that much for that shit.


Truth and a price point at the risk of not liking it.




Seriously. So overpriced for an Apple Watch rip off.


Ikr, tbh I was so hyped about the belt then the price fucked my enthusiasm!


I'm afraid I ordered the white one. Yes it's ridiculously expensive and I feel bad. Supposed to arrive in the next few days.


I ordered one too. I hate the band that my whoop came with. I figured if this is the only accessory I buy, it'll be okay. I am embarrassed that I paid this price and hope to the higher powers that be that NO ONE comments about it while I'm walking around with my avocado toast and lavender latte. I'm am so ashamed by my actions.


Seeing the $60 price instantly makes me want to cancel my subscription. Whoop can fuck off at this point. Innovate or die already


All that’s needed is for Garmin to release a screen less wearable. It will either kill Whoop or at least cause them to seriously innovate to compete. I’m gone from Whoop the day (morning) that Garmin release a “band type device” that has the Epix/Fenix internals.


Or even just a refresh of the Garmin Connect app with journaling. I’ll drop my whoop now and go back if they just included journals and the analytics behind it.


Agreed, it’s actually ridiculous how expensive their accessories are


It’s like the Mach 3 cartridge all over again! Nothing new to innovate!


Apple claims its fitness app will get a big revamp in the next iOS update. Whoop better be careful because if they add recovery to it they’re fucked


Might appeal to some but I dont like wearing a full on watch at night and prefer a traditional analog watch in the day. Whoop is easier to sleep with.


My precise use case; and admittedly, watch folks are more apt to drop silly money on wrist accessories. I bought an Ocean Band for my Apple Watch Ultra. $100 was ludicrous. I knew it at the time, and I still bought the damned thing.


Unless Apple removes the screen, Whoop is certainly not fucked.


Whoop is done if this is legit. I started using Whoop 3.0 which was before Apple Watch had sleep tracking. Went back to AW after frustrations with the pricing, data accuracy, and lack of innovation which was how they justified the subscription model. Battery life has continued to be an issue for AW, but it is manageable if you can remember to charge once in the morning and once before bed.




True. I'd like one of these bands but the price us cra,y co sideline I already pay 27 quid a month.


I thought the same. I’ve always hated the default strap that it starts to smell etc. if they have solved the problem why try to profitably even more off us.


I own the white one - it arrived today. I love it; no more stink, it doesn’t make a damp spot on my chinos when I have my hands on my lap and feels great on the skin. Expensive? Yes. But this feels sturdy, I don’t see colour transfer and feels great!


Finally a comment that actually answers the question lol


Took long enough. Lmao. Tired of the complaints about the price and asking if it’s a Whoop 5.0 announcement.


Thanks for answering the question! I ordered a 3 pack because those types of bands are my jam. Those that are complaining about the price can enjoy their smelly, wet, discolored fabric bands. Lmao.


How is the thickness and the comfort level? Some of the knockoff silicone bands for the Apple Watch have a stickiness to them and my wrist would get caught on my desk as I moved my mouse around when working. I also love the thin profile of the fabric Whoop straps today, so I worry that the SportFlex is too thick.


Comfort is pretty good, one pro for the fabric is I’d say it’s more breathable, and more adjustable. The silicone bands aren’t sticky, but the adjustment mechanism is based off holes (like an Apple Watch) so you need to pick the right hole size. The silicone quality is super high, haven’t noticed it on a desk or anything.


Following up in case it helps anyone - I prefer the old standard band. Although having no damp, stain free band was and is cool, the reality is that 2 major issues prevent me recommending it anymore. 1. It’s too limiting with respect to size. This means that on days where my wrists are slightly bigger (high activity days in the sun etc), it can get super uncomfortable at night, and I’ve had 2 cases where it wasn’t detecting being on body and I missed sleep tracking entirely. 2. Thickness. I missed the lower profile of the fabric band, making it a nice fashion accessory for work and personal. Overall, a nice addition. Something I see wearing during sport, and then changing into the fabric for non-physical / water based activity. Hope this helps!


Ordered one immediately, I've been asking for it for years. As a chef who cycles to and from work - no amount of washing, deodorizers, laundry cycles, freezing, or boiling stops any of the current bands from stinking after a few months . I've been buying three or four new bands a year currently - this one should last me years instead of months.


https://preview.redd.it/8ff2vpjzr55d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6c28e4c8eaea29f391edfe345495fe361d7c468 It’s my fav so far, tired the hydro band still gets wet and the HYDROSLEEVES was annoying. I think it’s worth it if u need it. Ps: lost one whoop riding my jetski before so I need something reliable.


Does it feel bulkier than the regular bands?


Yea it does, and you don’t get that feeling of “not feeling the strap on ur hand” any more. I usually wear a watch on my left but with this strap it would look odd.


where the etsy guys at ?


I’m buying it. I can’t stand how the cloth one holds onto water and stink but I do love my whoop!


Here, here. I bought a 3 pack lmao.


They want $84aud for one of these, absolutely ridiculous.


3 years to innovate and design a band modelled on the silicon apple band - fuck right off


Have one on the way. Will update when it arrives


Whoop “reinventing” a sports watch band (also very similar to an Apple Watch band), and it costs ~60 dollars. Wow.


£54 for some rubber? Yeah whoop can fuck right off.


But everyone! They meticulously researched this! Will himself did!! Oh wait, who gives a shit!? Still just another band…


They are selling Sportflex bands at a price point higher than Apple Sport Band (and Apple is known for overpricing accessories). No thanks! PS I understand that deep innovation on hardware takes time, and Whoop needs to sell high-priced accessories to show revenue growth and ARPU, but I ain’t participating.


Too expensive


I think their already existing band lineup is fine. This is just a cash grab product no one asked for.  The worst thing is getting multiple emails from them and getting excited that they're finally releasing or announcing the Whoop 5.0 only to find that it's just an athlete partnership or a band or something else no one cares about.


Lmao, no one asked for. There’s plenty of us here they’ve been waiting for a release like this. No more smelly, discolored, wet fabric bands, I’m all the way in.


I'm personally fine with my band. I'm glad some people are excited for these but personally the only things I'm waiting for are a whoop 5.0 release and an updated UI because their current app looks nice but is not intuitive


Yeah overall I’m not a fan of the fabric band design. But I totally get that an updated device and app would be good. There’s enough issues with the app that need to be fixed for sure.


App: perpetually dysfunctional Whoop: Hey look, *another* new band!


Wish it was less “chunky”. I enjoy the understated/streamlined look of current bands. I’ll probably avoid getting the sportflex band for that reason, just not feeling the aesthetic


With the way they ship things even if you got it at launch you ain’t getting it till Xmas.


I've never waited longer than a few days for anything. Original device, replacement device when there was an issue, additional straps which I've got a bunch of.


I’m in Dubai and got my whoop in 24 hours. Granted I ordered this past February so maybe a lower influx of orders


Hopefully in a few months someone will just copy the design and sell it cheaper. I’m not paying 60 bucks for this crap. 20 or maybe 30 at most. Not fucking 60.


Sounds like you shouldn’t buy it then


Surely this makes no sense if a whoop 5 is in the pipeline and rumoured to be released later this year?


My hope is that this means the 5 has the same form factor and the bands can be reused.


I asked this on their insta feed and got silence despite their team answering nearly every other question.


Swear if they change the form factor after releasing this... they really are running an experiment at that point.


Na get fucked whoop. Make some changes or die in the arse. Releasing a fancy schmancy expensive band like this makes me think whoop 5 is a solid year off


Nah, wouldn't be sure about that! Almost all items are sold out in the EU warehouse, except of bands.


Just ordered it! It says high on demand! Not sure how it is going to be!


I just started wearing the hydroknit bicep strap. I prefer this much more than wearing the standard strap on my wrist


I have two of those and can’t go back to the wrist


There’s I oh so many ways to do a band guys! I like this idea and will wait for the next sale.


I’m undecided on getting one at the minute, i quite like the white version. Price wise i think it’s ridiculous, but then you see what Apple and Garmin charge for a strap and it’s basically falling in line. Maybe more of a chance of a third party version popping up on Amazon/Ebay with it being Silicone


Meh I like the fabric one. First time I don’t get a rash, in fact I liked it so much I found one close to it for the Apple Watch. It’s nice to not be itchy under the strap


Sooo... Whoop 5.0 won't be announced anytime soon. I imagine anything new would have to be in the same spec as 4.0.




bought the grey blue one and love it. Well worth it.


Yeah guys, Apple Watch band costs exactly the same. Why don’t you hate the world’s biggest company for that , and hate a smaller brand?


at least with apple you can get a cheap knock off for $10 of their $99 bands. Also apple isnt charging you $200/ yr and forcing you into a contract


Plus there’s innovation at Apple.


Exactly, they release something new each year. Even if it is small, it’s new. The logic some of the cult behind whoop users is insane


What is new in AW ultra 2 compared to ultra? Does the update justify the 200$ difference in price ?


If you have the AW Ultra 1 and you update to the 2 you're an idiot.


Yeah basically the same level of innovation as at whoop. At least whoop makes major leaps and hasn't simply iterated their product to death.


Please name to me one feature whoop has created that’s innovated. Everything is half baked. You gonna bring up the stress feature they said was “ground breaking” lmao… so many other wearables had this already and they even claimed they were the first, which is an actual lie. They’ve barely released any new features in the last year and a half and all of them are half backed with no scientific backing except their own in house study.


I can just start with battery life. I'm not a whoop Stan by any means but the battery longevity is based on some pretty damn innovative power conservation methods a la software. I'd love to see Apple do that. Sorry I came in and pointed out the mediocrity of whoop. Apple and your analysis all at the same time.


You are clearly a whoop Stan lmao. There’s no hiding that bud. You’re that guy who think he knows everything and is making very intelligent statements when in all reality it’s far from that. I envy the confidence though. Nothing you say about my argument comparing apples innovations with iterations of the “Apple Watch” to whoop makes any sense what so ever. Anyone with 1 and a half brain cells could see that


Incredibly enough I'm not. I'm literally in a thread making fun of their knockoff apple watch band while you're over here missing every single point.


So the only innovation you can even mention is battery life? lol. Maybe you should go get a garmin and make the same comparison. Weak argument. I’m done. Your wasting my time


Forcing? It’s literally your choice…


At least Apple innovates and releases something new each year. Apple is top of the line when it comes to hardware and releases many more features. Yeah, they are bigger and have more resources, but maybe a smaller company needs to stick to the bread and butter. Innovate and release new hardware. Where’s the logic here? Whoop has released any new hardware in years now. Additionally, they’ve released half baked features. Strength trainer? Half baked and this is just a fairytale feature. They don’t even do actual scientific tests and validate their metrics to put their money where they mouth is when it comes to their “ground breaking” technology


My dude. Apple hasn't innovated anything in nearly a decade. The 15pro max is not fundamentally different than the early gen square body iphones of the 2012s Era.


My dude, you’re comparing apples to oranges. We are comparing wearables so we should compare apples wearables. The Apple Watch has a billion more features than the whoop. They are new hardware enhancements each year. Faster processor, more accurate sensors, many new features, new lines of watches, the list goes on. Most accurate sensors and actually scientifically backed. Same can’t be said with whoop and their made up strain numbers. Whoop creates one study for a feature and then calls it ground breaking. It’s literally snake oil. Anyone can make improvements in fitness by sticking to a routine of which the whoop helps people do. Same can be said for a Fitbit or any other wearable. People down voting me are the problem of why whoop doesn’t do anything and are the same ones falling for their incredible marketing… also the same ones buying bands they procure for 1-2$ and then sell for an astronomical markup. Actually impressive the cult following they’ve created. Hats off.


You do realize that you created the premise by comparing the apple and the orange right?


So me brining up the generalized statement of Apple is implying that premise? Sorry I wasn’t super precise with my wording. Incredible. Lmao.


Tell everyone you don't know basics of English conversation by telling them exactly that. Conversations are literally premise based. You used a weird premise. Then proceeded to complain when someone used your premise and then complained about your own premise. Then you complain about people down voting your comments because they're really poorly thought out and ironically enough highlight the exact issues of whoop by claiming the other company isn't doing exactly that.


The intelligence you have is appalling. Congrats.


Says the guy who can't see the irony of using an apple to whoop premise and then complaining when other people make fun of it.


What’s the irony? They are both tech companies, both make very different products, yes, but both have similarities in the capabilities they do. Not even sure what you are even going on about. Literally another person made the same comparison. So, clearly I’m not the only one with the same idea here. Like wow


Ok, so what was the innovation in the last 3 versions of the Apple wearables? Series 7 bigger screen, series 8 thermometer ( which whoop had for years), series 9???, ultra 1 bigger battery, what is the innovation of ultra 2? It’s insane how Apple fanboys can defend the company that didn’t show anything new for the last 5 years in the wearable space.


Wait they did another band instead of fixing the shitty ass strength trainer? Or upgrading the 4.0??? Lmao. This company is complete shit.


Annnddd… the cult is down voting you bc you made an actual factual statement. Crazy how people think in this subreddit


Yes I’m sure they don’t mind getting rid of that website support either that was super nice of them right? Maybe sell some more bands and get support back??


Lol it looks like it will give me a rash the same way the Fitbit silicone bands did. It also looks like the outside part of the strap is destined to pop off at the most inconvenient times like cheap '90s sportwatches. Not to mention bulky and uncomfortable. For $60 not a chance. 


They need to pay Ronaldo back :D


This reminds me, I need to order a new Apple Watch band.


i’ve been wishing for a notched strap/one made of rubber for a looong time. Love the orange color, and the black. Maybe I’ll get both. But I gotta see how it works functionally


This is exactly what I wanted for 2 years I was on whoop! But now I’ve moved on to Garmin and don’t plan on going back but I think the rubber strap that doesn’t roll every time you touch it is a huge upgrade.