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The thing is, crime is not like in comics where the hero luckily appears **in the middle of a crime scene** to fight the bad guys. Its not like in Spiderman movies where Spidey is totally omnipresent and the news or radio are fast enough to report everything when the crime hasn't even finished. Crimes are always reported when they already happened. It's extremely umpredictible when or where is gonna happen, and a lot of robberies don't even happen on streets, and when they happen they barely take a minute because thieves are trying to be as quick and subtle as possible. Criminals are 99% of the times stopped **after** they committed their crime through investigation. It's not like in Spiderman movies. So our realistic Batman would do something boring like using his money to hire more people to investigate those crimes or giving that money to the police. There would be very little chance of seeing him fighting criminals or that stuff.


He'd be able to listen to police scanners and probably get there faster than the cops since it seems like they take forever to turn up during active 911 calls in real life. It'd probably just be all domestic violence calls, though.


I bet he could beat up a lot of domestic abusers though. And then get arrested not long after that. Either that or he'd keep waiting to hear a more "exciting" crime on the scanner and get himself killed or maimed


>And then get arrested not long after that. Woah woah, a billionaire getting arrested? This is *realistic* Batman we're talking about here.


The cops don't know he's a billionaire. He's just a guy in a bat costume to them.


Realistic cops aren't showing up to the crime in progress any more than realistic Batman is.


Nobody said they were? They said he'd be arrested not long after he started beating up domestic abusers.


At which point he's no longer a man in a bat costume. He is a billionaire they have tracked down.


They're probably tracking him down in the bat costume, at least if he's making reasonable efforts to hide his identity. I'd expect some sort of sting operation where they set up a fake crime for him to come punch.


And when they arrest him, they're going to unmask him and ID him, then they'll know he's a billionaire and his trial will make national news.


He's a guy in a bat costume that likely has the card of one of the best law firms and likely one of the best lawyers in the city in his utility belt at the ready.


But they learn all that after the arrest.


That's assuming the cops want to deal with the legal fallout and make the arrest.


I think we can assume he uses advanced armor and can train in some form of militarized ninjitsu. It might not be difficult to avoid arrest assuming that he has some form of black suit, and could be stealthier than Batman using multiple vehicles etc. But the average domestic abuser is not very likely to succeed in combat against a fully trained guy with military gear he can pay for. Honestly the main thing we're dealing with here is the dangers in the streets (Batman also does random patrols), and the likelihood that he might accidentally make it known that he goes out at night fighting crime, i.e. his secret identity becoming pubic in the real world makes it likelier that he'll get arrested. Depending on the laws in some states, though, he might be more likely looked upon than other criminals.... Because technically he's a criminal


I don't think it matters how much black and armor he's wearing. If he tries to beat cops to 911 calls over and over again he's gonna get caught pretty soon. Also he can be as armored and trained as he wants and 4 random guys could still probably kick the shit out of him.


The majority of cops are killed in domestics. Of course they're trying to de-escalate, not put boot to *SS.


So, you're saying that the majority of police officers that sign in to the force die from domestic violence, or domestic violence calls? Also, don't you mean the majority of police fatalities, not just the majority of police? Can we not assume that a billionaire can get better armor and training than your local donut enthusiast? Edit: also better gear for rendering somebody unconscious, which is sl seemingly all that he has to do?


Roughly 80% of police officers killed in the line of duty are while attending to domestic disturbances. Mostly, husband is upset because his castle is being invaded, wife suddenly gets protective of the dirt bag and turns on the cops, sh*t goes sideways real fast. Useless trivia, 2nd leading cause of death is hit by cars during traffic stops, 7th is drowning. Kevlar vests suck up water like a sponge because they don't take time to remove it before attempting a rescue.


But why does our billionaire Batman have this same issue? Do you assume that most cops are billionaires? Or, rather, that the same cops get the same treatment as a billionaire would have?


He'd have the same issues because he's a stranger invading people's homes during already tense and violent situations. If a cop is somewhat likely to deal with violence and guns during a domestic disturbance call then real life Batman would be far more likely to, considering he's a masked criminal throwing himself into dangerous situations without the benefit of backup and guns. A person would be perfectly legally justified in shooting him in lots of states.


I had a friend whose father was a policeman in Petaluma CA. He was responding to a domestic. Wife came to the door to tell him there was no problem. D-Bag husband was in the other room, he had taken out a .25 ACP pistol to intimidate or kill the wife. D-Bag was frantically trying to hide the firearm. Pistol went off, tiny little bullet went through two sheets of drywall and hit my friend's dad in the back. He never got to use his legs again.


The comment you are replying to is about the leading cause of on-duty deaths for cops; not implying that most cops die on duty


Okay, that makes sense, I legitimately was confused about the intended meaning is all


Prompt says he's human, not emotionally delayed


I'm not sure what part of my post you're objecting to, but a human who decides to put billions of dollars into practicing vigilantism definitely has emotional issues.


Yeah he has issues. But he's not evil. Edit: to clarify I am not implying previous commenter is evil. I'm just saying batman isn't.


No you're not evil or a dickwad.


Thanks ifuckedyourgf


Hopefully he comes to my city and catches all the frikken dopes who are stealing cat converters


Cat converters? I understand both of those words but not in that combination.




For additional context, catalytic converters contain valuable elements that make them easy to sell for a quick buck on the secondary market, but the cost to replace them for the car owner is far, far higher.


No chance he gets there faster to 99% of crimes being reported on a police scanner. Police take "forever" to get to crime scenes even when there are officers distributed across a city. Realistic Batman is just one guy out on patrol. If he uses a helicopter, he can cut down on transit time but that greatly reduces his patrol time.


Batman could also do a lot of good as the "world's greatest detective" interpretation. Maybe he has the time and resources to dedicate to substantial forensic analysis that the cops might not spend time on, and could result in identifying perpetrators of crimes that might have otherwise remained unsolved.


If he **really** wanted to reduce crime, he’d fund schools and local community centers, make sure his transit system is safe and free, and make sure the local infrastructure bills were fully funded. Education, community involvement, and increased monetary mobility is what tends to lower crime.


The real hero was Thomas & Martha Wayne the whole time.


Comic Batman does. Sorry it's just more corrupt than he can offer and many times the funds are squandered once they are out of his hands


It's more that comics Gotham is *literally cursed* to be a dystopian wreck.




There's no amount of money you can throw at schools that will make a 75 IQ dude with a temper stop beating his wife


People can absolutely learn to manage anger issues in a healthy way. And they don't even have to be very smart.


Yo, Goddard. Things don't happen like that. Biological determinism has been disproven time and time again.


The link between IQ and violent behavior is stronger than the link between poverty and violent behavior


See, I disagree with this. If anger management, coping skills or even something like meditation (or other anger management skills) were mandatory education, it might prevent a few of em.


You think like this because you're not a 75 IQ guy with a temper. The very dumbest people struggle with concepts like empathy because they don't have the mental horsepower to simulate other people's feelings. They also aren't smart enough to understand that there are consequences to their actions


The strangest thing about Spider-Man villains (I noticed while playing Spider-Man and Miles Morales PS5) is that most of them are people that Peter Parker (or miles) interacts with on a normal basis. What’s up with that?


The in-universe explanation is that nature abhors a vacuum. If there is a superhero, a supervillain will rise to challenge him.


It's not that complicated. Find someone with drugs. Punch him in the face until he tells you where he bought them. Punch dealer in the face until he tells you where he got them. Repeat.


Eventually one of those guys is going to have a bunch of friends with guns that shoot you when you punch him in the face.


Why on earth would you go after a guy with a bunch of friends? Either catch him alone, or snipe the friends. If he's really that hard to get, find a new guy with drugs and start over.


Idk why but it’s hilarious to me how logical this is.


Or just hang them by the ankles from your grappling hook


Or hang them by their testicles with a meat hook.


I feel the pain through the screen already


Damn, can I send my local police station your genius plan?


A lot of crime can be predicted/prevented/interrupted by going around the 4th amendment, which a bored billionaire would be able to do. Mass surveillance would be able to spy those committing property crimes, and the monitoring of various social media platforms and texting would even allow the prediction of certain crimes against people. The biggest bottleneck is the analysis of all the information, but AI would ameliorate that issue.


I think there’s an element of using detective abilities to take down ORGANIZED crime. Not just petty theft and the like. It’s more traceable and actually feasible for someone to follow and take down.


Your point is valid but this is batman we are talking about. Somehow dodged the omega beams from darkside has a near infinite supply of money. So he could use thousands or millions of devices to find the crime first. On top of that he can make robots fit for combat like he did for his own counter measure. And can make mechs that allowed him to fight superman so I'd say he'd do really well.


I liked the approach of the movie: Batman became the criminal's boogieman. They didn't knew if Batman would appear to stop them, but the thought alone that he could appear out of nowhere to beat them up was enough to stop most of them in their tracks.


He would make basically zero difference in terms of abilities because even if you got a comic peak human patrolling the streets the odds of him actually running into some criminals to stop them is slim, and of course realistic Batman wouldn't be able to reliable stop the crime even if he meets one. But he can make a big difference by pushing for reforms that deter crimes. If you go to any news network there's always some random story like 'citizen leads a program that reduces crime by a lot in a formerly violent city', and that's just some average citizen who got a few friends to help out. If you got a real genius with a ton of wealth he can run similar program, probably better programs, and in far more places leading to a significant dramatic reduction in crime.


Yeah, the vigilante is doing close to nothing. The billionaire who's a philanthropist, has close ties to government figures, and genuinely cares about wellbeing over profits and money can do a lot. Law changes, employment opportunities, housing, changes to the prison system, welfare, healthcare, etc. Would all massively reduce crime, and which a billionaire could at least make a start on.


The vigilante is actually doing something. Specifically, causing crime themselves, because pretty much everything Batman does is illegal unto itself. In most places the fact that someone is committing a crime, like robbery, doesn’t make it legal to beat the snot out of them. In fact, if the beating is severe, or the crime was simply theft of some sort, like a snatch and grab, the beating is a much more severe crime. Nothing to say of all his regular trespassing (not okay to jump rooftop to rooftop, that’s private property), or his illegal surveillance, or just general possession of unlicensed military equipment of various forms.


Lol Bruce could totally do that but chooses to let his trauma win and beats up goons all day. The super villains plans would be a lot smaller if they couldn't find goons to help them set up


Gotham is cursed in most iterations iirc, or at least is heavily implied to be, which is why it's such a cesspit and never really fixed.


Bruce knows multiple actual magic-users, though, doesn't he? Why not focus on getting someone to break the curse? Back when he had the Mobius Chair, why didn't he use its power to find out how the curse can be broken? (And yes I know the answer is obviously going to be "the curse is plot-powered and is therefore literally the strongest magic thing in the setting and cannot be permanently broken ever, not even by godlike figures", but that still shows how the curse explanation doesn't really resolve things, it just moves the problem around.)


Mostly because the curse thing really only pops up in one or two storylines and a lot of people would just like to pretend it doesn't exist rather than go "Gotham is bad because spooooooky." The only time I ever see it come up is when fans try to explain why Gotham can't be improved. Anyhow, the older a spell is, generally the more powerful it is, at least in DC. This one's old, so it's got plenty of momentum to it, and it's likely subtle enough to just not ping on a lot of magical senses. (Nevermind that a not-insignificant amount of DC's heftiest magic users have resided in Gotham.)


I feel like Gotham was cursed to explain why Bruce's efforts are going to be perpetually in vain so we can continue to have bat beats up bad guys stories.


Honestly, though, it really shoots future stories in the foot because it removes the *hope* of things improving while also making every magical hero who lived there look like a complete idiot.


It wouldn’t be the most action packed story but having a non cannonical miniseries or something about Bruce having finally won and saved gotham only to have to deal with losing his greatest (greatest as in largest, not best) coping mechanism and finally having to move on from his trauma and heal would be super interesting to read/see. Like just give it a clickbaity title like “The Day Batman Died” or something but by the end Batman only “dies” because he finally decides to be Bruce again


The last page is him taking his grandkids to see The Mark of Zorro.


Hard disagree, the dysfunction of Gotham is a critical element that cannot be removed. It'd be like having Batman wear yellow and smile at everyone; a clean and functional Gotham would just be weird and lame. It doesn't make heroes look like idiots at all, if anything it enhances their nobility in fighting an unwinnable battle.


I'm not saying that they need to purge the city of all crime and corruption at the end, I'm saying that there needs to be a *possibility* of a better tomorrow and a brighter future in order to keep the story from turning into some Millar-esque wank. At some point you reach a point where you realize that the battle *is* genuinely unwinnable by design and nothing the heroes fight and struggle for matter in the end. And that's not a fun story, that's just depressing. Gotham worked just as well as a setting in the Golden and Silver Ages. It had thieves, murderers, extortionists, and racketeers. About the only thing it *didn't* have is rapists. It didn't feel hopeless then. Even in the late Silver Age and Bronze Age, where he *really* came into the Dark Knight Detective title and was dealing with larger bodycounts than ever, it wasn't hopeless. You had faith that, if the heroes survived, they'd improve things eventually. The curse robs that of all meaning. They can struggle, but the end result will not change. Gotham will always be a hellhole and any improvements they make will be rejected by a demon-enforced status quo. It's a rubber band setting. Worse. It's a *stagnant* setting.


The curse of Doctor Gotham is introduced in a comic unrelated to Batman called Shadowpact. Slaughter Swamp being near Gotham was introduced in All-American Comics where it created Solomon Grundy, a villain for Alan Scott.


Nope Bruce already does that, throught multiple comics stuff he has programs and fundation to help the citizens on gotham. In fact villians dont need to hire goons in the joker war comics they were making the point that a lot of the people doing crimes were just regular people that would put mask during times like this and once the party was over they would throw away the mask and live their normal lives.


Bruce already does this. He just also beats up goons.


>Bruce could totally do that Bruce doing that is the only thing keeping Gotham on the map anymore.


He does both though? At least in the animated verse there were a lot of scenes about his philanthropy for the City. Its not like he's either Batman or Bruce Wayne


He could allocate more time and money on it instead of buying gear and beating up thugs all the time


his money seems like an even 50/50 split between batman/JL and charity for gotham


In fairness, is punching clowns that bad?


No, no, he's got a point


Takes like these make me believe that comicbook superheroes taking themselves seriously was a mistake


To be fair a lot of batman stories imply he does do that and it's just not shown, since a 2 hour movie about a guy doing paperwork would be boring. And it doesn't work super well since there are dozens of other billionaires with more money/influence then Bruce Wayne actively making things worse for their own benefit.


He does do that! I don’t get why people think that Batman ONLY just fights criminals on the street. Batman, or Bruce Wayne rather, has foundations set up that are used to help the homeless and reduce crime rate and lead a cleaner energy for Gotham!


I’m pretty sure in lost iterations he spends a lot of money on philanthropy and social programs in his civilian identity.


The vigilante does nothing in the current form. It’s unrealistic to expect a normal man to be able to show up and prevent crimes before they happen. That said, if he was really targeted about using his stealth, resources, and physical prowess I think it could be effective. Think “Anonymous” hacker abilities paired with fear and physical intimidation. I like to think in a scenario in which there’s a real life Bruce Wayne, he could get to the bottom of pedophilia rings like Epstein.


He could totally do that in Gotham as well but he prefers to beat the mentally unwell and financially desperate.




At the same time he cripples enough goons to overwhelm all of Gothams hospitals and causes heaps of property damage. It reminds me of the time the joker got Batman arrested for vigilantism.




I think tbf, some of Batman's villains (cough cough Joker) *do* just need killing.


Keep forgetting the police are evil in most of America. Yeah honestly Batman is a much better alternative.


If a criminal decides to shoot at batman or the police, don't you think their justified in retaliating with equal force? Or do you want the criminals to kill people and get away with their crime?


If someone shoots without first having their life threatened, then yes I'd say it's justifiable to shoot back. It is not ok to use firearms to intimidate, coerce or prevent a suspect from fleeing. It is not ok to shoot first, even if the suspect is holding a knife or similar, unless actual attempts to harm have been made. Shooting a gun should be a last resort, with paperwork attached to every single bullet fired - including registered serial numbers on both bullet and casing linking the attempted homicide to the perpetrator. Granted this wouldn't prevent organised crime, but it would make police brutality harder to get away with.


ok let's be real here if bruce wayne existed he'd be in epstein's flight logs


Batman dies in his first outing falling off a building or being shot in the head.


Idk, I'd assume he'd look more like Batflack and have a full bullet proof suit on from head to toe knowing he can't just dodge bullets... he might fall off a roof still


Real life armor is not as good though


I feel he could survive for a week


That sounds like the opening to Kickass


He’ll have armor


That doesn't protect his mouth. Not an easy shot, but still a decently large target if you use bullet spray.


If he trains well his mouth will not get shot


Even the best of armor cannot take many bullets from an AR-15.


Special ultra expensive one of a kind 1billion dollar armor


A billionaire could buy a bulletproof helmet. It's completely conceivable.


He stops no crimes with his Superhero shenanigans, but (assuming he replicates all aspects of Batman's activities) substantially decreases crime in his city through using his influence to push through reforms, funding welfare programs, and other similar charity efforts designed to cut off crime at the source, resulting in a far greater effect on local quality of life than any amount of punching criminals would achieve.


Real billionaire vigilante wants to stop crime outside the law (Batman could just join the police force if he wants to play by the rules). The best way is probably to fund early childhood education, childcare programs, rent assistance for low income families etc. But that’s boring because Batman is a ninja and he wants to kick someone. There are a couple problems. First, most crime is hard to find. You don’t stumble across mugging a all the time. And serious crime that is solvable and provable is handled by a criminal Justice system. Batman wants to work outside the system but probably doesn’t want to just beat people up already charged with their crimes. Second, it’s very difficult to stop crime with ninja kicks. You have to be very confident the person is guilty and some kind of intervention could matter. So you need a type of crime where the traditional legal system is bad at handling yet, but it’s also really serious, but Batman can also be personally completely convinced of the person’s guilt. And one where intervention doesn’t get him immediately shot. Domestic violence is the real answer here. There are domestic violence situations where the guilty party is obvious, even openly know, but where the criminal Justice system has an incredibly difficult time intervening and/or convicting people. Batman could beat up some people who abuse their kids and fill their house with surveillance, or just skyhook them to another city. Could probably stop a lot of crime actually. Getting sources on the police force. Developing systems. Financial support for victims.


> (Batman could just join the police force if he wants to play by the rules). He's trying to *reduce* crimes, not contribute to them.


This is an interesting setup. Crime can be fought in a lot of ways, and a billionaire genius knows this. The immediate truism about this, however, is that personal action is much less effective than using his resources to address the causes of crime. Let's spell this out: Vladimir Putin has deciding to annex Ukraine, decided to allow or even authorize war crimes against its people, and has forced over a million people to flee. This guy has committed many more crimes than the Joker. Putting on a black mask and fighting thugs and gang enforcers stops individual crimes. If we're playing this by numbers, managing to get to Putin and kill him, and get away, is worth more than killing the Joker. This is the sort of setup that starts to look plausible; Batman, assassin of war criminals, is going to train in firearms and essentially try to get to a special forces level of skill. This Batman, however, may well have backup: part of putting something like this together is getting the support and allegiance of others. In this case, Batman has money and opportunity to create a cell of support, and then can strike with overwhelming force. After Putin, perhaps go after something like Boko Haram or ISIS. This manages to look like the exact opposite of Batman: a little known guy that kills serious bastards. People will suspect him to be something like a CIA Operative, and maybe in his connections that winds up being true. For as much as comic books want to paint a different picture, active war criminals are real world supervillains. How else can one man stop millions of crimes?


Killing a war lord doesn't stop a war machine, it just changes hands. He would be battling institutions and other similarly wealthy people who are perfectly able to operate on his level and would massively outpace his spending through coordinated effort. Too many people benefit from the chair Vladimir Putin sits in for them to let it be empty for too long.


Which is why he'd do better to go after Lukashenko in Belarus right after. Belarus might seize that moment to go into open rebellion. I wouldn't want to be batting for Russia anymore after Putin and Lukashenko go down


So...John Wick without a boss and with a bat theme


He could stop littering and loitering, and not much else.


He shouldn't have been littering or loitering in the first place! Rich asshole.


I think he'd have to take the detective Batman approach and investigate murders and bring criminals to justice that the cops can't. Maybe he can try and infiltrate drug king pins. He might actually have connections to find them as a Billionare. It'd be like 1/1000 calls that are active crimes in progress that he may be able to get to intime like a silent alarm being tripped during a robbery. So I don't think he'd pick the street crime route. He'd be essentially an FBI agent in a costume who doesn't carry a gun. Hope he makes some good bullet proof armor when he storms Tony Soprano's strip club But honestly that's even more exciting that what would probably happen. He'd just track down whoever the drug/gang kingpin in the area, gather evidence for the cops to prosecute him, and beat him up in his room when he's sleeping for fun Also isn't Big Daddy in KickAss just a normal dude trying to be Batman? You end up needing a lot of guns to do anything effective.


As a baseline, you can look at Phoenix Jones: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix\_Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Jones) ​ When he was active he patrolled Seattle with a team of people who mostly acted like security guards who simply recorded activities and relayed information both to Phoenix and also SPD when necessary(observe and report). His equipment were mostly his body armor and a bevy of recording equipment. He is a trained MMA fighter and has at least one video of him beating another man in "mutual combat" on the street with cops watching. ​ Adding money to Phoenix and his team, you now have an independent police force with body armor, small arms, drones and armored vehicles. The cops never liked Phoenix though and I imagine any other PD is going to have a problem with masked and well geared vigilantes. They best they could do without interfering in actual police work is simply to "observe and report". This in itself would cut down on crime but would harbor resentment in regular citizens who now have to deal with a well funded individual possibly invading their privacy. The local PD eventually find out the vigilante's identity and tries to publicly humilate them and/or perform asset forfeiter to take away all their toys. ​ And as someone else mentioned though, it only takes one person with a gun to put a stop to all of it.


Realistically he would be dead within 48 hours. That’s if he even finds any crime to actually stop. Criminals don’t deal drugs in the open like in the movies. But if he ended up in some shootout drug deal type situation, he’d be dead very quickly. No amount of Karate is gonna stop a bullet from blasting your jaw off.


He better have drones.


I think a lot of people are looking at this as one person trying to stop purse snatchings in a city, which truthfully would be impossible. But a billionaire using all his resources could do some SERIOUS damage to more in depth crimes like high level fraud, unsolved murders, maybe rapes. He would be like a private detective with country wide reach. He could hire investigators, professional burglars, mercenary units, bribe law enforcement at all levels to allow him access to their databases etc. Any crime where evidence collection is hindered by constitutional laws and resources he could handle. The real problem is unlike gotham, no one would prosecute because the evidence collection would be illegal as shit. So the actual answer is 0 crime.


He gets fucking wrecked the first time he comes across a thug with a gun he knows how to use.


Batman could flood the streets with drones that remotely detect crime and fire rubber bullets and tear gas. The police in real life already have drones that can do this


How would a drone automatically "detect crime?" Like, is going to have a Crime Sensor? Is it wired up to something like ChatGPT, where it asks "hey there are two shapes that I've identified as people, and they're making some noise, is this a crime? Should I fire rubber bullets and tear gas at one or both of them?" Or are they all manned by humans, sitting at a desk with a "fire rubber bullets and tear gas at people" button in front of them? How will the *humans* be able to identify crime any better than the humans we already have on that job? Basically, how do you avoid a situation where all the existing biases and shortcomings that we grapple with in policing today result in a bunch of innocent people getting rubber bullets and tear gas shot at them, only this time, by drones?


This won’t be popular but - billionaire genius Batman could halve the crime rate in the US within three months. Seriously. Significant financial resources. Remarkable martial prowess. An ability and willingness to operate outside the law. An IQ that can melt metal. He doesn’t break a sweat. Most theft is wage theft. The people who do this are easily identifiable. In our world they are invulnerable- protected by crooked judges, valorised by toadying media, surrounded by police and private armies. None of that stops the Dark Knight. The CEO of Walmart goes missing. The next day he’s found, beaten and bound, barely conscious, with a sign around his neck - “pay the workers what they’re owed” - and a list of the CEOs of the latest Fortune 500. One week, and six more CEOs later, wage theft has dropped to an all time low. The next few months are mopping up the remnants. School lunches. Free insulin. Libraries with books in them. Healthcare. Once the fear sets in, once the people who drive crime realise that they are no longer invulnerable or invisible, then the process drives itself. The man who could take down Superman won’t flinch at a super-yacht. That private plane isn’t so private anymore. You don’t have to be the World’s Greatest Detective to figure some of this out.


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Depends on how realistic. A masked vigilante running around punching poor people will do basically nothing to stop crime. If however, he used his cast wealth and political influence to help teachers, fix school, hire people for good wages, get criminal police thrown in jail etc... He could probably reduce crime to nearly 0


Fighting crime himself would get him killed quickly. He'd be better off using his time and resources on detective work, improving and restoring communities, etc.


If he's in America? He gets shot, realizes even excellent ballistic protection hurts a lot, falls to the ground, gets shot more, dies. 1 night.


He wouldn't make a difference. Seeing as he might knock the teeth out of criminals he also saves them from dying. A guy could have murdered 20 people and someone will try to kill him for revenge and batman would literally stop the guy wanting revenge. Batman negates his own agenda resulting in no change. Oh and he dies on his first night either getting shot in the head, getting jumped or falling off a rooftop.


hed probably buy a rocket company and a social media platform... and then proceed to do everything the opposite of mr. musk


I would hope he would clean up the political scene, which in itself, would help clean up crime in general. It would be a lot easier for a Batman type to do that, than to stop a mugging.


if we are talking a real life batman,hed probly not work alone,it would be more of a team of poeple then that of one person,like a gang,thats rich,a person alone could not stop alot of crime without it mentally draining them or litterly being killed,criminals can be VERY unpredictable mentally and skillfuly,you would need a intire operation to stop crime effectivly,regardless of skill no one alone can take fown intire gang operations or criminal underworlds,even a trained vet would eventually get killed if they attempted it,and hell there are vets out there that are criminals wich can make goin out and stoping crime even more deadler,the best that batman,a realistic one to do,is just run for mayor and make a better police force,way more efficiant and you wont have to go out and get killed


I would say realistically, Bruce Wayne would do way more good for Gotham than the Bat. An ethical billionaire (let's not get into the realism there) would absolutely be able to solve the root causes of street crime, poverty and mental illness. If a billionaire became a master martial artist and started literally fighting crime, he'd be shot in the back by a crackhead within a week.


To all the people saying "you don't just stumble upon crime": Yes, in the real world. But this is realistic Batman *in Gotham*. Place is a rat's nest.


Almost none as a vigilante unless he was willing to expand his trust network into a larger operation and at that point he'd be responsible for more crime than he solves. As a philanthropist though he could make big moves with his money by funding crime prevention programs like access to housing, harm reduction, and mental health services. His primary benefit is that whatever city he chooses to focus on won't be literally cursed with crime like Gotham is. Any billionaire could do this any time, but it would make a dent in their billions which is why they don't.


If he was a realistic Bruce Wayne, as in the greatest detective, he would deduce a lot of our crime comes from societal problems. If he has access to Musk or Bezos levels of cash, he could end world hunger? Then maybe domestically start homing the homeless. More people die over lack of food than die from violent crime. Technically that means those who restrict access to food and water are the real villains he'd be fighting.


> How much crime can this man stop? Quite a bit. As a billionaire he can use his resources and influence to ensure that various governmental regulatory agencies and district attorneys hold corporations to higher standards, and make sure crimes cost rather than making them budget items that are dwarfed by the huge profits they make... Oh wait, you mean doing it Batman style where he hangs out in dark alleys waiting for some thug to grab someone's purse? None. That form of crime is so rare, and he's one guy who can only be in an incredibly limited space.


Amazing prompt. Here for the answers 🍿


If we're looking for just return on time/investment, his best bet is to figure out how to intimidate a bunch of restaurant owners, retail managers, and hospital accountants and managers to stop committing wage theft. Far easier to track down preemptively than most violent crimes, and outweighs robbery and burglary in terms of dollars stolen.


No crime would be prevented. No case would hold up. Just imagine if the best UFC fighter or a buff Olympic athlete patrolled the streets waiting for someone to get mugged or jumping in on a drug deal at the street corner. They would get jumped. If we want to add tech and money into it, imagine peak Putin driving to crimes in progress. It's just ridiculous. An unfortunately more realistic scenario would be The Punisher spraying street corners, but he'd be committing more crimes doing that. Superheroes are fantasy. *Supervillains*, however...are very real. We live on one of those fucked parallel earths.


If he hates crimes he can’t become Batman. Vigilantism is illegal, and Batman is a vigilante. Unless we’re assuming the Justice League exists in this scenario, and said justice league had superhero tryouts


Ironically this Batman would be terrible at fighting petty crime but could be *amazing* at fighting white collar crime. Imagine an alternate universe where Commissioner Gordon works for the SEC/FBI


Ironically, Bruce Wayne does better than Batman. A charismatic billionaire philanthropist will be suspicious at first for many people, but when he's giving millions if not billions of dollars to K-12 education, drug rehabilitation programs, help networks for abusers/victims of abuse, mental health resources, etc, he'll be hailed as a hero practically nation-wide. Then he gets into politics and gets nowhere because government is a joke and money is what matters lmao


If you are doing realistic Batman, you are also going to need to have Batman do some realistic stuff as well. Batman is only really going make a dent if he makes his own army. Something along the lines of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman:_The_Dark_Knight_Returns_(film) Crime will always be bigger than Batman, even when it was unrealistic. In order to make a statement, it must be put out that people cannot get away with crime. Batman would need to build a network of informants everywhere, so even when crimes are done, justice will prevail.


#*Warning, disturbing content regarding violent crimes.* Honestly, the only way to end crime is to make it pointless. Even then, people find reasons, no matter how bullshit and worthless the reason is- specificlaly regading violent crimes. Stealing, bribing, etc could all be made pointless with the right societal systems in place. But, violent crimes like murder and rape dont happen due to any necessity. No matter what, someone out there is going to feel so lonerly that they take it out on someone else by drugging and raping them, or by just outright killing them. Can crime be put next to 0%? Theoretically, yes. Can it be 0% flat? No, humanity is too volatile.


No chance he'll be dead he can stop little pety crimes like robbery on the streets and stuffs like that but when it comes to bigger crimes like Dr*g lords or armed robbery he can't do anything i mean he can have the best body condition ever but he still can't dodge bullets even hand to hand combat with more than 3-4 buffed guys would be the end of him


Humans can't dodge bullets so literally the first guy with a gun is gonna wreck him.


Just saying but John Reese and Finch from Person of Interest stop a lot of shit


By dressing up as a bat and running around punching people? Pretty much none. But this guy has ridiculous resources. Gotham City is incredibly corrupt, and almost completely abandoned by the federal government. Bruce Wayne could pump money into education, infrastructure anti-corruption and poverty relief. This gets rid of the ordinary Joe Chill type of criminals. As for the Joker type of criminals, there's clearly an abundance of tough, poor, unscrupulous young men in Gotham to staff the all supervillains' gangs that Wayne could fairly easily recruit. Imagine you're one of those generic faceless mooks. Who would you want to work for? Some maniac in a brightly coloured costume who barely pays a living wage and likes to shoot his own men for the lulz? Or a well-known charismatic philanthropist who pays well, and offers you a position in a well-trained, well-equipped, disciplined private army? Clearly there's an abundance of all the random bat-crap lying around. Scale down the armor and weapons on the Batmobile and mass produce hundreds of them. Take the fancy capes and adornments off the bat-suit and produce thousands of them. Rather than training one man for ten years, train ten thousand men for half a year. Bruce already has no qualms about mass surveillance. The Batcomputer must be getting real-time crime data from *somewhere*. Nobody's going to stop Bruce from raising an army. The federal government doesn't give a shit about what goes on in Gotham. Any public officials who complain can be paid off. Batman clearly doesn't give a damn about things like due process. And let's be honest, this guy regularly uses bombs and brings down buildings. The whole no-killing thing is just rhetoric. Bruce can serve as financier and PR guy for his army. Robin and Alfred can actually command and coordinate the troops. Eliminate the root causes of *actual* street crime, and wipe out all the costumed psychos with a brutally effecient army of Batmen.


Barely any. A lot of crimes don't happen from a random guy just wanting some money it usually happens from people were close to. Murder? It was a bad day and someone pissed off their friend, family member, lover or coworker causing them to go over the edge. Thief? Usually the thief knows the individual they're stealing from and does it when they're not home and does when they're with them so can go unnoticed. Any type of sex crime? That's usually done by family a family friend or just a friend. If Batman was real the crime rate in today's society wouldn't go down that much because he can't to stop crimes like these.


Idk how much he can stop as Batman but if a billionaire was really that enthusiastic about stopping crime it would be good to remember that one story of the Ceo of a popular company who single-handedly dropped the crime and homelessness rates in his hometown drastically just by paying the tuition fees for anyone there who could manage to get accepted into a uni. So if Bruce Wayne was willing to do that rather than spend his money on gadgets, he could probably make a significant difference. Though if my boi really did need to dawn on a Bat suit and beat the shit out of criminals to feel satisfied, there should be a few things to note. 1) Bruce Wayne has been training to fight crime since he was a kid which allowed him to get a grip on several different martial art, to test how he would fair realistically we should account for this. Whilst he still isn't kicking down any trees, someone who's studied multiple martial arts for 20 years is going to have a significantly higher chance of realilably beating criminals than somebody who hasn't. 2) Bruce is also stated to be very intelligent. A realistic Bruce may not have the time to become quite the world's greatest Detective, just getting high up there whilst having the money to fund even more research could get him a pretty good track record of rightness. Though it should be stated that absolutely nobody has been absolutely right about everything and Bruce will definitely arrest the wrong person at some point, but his no killing should help make that too much of a problem 3) Whilst the chances of him running into every random mugger on the street in time to stop them are slim, Bruce could still probably use techniques like radio listening from the Nightcrawler movie to find out where major crimes are happening (I'm assuming Nightcrawler is a realistic movie though, bear in mind that this might not be the case at all but I'm too lazy to check). To my knowledge, nobody in human history has ever made something as effective as comic Batman's grappling gun, so whilst grappling around the city and steathily hiding in the shadows at the right moment probably isn't an accident, getting an effective Batmobile could probably get him around town quick enough to not necessarily stop the crime, but quick enough to make chasing after the criminals shortly after they've left which probably makes it easier to catch them than it would have been to track them down days after it occured. Making goggles that sense body heat and can pick up on fingerprints and shoes is also feasible and could be used to increase his chances. He could also use his bat motorcycle to get to the scenes even faster, though this would pretty drastically increase his chances of getting into an accident and a real man would die pretty easily to a motorbike accident regardless of training or intellect, none of those would matter would a semi truck brakes down or something and ends up decapitating you. So I wouldn't reccomended using a motorbike. So yeah, while I don't think he's going to be stopping a large of crime before it's finished like he does in the comics, I do think it's feasible for him to utilise his knowledge of martial arts and use of bullet proof armour to safely take down the criminals he finds, then he can ziptie them up and leave them for the police to find. He definitely isn't singlehandedly stopping any more than 10-20% of the crime in the city by hand, however, if he gets efficient enough to stop the criminals he does hear about, and if he really is able to build up this terrifying persona, then, just like in The Batman, Bruce could deter a decent number of criminals from attempting crime just out of fear of having to risk meeting this bulletproof guy who doesn't follow the police's rules and shows up just when you think you've gotten away with it. He can't be in two places at once but can be in as many minds as possible and the latter would probably have an impact still. It still wouldn't be nearly as impactful as the first scenario, but it could probably do something. Now that I think about it The Batman movie was pretty accurate when it comes to envisioning how a real world Bruce would act. Though if we're going by the idea you presented of a random 30 year old billionaire just suddenly getting bored and deciding he'll become Batman then I'll doubt he'd make it very far as far as crime fighting goes, though as a billionaire he would probably have some sort of access to people's data and information about the city and use that to his advantage somehow. Idk, age 30 isn't really known for being peak physique for somebody who only just started training but he could probably do something too, he would probably achieve less than a real Bruce Wayne from the second scenario would, but still, it would be something.


2, maybe 3 if lucky. If not die from this then he would get arrested by police before next time.


Does this Batman have a no-kill policy? Because with $1 billion and sufficient willpower, he could probably, at least for a time, take over the city as a warlord.


In reality he’ll just walk around at night, beating up people who just kinda look scary (they’ll also be disproportionately black) and only stop a few mugging possibly. Or he’ll just get shot, even with the best training and armor in the world if you’re going to fight an entire gang of ~15 armed guys they’ll just shoot you if you provoke them. There’s a reason “real life superheroes” are very unimpressive. They stop next to no actual crime and quickly quit because they either get bored, arrested for misconduct, or too old. In the industrialized world with economies advanced enough to have billionaires we don’t have that many terrorists IRL and federal agents tend to do a decent job dealing with them in so an IRL batman would rarely be useful. If Bruce was genuinely obsessed with stopping crime he’d just start a PAC and fund some community projects to prevent criminality in kids. Really the BEST thing he could do is donate to lower-income schools, but if you’re the type of guy that ends up a billionaire you probably have excuses in your head that prevent that.


Realistic batman would be most effective at stopping crime by donating almost all of this wealth to charity and youth programs. Getting people out of unfortunate situations, especially the young ones, and stopping crimes before it starts.


In some ways a lot. Batman has no outside pressure. He doesn't have to go for a quick arrest because the public is getting angry. He can follow the chain of say, drugs as far up as he wants. To use an example if you've seen The Wire - Omar (the guy who robs drug dealers) was more effective than the police. Mostly because he could just focus on his goal. He didn't have to rush or get permission or funding just to operate. Batman could literally show up and destroy major shipments of drugs as they arrive. On the other hand he couldn't do as much about smaller individual instances of crime. He won't get to stop a bunch of robberies or murders. He could be effective against certain organized crime.


Batman would probably have to lean more towards his detective side to accomplish anything significant. Which he probably could due to his resources. He would have access to drones, private investigators, undercover informants, friends in the local government, near perfect replicas of the best crime analysis labs in the world, access to a team of hackers to break into sources of potentially useful information, etc. He would probably do pretty well as a vigilante detective, though it would be pretty unethical.


None. Or a lot. It depends on how much he can effect organized crime. Most crimes are in the moment. So he'll have no effect on those. Most drug dealers are working class people dealing to their friends and stuff. So no effect. But if he can effect cartels and gangs then he could have a major effect as it's harder to get drugs and weapons. But the average reported crime probably won't change.


Realistically, he can go after criminals the police can't go after. People who are protected by criminal justice laws. Not all of them would be "mob bosses" per se, but corrupt cops and politicians. Your more mundane and average OJ Simpson-like cases of "we know he did it but the trial didn't prove it" cases. He could have went after Weinstien and Epstien before they got outed.


TBH realistic batman would do better using his billions to fund community centres and youth programs. As has been said before most crime is reported after the fact and unless he is going to be going after organized crime he not going to be stopping many murders/muggings/burglaries unless he happens to be in the same place they're currently happening.


Have you not seen the new Batman movie? He specifically addresses this in the movie.


If he actually attempts Batman's approach, he most likely gets shot or arrested relatively quickly. But a billionaire genius could stop a whole lot of crime if he wanted to by addressing its root causes. Mainly poverty, lack of opportunity, and poor quality social services.


Destroy Tik Tok, the world would be a better place overnight.


Batman himself wouldn’t do much but the fear of batman might discourage many


One problem is I've never seen batman try and stop white collar financial crime.