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Johnny Bravo. He has terrible mental strength and dumb as bricks but his stupidity would make him do the opposite of what the ring tries to get him to do. Ring:“Keep me close Johnny, and you’ll have all the, ahem, *‘hot babes’* you could ask for” JB:“You sure? Cause I could ask for a lot.” Ring:“Y-yes, all you could ask f- wait what are you doing?” JB:“It’s too tight on my finger” Ring:“Put me back on! I can literally grow or shrink in size” JB:“Whoops!” *accidentally drops the ring into the lava* JB:“Aw dang, now I won’t get any of those hot babes.”


Ring: Why are we going to Mt. Doom? JB: I ain’t no dummy shiny. What better place to find hot girls than the hottest mountain?


Ring: “It, it has no hot babes.” JB: “Oh yeah? Well why does it have *mount* in its name?”


JB: "You're just trying to keep the hottest babes to yourself!"


JB: "Where's this chick called Shelob at? If she's got 'She' in her name, we're talking major woman here."


This just in, Johnny Bravo has a spider fetish. Wait till he meets the Spider Devil from CSM.


He dated a deer and a werewolf. That’s par for the course.


Those are the two best girls in the show. Other than Mamma and that little girl I guess.


Stupid sexy Shelob.


[I think this belongs here now.](https://youtu.be/f3AZYQh2e0k)


I was skeptical. Then I read this thread in his voice. Am 100% convinced.


Excellent choice


Cartoon characters like Johnny feel like they're the correct answer. They'll probably actually be influenced by it, but because it's funny they'd end up fucking up and destroying the ring anyway.


this is basically evil god vs toonforce


my theory is that the effectiveness of toonforce is proportional to the ham-ness of the toon's opponent. the bigger the ham, the more the laws of comedy dictate that they receive their comeuppance. so, for instance, squirrel girl can easily defeat thanos, because thanos is a sentient purple ham, but bugs bunny can't defeat walter white, because walter white is a psycopath who poisons children in cold blood.


Yeah, toonforce beats “unbeatable”, but like you said, it wouldn’t do as well against mundane realistic evil; Bugs Bunny vs Ted Bundy would be a very dark cartoon.


I’m picturing Evan Peters as Dahmer trying to convince Goofy that he just wants to take some pictures.


> the bigger the ham, the more the laws of comedy dictate that they receive their comeuppance. Thus, Arale beats Vegeta. Checks out.


Also it’d be fully backed by eru for some divine comedy




we have a winner, close down the thread.




This is such a great response. Definitely thinking outside the box.


Wow, you have me convinced.


Mr Bean could probably do it by just being totally unaware of what the Ring is, where he is, where he is going, or what he is doing.


"Hold out your hand Mr, it's quite cool" *Mr Bean looks over both his shoulders then mutely gestures at himself questioningly, before nervously extending his opened hand towards the Ring. Gandalf releases the tongs' grip on the Ring, and it falls into Mr Bean's hand.* *He shakily lifts the Ring towards to his eyeline, bringing his other hand up close to inspect it, but knocks himself and drops the Ring, which rolls towards the hallway, loses speed and falls over. Gandalf smiles, knowingly.* *Mr Bean leans over as he walks towards the Ring, hand outstretched, but kicks the Ring and it bounces through the still-open front door and around the corner of his garden pathway.* *He follows it outside, looks left and right, then up, then down, and spots the Ring. He leans over as he walks towards the Ring, hand outstretched, but kicks the Ring and it rolls further down the path.* *He follows it down the path, leans over as he walks towards the Ring, hand outstretched, but kicks the Ring and it rolls further...* Ad ~~infinitum~~ Mordor.


I want someone to animate the ring constantly getting knocked around in different ways and Mr Bean just running after it until it gets knocked into the lava somehow


Bean would be unaware of the ring accidentally falling into his possession, and he'd end up stumbling into completing his mission accidentally as well.


The ring just so happens to be inside the turkey stuck on his head, which he is taking to Mount Doom to cook for christmas dinner


But see, he didn't start out looking for mount doom. He was actually working at the prancing pony, going to an oven to cook the turkey in but somebody took it just before he got there, so he walked to the next oven over but someone else took that too, so he stumbles and excuses himself to the nearby oven outside and it happens again and again, every oven ends up busy and the trail leads him all the way to Rivendell. He walks in on the meeting where they're discussing the ring, but he thinks they're talking about who gets to use the oven next, he is visibly frustrated, so he steps forward and announces "I will take it!" while holding up his raw fucking turkey dish looking super hopeful and smiling. The next shot is him in Mount Doom, looking absolutely ragged and destroyed like Frodo did, where he finally puts this damn turkey in the oven and it blows up.


The one ring only affects those with weak willpower, not necessarily weak minds. But I don't know if they're the same in this context. Mr. Bean has quite strong willpower though.


Not true. Gandalf feared to keep the Ring in his possession. He firmly believed the Ring would snake its way into his mind and turn him into a force for evil. Denethor had a strong will and Sauron wore him down through the Palantir Frodo had a strong will That's the thing. There's having the strength to resist the Ring in the short term. Galadriel is able to do so to see it out of her land and Faramir is able to do so to see it beyond his grasp. But anyone who has long term exposure to the ring is turned, even if only a little bit at a time. Even Bilbo who gave up the Ring had to fight to do so and had to be encouraged rather firmly by Gandalf. And when he saw it again, he wanted it back.


Long term resistance has to with ambition rather than will power. If you don't really want or need anything then there's nothing for the ring to tempt you with making it much harder for it to wear you down.


It will find something. Even Sam felt the pull of the Ring eventually and nobody wanted a simple life more than that guy


I would argue he has a strong mind but weak willpower due to just how easily bored, annoyed and flustered he gets, which leads to his antics most of the time.


If you give him a race car, Ricky Bobby. The ring would amplify his desire to go fast, meaning it would only decrease the time it takes Ricky Bobby to destroy the ring. This also means Cal Naughton Jr would be in the Samwise role. Without a race car, I’ll give it to Mr. Magoo, who would destroy the ring without even knowing he was doing it.


Oh Magoo, you've done it again!


Cal Naughton convinces him to throw it in the lava for a joke, Shake and Bake. Watched the movie yesterday, holy fuck it still holds up so damn good.


I am zee One Ring from Mordor, Monsieur Bobby, and I must be thrown into zee fires of Mt. Doom by someone who is truly better than me.


Probably shaggy and scooby


Sauron can’t corrupt Shaggy because Shaggy is more powerful than Sauron.


Shaggy is basically Tom Bombadil, an insanely powerful stoner who just wants to stay at home and fuck around


[Shaggy literally rivals the Infinity Gauntlet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qQJvUfBDOQ)


EDIT: I have quit reddit and you should too! With every click, you are literally empowering a bunch of assholes to keep assholing. Please check out https://lemmy.ml and https://beehaw.org or consider hosting your own instance. @reddit: You can have me back when you acknowledge that you're [over enshittified](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) and commit to being better. @reddit's vulture cap investors and u/spez: Shove a hot poker up your ass and make the world a better place. You guys are WHY the bad guys from Rampage are funny (it's funny 'cause it's true).


Baby "Barack Obama" yoda


Looks like one of Hello There's videos with a different soundtrack


Actual canon super saiyan that can beat Scorpion and fight Superman


No way. There's probably a deli or a sandwich shop in Minas Mordor, and once those two have food in front of them you might as well just hand the ring to Sauron.


Merry and Pippin did alright


Shaggy is basically a tall and lanky hobbit.


Just keep shaggy away from pipe weed


Perhaps the black knight from Monty python? Post injury of course. It's kind of hard for the ring to take advantage of a guy who won't ever be able to use it. Unless it can be used as a cock ring. Although I do question how he would get it on.


The one ring can and will change its form to fit the wearer. Also don’t ask my why I know this but you can find one ring cock rings on Etsy


>one ring cock rings damn, dude! imagine all the VIRGINITY you'd lose while wearing one of those!


Now I'm imagining the knight using the ring as a belt


There is another place for a *different* type of ring


That's fun to think about haha. I think the ring still makes people go mad though. Galadriel wasn't wearing it when she went nuts for a second and Bilbo went GnaAarGHH without wearing it too. If the knight doesn't have his legs he can't take it to mordor and I guess if he keeps them he can at most kick people a lot lol


I imagine maybe a robot could do it. I guess the trick is figuring out how mentally weak (that is, subject to its own programming) it can be while still being considered a character.


Yes Man from Fallout: New Vegas has a human-equivalent personality but was designed to be as mentally weak as possible. That said, even if the ring can't influence securitrons directly, Yes Man can't do it alone. He needs at least one companion to keep reminding him that the ring *actually does* belong in a volcano every time someone tells him otherwise.


I wonder if Bender from Futurama could do it. Don’t get me wrong, he would 100% be corrupted by the Ring. He would be corrupted by the Ring even if it were literally impossible for him to be corrupted (as a robot), because he’d see how much people want the Ring and use that to his advantage. But he would also double-cross Sauron for fun after he got tired of using it. Can you really corrupt someone who’s already corrupt?


Nice job bending out of the box. I could actually see early Bender doing that, but later seasons Bender might destroy the ring seeing how it affects Fry.


If you think this is out of the box, [I made another (separate) comment which I think is even more outside the box.](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/zwlqtd/the_character_with_the_weakest_mental_strength/j1wa6v3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) It’s been a while since I watched Futurama. Bender not only sold his first-born to the Robot Devil, he forcefully threw him into Robot Hell creeping out Robot Devil. Maybe he changes later on, but I don’t remember. I can kinda see Bender using the Ring for a few decades before he gets tired of it. (Although I would guess in an actual Futurama episode he’d get tired quicker for time and story line concerns.) Especially if the crew wants him to get rid of it, as he’d think they are jealous and trying to undermine him. Also, I don’t think Bender could be corrupted into using the Ring to protect his friends (like Gandalf being corrupted into using the Ring for good) because he’d get angry at the Ring for insinuating he cares about them. (If I remember his personality correctly.)


Okay I honestly chuckled at the idea that Bender would destroy an angelic artifact because it dared to assume he cared about others.


Bender: /*is about to lead an army of orcs to take over Middle-Earth, but is having seconds thoughts about having to slay his friends to do it/* Sauron: “I can give you powers to win back your friends and protect them.” Bender: “Y-You think I *care* about those people!?” /*yeets the Ring into the fire and moons Sauron as he does it/*


Bender has been pretty open with his love for Fry. It’s all the other meat bags.


Counter-point: When Bender out-virus'd the scammer's virus through his self-serving corrupt nature, he was able to do so because the virus forced him to serve others. The virus went *against* his very nature. Sauron's influence doesn't (as far as I know based on the movies) force the user to become subservient to him, it only feeds their own inner desire, and Bender would abuse it maliciously. The ring would go *along* with his nature. But doing so would very quickly alert the Nazgul of his location 24/7. Otherwise if Sauron's influence worked anything like the virus, you would absolutely be correct. He is absolutely capable of out-corrupting external corrupting influences if it's self-serving.


In the independent ending, >!doesn’t Yes Man reprogram himself to become more assertive?!<


Helper from Venture Brothers.


The Tolkien/Asimov crossover we didn't know we needed. Could Robbie destroy the ring? Maybe. Could QT-1/Cutie? Definitely no.


Johnny 5, from short circuit.


Tom Cullen from the stand, " m o o n that spells Mordor"!


IIRC, Randall Flagg couldnt detect Tom. So maybe Sauron cant either?


Mr Bean. Gets the one ring by accident. Thinks it is a napkin holder. On his way to brunch gets lost and ends up in Mordor. Trips on a rock and the ring (with a napkin stuffed into it) falls out of his pocket and into the lava. He gives a stupid grin and bumbles away to his next adventure.


The presence of Tom Bombadill complicates this, as the lore already has someone who could have dealt with the one ring without it corrupting him but he also had no desire whatsoever to do it. So you have to have someone who can carry it, resist it, but who also cares enough to actually do it. I vote Lennie from *Of Mice and Men.* Just tell him it'll help him and George get their farm, but he has to throw it in the volcano to appease some volcano god. Hell, don't even tell him about the ring. Just put it in a box and tell him to yeet the box. He'll be done by mid-afternoon.


Lenny had a desire to pet things. The One Ring would turn Lenny into Gollum.


Such a precious rabbit George. So precious.


I did think of one issue. If George asks for the ring (or the box) he would happily give it to him, so the Council of Elrond (or Gandalf or whatever) will have to convince George to tell Lennie to do it without George knowing what it is. But Gandalf seems witty enough to figure that out. Probably just offer George a huge plot of farmland in payment for having Lennie toss the box, but tell him if he opens it the deal is off. George might start wondering what's inside but his desire for land would get him to at least send Lennie on the quest. Then just put George in a cell until Lennie is done, or keep him distracted with ale and dancing girls whatever. Give it a day. Lennie will come back "Hey George I put the box in the lava, can we have our farm now?" George will respond "Oh right, great job, hey did you look inside? I was going to ask you to peak inside for me but *burp* I guess I got distracted." "No, George I would never open the box you said not to open it so I didn't open it." "Ah, well shit. That's alright. Good job. Yeah yeah you did the right thing. Alright yeah where's that *hiccup* bearded dude with the staff? He has our deed. Hey Lennie you want an ale? These people are just giving them away. Some kind of celebration. Hey barkeep one ale for my friend here and another for me!"


Fuck man, I teared up just imagining George and Lenny getting to spend more time together


I need fanfic of them on shenanigans without any of the original yucky subject matter like racism and murder.


>but he also had no desire whatsoever to do it. That's why it had no effect on him. He didn't really have any desires for the Ring to corrupt


Kobeni could do it if I offered her a hundred dollars I am sure


Literally the first person willing accept the eternity devil's deal.


Yeah, no way she would accept the offerings of the God powered Ring now in her possession...


anything for a bonus


Honestly you could undercut $100 In seriousness, not sure if Kobeni could be corrupted. I’m not sure if from her perspective the ring could conceivably solve her issues. Like, is the ring intelligent enough to prescribe therapy? I don’t think she has the self confidence to become supreme ruler of Middle Earth. Only downside to Kobeni, is that she’ll offer up the ring the moment any remotely dangerous opponent comes along to spare her life.


A Terminator. They have no theory of mind, they are more like a pre-programmed curiosity bot that can learn to a degree. The One Ring won't have an effect on it.


Also of note that a Terminator is designed for infiltration and would have no problem dealing with most of Sauron's minions in a fight.


But then stuff like the Nazgûl become a very real problem


Well, does the terminator get any equipment? Because the Arnold version with a motorcycle and full-auto weaponry might take on a fell beast no problem and could definitely outride a nazgûl on a spooky horse. The liquid metal version wouldn’t have to worry about jack shit lmao


Sure, but I think a case could be made that ‘the terminator’ is just a tad bit stronger than Frodo Baggins.


So many dumb cartoon characters with even low level toonforce would do it simply because accidentally dropping the ring in mount Doom is the funniest ending. Pinky from Pinky and the Brain could do it. The baby, who constantly gets into death defying scenarios but is than saved by Tom (or the Animaniacs version who is saved by the dog constantly) could also do it.


I think I reached the same conclusion as well. I also assume that’s the reasoning behind Johnny Bravo and Mr. Bean (among others). (But consider also: it would be funnier if the character were to be corrupted, but tempted by something people would consider virtue of character rather than a vice, and then took out the Ring out of spite for one daring to suggest they have a good trait.)


I feel like Patrick Starfish could get it done by similar argument. It's SpongeBob who would be the problem.


The ring trying to corrupt Patrick would just be the meme where he argues with the manta ray villain lmao


Patrick: Gandalf offered me 3 *holds up 3 digits* pennies to toss this ol’ ring in there *points dramatically at the fires of Mt. Doom with cartoon sound effects* Ring: *Gives visions of Patrick as a King with mountains of gold surrounding him, swelling like the ocean as he basks in this display of decadent wealth* Patrick: I’m already getting 3 pennies but you’re saying he’ll offer me all that? Ring: *Another vision of the money, this time with a clearly displayed ring with a fiery glow on Patrick’s “hand”. The shot zooms in on the ring then jumps back to displaying the vast wealth* Patrick: Sooooooo….you’re saying he’ll give me all that… and another ring! Ring: *Freaks out with various scenes trying to convince him* Patrick: Wow! Looks like I’ve got a lot to look forward to. Who knew 3 pennies would get you all that? *casually tosses ring into the fire like flipping a coin then scratches his butt* *Cue the destruction of Sauron’s tower and Gandalf’s reaction with a tear in his eye*


A Seinfeld character could probably do it on accident.


George: “I dropped the ring in lava!” Jerry: “in lava?” G: “Lava, Jerry. Completely accessible, no safeguards. No nothin.” J: “Well there should at least be caution tape. Is this Sauron guy not worried about liability?” G: “Well I don’t think he’s worried about anything anymore.” J: “What to you mean?” G: “Well I… I think I killed him, Jer.” J: “*Killed him?*” G: “It wasn’t intentional! It was hot, I was sweaty, that old guy with the beard kept telling me to throw the ring in!” J: “Old guy with the beard?” G: “He was *very* authoritative, Jerry.” J: “Apparently so, he’s got you killing people.” *[enter KRAMER]* K: “Fellas. Who’s the jerk that parked their eagle outside?”


B plot would be Elaine getting into a relationship with an elf who gives up his immortality to be with her, only for her to get cold feet and dump him.


You missed the mainstay of Seinfeld humour: > J: “What to you mean?” > > G: “Well I… I think I killed him, Jer.” J: “You think you killed him?” (Questioningly) G: "I think I killed him." J: “You think you killed him!” (Angrily) G: "I think I killed him." J: “You think you killed him.” (With resignation) G: "I think I killed him." G: “It wasn’t intentional! It was hot, I was sweaty, that old guy with the beard kept telling me to throw the ring in!”






The One Ring = Junior Mint


Jerry: Doesn't know or care what the Ring is, but succeeds. George: Doesn't know what the Ring is, but fails. Elaine: Knows what the Ring is, doesn't even bother trying. Kramer: Gets the Ring to Mount Doom, but it turns out to be the wrong ring.


Neville Longbottom. Often shown to be mentally weak, but also noble and determined enough to complete the journey to Mount Doom (as long as there are no orcs to fight); when the time came to stand up to Voldemort, he did so, despite his fear. Although it is possible that the Ring would prey on his desire to be stronger and braver than he actually is. I'd rank Neville a little below Frodo, Sam and Bilbo on the power scale.


> I'd rank Neville a little below Frodo, Sam and Bilbo on the power scale. r/newsentences


Here's a sneak peek of /r/newsentences using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/newsentences/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Clown Bastard](https://i.redd.it/hwhlwb9sw8691.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newsentences/comments/vewxql/clown_bastard/) \#2: [Wordle to the rescue](https://i.redd.it/jyvfju7hfhh81.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newsentences/comments/sr3kyf/wordle_to_the_rescue/) \#3: [Has this been posted here before? It should be.](https://i.redd.it/qf5qcqhhppe81.jpg) | [130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newsentences/comments/sfuxev/has_this_been_posted_here_before_it_should_be/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If Aragorn couldn’t touch it without going nuts then Neville Longbottom surely couldn’t either


Frank Drebin would fail at the precipice, give in to evil, and be partway through his megalomaniacal monologue when he'd fumble trying to put it on and drop it in.


[Nothing to see here, orcs! ](https://i.imgur.com/cDIP1by.gif)


Surely you aren’t serious?


I feel obligated to say that "mental strength" has absolutely nothing to do with how well you can resist the One Ring. There are two things that actually help you: Lack of ambition, and having the sheer magical power to overcome it. The first one is why hobbits are able to resist it better, and why Tom Bombadil is completely immune.


Lack of ambition? I'd like to throw my hat in the ring.


It’s a good point you make, but to clarify, it is not general laziness, but contentedness that protects you. If you want to change either the world (which can be noble) or your personal situation (which can be selfish) the ring will latch onto that. If you are perfectly satisfied with your life and think the world a fine place as is, the ring has little to tempt you with or to corrupt. Sméagol lived a simple life before, and I doubt anyone would have considered him ambitious. But he clearly ‘wanted’ something more, as he was corrupted very quickly. Similarly, someone who has given up on life and all ambition and now lives quietly in a cave, but they have done so out of despair, would be very vulnerable to the ring indeed.


If someone says Contessa from worm, I'll hunt them for sport.


She has no will. she gave in to her agent.


Not true. Bot Contessa is fanon and in canon she can make adjustments and switch paths on the fly. She doesn’t immediately fall apart when she loses her power either. She could do it and probably without even getting near but she’s by no means the weakest and not a fun answer.


It probably depends on if she activates her path before she gets anywhere fucking near the ring. If she's just being puppetted then her agent can stop her falling under it's influence and she's fine, the second she has an ounce of will near the ring she's absolutely fucked. (that being said, I last read Worm a few years back so I might be wrong).


Contessa from worm.


Forrest Gump.


His desire for Jenny is a point of vulnerability.


Another approach is to find a character who can do it fast but is mentally weak. A speedster like the Flash, with the ability to create portals like a Portal Gun, or who can shoot things really far and accurately (though they’re usually limited like superhero Archers and gunman Stand-users). I have no idea how the Ring would work with someone whose thought speed matches up with FTL movements. But, otherwise, someone who can complete the task really fast or while staying physically away from the Ring might be able to do it uncorrupted. Hmm… are there any character whose superpower is having a very long stick? I myself had an original character whose main concept was having a sword that was too long to fit within the frame of any comic book panel the sword was depicted in. Think of it as a metanarrative power. Actually, that’s yet another approach: a weak-willed character who can complete the task quickly because they skip the story to the end. Or maybe because they are an audience surrogate character with no free will besides following the audience’s commands. It could be a video game character, but maybe it could be one of those children’s show character who ask the audience what to do. I’m not well-versed in powerscaling: where do metanarrative powers stand in relationship to everything else? Because I’d guess they might no-sell Sauron’s powers (depending on the context; I reckon some are more or less corruptible).


doug dimmadome puts it on his hat and then the camera zooms out and it rolls right into Mt. Doom. Although he would probably be corrupted instantly.


Maybe if you can tape the Ring to the top of Doug Dimmadome’s hat, it would be far enough from him (and anyone else) that it wouldn’t be able to affect anyone. Then you just need to push him (or guess only the hat) into the lava. The tricky part is getting it taped to the hat without being corrupted.


You'd never get the hat through the doorway on Mt Doom


> Hmm… are there any character whose superpower is having a very long stick? [Boy do I have the gadget for you.](https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Fing-Longer)


Kid Goku used a staff in the original Dragon ball and he's a dumb dumb to boot.


Yeah, and it could extend. (He's based on [Sun Wukong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_King), that weapon included). Though would he be interested in doing the prompt in the first place, or just fighting everyone he could?


He's also pure of heart and that's how he survived a certain attack, and he's been proven to be incorruptible, but always super strong.


He's also explicitly uncorruptable, which is why he can ride the Flying Nimbus and ignore the Devimite beam.


Are you suggesting that Rick Sanchez could simply portal over to Mount Doom and toss it in, and as long as Morty didn't mess it up somehow, then they're off to Boob World? I'm presuming here that Rick is likely immune to the Ring, disregarding it as unscientific hocus pocus magic that isn't worth his time.


>I'm presuming here that Rick is likely immune to the Ring, disregarding it as unscientific hocus pocus magic that isn't worth his time. That directly contradicts Rick's character. Remember that he met the Devil, immediately pegged him as the Devil, guessed that his items were cursed, and then used science to un-curse them. Rick believes that magic is part of the world, and he believes that science is a tool for investigating the world. That's *why* he's the best scientist in the multiverse. He can science anything, and he's fought gods on multiple occasions. Worst case scenario, Rick instantly gets corrupted and figures out how to steal all of Sauron's power. Then he starts conquering and destroying the multiverse on an industrial scale. Think the Voltron episode but actively destructive. Then he gets drunk and loses the ring by accident. The ring falls into the hands of a Morty, who brings it to his Rick. As soon as it gets within 10 meters of new Rick, he senses its influence in his mind and pulls a gun on Morty, tells him to walk the fuck slowly away until the ring stops corrupting him. Then he gets to work inventing. He finds a material that can block the psychic waves the ring uses to influence people and builds a pair of Iron Man suits out of it. Then Rick and Morty go on a quest to the Citadel of Evil Rick to cast the ring into the fires from whence it came. Morty is sexually assaulted at some point along the way. The ring is destroyed and evil rick is viciously torn to shreds by his own minions. Rick C137 portals away as the citadel is blown to pieces.


>Hmm… are there any character whose superpower is having a very long stick? Sun Wukong from Journey to the West.


The knight from hollow knight?


Now we need to argue about whether or not he's actually hollow. But I do think he's an amazing candidate


It's possible The Knight wouldn't even need to be Hollow to do it. It could dream nail the ring and fight the power Sauron poured into it. After that it would just be a normal ring of power, maybe corrupted by void.


While the Knight probably isn't Hollow, I think that being Hollow would be a higher standard than the Ring needs. We know Tom Bombadil is able to resist it, and he sings songs has relationships etc. The Radiance on the other hand can get you with the barest of thoughts or ideas. I could see The Hollow Knight being good enough.


SpongeBob, he can be pretty stupid, but I doubt the Ring can find anything it can use to get Bob corrupted.


His desire to make Crab Patties? Learning how to drive? Maybe he’s on the same level of want as Frodo though.


Creating Krabby Patties is less a desire for SpongeBob as it is a passion, he doesn't want to make them, he *GETS* Too, Hell, he litterally pays for the privilege to flip burgers The boating thing though, That could be the hook that gets him but the thing is, he knows how to drive, he has horrible test anxiety that prevents him from passing But I do think it's a desire of convenience, it would let him engage more in his passions of Karate, Jelly fishing and burger making if he could cut the commute time down


Not SpongeBob. It's Patrick who needs to bear the Ring.


Yeah i realized you are correct Patrick was too dumb to think on be evil


Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz. He has no brain but is incredibly brave. Willing to face fire for a brain.


The desire to be smart gives the ring something to work with.


Popeye the sailor man, he'd pull the edge of the screen like a film reel showing himself already in Mordor. Then he'd manifest a can of spinach and bend the ring as a can opener, eat it all and punch the entire Mordor army in one hit turning them all into orc sausages . He'd then put the ring on and turn himself into a cannon that shoots himself as a projectile right into mount Doom with his fist first and ring on it. The whole mountain would star coughing and spit popeye out while he's pants transform as a parachute to land safely.


Was Frodo even that mentally strong? I think it was mostly his lack of grand desires that kept him from being corrupted. There's probably plenty of people with low will but even lower desires who could do it.


This. The hobbits weren't picked because they were weak, they were picked because they were pure hearted. Frodo had no ambition for anything except lunch.


Mr. Bean. He has almost no ambitions for greatness that the Ring would be able to manipulate. Complete moron, but he would somehow manage to singlehandedly bumble his way to Mount Doom and throw in the ring, probably inadvertently getting the entire Fellowship killed and causing several orc mutinies and slave revolts along the way.


Tom and Jerry. No I will not elaborate


Mumen rider would absolutely clear the challenge


He's not really mentally weak.


You right you right, I was going off weak weak lol


No worries easy misread. Although, continuing the OPM characters, I think Saitama might classify as "mentally weak" He doesn't seem particularly motivated or driven to do anything, and the Ring wouldn't really be able to offer him anything, since he doesn't want more power.


He was mentally strong enough to keep up his training regimen until he became too powerful. Although Saitama might be fast enough to do it before being corrupted (it’s anyone’s guess), I think Sauron could tempt him with being a worthy foe and/or offering him discount groceries after he resumes his lordship over the orcs. (I’m not saying he’d fall for it, but these are possible temptations.)


>He was mentally strong enough to keep up his training regimen until he became too powerful. True, but Saitama's also pretty stupid, and I'm not too sure of the distinction between mental strength and mental ability. >Although Saitama might be fast enough to do it before being corrupted (it’s anyone’s guess I'd say he would be, due to the jump from the Moon to the Earth, but this isn't really a discussion about scaling Saitama's cross country running/jumping capabilities. Although, is Sauron actually a worthy foe for Saitama? Because I can't think of any scalable strength/fighting feats for Sauron in either the OG trilogy or the Simillarion.


For example: Gandalf wasn’t stupid—he knew he *couldn’t* resist the temptation of the Ring. Something something Intelligence versus Wisdom. My point about speed was how does the Ring work on someone whose thoughts match up to FTL speed (not Saitama specifically, more like the Flash, for example). Does the Ring “talk” at normal speed, or does it matches up as well? (I’m using “talk” metaphorically.) I dunno if Sauron is worthy—I neither read nor watcher LotR. But I had the impression he was the second most powerful (well, maybe third) character, next to Tom Bombadil and literally god. Either way, he doesn’t have to be—he just needs to convince Saitama he would be. (The question isn’t about who can defeat Sauron 1v1.)


>For example: Gandalf wasn’t stupid—he knew he couldn’t resist the temptation of the Ring. Something something Intelligence versus Wisdom. Ahh I understand you, gotcha. >My point about speed was how does the Ring work on someone whose thoughts match up to FTL speed (not Saitama specifically, more like the Flash, for example). Does the Ring “talk” at normal speed, or does it matches up as well? (I’m using “talk” metaphorically.) The Ring doesn't really talk, it shows, so I'd imagine it would match up to Saitama's mental speed, if it's any better than an average human. >But I had the impression he was the second most powerful (well, maybe third) character, next to Tom Bombadil and literally god. Sauron's actually pretty low in the power ranking system of Middle-Earth/Arda. I'm no Tolkien lore nerd by any means but there's plenty of characters that could best him in battle. Sauron was more a manipulator and schemer than fighter - and he wasn't even amazing at that. It'd probably go: Eru Iluvatar (God), Morgoth, most of the Valar, maybe some of the Maiar too (e.g Gandalf/Saruman without their restrictions) and then Sauron (excl. Tom Bombadil because for all we know, he's a stand in for Eru, or Tolkien himself, or he's a ridiculously powerful nature spirit or embodiment of something) I know it's not really in the spirit of the question, but it's kinda interesting to scale Saitama to characters with feats based in creating stuff/other displays of power other than physical strength.


I think it could offer him 'Sauron, Empowered By The Ring' as an opponent if he returns it, but I don't think he's quite Goku levels of 'really *really* wants a good fight to the point of giving the evil overlord their powers back to fight them at full strength'


Sure, he isn't normally like that. But then again, Frodo isn't normally the type of person to choose a shiny ring over all of his friends dying.


Mr. Magoo, all day every day.


Jar Jar Binks


Saiki Kuso. Just imagine. Ring “I’ll give you unlimited power to do whatever you want” Saiki “yare yare, can you make me average?” Ring, “…” Saiki teleports to mount doom and casually yeets it into the lava.


I think a lot of people are missing something: even Frodo failed. Like, the comments of "Mr. Bean" are funny, but they would need to have more mental strength than Frodo, not less. The people who were able to give up the Ring: - Faramir - Galadriel - Aragorn - Gandalf (but I feel like this one was up for debate) - Samwise - I think this one is especially notable because we not only see how he was tempted, but he did it *in Mordor* People who failed and tried to claim the Ring: - Frodo - Smegel - Boramir - Isildur Two of those happened at the end and were trying to basically become the next Dark Lord. Like, end of the day, the only reason that the Ring lost is because Iru willed it so. That's important to the story. Also are we talking "toss it into the mountain" or like... just up the mountain?


Isn't that assessment a little bit unfair on Frodo? He failed, but you're not accounting for the length of time he's had the Ring in his possession. I think even I could resist the ring if you only had me hold it for a few seconds. Any of the characters who resisted the ring could do so for a short period, but I don't think any of them, not even Sam, could have held out for as long as Frodo did.


I mean, it isn't an indictment against Frodo. I think people are just underestimating the Ring.


I don’t think you would resist the ring for a few seconds necessarily. Think of isildur. He caved immediately. The thought of “even I could resist it for a few seconds” is how it would get you. It would use that to convince you that you could resist it longer, and tempt you to keep it “just for a bit” Of course it’s going to be 1000x more subtle and insidious then I stated it. But the whole point of the ring is that it twists logic in such a way that doesn’t actually make sense but it convinces the target that it makes sense.


The Ring had a much stronger pull on Frodo than it did on anyone else, though. Tolkien himself said that no other character, not even Sam, would have been able to carry the One Ring all the way to Mordor, meaning Frodo was mentally the strongest character in the story. So aside from some morally perfect character or deity, it may not even be possible.


Which is my point: I think a lot of these answers are missing what happened in the movie. They would need someone stronger than Frodo, not someone weaker.


I think the idea behind, say, Mr. Bean, is that the character accomplishes it by accident (much like Gollum did). Frodo took the Ring to Mount Doom, but Gollum cast it into the fire (Idk, I neither watched nor read the story), and Gollum had *less* mental strength than Frodo. (Unless you consider his willingness to defy danger to get what he wants mental fortitude, despite his failure. I mean, I guess many heroic stories are like that, except they succeed, or at least survive.)


Gollum tripped and fell in with the Ring. Humility is a big thing with Tolkien and pride is probably the greatest sin in the series. So he got a big strong warrior king - a literal demigod - to fail. The Ring was destroyed by a guy and his gardener on accident after one of them claimed it and a villain tripped in trying to do the same.


Exactly. Some of these suggestions are of characters who would end up destroying the Ring out of sheer incompetence and lack of awareness. Granted, some of them might have inflated egos, but they do not have an ounce of intelligence to act on their own self-interest, unlike the powerful characters that failed. (But, interestingly, similar to a bald goblin who succumbed to insanity and happened to succeed where everyone else failed.)


I think the way the prompt is worded requires the character to do it intentionally and with knowledge of what the Ring is while resisting it.


I think Isildur is a bit of a grey one because he was in the process of giving it up when he was killed, the Ring likely knew that he was actually capable of giving it up or Isildur wouldn't have needed to die. I don't think it's a coincidence that he was killed on the journey to bring it to the elves.


Data from Star Trek. Won’t corrupt him. He has crazy combat skills. You can put it in his programming.


"Descent" shows that Data can be corrupted. The ring could probably perform a similar tactic.


Beavis & Butthead. They might not get it done but it is fun imagining them try.


Hehe lava hehe


I'm thinking a character who doesn't have a soul, which prevents them from being corrupted. Some possibilities are: * Paul from With This Ring * Valencia from Worth the Candle * Africans from UNSONG They could also just be immune to mind control in particular. For example: * Ford from Gravity Falls * Anyone who can cast Mind Blank in D&D (preferably who also dumped Wisdom or Charisma or whatever stat represents mental strength) * Anyone who can cast Mind Blank in Mother of Learning, though that does slowly drive you insane and having weak mental strength probably won't help. And they could have some way to cheat. Maybe they can teleport in before it has time to corrupt them, or carry it in a pocket dimension. Or just tie a string to it and drag it from far enough that it can't do much to them.


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If someone has no fingers does the one ring become the one bracelet?


Luigi could probably carry it off. He's a nervous, wimpy kind of guy, someone who's always stuck to his older brother's shadow and never shown much initiative, but he's also never been shown to be tempted or swayed by anything. All Luigi seems to want is a quiet, peaceful life full of good pasta and absolutely no danger. The ring would terrify him, like most spooky things do, but he'd nervously shiver all the way to Mt. Doom without once thinking of putting the ring on, because he'd know that making yourself the focus of some weird magic shit is only ever gonna make things weirder. Plus, he's absolutely seen worse. The entire adventure would probably rank somewhere between "that time he had to clear a bunch of ghosts out of a haunted mansion" and "that time Mario disappeared and he had to answer a bunch of vaguely educational trivia questions to rescue him" in terms of overall weirdness.


Ehhh, I think the ring would just give us a round two of Mr. L. There's a LOT of Darkness in Luigi's heart.


I think the conclusion of this thread is that mentally weak morons are disproportionately well equipped to defeat the one ring


A 40k Null or Pariah. Total lack of psychic sensitivity, even against concentrated Warp and Chaos Powers should mean that to them, the ring is just a very hard to break ring. That said, the side effects of their nature means that the Eagles are not likely to rescue them, and they have to walk back home.


Harry Dresden does have feats for seducing splinters of massive evil beings away from their whole, maybe him?


Also has a powerful and trained will (against everything apart from supernaturally hot women).


Yeah, I can't imagine the ring is that much more dangerous than the coins. But he's also known for being strong-willed so he's definitely not the 'weakest.'


Harry has three ways the ring could get to him, and likely would. They're named Susan, Karrin, and Margaret. Especially the last one.


Maybe Mordecai and Rigby?


They’d fight on Mt.Doom and start squabbling and wrestling for it. Rigby would squirm out of a choke hold and Mordecai would scream “DUDE! GIVE IT!” Rigby would say, “OH YEAH! YOU WANT IT?” Mordecai was rush him in a dramatic moment and knowing he’d be eventually overpowered Rigby yeets that thing past Mordecai’s head with a “Hyuh!” Cue ring falling through Mordecai’s fingers and into the flames. M-“Dude… we messed up.” R-“That thing was supposed to make all our dreams come true!” M-“Wait a minute. That wizard guy asked us to do it and we technically did. We should get, like a, HUGE REWARD!” R-“yeeeeeaaaaah. AW YEAH!” *High five* They leave and make witty banter about how they totally would’ve killed each other over it.


Neil from The Inbetweeners would do a good job. Stuff just washes over him and he lives life unaware of the awfulness surrounding him.


Arthur Dent. He has Idiot Armor. Things work out for him in the worst way possible. The Ring is actually one of Agrajag's incarnations.


Slowpoke from Pokemon


I watched the film theory.Hobits were best for the job because they lived simple and didn’t have any desires.So we need to find someone with little desire. Maybe Muhammad Ali Jr. from Baki. He’s kind of character with up and down moments.Gets humbled more than he wins.At the end of the series all he wants is Baki’s girlfriend and he’s rejected.That may mean his desire burned out or that desire is burning rapidly.Idk.


I'm going to go with Bighead from Silicon Valley. I think he'd kind of just mulligan his way up Mount Doom probably without even realizing he even has the ring, like it wouldn't even register to him.


Samwise gamgee


Sam and Dean Winchester.


By the measure of weakest mental strength who could absolutely succeed, the answer is Patrick Star. Feat 1: Incorruptible lack of desire: Patrick was incapable of taking the wallet back from Man Ray. Feat 2: Stubborn completion of tasks: Actually retrieved the crown from Shell City.


I believe that SpongeBob SquarePants has the chops to pull off this mission


I reckon I could


It's not really mental strength that matters its ambition. If you really don't care about anything and are fully content in your life then there's nothing for the ring to tempt you with. This is why the hobbits are so good as ring bearers, they are too chill to easily corrupt.