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The dueling guitar solos between Nels and Pat during Bird Without A Tail / Base of My Skull was the best part of last night's set. Man what a show!


Do you have a set list? I was so moved(also baked) I can't remember




Damn fine set there. Damn fine, indeed.


I saw them in Chicago on the 15th and that was probably my favorite song of the night


Easily my favorite part of that show


I loved that jam too. Glad they played their heavier guitar tracks like At Least That’s What You Said (maybe because today is the 20th anniversary of Ghost Is Born?)


Saw them last Saturday and agree with this. They are on fire right now. Such a great band.


damn, I hope they return to Europe soon for some club shows


Seen them at least two dozen times and last night was one of the better shows in a while. Definitely inspired. Easily best Impossible Germany I’ve caught (didn’t hurt that the moon rose over the venue literally as the solo peaked). Beautiful night.


So. Beautiful.


I’ve never seen them before but they’ve been my favorite for a long time. So awesome getting to see them live, especially that solo 🤘🌕


Been jamming a little. I've been praying since 2015 they'd do a set of Dead covers at Solid Sound for their special Friday sets.


Comes A Time, please.


Bird Song! They'd crush Bird Song. You know Glenn and Nels are Heads.


Oh wow didn’t know this. I put estimated


Jeff singing Dire Wolf at Sacred Rose was pretty good


Agreed! They are really playing confident that they can stretch it out a little!


Saw them Tuesday and they definitely jam. They don’t overdo it, and the songs that should be tight are kept that way. At this point in their career, they’ve jammed so much together that they feel confident trying new things and having the chemistry to do it.


Like you get the sense it's jamming that varies night to night, or more that they're drawing out sections that aren't solos on the album (to the extent you can tell)?


I do think it varies, maybe not night to night but they probably enjoy trying out new things. They kept some songs the same. Surprisingly, “I am trying to break your heart” was very similar to the album. You’d think there would be a ton of room in the airy parts to jam, and maybe they do some nights, but it was fairly true to the version oh YHF. Probably worth finding some of their live stuff from different nights and seeing what they change up. I posted in this sub Wednesday morning after the Raleigh show Tuesday and in the comments someone linked the Impossible Germany they did that night. You can probably find it in my profile.


Thanks, yeah I agree. Saw them last night and they are definitely experimenting and improv-ing on songs like Bird Without a Tail, which was great. But I think it's structured in the sense that they all know beforehand how long the jam will go. Same with Nels solo in Impossible Germany. I.e. different from something like Phish where the soloist just goes as long as they want while the rhythm section vamps.


Yeah it’s more like Zeppelin’s jams where they knew what they were doing even in like a 20 minute version of Whole Lotta Love. They might change up how it goes inside of the long jam, but it’s pretty well structured and they do incredible things musically together and not just one guy jamming (even though sometimes just one guy is jamming).


It's been awhile since I've been able to catch a Wilco show and hot damn, last night was incredible! They definitely can stretch out their songs in varying and beautiful ways.


I thought the same thing at salt shed shows. More sonic and noisy. I like it.


Was at Milwaukee and had a great show- it seems like the setlists are not changing a whole lot show to show. They got a large selection of songs but looks like they almost are playing same set each night


I crunched some numbers on this. Small sample size, but: - Averaging 23.3 songs per show (high of 25, low of 22) - Eight songs were played at all six shows so far (I Am My Mother, Cruel County, Cousin, Bird W/O A Tail, Evicted, Jesus, Germany, and California Stars). So 5 from the two most recent albums then 3 "every night" songs - Another 5 songs have been played 5 of 6 nights (Handshake, IATTBYH, Hummingbird, Box Full of Letter, and A Shot in the Arm). For most of these, the night it was not played was the second night in Chicago (the night I went) -- makes sense that they needed to inject a number of different songs into the set since it was probably a lot of the same crowd both nights - So essentially, 50% of the set is the same every night (8 + 5 = 13 of 23) - With the exception of the 6/17 show in Charlotte, every show has gotten at least one unique song to that night Before I dug into the numbers, at first blush looking at the set lists, I thought maybe they were spotlighting a different album each night, but that's not true. With the exception of the 15th (YHF) and the 17th (tie between Cruel Country and Cousin), it's been AGIB heavy every night -- makes sense being the 20th anniversary of the album.


Damnit I was going to miss them this run since I've seen them so often and funds are tight but I love jambands so I might try and go


I was at the show last night and thought the same thing. Lots of jamming. One of the best shows of theirs I’ve seen in a while.


I’ve seen a lot of Wilco shows over the years and last night is up there with any I’ve seen.


Agreed and most welcome, esp the fact Pat is allowed to play more lead guitar.


Was at the Wolf Trap last night and loved it. Definitely a jammy vibe to the set. The band is absolutely fire right now. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Not more so than years past. They play certain songs like At Least and Impossible just about every show so Nels and Pat can go off which is always a treat.


The post that made me to commit to getting tix for both nights at Massey Hall. Haven't seen them since 2010. Thanks a lot!


Saw them for the first time last weekend. I threw on their albums at least 20 times and absolutely could not understand this band and their appeal. Live show on the other hand was incredible.


kicking television, one of their live albums have become my favorite. Overall, they're such a treat live. good on you for giving them a chance


I didn’t fully appreciate them until I saw them live.


Wilco is a jam band imo


They definitely COULD be, but I don't think that's what Jeff is going for. They will jam on a few, but mostly they play the album version.


Haha yeah I was kidding. I’m a huge Phish/Dead (and Wilco!) fan so I always notice when they take things out for a bit. I saw the first Chicago show last weekend and loved how jammy it was at times.


I was at the Saturday show, and felt the same. 1st time at Salt Shed, what a phenomenal venue!


Last summer at Syracuse, they basically jammed on Morning Dew in a song. Philco was the next show, so it made sense


Too many jams. Too many people talking. Too many people watching the show through their phones.


Maybe they do the jams because they realize too many people are talking in all their phones LOL. ... Now I dare them to do a 20 minute jam session solo....Kotche bring out some bongos!


Agreed with the too many people talking (and getting up and back to their seats). I didn't see that many phones though.


Would really love it if this were true. Setlists and songs have been too predictable for years. This band is capable of so much.