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This is literally any assasin lmao. Assasinate low hp targets, get ahead, oneshot everyone


Yes, you get an early triple against 3 low hp targets, then proceed to kill even more low hp targets, get fed, and one-shot people. Definitely OP and not something that everyone, even kassadin, kayle, Nilah, and vlad can do


Hippo throwing FACTS


Go 9/0 early mid game and then become absolutely useless to anyone with more than 1.8k hp or exhaust His late game is just to easy to outplay


In lower elo though people don't group, squishies will walk around the river by themselves, he can force endless 4 vs 5 on the map or worse.


Yes but this is not really specific to talon. Tbh you can hard carry and be successful with any champion in lower elo


Low elo games get dragged so long he’s useless and one team fight determines the whole game.


Talon is good against mushrooms, but once they start playing better it becomes impossible to find the right window to force 4v5s.


Cause he not really op and falls off late game plus if your warding and have some kind cc you can screw him over when he trys to gank only times he feels OP to me if I have shitty teammates who feed his ass cause they don't ward properly or listen to pings


Thats absolutely right. Although, he can insta kill carries if nobody can peal for the from the opposite team.


Which assasin cant?


Exactly what I was thinking. Zed is my favorite assassin and I can look at an adc or apc and they’ll die. Not exactly unique to Talon. Or any single assassin for that matter.


I remember playing against Talon Oneshoted him With Pantheon after that he started to run away from me Just a regular assassin very squishy though


I think I might hate you bcz I remember a fed Pantheon in a game I wish I forgot about


You might Because everyone hates fed champs Even fed Thresh can kill you


Such poor gameplay


Bro uploaded a video where he's running like headless chicken pushing all buttons at random and scores kills. "WhY tAlOn NoT bAnNeD?!" It may be not banned in pisslow. At my elo he's pick/ban precisely because he's another FOMO elo inflator.


Just outta curiosity, what does FOMO elo inflater means?


Mistype. Fanted to type FOTM. Flavor Of The Month. elo inflator means that he's best choice to grind ranks by abusing his overbuffed state without much game/champion knowledge.


G thanks.


It helps when they're all low health


Because Aatrox, Yone, Lee Sin, and Kayn exist Much higher priority champs


I always max out 2nd ability first. You say first one is better?


It’s better for taking objectives in jg, lower cd and higher damage. And it’s also good for getting divine sunderer procs freqiently.


Will give this DS a try.


Have been maxing out first or Q even before the PC rework.


Because stasis like why Zed or Fizz aren't banned often.


Cause he sucks if ur actually good at the game in ur low gm games he’s probs “busted” cause yall bad and don’t have eyes


not enough people are good with his mechanics honestly. im more nervous about anyone being able to play yas than i am about the 3 randos that actually understand talon


Not impressed in the slightest. I've also yet to find a Talon worth talking about.


Talon problem stems from the fact he was released too late into the game he we got assassin galore that are busted all over that can basically do everything he can but better prime example Kayn.


I recently got a pentakill with him using phase rush on aram , hes pretty good


Will be slightly different if its normal or rank. But might try PR too.


because not enough bans. gotta ban every champ in game.


There are 3 main reasons why I personally don't ban Talon: - Even with the buffs, it seems most players fail to realize the true power of this champion: his insane mobility. He can run from one side of the map to the other and gank you from anywhere. You're not safe, at all, when facing a good Talon. Now, honestly, how many good Talons have you seen? - Kills don't win games. You can kill all the people you want but ultimately you'll have to push turrets and take objectives. You need a team for that because you're so squishy that you often are low health after your fights, right? Tankier champions with some sustain have more success this season. I'm more afraid of a Hecarim, Voli, Kha'zix than a Talon. - There are so many other champions that are ban worthy lol. Plus if I see Talon on the enemy's side, I can just pick a Tank. Those are nice plays by the way, keep it going!


It's painful to watch.


Because he can’t kill anyone who isn’t a squishy


Not related but I haven’t played wr in a year (switched to pc league) and I can’t believe how clumped everything is on screen (all the buttons cover the entire screen). I don’t think i could play it again lol


Take a bot lobby, upload basic clip, “why no one ban XXX?” Please lol


He broken


Talon strong as fuxk. I played him for the first time ever, in jungle (not even a roll I’m strong at) And absolutely annihilated. I hope he stays under the radar because I’m abusing that pick.


People not realizing his entire kit got buffed. Base and scaling. These people coping in the comments. He’s definitely ban-able


Because I will continue to ban soraka always. Bitch still heals way to much.


Me personally my champ pool is strong into talon. If someone blind picks I’ll just go malphite mid or go ekko if he is solid into enemy comp. He hasn’t been out long enough for people to have mastered him on wildrift. Kit still needs time to have down to a T


Noticed the dash is kept even he has the ability to jump over walls.


It's playstyle is quite Linear. Any decent player knows what you can do with Warwick, unlike Riven or Yasuo you won't be making any insane outplays


Volibear snacks on talon. Anytime I see an enemy choose an assassin, I go straight to the tanks. Have not lost to one yet.


I ban Talon, not because i fear him, i ban him because if someone of my teammates use it, it is a garanted loss


Talon is easy but also predictable and can't outplay much. He is mostly there to be used as a pick for people who dont play Ad Assassins but are forced to do so. Ad Assassin Mains prefer to play something more challenging like Zed because of the flexibility and overall adaptability that simple champs like Talon are lacking.


There was a super fed Talon in one of my games and he was one shotting everyone and around 9-0, but late game team fights I would Camille ult him and he died pretty quickly. I think if the Talon was playing to end the game early then he'd be considered more of a threat


Talon needs a E buff. His vaulting speed over some small terrain is so slow that makes him vulnerable for a whole second or two


Does this game have tap controls? I'm still playing Vainglory because of the controls. Wouldn't mind switching to this game if I don't have to use joysticks


No it’s joystick only. I miss Vainglory. Are a decent amount of people still playing?


Yes,I play Vainglory almost everyday Doesnt matter what time it is I ALWAYS find a match very fast. Aral and 3v3 are the only modes people play though . If u want 5v5 u have to join a discord and search with others


Just downloaded and hopped in practice mode. It’s crazy how must nostalgia I’m getting haha. Except I forgot everyone kit and I have to learn the items all over. Gunna take some time for figure it out again


Where are you from??? I play on EU I started playing again a few days ago but now I'm playing on pc learning how to use MnK. I want to use VG as a stepping stone to dota 2. To learn the pc control scheme We should play! But only if you play on eu. I'm from South Africa so my ping to NA or Asia is unplayable


Ahh yeah I’m NA :/ I’d have been down though! But yeah man Dota is a dope game!


You're NA☹


You must be playing in low elo lol. Why is Lux and Tristana overpushing alone when their T1 tower is gone.


Fizz is way stronger and annoying.


Currently, he has taken over my auto ban above thresh


Can barely kill one single target with a full combo and has no cc. I ban him so my team cannot pick him, his late game is worse than Pantheon's


Falls off late game hard


he is not that impactful, even if he gets ahead as the game progresses he loses a LOT of power and kill pressure, any armor item for a squishy already makes his life miserable


This is basically any assassin when they get fed, this ain't anything special. You can get an early lead on a lot of champions and get the same results. Also, your ability max order is wrong.