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Jesus Christ this is top tier r/circlejerknyc material.


“are the jews going to try run me out of town? is it safe to look at them in the eye? im jewish btw”


to be fair lol i went there to get my covid vaccine and didn’t realize i was heading into the 100% hasidic zone, it was a very hot summer day and i was wearing short shorts and a crop top and people were walking several feet around me to avoid me like i was plagued…. no one was directly hostile to me of course


I am sure that they were avoiding you, like you had a pandemic disease but NOT the plague


>Jesus Christ Goyim


I literally thought im in that sub


How is any other comment actually taking this post seriously.


You may get some weird looks if you go places that rarely see outsiders but in general, of course it is acceptable. Do you ask this question about going into the ethnic grocery stores in Chinatown? These are businesses, and money is money. I go to a Hasidic pharmacy because it is convenient. Some of the kosher delis have incredible sandwiches. Nobody has ever seemed to mind me partaking.


You right but Chinatown feels posture towards drawing in tourists and outsiders while the Jewish communities in Willy B feel the exact opposite


Chinatown has loads of businesses with Chinese-language-only signage and employees who speak no English


Yea that’s true but they definitely won’t care who gives them business


I’m not talking about the dollar dumpling spots that everyone goes to, I’m talking about the open storefronts with zero English written or spoken. They are certainly not postured towards outsiders but they’ll still happily take your money.


Money is money. The great uniter of the United States. Unironically what allowed us to make a successful multicultural society This isn’t the old country or Israel where your status is determined by race or religion


I go all the time and I’m a poc, they don’t care, it’s New York baby!


Yes, absolutely. I’m Jewish, not religious, but I’ll go into the Satmar bakeries in South Williamsburg to get some Challah. They’re always curious and it’s clear that they don’t get a lot of non-Hasidic customers, but they’re very welcoming and tell me to tell my friends about the place.


The Jews in Crown Heights are likely to be more open to sharing about their culture than the Jews in Williamsburg. But even the Williamsburgers will be ok with selling you some rugelach and a bagel.


No religious Jews will be hostile to OP


I don't think OP is going to encounter hostility, the question is only where will people be more friendly.


Bahahahaha sure


I lived on the border of the non-Orthodox part of Williamsburg and the Satmar part of Williamsburg for a few years from 2004 - 2008. As long as you're respectful and don't look like a total weirdo (and are a male) they don't care. Go in, buy what you want to buy, pay, leave. I used to go to an observant Orthodox dentist and he was one of the best I have ever been to. Best sandwiches, baked goods too - they will gladly accept your business. If you're a woman, it might be different so I can't say.


They're not gonna turn down potential customers.


Im an ex muslim brown girl, and the jews in east williamsburg have been welcoming and lovely. I love their bakeries.


These days, new reverted muslim, white girls are more famous than you.....just saying 😉


I could give a flying fuck about fame.


Do all of those things!


No one will stop you, at most they'll either stare or avoid acknowledging you entirely.


This is a pretty accurate representation of how I feel when I’m in that neighborhood.


It's about the same in most monocultural enclaves.


No Orthodox Jews will be outwardly shitty to you as long as you're just a normal customer and don't do things to them that would upset any normal person.


Cept dirty looks


Is your money green?


You gotta take off the black leather SS outfit first /s


It will be fine


They’re all happy to have you as a respectful patron in their businesses. Members of certain communities of observant Judaism will treat you like a generic customer; others, recognizing you’re secular but ethnically Jewish, might be welcoming in an effort to further engage you in more observant life (mitzvot). But it sounds like you might be open to that?


This reminds me when I was in HS in Queens and the native born Jamaicans fought the American born Jamaicans. Everyone had on fresh Clarks.


1) they're fine with any and all paying customers in their public storefronts. 2) they might look at you a little funny if you're a POC, especially if you're a woman, but they'll still take your business. 3) if you're white or middle eastern, and at least half Jewish, their Jewdar will alert them, and they'll be slightly more friendly to you than the goyim.


I highly doubt a Jewish person posted, sounds like race baiting and shit stirring.


holy fuck is this a real person


Why support religious extremists? Be it Jews, Christians, Muslims, or the rest


Are they violent? What are you talking about?


Yes, Hasidic Jews deliberately undereducate their children, coerce their girls to have children really young, and insulate their community from the outside to make it hard to leave.


Plenty of people do that with or without religion. I’m not defending these practices but generally I think being kind to and respectful of your neighbors is the best way to go through life.


Hasidic Jews are more like the Amish or a religious cult than just a “different strokes” kind of thing though. Not saying people shouldn’t be respectful but it’s definitely on a level that “plenty of people do it” doesn’t really apply lol. (I’m Jewish fwiw).


I’m Jewish too and while I don’t agree with their way of life I find it kinda hypocritical that people get so offended over them and then go support Chick fil a or whatever. Plenty of extreme Christian businesses that people openly frequent without a second thought. OP buying a bagel or talking to some people isn’t doing any harm.




Lol when they don't practice kindness to neighbors They literally believe non-Jews are subhumna


Okay weirdo. They’ve never been rude to me so I’m not rude back.


Is that all it takes? Must love neonazis and the rest then huh


Lol scraping people’s religious texts for reasons to hate them, that’s very smart. Your critique would apply to literally every Jew, Christian, and Muslim btw


Yes, I loathe them all as stated in my original comment


You wrote about extremists. This is every single Jew, Muslim, and Christian.


Monotheism is extremism and antithetical to everything we know about the mind


Oh great. You don’t frequent any business operated by monotheists? Hindus only, or what?


It applies to Muslims in SPADES.


That's a LIE take that and your family and back to GAZA you go.


> Plenty of people do that with or without religion Yeah, they're shitty too


Yet the people being annoying to me prob eat at chick fil a and Starbucks lmao


"it's okay to support shitty people because other people support shitty people"


lol how am I supporting them by not going out of my way to be a dick? You need to touch grass


Are you rly this dense


Exactly , the great old Hassids are the same as radical islamic terrorists. What a joke this sub has become.


No such thing as 'ethnically jewish'. Nice try though.


Okay eugenics genius , why is there " no such thing " as ethnic Jews ?


Because Judaism is a religion. There are Moroccan Jews, Ethiopian Jews, Ashkanazi Jews, , etc. There is no Jewish 'DNA'. It was a highly proselytizing religion in the first centuries CE. Look up Shlomo Sand 'The Invention of the Jewish People'. He is a history professor at Univ of Tel Aviv. The book was a best seller in Israel. You can also read book or youtube talks by brooklyn Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro. He's also a prof at Brooklyn College (i think). And for those who down voted me, once again the ignoramuses dominate this site.


They do dominate this site. What would you call a person who is Jewish by blood lineage but doesn't practice any of the religious tenants ? I'm trying to see how much of a student of eugenics you are ? Also if your not a Jew I would be fascinated to know how you came to be obsessed with Jew as evidenced by your answer above , I really am curious


There is no such thing as 'Jewish by blood'. There are people who's parents were Jewish (the religion) and they the children are not. What are these people called? They are ethnically whatever region of the world they came from. For example, Moroccans, Uzbeks, Khazaks, Ashkenazi, etc. My grandparents (now dead) were Jews (they were adherents to Judaism). I refer to my own ethnicity as Ashkenazi, because my grandparents were from Germany. The word 'Ashkenazi' means 'German Jew'. There are many Bukarians in Rego Park area of Queens (Bukaria is a region of Uzbekistan). There is no 'Jewish blood' and there is no 'Jewish ethnicity'. That's a huge hoax that the early Zionist leaders (Hertzl, etc) created. Again, read Shlomo Sand's books. Pretending that there is a 'Jewish ethnicity' is the same as pretending there is a Christian or Muslim ethnicity - it's simply a category error.


We shall agree to disagree. Here is what I know for sure, your BOXCAR is the same as mine.


Damn you are owned in every interaction


You may be surprised to know that the founders of Zionism (Hertzl, Jabotinsky, etc) were super anti-semitic. They wrote many times about how much they wanted to turn Jews (religious) into normal people. They absolutely hated religious Jews. The founders of Zionism were all atheists. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in8fn\_G9hL4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in8fn_G9hL4) Also, the Zionists actively worked with the German Nazi government to migrate people to the Levant. See the book, 'The Transfer Agreement' by Edwin Black.


Go to a mosque and tell them you're Jewish, see how they treat you and report back ? In fact do this at your Yemeni corner store. GTFO with your none sense. No Hassid is gonna bother you. Edit: oh the lil Willy B babies can't handle the truths wah wah... cry me a river.


Have literally seen Jewish people visit a mosque with no issue but nice job fighting ignorance with more ignorance, very clever and unique of you


Yeah , okay buddy. I DARE you to go and say you're a Jew in this climate. Nice try at promoting the Islamic caliphate.


Nobody cares about Jews but they do care about the state of Israel committing genocide and all kinds of atrocities. 


Drop dead


All quiet still huh. Must have reached the end of that cutting wit. 


Why would I continue with a jew hater? I am about peace and love.


Yet Christians Jews and Muslims are the modern bastions of hate and war-mongering. Again, it's not the middle ages so grow tf up.


Is "jew hater" what you say when anyone criticizes Israel for murdering thousands of Gazan women and children? Neat trick


Peace and love and a pistol huh bahahahaja fucking human garbage


As long as you’re not a Christian. They believe Jesus was a fraud who is currently boiling in a pot of excrement


Eh not so much. They aren't gonna bother you if you're a Christian either.


True- I was thinking Israel where they spit on Christians.