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just remember, Insurance companies are there to make money, not help people.


Its also there to make sure your car accident doesn't make the province having to pay for your health care costs.


And so when my first car gets wrecked by a careless driver i can get a write off for a better car


Same price.


It all depemds pn how you got your car. I paid 17k for my first and the write off was for 21k. So i got a better car thats paid pff tp this day


I am an insurance broker representing 13 different companies. Send me a message and I can see if I can get you a better rate. I have a feeling you’re with Intact, once get your G license you no longer qualify for the graduated licensing discount.


That’s EXACTLY what my broker said. That i lost 10% discount because i moved to a graduating license now. He also said auto insurance rates went up in general.


But you’ll get discount when you get to G though same discount with graduated licensing which is 10%


Apparently when you move to G, there are no restrictions so it makes it more risky than G2! Hence the price hike.


Yeah, not the same thing, but Intact had "No" on my record for driver's ed even though I took it over 15 years ago in high school. I think their reasoning was it's been too long so they don't view me as having it. I thought it was a mistake on their part. On the other hand, I recently switched to CAA and they have "Yes" for driver's ed on my record.


The reason Intact didn't care is because drivers training only matters for so many years after you've done it - once you've been driving for 5/10/15 years, your experience outweighs the credit from any training. It can be noted, but it won't make a difference in premium if CAA were to suddenly switch you to 'no'


CAA is going up 27% across the board starting in July on average. They have been losing money on purpose to gain market share. Not for much longer.


That's interesting that they are raising their rates to recoup their losses the past years. I've been with them for almost 10 yrs and stayed with them because the rates were always so good. Two weeks ago, I got a letter saying my new rate will basically go up 50% on top of a $1500 surcharge at renewal because I drive a vehicle that is high theft risk. Needless to say, I shopped around and found most companies have their own list of HTR vehicles and if your vehicle is on their list the surcharge is $500. I ended up moving my car and house from them to Belair for less plus my vehicle is NOT on their HTR list. At least I'm relatively safe for the next year, then I'll likely have to start shopping all over again.


Now you posted on reddit, that's a 20% increase! Insurance adjustments are based off of more than your individual license and driving record. They consider your postal code, method of storage and who else is driving. If you drove someone else's car with a G2 and then became a primary driver with a G it'd probably go up. If there were more claims it probably goes up. If you're 8n a non favorable postal code it goes up. Probably also safe to assume it goes up just because they can too. It's an extremely predatory industry.


Seems like they only consider your method of storage if it benefits them. They said my rate was higher because I was parking on the road. Got a driveway, let them know and they told me that it doesn't matter; the price is the same. They also have been telling me that my accident 12 years ago now is why my insurance is so high. Funny how that never seems to go away.


You're right about the postal code also. I lived in Kitchener and moved 3 blocks to find my insurance went up. When I called they said it was because of the "area", I couldn't agree with you more that insurance is very predatory. I used to work for a large insurance company in Waterloo and thought that was bad. This past year has really opened up my eyes to how cutthroat other types of insurance can be


I am the only one driving it. I drive total of 6kms a day to work back and forth. Literally! But would you mind explaining further how posting on reddit increases premium by 20% ?!


Now asking questions about it??? Oh boy. That's another 35% increase. Yeah that first line was not serious.


Sorry man I was just stressed finding out that i’m gonna have to pay more for the premium. It just felt a little burdensome with the rent, lease and now this.. but looking back at the comment.. that was funny 😄


I probably don't need to say this, but I hope you shopped around for a better rate. I was with my current insurance company for almost 10 yrs, they wanted to increase my rate by 50% and charge me $1500 because my car is high risk of being stolen. I cancelled effective this month and went elsewhere. Elsewhere is a bit higher but also found that most other companies have a surcharge of $500 if your vehicle is high risk. I think CAA is really gouging a lot of people.


I think that was a joke


Further things beyond your control go into insurance rate pricing. What kind of vehicle do you drive? What are the rates of theft on that vehicle? Of those thefts, how many are recovered? How many are paid out for full replacement cost? What is the number of accidents that vehicle is involved in? What is the average cost of claim associated with that vehicle? What is the average price of a comparable replacement vehicle on the used market today? How many major moving violations do we see on average with drivers of these vehicles? Everything plays a roll in developing the algorithm that spits out a number associated with your premium's.


Time to go insurance shopping.


Definitely shop around and be prepared to spend a lot of time doing it. You'll complete the application online, you'll get a rate then they call you and the rate will either go up or down. I just went through the whole process 2 weeks ago and got no less than 20 quotes. They ranged for $1600/yr to over $4,000


I came from the US and was really concerned - i had heard about the crazy insurance cost on cars up here. I don't drive much except when i go to Missouri or Cape Cod once or 2x a year. I ended up going with CAA insurance. I drive a 2007 Rav and am in my 50s. The cost ended up being less than the 1200US/year but I have a thing I had to plug into my car and it tracks the driving. So I pay like 300 for the insurance and 160 per 1000 km driven. It isn't full coverage. I have been happy with it. Had it since Oct 2022 and had zero issues.


Shop around but whole market has gone up due to increase in car thefts.


Did you call them and ask what part of the policy changed to warrant the increase? My crystal ball is really foggy.


He said I lost a 10% discount for going to a graduating license. And in general auto insurance rates went up (his words)


That sucks OP. All I can suggest is keep your record clean, and shortly before it's time to renew, get a broker to shop around and try to find a better price. It's possible you can cancel your policy now, but there's a significant penalty and it may not be worth it to switch before renewal. Can always do the math with a broker though and decide for yourself.


Insurance is a huge money grabbing scheme in this country. Wouldn't be surprised if it went up again in the next few months, you can't win even with a perfect driving record.


I just got a notice a couple weeks ago that mine is going up next month for no apparent reason.


It feels like they jack up the price knowing fully well we can’t win and we got nowhere to go.


This. And it's mandatory. Getting caught driving without insurance gets you a $5,000 fine.


What if we escalate matters to headquarters? Do you think that would bring down one’s premium?


No lol. Best you can do is shop around every year and get the cheapest one


Mine went up recently for seemingly no reason, so I called the company and asked what's up. I have no accidents, no tickets, nada. So they explain to me apparently the price will go up if : A) the number of claims in your area have increased Or B) the number of claims for your particular vehicle have increased Nothing can be done about it, apparently. Lovely, ain't it? /s


This is plain out leaving us with no choice at all. We are facing the brunt of other people’s claims. A clean driving record should warrant for a good deal of a premium in my opinion.


I agree 100%


Is that renewal rate or you just update info to G and premium went up? One reason could be the postal code you are in is now rated higher or the same car model you have is now rated higher due to claims compared to your initial setup of insurance.


Price of everything is going up - insurance included. Shop around. Rates are filed and regulated by each underwriter, so calling and being pissy is a waste of time, unless pointlessly arguing with some schmuck in a call centre is your idea of fun.


insurance gone up everywhere, mine went up too even though nothing changed.... lots of factors but higher repair cost and increasing auto theft isn't helping try shopping around but i think the whole market's gone up


It’s really hard on the pocket because of the theft that’s going on all around. But my brother still pays $219 total for two of his vehicles. One is a 2024 Toyota Sienna and the second is a 2022 Ford truck. His insurance has been the same for the last 6 years, if anything it went down by $18 in 2022.


Do you mean 219$ per month?


Yes, for 2 vehicles. $110 each


That’s pretty standard price. But like other comments have said, your premium is based on many factors including age, how long you have been driving, your record etc. I would suggest contacting your broker if you have one to ask why it has increased


Guess people don't like to steal Ford Trucks. I work with a girl whose husband just bought a new RAM truck and his rate doubled because it's a high theft risk. I've been driving for 40 yrs, no accidents or tickets and my rate doubled because I drive a vehicle that is high risk of theft (Jeep Wrangler). Definitely shop round. I did and my vehicle is not on a lot of lists. I shopped around and found a company that my vehicle's not on their list.


is it the same company? you should check with his company to get a quote, i mean i assume you are under 25? so it's gonna be more expensive anywhere but worth a shot


Same company and I’m 28. No tickets.


wow that's pretty expensive for 28, should definitely shop around, maybe try a broker


LOL I’m actually with a broker currently. Which is why it pissed me off and i made a post about it!


Which insurance company you currently with? You should shop around and find out what insurance companies your broker looked at. You should check CAA they have good rates


I've heard that brokers can get lazy and only pull a couple of quotes. I changed ours after I found them to be less than enthusiastic about finding a better quote. The new one put a lot more effort into it, especially with a couple of motorbikes.


Man in Quebec I pay like 60 dollars a month for insurance


Someone i know (distant relative) with a clean driving record of over 24 years in GTA, paying $55 monthly. So it’s not all bad, but mostly yeah it’s all bad lol


Damn in the GTA?? That’s crazy


Thank god I left Ontario in Ontario I was paying close to 400 a month


I never understood why it’s so expensive here compared to other provinces and the states. Are we not all driving the same cars in this part of the world? Are Ontario drivers just that much more wreckless?


Quebec doesn't have to cover Brampton.


Na it’s because in Quebec the Quebec government actually covers most of the insurance costs themselves making it better for residents to have cheaper insurance


The product itself is vastly different.


The nest you can do is ask if there are any ways to lower it. Some insurance companies have different offers like "fill out this driving diary thing, and get some money off a month", or "allow us to track your speed and if you don't speed, money off"


I was told to put a gps tracker and it would bring down the cost from $338 to $296! And i cannot go to a place of my choice, i HAVE to get it from one of their affiliated shops and the gps costs $285 🫠


My insurance company (CAA) wanted me to have an engine de-mobilizer installed on my vehicle to waive the $1500 surcharge at renewal because my vehicle is a high theft risk vehicle. Goodbye CAA


Auto insurance is the highest in Canada in Ontario. They are making money hands over fists. What a sham. Provincial governments have said they would reduce insurance by 15 % ha ha. U think they meant 15 % increase so their colleges can make more money from the people of Ontario. Butbyou will be able to buy beer at a convince store pretty soon thanks Ford nation.


So cars are being stolen. Maybe not yours but everyone will pay for it in premium increases. Insurance and Banks always win in our country.


Talk to an insurance broker and see if you can get a better rate with another company


It NEVER goes down. You gotta shop around for new insurance every few years and find a better deal.


It's because you were a part-time driver on a G2 and now you're a full-time driver on a G


Cost of living has gone up so insurance has gone up. My insurance has gone up by $ 70 this year per month


Don't worry, once you hit 65, your insurance should go down...


LMAO.....insurance rates going down, good one.


My rate went down 2 yrs. in a row with CAA. Maybe because I recently retired, which gives a discount plus my annual mileage went down. However, after almost 10 yrs. with them, I switched because they wanted to jack up my rate by 50% among other things.


Mine dropped when I retired as well, then a bit more when I turned 50. Then I bought a new truck and the rates went up, PLUS an arbitrary $500 annual fee tacked on because apparently it's a high theft vehicle.


I have been driving a jeep wrangler for 6 yrs and always had a decent rate with CAA. 6 months ago I bought a "newer" Wrangler and because it's in the high theft category, they wanted to charge me $1500 because of that. I'd say you got off easy at $500. I was told by CAA that it isn't a yearly thing, they will look at statistics when renewal time comes around. So it can either stay or go down or even disappear (which I highly doubt).


What others said about contacting the broker. You could also up your deductible to lower your premiums but that would mean a high price if something happens to you. The increase may be because as a full G holder you have certain freedoms that the insurance company deems unsafe. You technically don’t have a driving record because you are now starting from scratch. With a G2 I believe you have certain restrictions that they may feel make you a safer risk. Try to shop around and also check if you have any discounts through work or your alumni benefits. Some universities/colleges offer specials to alumni and many companies have discounts for employees.


The G license being considered a higher risk than G2 is not a thing, wherever did you get that from?


I was speculating. I don’t know why insurance companies decide risk the way they do.


I did everything possible to get my premium even less than before. Did a full defence driving certification, winter tires and all that etc. I drive a total of 6 kms from home to work back and forth. I don’t want any unnecessary discounts, i just want to pay a little less than what i was paying before because i have now moved from G2 to G. And as the rules negate, premium always decreases when you do that. It feels as if this is something we have to live by if we don’t voice up. This made me seek advice through reddit to see if I was the only one facing the brunt of other’s crimes.


Go on Kinetix.com and do a quote search. You have to give them your email but unsubscribe right after. That might help you see what the rates are.


If u r driving a pickup apparently u r now "high" on the theft list, u get screwed some more. Nice new scam eh? Literally everyone drives a truck now 😬. don't even get me started on the price of gas. Ooh and when u retire and never literally go anywhere, guess what?? U too get an increase! My all time favorite tho , apparently I live in a high accident area.....in Tecumseh! 😆 joke!


Well i don’t exactly know the right figure but my brother’s insurance on his pickup went down $18 in 2022. But yeah i get what you’re saying, it’s a stupid move because mostly everyone has got a truck now. I thought Chatham and Tecumseh were a lot safer lol, i didn’t know!


Unfortunately I am one of those high risk vehicle people too, but I don't drive a truck. I drive a Jeep Wrangler, have had no accidents, driving for almost 40 yrs retired, etc. Plus my insurance company wanted to charge me a surcharge of $1500 at renewal because of my risk risk vehicle. Goodbye CAA


What's the insurance company? I saved more than $100 a month by going to CAA after my insurance was jacked up recently by Intact. Insurance companies use different algorithms and put more weight toward certain variables to determine the price, so it can vary significantly.


I just left CAA after being with them for almost 10 yrs. Wanted to charge me $1500 at renewal plus my yearly rate went up 50% because I drive a vehicle that is high risk of theft. I ended up going with Belair who is about the same as CAA (with the increase), but none of this surcharge business because my vehicle is high risk of being stolen. This is such nonsense.


Take a look at Bel Air direct. No issues and decreased my premium 50% over what I had with Intact.


If you have Costco membership, they offer car and home insurance through their Costco Services. Friend of mine suggested, said he got the best price ever with the auto insurance from Costco Services. It's Inova Insurance Brokers. My current insurance is Cooperators. They gave me great price last year (with company discount), but this year it went up quite a bit. So, I'll call Inova as well. I didn't have the time to do it yet.


Another massive scam in this country. That's why the rate of drivers driving without insurance is so high. 👀


Small town charm is little to no accidents at all. I genuinely feel it shouldn’t go up at all. But i have a colleague who drives without an insurance.


So many people do, just avoid attracting as much attention on the road as possible 🤫


This is idiotic advice


💀 I'm not telling him directly that he should, just adding what I personally think 🤷🏽


Unfortunately, my work place gets patrol services every month so we might get vetted.


Have you tried calling your insurance and asking them? They should have an explanation for you it if your premium is up for renewal I would shop around I just got a really good deal with rbc insurance for my situation and before that I was bel air direct which I was pretty happy with


I did call him. Had a full blown conversation and he said that i lost 10% discount because i moved to a graduating license now. He also said auto insurance rates went up in general.


Ever seen the rape scene in Irreversible? That is what you can expect from insurance for the rest of your life.