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If you think Windsor drivers are the worst, you've never driven in Brampton. Moved here from there 2 years ago. This is like a driving holiday in comparison.


I moved from Durham and the GTA. Toronto driving sucks but I don't drive in Toronto and I feel much safer as a pedestrian there than here. In Toronto drivers are used to pedestrians at the very least. I don't think Windsorites have seen a human being. The concept of a person outside of a car is foreign to them




I could write an essay on this haha. The infrastructure is absolutely the root cause of the problem, without a doubt. I don't think Windsorites are predisposed to be awful drivers. I travel for work. Windsor has, I shit you not, the worst infrastructure I've seen in a city. Every crossing requires you press a button to get the walk symbol during the next cycle, the duration is short, etc..theres so much more. I think Windsor is different in that the Mayor and citizens are so entrenched in car culture that it empowers drivers to drive the way they do. Windsorites, I've found, have never been anywhere other than Windsor, so they assume pedestrians bad, drivers good, and don't know how much better it can be


Exactly and probably why I feel safer in my car at all times rather than walking - even if I'm on a sidewalk.


Ooh for sure, and that's how the pickup truck crowd gets advertised too as well. The trucks are super safe! For the driver...everyone else is at more risk.


As a lifelong pedestrian, true




I think some of your examples could be explained through another lens. >They'll even hang out on the median yellow lane bidding their time with traffic zipping by because using the crosswalk is....just never an option to them. How far away was the last crosswalk? Does the light even give them enough time to cross? Is the crosswalk safe or is it like my example? Did you know that the majority of pedestrian fatalities happen AT crosswalks to pedestrians crossing legally? I wouldn't characterize it as "selfish", honestly. I use the crosswalk when and where I can, but if its too far or ridiculously unsafe, I'll cross elsewhere.


Honestly, it is bonkers how few crosswalks there are. Even in school zones. And there are even fewer pedestrian controlled crosswalks (like the flashing light/striped road type that only disrupts traffic when a pedestrian crosses). Not to mention how few sidewalks there are in general. But, if having kids has taught me anything, it's that "if you build it, they will come" is accurate and true. Build more sidewalks that are defined and safe feeling and people will walk more. Likewise for bikes. This doesn't HAVE to be a cars only city. 😞


Oh yea, Windsor is a car centric nightmare. Pedestrian crossovers like you described are a great inbetween solution for proper signalization. Having no signals in a 50km/h school zone is insane. It should be 30km/h max, no heavy vehicles (that includes pickup trucks) and small lanes. It should be impossible to blast through a school zone. It doesn't have to be a car-only city, but some of these comments are indicative of the problem to a large extent. People are blind to solutions. They've lived here their entire lives and don't understand just how much better it can be


Most folks from Windsor haven't left and have no concept of what other places are like. They are usually the ones bitching the loudest about how awful it is.


I've lived all over Ontario but I agree with the sentiment here. That said, Windsor and Oshawa have had the most car-centric populations


I've lived in about 7 different municipalities in the past 10 or so years and windsor is definitely the worse for drivers. The issue is it seems like here theres more people who blatantly don't care about the rules. Running red lights, passing cars in the middle turning lanes, driving up on curbs to make right turns instead of just WAITING for traffic to move, speeding through construction zones just to cut people off and save a whole 1.5 seconds etc etc


OMG, the light running when it's red is crazy. It's ridiculous to see three cars making a left after it's turned red.


Agree. I lived in Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto/GTA and I frequently drive in the US. I find that most drivers in Windsor do very ok, and it's very easy to drive here, piece of cake.


Toronto drivers know what a white line and crosswalk are. That or someone will teach them quickly. You can't pull the same stunts there because pedestrians will walk over your hood.


Finally someone who gets it. If you block the sidewalk with your car, your car is the sidewalk now. Torontonians don't have time for entitled motorists. Windsor actively encourages entitled motorists.


Pedestrians constantly cede the right of way here. It's a very strange occurrence to be waved through all the time. They seem to not honestly think I'll wait for them to cross. I get double takes if I reverse a bit to let them cross. It's called following the rules. Don't be nice, be predictable.


💯. It's always best and safer to simply follow the rules instead of trying to be nice.


100% its refreshing to talk to someone on the sub who understands this.


Agreed so many motorists and pedestrians wave you through when they have the right of way, I simply follow the highway traffic act in regard to right of way. Other motorists are constantly waving you through instead of just going when they have the right of way, it’s annoyingly.


Really in my short stay in Toronto for 2 months that not what my experience was.


I find MTL drivers wayyyy better and more chill than here.


Yes, its easy to drive here is exactly the point. Its easy to drive in Windsor, its not easy to do anything else in Windsor.


I cycle around here in Windsor too. Thankfully, it never happened to me what you described. Quite the opposite, when cars are passing, they keep a safe distance from me. But I also use a bike lane or sidewalk when I can. Because even if they don't drive too close to me, accidents can happen. What I meant by saying that's easy to drive in Windsor is that most people drive following the rules. And following the rules keeps everyone safer, including pedestrian and bikers.


But you shouldn't ever have to ride a bike on a sidewalk (in fact, you should never...) and it's such a shame that that is so normalized here that cars expect and demand it


Very true


Brampton and the Toronto-GTA area in general have become even worse since COVID. A different kind of terrible though. A lot of drivers in Toronto/GTA unfortunately come by it honestly; they are just shit drivers. There is also a major increase in aggressive drivers and road rage. In Brampton, it seems to be an intentional thing. Enforcement in Toronto is nil as well, so no repercussions for driving like an idiot. Since moving back to the Windsor region, it's pretty shocking to see just how intentionally bad drivers are. I feel like everyone here either has a $70K pickup truck or a mustang with a vanity plate. Drivers here intentionally do 20-30 over in residential neighborhoods. They cut out into traffic when they have no business doing so, and then fail to keep up with the traffic they have just hastily rushed into. No one seems to understand zipper merges or roundabouts. I've seen plenty of drivers run reds from a stop when they believe no one is around to catch them. I have a clean driving record, no tickets, a 2020 vehicle and just by moving to this area, my insurance skyrocketed. My insurance was cheaper in Etobicoke when cars were literally being stolen and torched on our street several times throughout the year.


Funny mine dropped from living in Brampton. And insurance rates are not affected by postal code. Yeah right.


I was living in Etobicoke and moved to the Kingsville area. The insurance provider remained the same (Sonnet). When I reached out for an explanation, they gave me a long winded response in part about the collision rates being higher in this region per capita vs Etobicoke, impacting their risk-sharing pool, which I assumed was some bs. Here is the direct quote from part of the email: "your area overall is definitely taken into account as with locations we use the postal code to help determine the rates. If we generally had more claims than the previous year in your area even with a smaller population size it will increase the premium. With that being said, as advised that is not the only reason, we did have those approved rates increased which did affect all policies across the board, every single auto policy was affected by these approved rate increases. The way Insurance works is as a risk-sharing pool, which means that the premiums collected by the insurance company go towards paying the claims from the few policies that experience losses throughout the year. I have changed providers this year and am saving around $1,500.00 in my home and auto insurance.




I disagree. I worked in Mississauga, lived in Orangeville for 3 years and took the 410 almost daily. It was bad but mostly because people were stupid. Windsor drivers are horrible! It's not because they're necessarily bad drivers or ignorant to driving etiquette but they are openly wrecked. Intentionally blowing reds, stop signs, tailgating and speeding. Driving in Brampton is very annoying but driving here is infuriating.


Oshawa born and raised, can confirm. Compared to back home driving here is peaceful


Yeah the congestion here is like it was in the 90's back in Brampton


The Indians are screwing every city up, they don’t use signals cut you off go through lights. I seen an old one driving a cab that had yellow tape holding the trunk together, guess the old one lives in my neighborhood. What a terrible driver in a vets cab and turns without a signal… idiot


A white woman in a pickup almost hit me but sure...Indians.


Likely your fault, probably didn’t even signal


I was moving in a straight line on a signalized pedestrian path where the signal was in the walk position. Like the trolling is obvious but c'mon..


The problem with Windsor drivers specifically is that driving here is easy. Most people have never had to develop the foresight, situational awareness, or critical thinking skills to drive better. My wife had no idea until she spent 4 months driving in Chicago. People all merge early and back up traffic if a lane is ending, people stop when they have the right of way to let someone turn if they've been waiting a while, moving over and slowing down the left lane instead of forcing a merging driver on the expressway to match speed, that kind of stuff. This is just people trying to be polite to each other. As for everything else, Windsor drivers are no different from anywhere else. You have the cyclists that switch back and forth between sidewalks and roads, the trucks that think they own the road, the cars that don't enter the intersection when waiting to make a left and so on. But there are noticeable idiots everywhere, not just here.


> My wife had no idea until she spent 4 months driving in Chicago. Right? Chicago is wild. 😅 > But there are noticeable idiots everywhere, not just here. 💯.


People not understanding how to zipper is one of my biggest pet peeves. Right after the idiots who try to drive in both lanes to block people behind them from entering the *completely empty* lane that they are supoosed to be driving in.


What city has the best drivers?


Not Windsor


What city should we be more like?


London, where someone cut me off, at the next light pulled up and rolled down the window (expecting to exchange words) They apologized. Mind blown


This is why I ride mostly on the sidewalk, if I wanted to ride on the road I would buy a car, bikes should not be on the road with those maniacs.


This was from a sidewalk into a pedestrian crossing. I know its illegal but I'd rather not die on the road and the pedestrians aren't present.


Unless you are under the age of 10, you are breaking the law every time you ride on a sidewalk.


I dont blame any people who take the chance on breaking the law. You're not winning an argument with a car or truck..


It's counterintuitive but the sidewalk in a lot of cases is more dangerous because you're way less predictable at intersections which is where most collisions actually happen.  There are some places where the sidewalk is legally a multi-use path (Walker at Grand Marais, a lot of Lauzon Parkway, etc) and is the best place to be, but even then the intersections aren't designed great and require significant caution. 


Exactly. You have a "collision" on a sidewalk, it likely isn't a death sentence for either party.


"It likely isn't a death sentence for either party." Just a lot more likey for one party. That could be a costly lawsuit if you harm someone.


Absolutely. I know its breaking the law, but I move off when there's pedestrians and I'm not going to cycle on a road with no bike lanes. Not in this city.


Yup smart. As long as there’s no pedestrians (rarely are), the sidewalk is a lot better.


I do take the bike lanes when they're there, but I've seen so many cars blast through them that it's not always very safe. The separated paths are quite nice when they exist


When I went to UWindsor, I would ride my bike down Riverside drive when it was nice outside to get to campus. I was young and living on my own, and Windsor's transit infrastructure was terrible. There were a ton of close calls, and finally, I was clipped by a driver not paying attention. Plenty of lacerations on my legs and torso, and a broken thumb that still clicks to this day. The driver slowed down when they realized they had hit me, and then sped off within the matter of a few seconds. All this to say, the police have never done a great job of enforcing traffic laws in this region. I wouldn't fault a single person, no matter their age, for riding on the sidewalk (so long as they are being respectful to pedestrians).


That's awful! I'm so sorry that happened. Drivers all over Ontario get away with so much bullshit. It is insane how poorly traffic laws are enforced.


Windsor, broadly, isn't just unaccomodating to alternate modes of transportation, it's actively hostile towards them. C'est la vie, fuck em


I am unfortunately so very aware. "Get in a car or get out" seems to be the motto


Live in Kingston now. Windsor drivers are more aggressive, but Kingston drivers are fucking incompetent. Slow and clueless.


Being in a collision with someone who is driving too slow, has a better outcome in my books, than someone speeding through a yellow or red light.


I can handle aggressive. ... Get out the way or block them for fun; depending on mood. But those slow dumb motherfuckers are so frustrating. ... I'll be like that one day.


F-150 Driver here.... Hurry and get out of the damn way! Bikes belong on sidewalks! /s : ) It's not just F-150's though. I had a guy blow a stop sign rushing after Fireworks Monday in a VW Atlas. Last week the same thing with a delivery guy on the phone in a Honda civic with missing rims. It's a combination of lack of respect for other people, lack of policing, lack of attention, and inability to slow down with people's hectic lifestyles. Hate to say it, but it will not get better. Keep your head on a swivel and stay safe! PS. If there is a Blue Tremor coming your way. It wasn't me. : )


Nice truck.


Haha appreciate you! I will say though, I was on the sidewalk into the crossing when I was almost thrown off the bike. Not riding on the road on Walker. That's suicide. Windsor has a car culture problem for sure, but the F150s are more likely to kill me than the sedan.


Bicycles belong on the road. Part of the problem is people don’t know how to properly ride a bicycle on the road, in traffic, using hand signals. And staying as far right as possible, unless turning.


It's worth noting that a lot of drivers also don't seem to realize that a metre of space is a legal requirement to pass cyclists and that often requires at least partially leaving the lane (and it's perfectly legal to cross a yellow like to do this).  A cyclist taking the lane is very often legal, FWIW.


Try doing a simple zipper merge in Michigan.😫


Its always the lifted trucks that are the worst. I get tail gated by them every. Single. Day. And i always drive 10 above the speed limit. Ugh thats why theres squished animals everywhere who have no shot at crossing the road. I lived in Vancouver before moving here, idk why Windsor drivers drive extremely fast.


Come to Brampton, you won’t complain after that


Hey don’t forget about the douche bags in the Dodge Rams, it’s not just F150s where you can MAKE BIG TRUCK GO FAST!!!


Ram drivers are the worst, way worse than any other truck imo, f150 doesn’t even come close


You're right haha. I do use F150s as a catch all but fucking RAM drivers are also awful


Windsor is the only place I've ever been where crosswalks mean nothing.


I grew up here, lived in Brampton and Toronto. I moved back to Windsor, was driving down Pillette and stopped for some pedestrians at a crosswalk. The cars that were behind me did not stop, they went AROUND me and nearly hit the people. Ignorant and dangerous drivers.


I don't ride a bike because I can literally feel my life expectancy dropping anytime I'm sharing a road with Windsor Drivers.




Many Windsor drivers seem to believe that roads are for automobiles only. It's awful, I'm afraid to ride my bicycle here. I don't even feel safe in the bike lanes, which are mostly occupied by WPD and delivery vehicles.


Windsor is bad but i will also say nowhere near as bad as Toronto Hamilton Brampton areas. Lol. But yea specially when it comes to bikes and motorcycles ppl don’t know how to drive. Or roundabouts.


Toronto is lightyears ahead of Windsor. Its not even a comparison. When I walk/cycle in Toronto I don't worry about my life nearly as much as walking here.


way too many people in this city with big trucks that do nothing with them at all but drive. They're killing the enviroment because culture has told them they need to use these vehicles.


This is true for everywhere but Windsor has some sort of weird blue collar roleplay thing going where having a truck is a prerequisite to manhood or something


I agree! Every person I know that drives a truck doesn't need one! My cousin works at a daycare and has a truck, my father in law refuses to use the bed of his and pulls a trailer to do anything truck related. People in this city are obsessed with owning trucks it's weird.


Most people I know with big trucks use them, they’re working on their homes, using them for business, helping friends and family. They’re not killing the environment.


While that is true in many cases here, it's not a blanket statement. There is a weird societal pressure to own a truck in this region that I cannot understand.


they are far and few and definitely not who i'm talking about. the people you're describing are the type of people that should own trucks.


Working on their homes once a year, maybe.


Ehhh, my husband has a truck and uses it for all kinds of things so, live and let live. Thank heaven for freedom of choice.


Sure. I'm saying that statistically this isn't the case but if your husband has a truck he uses, it makes sense your social circle is also full of people like that. Freedom of choice is great, I agree. However, your freedom to drive ends where my body begins. The lack of regulation on large pickup trucks that hit harder, kill more and make it hard to see pedestrians while in the cabin shouldn't be treated with such haste.


“Freedom to drive” actually does not end where anybody’s body begins. However, people do need to drive better in general. Over the last few years I’ve noticed it getting worse overall. I wonder why.


I would hope that you would stop driving when you encounter someone else's body. Strange flex


What?! Someone else’s body? Now, that’s a strange comment. I’m not seeing people mown down on the mean streets of Windsor.🤷‍♀️


Drivers are shit in Windsor but also so are cyclists.


I agree, there’s alot of incompetent cyclists that give the good cyclists a bad rep, they blow through reds and stop signs. Hence why I keep to the county roads within the same route, most drivers are familiar with me and give me a full lane which I always appreciate. I’d never cycle in the city again, some people are so aggressive it’s actually ridiculous.


Can you explain how cyclists are shit?


Aside from seldom following rules of the road, a lot of them seem to just do what they want and generally get in the way and act real surprised when they find themselves in a dangerous situation. But aside from that, yeah, it's just the pickup drivers trying to get to / from work who are the problem.


I am just genuinely curious because I find people think the rules apply unilaterally, but they really shouldn't and don't. For example, I disagree that stop signs should be treated as such by cyclists and have long before I started cycling. Now, obviously cyclists shouldn't blow through stop signs when they don't have the right of way, but the "Idaho Stop" (treating stop signs as yields) makes more sense. Its better for drivers this way, too, especially at a four way stop. Getting a bike stopping and moving again at full speed takes way more time than a car and the Idaho Stop is generally considered to be safer for everyone involved. Its easy to point fingers but really the best way to keep everyone safe is grade-separated bike lanes that keep bikes and cars out of each others way, and slow speed limits on roads without bike lanes.


I’ve lived all over. Born and raised in the states, moved to Canada 10 years ago. I’d say Windsor is in the top 5 of worst drivers- even worse than when I lived in Chicago or San Diego. My husband cycles in the city and wears a go pro on his head, and both our cars are equip with dashcams. The way people drive here would send me into an absolute rage if I didn’t have self control.


Almost got t-boned yesterday bc some dude in a truck doesn’t understand the concept of advanced green 😍🙏🏻


Always a truck driver. Every. Single. Time.


I was born and raised in Toronto for 30 years. Windsor has some of the most dangerous, negligent, and careless drivers I’ve ever seen. It’s BAD here. Very bad. I’ve seen Toronto stupid, Brampton stupid, you name it. Windsor stupid is its own thing.




Im not so sure. I think Toronto drivers are accustomed to pedestrians and other modes of transit. Yes, some cyclists and pedestrians are awful in Toronto, but the city accepts that people exist outside of cars. If you've ever driven in Toronto you know that you HAVE to be aggressive and confident to survive. I'm not so sure an average Windsorite could define 'pedestrian'. I think the concept of life outside of a car is so foreign to them that they don't know what to do. Windsor treats non-drivers like second class citizens and it permeates the culture here so much so to the point where individual motorist have no problem running you down. They truly believe you're a lesser person for not being in a car.




Can you explain why? Cities treating pedestrians as secind-class citizens is a well documented and frequent phrase in urban planning and urbanist studies. I agree with everything else you're saying, just curious why you object to the idea that pedestrians are treated as lesser. It certainly seems to be the case.




>Sounds like you mean Windsor people sees another group as lesser, is not something I would say out loud. But if you mean, the city planning in Windsor prioritize drivers above all other means of transportation - I fully agree I do mean both. Windsor city planning prioritizes drivers above others because Windsorites are enshrined in their right to drive, and the Mayor actively works against safer streets initiatives. I don't mean to single Windsor out because this is true for a lot of Canadian cities, but I stand by the phraseology. It is common in discussions about urbanism and I think it describes the situation well.




Yeah I've been all over and Windsor, maybe Edmonton, is the worst. Toronto drivers are dumb but I never feel my life is at risk as a pedestrian or cyclists on most Toronto roads. The city accommodates you well enough. Windsor HATES you if you're outside of a car, and the drivers will let you know. There are studies on this, and on how car-centric cities (of which Windsor might be the worst in Canada) and the residents view pedestrians and cyclists as secind-class citizens. With a Major like ours actively hating on anybody not in a car, I can definitely see this being the case here.


Completely agree. Just today I was trying to merge onto EC row on an on/off ramp, and the driver in the front kept it to 50km an hour. Hello, I am trying to get on the expressway! Get your head out of your butt, follow the flow of traffic even if you're not getting on. You are going to get the rest of us killed. And if someone is tailgating and acting crazy, it is usually a dude in a giant F150 as OP notes. I learned how to drive on 696 and have driven all over North America for work and vacation. Windsor drivers are terrible. Probably on par with DC.


Always an F150. Did you know a peer-reviewwd study of F150 drivers demonstrated that they are empirically more likely to be worse people? They're awful drivers because they are sold on the "safety" of their vehicle. Disregarding the fact that they're safe because the size of their ridiculous emotional support vehicle makes the road dangerous for everyone else


I’ve lived in a few cities in Canada, and Windsor drivers are by far the worst. It goes beyond not understanding the rules of the road, but it seems like there is active malice and everyone wants to teach other drivers “a lesson”. For example, if there is a merge from two lanes to one, people in the left hand lane (which is the lane to merge into) will try to block the right hand lane from merging, as if the merging lane should have known better and got into the left hand lane behind them. People will race at lights, people will drive slow in the passing lane until you pass them in the travelling lane, then try to match your speed so you can’t get in front of them. Drivers here are bullies.


They dont like bikers that much


Damn! To think this thread came out 4 days ago and a cyclist was killed in Windsor this weekend. So sad. My condolences to the family.


OP? You ok? This wasn't you was it?


Still alive for better or worse over here, but I was thinking about it when I read that article too. Windsor needs better infrastructure immediately


I really wish I could have even the smallest positive comment about Windsor drivers, but it's getting literally impossible. People say all cities have it's share of bad drivers, but I'm at the point where I don't even like driving anymore. One of my real sore spots is the lack of knowing how to drive in/approach a roundabout. No-one and I mean no-one signals. Yesterday I had to slam on my brakes in the roundabout on Malden and Todd Lane. Lady coming up from Malden to the roundabout did not even look to see that I was already in the round about and even signalled that I was staying in it and not exiting. Geesh!!


I am from Michigan, and I have noticed a more aggressive driving style in Windsor. Windsor drivers were a lot more laid back in the past. Now you get that everyone is a huge hurry vibe. Windsor isn't thar big, 5 mins to get where you are going isn't going to make that much of a difference.


Almost t-boned a lady in a porsche pulling out of the home depot parking lot. She went straight into the left lane from the parking lot and didn’t bother looking. People like that are the only thing stopping me from getting a motorcycle


Half the battle In Windsor I think is 90 percent that work, are always running late to work. Hence why they go 150km on the EC Rowe in the early morning hours.


Can you add some detail to this? Your direction of Travel? Hers? I don't think there are bike lanes, so I assume slip lanes means turning lanes? (Not sure on terminology there) Edit... i assmuned both on walker. was she merging onto walker south(slip lane) She went through the red light?


I think [this](https://maps.app.goo.gl/WF3dTaEbaavYEuxJ6) is what they mean by slip lane. They always have a yield sign. It doesn't matter whether there are bike lanes, bikes are vehicles. If OP was on Walker, and the driver was on Ottawa turning right, the driver absolutely had to yield to OP.


That's correct and was the exact place. A [slip lane](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slip_lane) allows drivers to bypass the normal turning lane to prioritize right on red. The light was red. I was crossing. F150 decided they needed to drive into and over the intersection in order to prioritize their own right turn on red while I was going straight across.


Absolutely. I wanted to see if that was the way it went down.


I replied to the reply below. Thanks for your question!


I recently moved here from Kitchener - I agree. Drivers here are surprisingly more dangerous and impatient based on my experience. No regard for pedestrians at all. I often see people here make turns without even checking to see if there are pedestrians or cyclists, not even stopping on reds to turn for that matter.


KW is a fantastic place. I go there frequently and love that its so lively with pedestrians, cyclists, scooters. The city has really been redesigned to keep them safe and the drivers are pretty accommodating of alternative transportation methods. Great city. Windsorites couldn't define "pedestrian". They've never seen one. What you describe was exactly my experience, blasting into the crosswalk on a red because they expect nobody will be there and feel entitled to speed over all else. Right on red here should be outlawed.


I moved to Windsor from K/W also. When my daughter comes here to visit, she refuses to drive and I don't blame her. You have to anticipate every stupid move the drivers here will make. I've been rear-ended here 2x since coming to this city. Both at stop lights. Even had a cop at the collision centre tell me my insurance could make me "partially at fault for the accident".. He proceeded to say I should have looked in my rear-view, saw the person behind me wasn't going to stop and I "should have taken evasive action".


Cops are idiots, dear lord. What an awful experience. I'm thinking I have to install a dash cam on my bike to combat these aggressive, entitled and uneducated drivers


Yes exactly, KW has improved their cycling facilities and added many round abouts to the region. It's pretty pedestrian/cyclist friendly, unlike here. I think that's definitely a factor that plays into the different driving habits here vs. there.


I can assure you that drivers are the absolute worst in Canada .


i’ve always said, it’s either a truck driver or a jeep driver HAHAHA


Always. They're more likely to intentionally run over animals and be objectively worse people...and that's been proven in studies


I wish that ontario had some kind of testing for drivers purchasing a pickup truck over a certain size or weight. The first test should be parking in a mall parking lot.


Pickup trucks are so much different from sedans and other automobiles that another license class and tests should be mandated. These trucks are killing machines and yet are under the same regulation as a mini cooper. Nuts.


the city needs dedicated bike lanes, instead they just widen the road (and in some cases they don't do that) and paint lines and call it a day.


Not sure who is downvoting you but I agree 100%


People drive like their vehicles are not equipped with brakes.


We (my son and I) were behind a Transit Windsor bus in LaSalle. The driver hopped the curb twice, and when he? wasn't driving half way in the bike lane, he? was driving over the yellow. I honestly thought the driver was under the influence of drugs, alcohol or distraction. ... .. .That was a professional driver. .. .. Taxi driver are far worse. FTW; get good insurance.


Omg you obviously have never been through Toronto or Brampton traffic have you? Windsor traffic isn't the best but I have seen quite. Fre entitled bike riders as well. Here is a clue the road you were riding on is extremely busy and unsafe, if you must travel down that way stick to the sidewalks...or you are putting your life in your own hands.


I moved from the GTA. This isn't about traffic or "entitled bike riders". The road I was on was not busy, it was later in the day and the F150 driver blasting through the intersection was the only car on that road. That person is entitled, I am not entitled for crossing when I was told to cross or for expecting the crosswalk to not be blocked suddenly by a truck. >if you must travel down that way stick to the sidewalks...or you are putting your life in your own hands. On entitlement...why must I break the law and endanger pedestrians to keep drivers happy? Why is it a risk to the life of anyone not in a car to travel in Windsor? I think you would benefit from some reframing of the issue in your end. Cyclists aren't the issue here. The infrastructure of this city prioritizing speed of motorists over everything else is.


Buddy it's the automotive capital of Canada, Walker road is busy not exactly suited for biking lanes. And you came from Toronto, speaks volumes on entitlements. Let's make it clear Windsor is NOT bike friendly on many streets, and that will NOT change. Realize that and make good choices, btw if there are no pedestrians on the side walk use it. Not worth your life to get mowed down.


>And you came from Toronto, speaks volumes on entitlements. Yikes >Buddy it's the automotive capital of Canada, That operated an amazing streetcar system before this rhetoric was used to prevent investment into proper infrastructure. Times are changing and Windsor should change with it.


Agree. Oakville and Oshawa also know as having automotive plants. Never have I heard anything negative about those drivers.


That stretch of Walker honestly isn't terrible and, considering the Seminole bike lanes go all the way there, it's frankly inexcusable that there aren't (and probably never will be) bike lanes from Seneca to Ottawa.  It's going to be great when Windsor is eventually congestion hell because our leadership is too stupid to see the benefits of not forcing everyone into cars. 


I think you mean brake not break..  but honestly man, you hate this place. Why would you live here? 


Bad drivers are everywhere. The only way to solve it is to acknowledge it and have road designs that are made for all road users, not just 2,000 lbs metal boxes


I agree with this, too. As someone who uses a bike and car. The only issue is how to pay for that infrastructure. I dont really know the tax breakdown, but it shouldn't just be up .to taxes generated from cars and gas. Bikes should have to be licensed, or at least fee applicable, monitored and ticketed for violations, to generate dollars for infrastructure. It's a tough one.


Maybe because I have been here all my life and become immune to it. I see bad drivers but I have never felt to vent on here. I have also drove in different states and provinces and based on what I saw.... If I lived there I would probably feel the same about drivers in those cities.


As someone who moves cities pretty frequently I have a much different perspective than people who've never truly left Windsor.


I think the venting is just because they were on a bike.  If I get in an accident in a 2,000 pound metal box, I’ll likely have no to minimal injuries.  If I get in an accident on a bike, it’s very likely I’ll have serious injuries or die. Especially with large pickups as I’m more likely to go under the car instead of over which is why I think they are venting on here. 


I know, I drive, walk and cycle.  I just don't cry on the internet when someone does me wrong. 


I think you meant drive not drove


I wish I had an award to give you for this. Take my upvote instead.




Gboard auto correct. But thanks


There's no way you're not under the age of 50 man. Everytime I talk to you there's some boomerism that is just ... \*chefs kiss\* love ya


Anything to add about the post itself or?