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What will it take for the mayor to give a shit about pedestrians and cyclists? Cause this isn't the first one, and this won't be the last. Bike lanes are either none existing, filled with potholes, or (and this is pretty much all) have 0 protection from drivers. We have a massive population, and it's only going up, we need to stop ignoring public transportation and saving cyclists rather than just pushing every single individual to own a multi ton vehicle to go 5 minutes


Every time someone drowns off Sandpoint Beach, there's an outcry from at least one member of Council calling for mitigation. As there should be - that's the right response. Where's the outrage when a pedestrian or a cyclist gets hit by a car? It happens far more often than drownings, but nobody on Council aside from Kieran McKenzie seems to have a problem with these preventable deaths and/or injuries.


I'd add Fabio to that list. But as you probably know, Ontario has a driver accountability issue in general and car-centric cities like Windsor even moreso. Council needs to start taking Vision Zero seriously


I used to include Fabio on that list. I don't anymore. Kieran's out there all alone on this issue, and Fabio no longer speaks in support when the subject is raised. He's entirely silent. I don't know what's going on with him, but he's no longer the vocal advocate he used to be. I've been disappointed with him a lot this term.


I've found him to be standout on a number of issues but I've only observed and chatted with him during this term, so maybe he just looked good in comparison to the others who aside from Kieran are complacent as fuck. Good to know though!


I feel like we need to get out and protest - this is unacceptable. Disgusted by two major cycling incidence in just the last few days


I'd be all for it. We'd need to gather a massive group of cyclists to go to city hall or directly to the mayor (one of the highest paid in Ontario, not to mention) I would say to take up streets and make a point that if they wont make room then we will. But that might get a lot of negative attention and prevent good people from getting places, taking it straight to the mayor would be the best option.


Yes I agree it would have to make a balance but I feel there’s a lot more people who care about this issue than it seems


That’s unfortunate, especially at that intersection as it is one of the most common east/west routes for cyclists as there are very few other east/west roads that are low traffic where cyclists can feel safe. I hope this does something to push better road design, especially along common bike routes  


Long history of city engineering ignoring calls for cycling infrastructure. In early 2000s we had a study down (BUMP) which layed out a whole plan. Fast forward and other than a blip about 5 years back (dougall death trap example), it still seems mostly ignored...


And now they just point to those couple of things to make it look to the average person like they've done something.  The Dougall tunnel is a great example. The tunnel itself is great but how the path connects with Dougall at Ouellette Place (northbound cyclists need to cross the road at a place where no one is looking for anything but cars) leaves a lot to be desired.  Everything is half-ass with cycling infrastructure, even the bigger projects. 


Well all our roads are from the 1920s so instead of expanding the road and adding a bike lane, they just throw some paint and say hey bikers you now get to share the lane with the cars going 50km, hope youre both not in eachothers way on this small @$$lane. Seriously use the sidewalks if they dont make proper roads.


Keep in mind that the Dougal deathtrap fix was primarily an upgrade for car drivers. The bike infrastructure was a nice, much needed fix but secondary to the road improvements for drivers.


I find the sidewalks are more dangerous. Cars don’t look far enough down the sidewalk and will miss a bike going 20-30km/hr. Same is true for people backing out of their driveway as many people just look immediately behind them instead of scanning for bikes 


Ya most definitely have to watch out for cars in driveways but then its safe to go on the road at that time. Some people can barely use mirrors to get passed a parked vehicle, they will be a hazard if they are trying to pass you on the road.


On July 18th this year I’ll celebrate one year since this same article was almost about me at Tecumseh and Princess. I’m told that intersection is notorious for cars running the red and accidents in general. RIP to another Windsor cyclist. And here’s to another decade of horrible infrastructure decisions.


They should put red light cameras on that intersection, if so many run the red light. So sad to hear about the cyclist. :( And I'm glad nothing serious happened to you last year. Stay safe!


It was because of this incident I learned those small cameras at intersections apparently aren’t cameras. I’m not entirely sure what they do. I was told maybe they count traffic. I tried to obtain the footage via a FOI requests and was unsuccessful. I’d be a fan of red light camera going into practically every intersection. People are maniacs. 😝


Most of the cameras you see around the city are actually controlling the lights (they detect traffic for light changes).


Red light cameras are great for accountability but not so great for saving the lives of people who are hit by a red light runner. We need proactive, not reactive, traffic control measures that includes separating cyclists from the abundance of over zealous drivers in Windsor


> another decade of horrible infrastructure decisions Just by way of example, that stretch of Lauzon has a "speed limit" of 50 km/h. But the infrastructure is *exactly the same* (same wide lanes, same width of road) as further south on Lauzon Pkw, where it's 60. The limit increases to 70 south of Tecumseh, although there it widens to 3 lanes each way, but cars invariably go much faster than that. So how many cars are actually travelling at 50 at Edgar? And this matters a lot more than people realize. A pedestrian/cyclist struck at 50 km/h has about a coin flip chance of surviving, while one struck at 70 km/h has virtually no chance of surviving.


Go to Ottawa and see how great it is for cyclists there. Their safety is fantastic there.


I had driven by just moments before it happened… I saw the cop cars rushing to the scene. truly heartbreaking.

