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A couple of points about the article itself. * “This story is part of a series on food insecurity and possible solutions in Forsyth County, reported, written and photographed by Wake Forest University journalism students. The series was part of a semester-long class was taught by Newsline Environmental Investigative Reporter and Assistant Editor Lisa Sorg. The is the final story in the series.” * I think the editor of the website wrote the blurb above and the student that worked on this, a sophomore according to the bio at the bottom of the article, likely turned this in as part of their final project for the class. * C’mon editor “The is the final story in the series.”? Sloppy. Show some pride in your craft. * I thought the article body stuck to the facts. It wasn’t colorful, and sought out several viewpoints. From my experience in journalism classes as a student, it’s hard to get sources to go on the record or respond at all just because the student journalist likely disclosed “hey this is for a class project” or “I’m a student at Wake writing about…”. This can represent a lot of risk for those with established public profiles to be misrepresented. * The part that bugs me the most about this article is the headline. This is where the article goes from a news piece to an editorial. I lay this at the feet of the editor. They made the decision to publish a headline with a claim of “failure” that the body of the article does not make. My conclusion: Good job to the writer Ella Klein. Bad job to the editor Rob Schofield.


A more accurate title - WS City Council Funneled Tax Payer Money to Friends and Cronies using Feeding the Homeless as a Cover. See also the ties between. Bethesda center and multiple embezzlements This project was doomed from the start and everyone knew it… and even those fooled knew it when it failed the first time only to receive even more $. WS City Council has a long and deep history of corruption


Politics has a long and deep history of corruption* FTFY




Between the money they pissed-away subsidizing private businesses (Taste of the Triad), building those stupid arches on 52, and this kind of bullshit, you can bet the city council is hard at work wasting your money. If Mayor Joines or DD Adams are involved, you can be guaranteed that it is a grift! Those two assholes are as corrupt as the day is long.


Arches were private money ($950,000) and NC DOT money ($700,000) none of which is city money.


Still a useless waste of my taxpayer dollars that serves absolutely no purpose.




If you want to feed people, buy food. What makes the city think they can do it more efficiently than farmers by building a hydroponic farm? This is nothing more than city council members trying to have a high-profile project that will make them look like they are helping underprivileged communities. When it failed, they shuffled it off to H.O.P.E. (which is a great organization that I volunteer with, whose resources would be far better utilized by buying food, rather than manning this abortion).


“I realized that everyone wasn’t as fortunate as me and my family. My family, we had gardens in our backyard all my life,” Adams stated. “I’ve never been hungry. If I was hungry in my life, even when I went away to college to Baltimore, it was because I wanted to be hungry,” LOL


This is undoubtedly one of the most insensitive things I've ever read. I'm certain that's not how it was intended, but Jesus, check your privilege with PR before going on the record.


And yet our taxes, water, and sewer bill are ALL going up? Mayor Joines, we can always write in a candidate need we remind you.


lol like homie hasn't been in office since the 1800's


2.5m on feeding people seems like a justifiable use of money. The millions spent on improving neighborhoods for the wealthy and those stupid arches less so.


It would have been if they spent it on feeding people. They wasted it on hubris and corruption.


Just look at where City money is spent in general, corruption is everywhere. Resources always funnel back to the wealthy neighborhoods and City council members’ pockets. Fire trucks and stations are literally falling apart, folks that make sure the trash doesn’t pile up in our streets are making poverty wages, Wake Forest University is allowed to buy up huge chunks of property throughout the city with no taxes further straining resources. Our city and county property taxes are poised for a substantial increase in the very near future.