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This was at the Richard Bong red trail btw. I recommend avoiding it for a bit, it's a complete mud pit


Kenosha and Racine counties are full of rural rednecks that despise urban areas but have to live in proximity to them for economic reasons. They feel like they are living out in the sticks despite being only a few miles from town.


This is so spot on


I showed up wanting to do a little dirt biking at the ohv park and it was closed. I guess it’s been flooded all year so far.


Goo gone and a razor will do good work on those


Be careful using just your fingers... apparently some people put razor blades or needles behind these kinds of stickers to hurt the person removing them.


Always use tools for that kind of work.


Holy shit that’s fucking diabolical and evil but also kinda genius I woulda totally got sliced up trying to remove that shit


Yea and people put razorblades in candy on Halloween


The Halloween candy thing is a myth, but this isn't https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10062429/Police-urge-people-not-remove-hate-posters-razor-blades-Nazi-stickers.html https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/swastika-stickers/ https://www.newsweek.com/woman-cut-razor-behind-masks-dont-work-poster-1614838


I can find random news articles about razor blades in Halloween candy too. I thought you just said it was a myth? A more logical answer would be it’s both bullshit. also those three articles are all related to right wing or alt right posters. That seems unlikely https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/razor-blade-found-childs-halloween-candy-on-long-island-police/3938838/ https://abc7news.com/halloween-world-candy-safety/5687832/


So I guess it has happened. So what's the point of your comment?


> So I guess it has happened. Did it even, though?


For you to stop fear mongering


It's not fear mongering, it's called being well informed to be careful when you take down Nazi stickers


The razorblades-in-candy myth is more like fearmongering because it causes people to change their behavior in ways that will cause them to waste their own time and resources, or skip experiences because of a threat that affects an insignificant number of partakers. Hearing about Booby-trapped stickers just gives you a moment of pause when removing a sticker. "Huh. Rather than digging right in with my nails, maybe I'll feel for a bump, or use a tool to scrape this off." It affects a much smaller group, costs them almost nothing. What a strange hill to die on.


No one puts razor blades under stickers. If you find one in real life lmk and I’ll pay you $100


Do you really have that $100?


Nah, it's not a myth. Razorblades and poisoned candy happens. And every single time, there is a parent that no longer wishes to be a parent behind it.


I'm not trying to argue with you, but I do have an alternative perspective that might be helpful. I work in the railroad industry. We frequently get warnings about dangerous booby-traps. They always come with photos. I have never seen one personally, but they have caused injuries that get investigated by the FBI. None of this ever makes the news though. It happens because as the population has exploded, there are more and more weird people willing to do stupid for no rational reason. And, despite how extremely rare those events are, learning about them helps us all be safer by getting people to pay attention to where their feet and hands are while climbing up and down dangerous equipment. There are an untold number of injuries in my profession while climbing on those things, and no one will ever know how many are avoided by those safety warnings about razor wire, painted black, and strung at ankle level on crossover platforms. (No, really) The reality is that there is a balance between avoiding fear mongering, and actually being well informed. You are absolutely correct in warning against believing every warning you hear like this. I remember the razor blades in candy apples thing and it was horrifically scary. Based entirely on rumor, it spread faster than any viral video in the digital age. The only thing faster was the poisoned aspirin event (it really happened, but to one person and it was a targeted hit). It completely changed behaviors, just like you suggested later in this thread. But I will argue that that wasn't a bad thing. Before these changes, there was a lot of super sketchy stuff going on. Almost every kid I knew growing up was molested in one way or another by neighbors or other kids that were already molested. No one talked about it. I just pieced that together carefully over the years to confirm my suspicion. Parents were absent from our lives and the divide between adults and kids was so deep we lived in different worlds while in the same houses. Also, I personally knew dishonest store owners who regularly recycled old consumables to scam their suppliers. It's a bit complicated, but it was very easy to buy a "new" bottle of pills that was actually years past the time it was dangerous to consume. Everything didn't have an expiration date on it, so that wasn't hard to do. I will concede that many manufacturers use those *use by* dates to boost sales. But I will take that over the old way every day of the year. After those scares, parents took way more interest in their kids' lives. The quality and quantity of education went way up across the board. Sexual assault, violence, kidnappings, and accidental death rates all dropped (especially in children). That all can't be attributed to just putting seals on pill bottles and only getting wrapped candy for Halloween. But the whole social structure rejected the carefree live free or die mentality and started seeing life as something to accomplish rather than a ride to hold onto. I mean, have you ever really considered how gross bobbing for apples was? I remember doing it as a kid. And I can't believe we all thought it was ok to just rinse all our open mouths with the same bucket of water. My point is that sometimes hyperbole serves a good purpose. Even if there are no razor blades or needles under labels, it probably isn't smart for people to use their fingernails. I have seen more than a few family members with infected finger and toe nails from things getting under there. Anyone wishing to remove labels from random outdoor objects would be wise to bring a tool for that job.


That's a great tip!


Does it work on Trump supporters?


Longer blades are recommended.


Keep up the good work.


PSA: Always watch out for razor blades hidden on the back near the edges when removing this trash.


That's fucked up.


So are the people that put this shit there


That makes me so mad. I consider that vandalism. Assholes.


That’s exactly what that is.


Reminds me of the time when a bunch of pro life pamphlets, full of misinformation, were spread across a counter at my university. I promptly took all three and dumped them in the trash can


yep, saw that shit spread all over a state park once, was a bit upset about it honestly.


These same people would despise spending on public parks and public nature trails.


The fash ain't gonna bash themselves


American Iron Front has some good cheaper stickers to cover these up with.


Some guy in my neighborhood keeps putting up Trump 2024 Take America Back stickers on all of the signs at the local park. One day they will all be taken down and the next day they are right back up. Very persistent.


It's important to take that moment to take them down though, a moment for you and nothing lost. For them, they lost money, time, and probably sanity with every sticker they have to replace. That's pure gold right there


They love pissing their money away on the orange god


Throw the trash grom them on his lswn


Had a sign war with a neighbor in 2020. After a month into 21. I painted, "trump lost moron" on his signs


If it’s this regular, it seems like it wouldn’t be hard to get some evidence of who the vandal is and get them rightfully prosecuted.


I don't think there's any doubt in this case - it's the guy across the street from the park with a Trump 2024 The Revenge Tour flag in his front yard.


Patriot front? "I love mah country so much I wanna destroy it" Wow, fragility and whats wrong with society. Therapy needed. IMO.


Found one of these on the back of a parking sign here in New Glarus. I made sure to get rid of that filth immediately.


No GuBeRmEnT!!@!@ Where's my social security check?


It's like that whole joke about house cats and libertarians. They're convinced of their independence but completely reliant on a system they don't understand or appreciate


I'm all for Americans that are patriotic. These bastards are idiotic.


Anytime they have to tell you how patriotic they are, you know it's gonna be some crazy right wing shit.


it's the difference between patriotism and petty flagwaving


We should probably get rid of the stickers, too.


In regards to the message on the sticker. To my knowledge, the words "nation" and "state" are synonyms. So the phrase "for the nation, against the state" is basically an oxymoron.


Oops. They misspelled their sticker. They meant to say “MORE FOR ME; FUCK EVERYONE ELSE. ‘Patriot’ front.




Goo gon is your friend.


Sharpened wood chisel and a solvent.




FYI rainbows are the symbol of gay rights, which doesn't hurt anyone. This sticker is for a violent hate group, which should shut the fuck up. This is generally accepted in our society.


Rainbows are the symbol of Jesus. So your mistaken there. Gay folks just decided to use it. Like Nazis with the swastika. The swastika was a much better symbol once upon a time. But symbols can be taken and misused and altered.


Ok bot


We all learn something new every day.


Discuss the topic, not the user.


Idk who the user is. I was pretty on point there. It's about removing sticker right? I wasn't talking about anyone in particular.




so brave…


How about a mini can of spray paint? Just hit the stickers with it and back into a pocket. Takes a second and you can move on, having ruined their little sticker.


It's a sticker not trash.


Na, it’s trash.


Trash stuck some trash to public property so I returned it to the trash can


Straight up trash.


Vandalism is trash.


Patriot front is fascist trash, and so are their stickers.


Porque no los dos?