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Did he not have the Ten Commandments hanging on the wall somewhere?


Surprisingly there isn’t a though shall not sexually assault children” commandment.


Totally cool then, right?


Color me surprised.


the good news is last year the Catholic church spent 10 million lobbying in DC to shorten the time limit this type of crime can be reported, because they care....... That means if you contributed in one of those plates, part of that money went to DC to cover up for pedos.


So much blood and pain on so many hands that have convinced themselves that’s not the case when it very precisely is.


Wow look it’s /r/NotADragQueen


Don't those priest wear those dresses?


We better be super concerned with what public bathrooms hes been using /s


I'm not hearing he was a drag queen.


Not a drag queen


The fact that this parish is named for St. Maria Goretti adds a grim layer of irony


Had to look that one up. You’re entirely right about the grim irony.


And Matt Flin didn't understand why people didn't want the archdiocese lawyer for governor...


Flynn also lost in the primaries to Gwen Moore for that House seat.


not a drag queen


Time to tax them yet?


Oh will this church file for bankruptcy instead of pay for their crimes like some other churches?


They’ve already done bankruptcy, these days they will just pay for therapy from their approved list of therapists. The Archbishop should have a sit down with the victims family too but that turns into a phone call and if you can’t answer then too bad. There will be no justice for the victims. At least that’s been my experience dealing with the Milwaukee Archdiocese and my own abuse. I still haven’t found a lawyer in the state of Wisconsin that will take a case either after years of searching and the attorney general’s investigation is a joke.


I’m really sorry for the abuse you had to go through. I hope you have a good support system


Well there’s some good news! The Supreme Court ruling on the Sackler family/purdue settlement deal opens up challenges to the church protecting its finances through bankruptcy


I’m going to look into that, thank you!


I know it’s hard to talk about but when do these religious organizations start admitting that they have a issue. It seems there is a higher incidence rate than in other organizations. I’m not talking about the Catholics, I have heard this argument from Lutherans it’s all faiths


At what point do we realize that religion has caused more pain than good. There seems to be more molestations more rapes more child porn within Catholic and Baptist churches. Aside from religion let's mention the conservative Republican groups who continually are in the news for such horrific behaviors. I'm waiting for the newsreel of a drag queen molesting.


Did he read books to children at the library on story nights


The Catholic Church will continue to cover these acts up because it’s in their financial best interest


This is why I hate anyone who uses the Bible!


Unless they’re throwing it as a projectile. YEET!!!


Because people really don’t care. It’s fun to point fingers, but in the end, if it’s not them or their family, they won’t care. I’m a little dumbfounded that people even still go to church. Literally supporting rapists. I wonder when people will get it and get educated? Fire Chiefs, Police SGTs, Teachers, Priests, Famous people movies/music, government officials even. Fucking kids, and everyone is always “OMG” “O how could that happen” “He would never” Simple fact, Trust no one with your kids but you.




Just to clarify, this was supposed to have taken place in Madison, but the accused is believed to reside in MKE. I think they're still trying to track him down.


“The charges are in Mke county and the incidents under investigation happened before his tenure in the Madison parish” I do know for a fact that SMG Madison lost a TON of parishioners due to its handling of his working there. Rightfully so.


I'm assuming the reason you're seeing "soooooo many don't seem to care at all" is because falsely attributing the abhorrent behavior of an individual as an attribute of an entire population is an inherently prejudice thing to do. It seems you don't want people to care about the sexual assault, you want them to care it was someone affiliated with the Catholic Church who did it. That's no different than when Fox News run stories about "illegals" raping and killing 12 year old girls to incite prejudice against migrants in the US. We should care more about the crime, that the individual(s) get brought to justice and the welfare of the victim(s) rather than trying to perpetuate false narratives against a generalized group of people we may not like or agree with.


It ain't too false to generalize considering how much of this has gone on in the past.


Ever see the film Spotlight? This case certainly isn't a one off.


Never said it was a one off, just saying if you have to point out a certain group or demographic, it's more often about you hating that group than about you hating the crime.


It’s systemic. Supported, defended, and even funded by the group. In this case and an incredible amount of cases it is the Catholic Church. Not bias. Facts.


No chance of employment for this person,speaking from my teens and 20s


Shouldn’t be any chances of freedom, as far as I’m concerned.


This was a teacher at a school. Staff member of a Catholic church??


Both. They were private catholic schools attached to churches.