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depends how risky. depends on the pros and cons of action and inaction. depends on what it is. if my intuition tells me to commit arson, im gonna ignore it. if my intuition tells me to start looking for a new job, i usually listen to it. both are considered "risky," but they have v different consequences.


Very good point. Context is key in this scenario, and balancing intuition with rational thought is important.


I ignore my intuition if it isn't actionable. No, I'm not going to quit my job and move to a cabin in Tibet, I'm on this path right now.


Same. But I can still daydream….💭


Throw some tarot cards or runes to get a look at what you are getting into.. proceed with caution.


It really depends on how well trained your intuition is. Sometimes people talk about trusting your intuition like that inner voice is always correct and always worth listening to. It’s just not. It CAN be. But it isn’t just on its own by itself. This is because a lot of us have trauma, mental illness, un- or underdeveloped Sight, etc. Just as being a witch doesn’t mean your every dream is prophetic, not every suggestion from your inner voice is a good one. There can also be some discernment training needed, as people confuse insight either intrusive thoughts sometimes. Unfortunately, the best way I know of to develop that discernment and train your intuition is experience. There’s some trial and error involved. Don’t fully commit to something you intuited until you have more information to help you determine whether it’s right or wrong.


ignore it or try prove or disprove it Or wait to see what happens almost the same way I make any other choice tbh sometimes our brains do weird stuff and that’s all it is other times you got to dive Into the deep end eyes closed and trust


Even people who consider their intuition to be very finely tuned get stuff wrong. If something is risky, weigh it up logically - is the potential benefit significant enough when weighed against whatever the negative outcome might be? Plus, if intuition were perfect we wouldn't have a need for divination!


That sounds like a very good way to deal with it!


Well said..I concur


I've heard false messages and confused them for intuition. Very very rarely but definitely don't do it if it doesn't feel loving or if it's morally questionable or wrong.


I don’t question mine. I’m going in… knowing that I’m guided and protected.


I know for sure what my limits are. If it’s edging me, I jump right in fully prepared for all possible outcomes.


I have followed that one time in New Orleans. I have never told my parents because they would shit bricks. But I hung out with a homeless guy for a couple hours and was having him lead me to the Frenchmen street from bourbon. There was a point where I stopped feeling safe around him, but he was trying guilt me for not feeling safe. Ultimately he was emptying his pockets so I left when that happened. I mostly didn't feel he was dangerous despite his outbursts. I don't know why I went with it. I wasn't high or drunk. I also don't think I was manic. I'm not even sure what I had experienced from it besides having a story.


Embrace it lol. My intuition is never wrong


I do it


I get bad intrusive thoughts sometimes so I need to be very careful if I feel like my intuition is guiding me towards something risky or dangerous as it might just be those thoughts talking. I try to weigh up the pros and cons of whatever risk I want to take beforehand and will sleep on it if possible to see if I still want to do it in the morning.


Usually those bad thoughts for me feel more like an uncontrollable fear, meanwhile my intuition about something bad happening feels more like message to get myself prepared.


Thank you for this! I may be a witch but I still am on psych meds for a reason.


risky - lil durk


More risk means more reward. They could be trying to get you to take a leap you’ve needed to take. 


i always blindly trust my intuition. im still alive and its never got me hurt or introuble so


I can think of maybe one time when I seemed to be getting messages from my subconscious that didn't seem to make sense at all at the time until future events played out later. Sometimes, it's the intuition that's right over what your mind tells you what should seem logical. Other times, your intuition might be picking up on something that you might be drawing conclusions from that were only partially correct. Discernment can be tricky sometimes...


Depends on what the risky thing is. I stay away from baneful magick, hexes, and curses. It's just my personal preference. If I'm feeling like I need to perform something of that nature, I really sit with my feelings and try and figure out why that is. AM I simply hurt by that person's actions? Do I want revenge? What's pulling me that way? I'll usually replace that risky magick with a protection spell or a spell that pushes all of their bad juju so to speak, back on to them. I do enjoy a freezer spell...


My intuition tends to run screaming away from something dangerous or risky so I don't listen to it (most of the time) in those situations, but I do weigh the pros and cons as best I can. However, my intuition tends to work best when I'm in normal situations and man, the things that come out of my mouth that turn out to be right/correct and I then have to explain why I said them . . . It's funny. I've also scared people with how on point I can be sometimes. Sadly, my intuition doesn't always come out to play so I don't always rely on it as much as I sometimes want to.


My intuition told me it was imperative that I get out of a job I was in. I spent a few months finishing up some coursework to add to my credentials and left after the semester. Leaving was risky, but I did what I could to mitigate the risk. I ended up getting my dream job. In general, I listen to my intuition, but I take actual steps to make things happen for a better outcome. I've been in other weird, dangerous situations and trusted my intuition. It did not disappoint.


Do it trust your craft.


I don’t do it


I trust it but I’m skeptical and stay calculated. But it all unfolds to be true anyways


...Take a risk?


You'd need to define "risky". Is it potentially dangerous to your physical or mental health, or is it gently stepping out of your comfort zone onto a path you haven't tried yet that just feels unfamiliar? Gotta take pause and think about whether it's ***actually*** your intuition, or if you just have issues with impulse control. If your "intuition" is always telling you to take big risks that could really harm you, then it's probably not your intuition.


depends on if the cards r telling u its worth it or not


Sometimes you need to step outside of your norm, to realise that, something isn't "wrong ", it just unacceptable to our current norms.


I have to admit, you're right. Most times when I doubt my intuition is because it goes against something I stated as a fact a little too soon.


Often I double down and embarrass myself. Now I just bask in the luxury of solitude where the only risk is that I might have to deal with another person or their opinions of me if I don't play my cards right.


That's so real though.


I would suggest research as much as you can and research your research. Other then that I would suggest going to a good tarot reader or any type of diviner to let your spirit guides lead you where you want to go or confirm something for you. You need a good reader though you can’t just go to any reader they must be good and true.


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Embrace it lol. My intuition is never wrong


Intuition only has the weight and importance it has if that's it. Different from common sense. I don't need intuition to confirm what is already clear. Intuiting is precisely inferring the best when the best is not explicited in front of you. Otherwise it is not intuition, it is just investigating the obvious.


okay, but what about if your intuition and your common sense are not only different, but also going on total opposite directions?