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These look incredible!


For some weird reason the cover of the new german edition of The Last Wish has a vampire bat like figure on it. No idea why. Makes not much sense as there is only a single story in it with a vampire which is an absolutely minor detail and it is a Bruxa. So a completely random cover choice imho.


Maybe the design team just messed up which book Regis mainly shows up in haha


Are the last three books translated to Romanian? I only read them in English. I would love to have them in Romanian and compare.


That's the biggest pack I have seen: https://nemira.ro/pachet-witcher-6-vol-andrzej-sapkowski?fee=26&fep=6427&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsduOqobi6gIVFOh3Ch06cQZgEAQYASABEgKRkvD_BwE Up to the Sparrow. I really liked their translation tbh.


Thank you!


I dunno my man... The english translation is already rubbing me where it shouldn't... And I personally hate romanian as a language, it just sound awful, so I can't say how much you'll gain from reading the books in romanian


Why do you hate your native language? That's probably the saddest thing I have seen someone say this week, and I watched the president's speech today. You're Eastern European, chin up brother, be a bit more proud of where you come fro.


I can't say I despise my roots. I'm even proud of them. I just utterly hate how this country turned out. But damn I must've hit you pretty hard in the feels if you say Trump's speech was less sad than my hatred. Sorry bro


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A friend, I'll miss him very much


Every country got better cover art than we did here in the US, with our kinda cringy videogame cover art... This is super cool.


Look, one reason not to be ashamed of my nationality. Cheers!


Don't be ashamed of your nationality, be ashamed of those who would give it a bad name. From your western neighbour :)


Well, everyone gives it a bad name. That's why I hate this country so much and wish everyday to burn it to the ground (sorry if I sound too brutal)


It's certainly a stronger reaction than I was expecting, but I can respect that kind of passion probably comes with good reason for you. The few Romanians I've met have all been fantastic people if that brings any small comfort


Sure, when Romanians travel abroad it's all nice and dandy, and when foreigners come to visit our country they're always awestruck by the breathtaking scenery. In truth, though, we're just a stupid people, albeit, somewhat paradoxically, Romania has produced quite a number of bright individuals who fled this country in search for a better life, leaving brainless politicians to rule this country


What romanian was behind the witcher video games?


What? This is the translation of the books with an original Romanian-made fanart. No Romanian was behind the games, only Poles.


> original Romanian-made fanart Ahem...as original as the [french version](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EOfFiCqXsAA-DZj.jpg) you mean ;)


It says down below that a romanian was behind the famous witcher video game serios, thats why I thought that a romanian developer was working at cdprojekt, sorry


"Roman" also means novel in Romanian.