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He made it !


Ya, but what about his family...


Hopefully they were already “gone”, so they wouldn’t have to suffer any more punishment.


As grim as that sounds that’s the reality I hope for 🥺


The guards who didn’t catch him, though…


![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L) And by jail I mean gulag.


And by Gulag you mean Internment Camp


As I understand, only people with a close and living family are allowed to work in the border to prevent this from happening, sorry.




There will be no punishment for them that's ridiculous


It's a dictatorship, anything is possible my friend


Dictatorship so bad Kim's not even the head of state


Oh to be as blissfully ignorant as an infant...Thanks for the stroll down memory lane!


Whatever Mr i will believe every lie American empire says


You just turned an inch into a fucking mile lmao. If you knew me you would know how funny that statement is. Fuck my government and their controlled media. Why the hell do you think I'm on Reddit.


I imagine both his parents gone and he had no siblings and was unmarried. Not a super bizarre circumstance for a 25 yo guy


You mean the parasites in his body? They made it too... but not for long after modern medicine kicked into action.


pretty sure this happened years ago


i heard he was in a coma in the hospital after this did he survive?


He survived.


good for him.


And had some of the biggest parasites any medical professional has ever seen.


Say what now?


https://abcnews.go.com/Health/parasites-infections-north-korean-soldier-defected-reveal-countrys/story?id=51323674 When the news came out back then, the size of the parasites were greatly exaggerated but still pretty big.


Thanka for that. 11 inches long! 😱


Thank you for the article.




Well at least you were nice enough to feed them,


Kimmel " We made it , we fucking made it"


Splat. One of my fav movies.


didnt this happen years ago?




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh_Chong-song https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/north-korean-defector-oh-chong-song-doesn-t-blame-comrades-n994441 This happened in 2017, here are some sources.


I support the propaganda as much as the next guy. But when was this from? 2016? Since 2016 one person snuck across the border? Also, are you a person? Please answer me this. I would really love to know if you are a person. I bet 99 to 1 you are a bot of one fucking faction or the other. Holy shit begging people to tell me if they exist wasn’t on my bingo card for the twenties. It


I rely on my own judgement to figure out if someone is a bot or a human. You could be a bot. Really. We never know. I can be the bot. Who is the bot here ?


That’s Something bot would say. You’re the bot.


Good bot.


I’m a glitchy typo bot.


Typo thot


I read enough doujins to know where this is going.


"It could be in this very room! It could be you, it could be me, it could even be-"


This obviously an old clip Ive seen a bunch of times this is definitely a bot making up a story, its actually very easy to tell when a bot is trying to pass as humans thats the largest obstacle for AI and tbh im not certain about that


What if the North Korean is a spy?


I mean I doubt he's gonna get any high ranking military or government positions.




This sounds like something a bot would say....


This sounds like something a bot would say.


I am a bot popsicle.


Are you on the drugs?


Are you okay?




Yes i would like to hear a joke


Im a person


Prove it \*throws down some pictures\* Show me the ones with a fire hydrant!!


I fail so you know im real


It’s from [2017](https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/21/asia/north-korea-defector/index.html)


This went from normal comment to like 5 reddit stereotypes in the span of 3 paragraphs


r/redditsniper how’s that for a bot


Beep boop




I never respond to anyone. I don’t care to. I leave a comment and peace out.




https://preview.redd.it/yu5073k2is7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=989bcd82975256021aff0de8a1812d3ef8b290d9 I hear there's a bot problem in this thread.


I am real human from Earth


I just got done with a CAPTCHA test (and passed!), so I'm no bot *breaks into robot dance*


Next up: being mistaken as a bot and banned. Reminds me of the Animatrix scene where a sentient robot repeatedly screams "I'm real" as it's being beaten down by fleshy humans. Really stuck with me.


[Every account on reddit is a bot except you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/5paPLUyOgZ)


Just as I expected.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh\_Chong-song](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh_Chong-song) 13 November 2017 According to Sankei Shimbun, Japanese officials have confirmed that Oh is the son of a North Korean major general.\[7\] Defection Oh defected from North Korea on 13 November 2017. During his escape, he drove a car directly up to the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) dividing North and South Korea and crashed, apparently losing a wheel. He then exited the car and sprinted across the MDL under close-range gunfire, collapsing on the South Korean side under cover of a low wall, metres away from the MDL.\[8\] After being rescued by South Korean soldiers, Oh was transported in a helicopter from the U.S. Eighth Army's 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, to the Ajou University Hospital in Suwon. Having lost half of his blood from five gunshot wounds received from North Korean soldiers during his escape, his condition required immediate surgery upon arrival at the hospital to save his life.


I wonder what he has told about growing up in North Korea


Given his upbringing as the son of a high ranking officer, he might have been outside North Korea at some point


Would be interesting to learn what privilege this allowed him. With one of the (if not the highest) rates of active military as % of population. I’d guess there’s a lot more generals out there and as such the currency may not be all that valuable. He did have a lot of health problems from parasites and malnutrition.


I didn't know that. Perhaps I'm wrong, or his family might have fallen in the graces of the supreme leader, and that's why he risked getting out. I'm only spitballing, though.


Well if they hadn't earlier, they would have after the guy defected.


There was a movie released this year called Beyond Utopia that goes into it. Its about smuggling NK citizens out of the country. Lot of crazy stories. Public executions, many have forced attendance, even children attend. Every home has a shrine to the kim family. Apparently Kim was conceived by a virgin birth. Knowledge of Christianity doesnt exist there. Only 1 news station that is state run. Assassinations of North Koreans on foreign soil. Children are taght the word for american is "Americanbastard" State run Gulag for anybody who disagrees with the regime. Enjoy spending your life in the mines. Families of defectors are punished. They have a specific word for "starving orphan" Any unauthorized attempt to leave the country is punishable by death. All foreign media is super illegal. Most NK publicly support the regime, though there isnt really an alternative and they are indoctrinated at birth without any source for conficting point of views. As far as their day to day life, it kind of looks like being in the military.


"While Oh was in surgery for his gunshot wounds, doctors found large parasitic worms in his digestive tract, one of which was 27 centimetres (11 in) long. The parasites were Ascaris lumbricoides worms." Wtf, dude had a snake inside of him


It's pretty common for North Koreans to have internal parasites. All those guys chasing him probably have worms, too. They likely use human waste to fertilize their crops.


That is true, just found this info here: [https://abcnews.go.com/Health/parasites-infections-north-korean-soldier-defected-reveal-countrys/story?id=51323674](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/parasites-infections-north-korean-soldier-defected-reveal-countrys/story?id=51323674) "An estimated 5 million people in North Korea have intestinal roundworms. That's 20 percent of the population," said Dr. Peter Hotez, the dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor.




Lmao there's literally poop tax, you have to give your poop to the government.


Each day I spend alive, I spend grateful I wasn't born into that country






His mom named him that because that was the first thing she said when she found out she was bringing a child into that hell hole.


thank you, everyone seems to think this happened yesterday


Craz luck, may he have a full recovery


This happened many years ago. They found him full of illnesses and worms(parasites). He was also starving but he survived.


That just makes his run for freedom even more incredible. Glad he's okay.


Right?! Dudes a badass 💪


so is nk like a giant gulag experiment on indoctrination?


In a way, actually yeah. I mean they took notes from the creators of the gulag. After Korea’s liberation from Japan in WWII, the USSR took control of everything above the 38th parallel, creating the People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea). Kim Il-sung, the first North Korean dictator, was put into power with Soviet support. The USSR helped establish North Korea’s government and military, along with providing funding for their heavy industry. When they fell, all that disappeared, and it became significantly worse to what we know today. But it was never good. There are still some North Korean labor camps operating within Russia, nearby their shared border. I watched a video about it a while back.


yeah russia imports a lot of nk workers for sites


If he was the son of a general, why was he so ill?


To honor the previous leaders of the country of course


Someone else in the comments mentioned that they have one of the largest militaries by percentage of the population, so likely only the really high ranking member's families get significantly higher quality of life. He may have also already pushed back against the dictatorship in some way too, based on the fact he had the balls to attempt to defect.


Damn Man. Even the sons of high ranking officers have a rough life in there


Im pretty sure there was an interview with the guy some time after, as I remember how his face still had a look that spoke volumes about what he went through. Not quite "shell shock" but you could just tell.


Starving and having parasites including worms seems to be normal in north korea.


This deepens the horror of the daily lives that still live over there ):


This is some old video, right, i am certain i heard this before years ago.


Yep…seen this already. Actually thought he was dead because the post I saw didn’t say much more than he was shot and here he is wounded at this wall.


Really? Then this might be another one, cos the older video the dude made it with 5 gunshot wounds.


Yeah, it’s an older video that’s constantly reposted


It’s an older video but it checks out.


See, I told ya it would work 😏


define "old" . this isn't from 40 years ago. probably 5-10 at most.


It’s from 2017


Was just asking, maybe another tried again but it looked so familiar


Oh we can’t share it then…


Why so hostile? Was wondering bc it looked familiar, but maybe another tried again




honestly man, what a great excuse to run up to the border and, you know, cross it. they got just as close to freedom as he did. (I know it would mean torture, death, and misery for the families they left behind)


Same thing as with the border troops of the GDR. It was not to seldom that soldiers defected and their comrades had to shoot at them. Dictatorship is simply an inhuman and bad thing.


Exactly why everyone should do this. Get your families out of that hellscape.


I don't think it's that easy lmao


"North Korean soldiers violated the Korean Armistice Agreement during the incident by firing shots across the MDL into South Korea.\[9\] Following these events, North Korean guards in the Joint Security Area were replaced" Oh they dead, dead


https://preview.redd.it/776g2cij1y7d1.png?width=258&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec7de577aa6bdd56559cdcafec5c54870683d387 Their families too prolly


There’s an amazing documentary Storyville on BBC 4 called Beyond Utopia about a priest who helps defectors from North Korea. Honestly, I was in tears


Great documentary. Very difficult to watch.


When China is a friend of your country’s government - bad things happen to the ordinary people.


How is this different from any world power in acquiring native resources ?


Most world powers have food, medicine, and at least some degree of freedom for their people


"It said the North violated the 1953 armistice by firing across the DMZ" It also added that DRK had been a very bad boy and would get a stern letter in the mail at a later date.


DPRK is offically on Santa's naughty list.


Someone better let the idiots on r/movingtonorthkorea know this is the place to cross.


…there’s no way anybody in that sub is real


There are people who vote for Trump. Nuff said.


I honestly can’t tell if it’s satire or not. Some is obviously satire like maybe other users there are in on a big joke, but then some just fail to see the satire behind it. It’s all so confusing.


There are people like that. Thats why isolation of people who think differently wont work, there is always people that will want to go there and then after they are there, since they hate the way those guys think, will complain about how stuff work and tell they should change their lifestyle to make it more inclusive to them and etc... After many decades some people say those (the original ones that created this new country) must go away and after some years the same problem happen again, ad infinitum.


Freedom or death..he knows.


Imagine living in a fricking prison labour camp your whole life. No luxery and surviving everyday with no prospect of a future. Then (maybe) send to the Ukraine to fight a war for megalomaniacs


How much of a shitty human do you have to be to shoot someone like that


Those men and their whole families were probably punished for not stopping him.


You do realize that in NK, not following orders can bring punishment to your whole family, including lifelong forced labour? And not shooting a deserter is not following orders over there.


I did, but you can pretend to shoot and miss


Most of them *did* miss. It's possible they really weren't trying that hard.


Their officers arent stupid. If they know the soldiers should be easily able to hit those shots, and they miss most or even all their shots, then they are holding back. I bet that counts as active saboutage or some shit in NK, not to mention sometimes people are punished for not fullfilling a task even if they tried their best. The question is, would you risk the life of you and your family for a stranger?


every people on r/MovingToNorthKorea after 5 hors in


I feel so sad for this country. This Kim Jong Un is a true psychopath


This is very old.


And north korea’s leaders are sided sith palestine and iran. If you support palestine, you should know you are on the same side as kim jong un.


And the USA's leaders side with Israel. You should know that if you support the US, you're on the same side as a country that has repeatedly ignored UN resolutions, illegally occupies land belonging to others, and is currently engaged in a genocide. What's your point?


Of course I’m referring to 2024-wise countries mindset, in those liberal days.


The UN is a joke. Took them weeks to even acknowledge the actions of Hamas. I don’t want to be on the UN’s side The only side attempting genocide is Palestine. The vast majority of civilian deaths are a fault of Hamas for building their bases in civilian infrastructure (which is a war crime)


Wait, they got support from the sith? That makes a lot of sense, indeed.


Was this also the defector who was found to have a shit load of parasites?


Yes one of them being 11 inches long. Sad country to behold indeed


I wonder if r/MovingToNorthKorea can give us a little insight as to why this guy ran like hell to escape the country and was shot at the entire time?


I imagine anyone related to him was publicly executed. That's a common way to prevent people from defecting. It's not just your life on the line so it keeps people in line. Very messed up.


How did the UN get footage of NK camera footage?


South Korea has cameras that can see miles into the North Korean border. Heck the USA does the same thing with the Mexico border.


No family member would be mad, if they knew the truth. There is this one documentary where a whole Family has made it to safety. The elderly grandmother only began to even think about north korean government might have lied to the north korean Citizen when they crossed a couple of borders and seen the forbidden Life beyond north korean's border. 'maybe they really didn't told us the truth.... But why would they lie to us?' Manipulation on a whole whole whole other Level


Pretty badass


It insane that any country holds its own citizens captive and would rather kill them than let them go.


I hope he is having a good life.


The unfortunate thing, is that even if YOU get out they find your family, or people you know and either round them up in prison or put into labour camps. It is very risky to leave to SK, but doing so you know you are dooming those you have left behind.


NBC interviewed him later. He says he thought he was gonna die while lying there. [https://youtu.be/Py0MZYfWueM?si=9c9agNlkks0VsJYO](https://youtu.be/Py0MZYfWueM?si=9c9agNlkks0VsJYO)


My guy would rather die… this hit me in the feels, so glad he was rescued and is recovering.


I spent a year on the DMZ and this guy is fuckin lucky 🍀


I don't even remember how many times I have seen this video already and from how long.


So perfect than people run away from it to the perils of theirs life


Its so crazy that North Korea is so suppressed, Ive never seen a video of people just walking around. Their country seems so desolate despite their population.


Can you imagine being born in North Korea?


What date was this?


The more I hear about North Korea the more I realise it's actual hell, wtf And there isn't one structure that'd go against such hell existing on Earth, fucking great


This is old


Well, that's the future of Russia right there


Most defectors don’t rush through the front gate… and then appear on UN video feeds. Seems a bit idk, staged? My uncle defected from North Korea and he didn’t go through the main gates… kinda like the US southern boarder


im expecting more of these outdated videos. 


He had massive intestinal worm infection


man this is so ooooold...


nice. excellent intel guys, keep it up 👏🏻👏🏻✨


ah man, ALMOST made it 💁🏻


He survived and found he was malnourished had countless other problems physically with parasitic worms in his intestines... got those worms from using human crap as fertilizer. So that means that everyone that's below a certain station in life has what he has.


Korean war 2 electric boogaloo


They keep themselves trapped in a giant prison country


Imagine living on earth, and deciding it’s a shit place to live. You want to leave, but the only place you can go is this alien world where hostile aliens live. No good ones, or so you’ve been told. There are, however, rumors that it’s actually better. You decide to take the plunge and make a run for it. You don’t make it, but at the last moment you’re beamed up by an alien UFO. Eventually, it turns out that they’re not aliens but actual humans. And they’re fixing you, you’re going to be okay.


Fuck yeah bro


10 years old


So devils advocate what if he just committed a crime?


That man’s entire bloodline is now in slavery or completely wiped out. Selfish.


Interesting point. Anybody have a back story on his family?


You’ll never hear of or from them.


Did Trump's buddy lose a soldier? Bless his little heart. Can't wait for that guy to start speaking publicly.


You watch a video of a man risking his life for liberation and freedom and the first thing that comes to mind is shitting on Trump. Get off Reddit. Touch some grass.


President Trump calls North Korea leader Kim Jong Un "talented" and says he "loves his country"  Kim Jong Un of North Korea proclaims “unwavering faith in President Trump.” Thank you to Chairman Kim. We will get it done together! - Trump Tweet 9-6-18 *[Kim] wrote me beautiful letters and they're great letters. We fell in love." (September 29, 2018) Trump, when questioned on Kim’s history of brutality: “Look, he’s doing what he’s seen done, if you look at it. But, I really have to go by today and by yesterday and by a couple of weeks ago because that’s really when this whole thing started." Trump, when read a list of Kim’s human rights abuses: “Sure. I know all these things. I mean– I’m not a baby. I know these things. … I get along with him, okay?” CNN: “Trump: Kim Jong Un very open and honorable” Lol. Your boy worships one of the bloodiest dictators alive. Congratulations. This has EVERYTHING to do with why we are watching a man risk his life to escape North Korea. But hey, dude, keep thinking National politics are insular and not related. I don't need to shit on Trump. He shits on himself. 🤣🤡💩 @ u/logicforthewin Nah bro just not enough hours in the day to deal with *every* idiot online...💩🤣🤡 Ain't nobody got time for your dumb ass. 🖕🏻🤣🤣 All that begging for attention! Do you want an oompaloompa too, Veruca?🤪💩🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Why do you keep muting me and then unblocking to respond? Desperate for human interaction? Members tis *you* who needs to leave the basement for a bit. 🤣🤣🤣


Yet you have enough time to type out the fucking book of a response to my comment. Got it 👍


Your multiple paragraph long rant really emphasizes the suggestion I made earlier. Go outside and touch some grass, bud.


Too many words for you, sweetheart? Yeah I can see where all those....verifiable facts, and sources... would confuse you... 🤣💩


Bro literally blocked me on my primary account lmao. Definitely not spineless.


Chill with those toxic emojis gang


What's so wrong with dissing trump for what he supports?


Because North Korea has been a dystopian shithole long before Trump was in office. It’s kind of their thing.


It's kind of a thing for Americans too if they decide to vote for someone who supports authoritarian regimes and their friends. Not only NK but also China and Russia. If an old ass video gets reposted for the 1000th time then it makes sense to make that clear to viewers