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Every human being alive standing shoulder to shoulder would fit on the Island of Cyprus with room to spare


Is this just a famous quote, or did someone do the math for it?


Pretty sure I saw the same thing g with an area of New York or some large city within a state


Close! But it‘s a meatball. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/y0jdrr/if_we_combine_the_788_billion_people_on_earth/


If you can remove all of the empty space in and around atoms and just condense the stuff that has mass, then you can fit the entire human race into the size of a sugar cube. If you're ever feeling low, just remember... We are mostly nothing.


that is.. horrifying


Do you have a source for this so I can explain to my children? I’m not doubting but would like a more concrete source for my children to use to back up their claim if they tell their friends.


At around 4:25 in [this video,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1APOxsp1VFw) a different element of this same concept is described. The entire video explains many complex, counterintuitive concepts we all should hope our children will eventually understand and I hope yours can enjoy it too.




[Human mean volume is ~63,000 cubic centimeters](https://bionumbers.hms.harvard.edu/bionumber.aspx?s=n&v=3&id=109718) [The part of the atom that has mass makes up only 0.0000000000004% of it’s volume](https://education.jlab.org/qa/how-much-of-an-atom-is-empty-space.html) [Current world population is 8.1 billion](https://www.census.gov/popclock/) We can do the math ourselves, 4*10^-15 times 63,000 cm^3 times 8.1 billion gets you 2.4 cm^3, or equal to a cube with side lengths of ~1.33cm.




Isn't that from XKCD's "What If" book?


Not side by side, but living at a certain population density, of I think Tokyo


Kilometers to miles don’t get bigger. Other than that, fetal alcohol syndrome and regularly beating the shit out of women, pregnant or otherwise, does not make for a healthy growing population. Also, Russia’s desire for western expansion is a layover of Tsarist desire and current insistence to be considered part of Europe despite 98% of their country definitely not in any way defined as such by any reasonable means.


Idk about 2% of Russia beinf Europe, there’s a significant chunk of the population west of the Urals


The Urals are the border of the continent of Europe. Not the border of cultural Europe.




No but actually I have to concede. I do get what you mean. Western Russians have historically been considered Europeans, and most of the population actually are west of the Urals, which is typically the line. I was being an ass ngl


Who says there can’t be reasonable discussion on Reddit ; )


I had a sudden realization that I need to get off reddit for a bit and chill haha


Russia is a country that is **both in Europe and Asia**. About twenty-five percent of the area is in Europe, and seventy-five percent is in Asia. About 110 million of the 144 million people, or 80%, live in the European part


I deny Russia is a part of Europe because it irritates Russians. I’m well aware of geography and population arguments. I’m also well aware that Russians have an inferiority complex about not being part of cultural Europe


Europe ends at the Ural Mountains, a lot more than 2% of Russia is in Europe.


I just checked, and it’s true. Cyprus has a land area of about 9.2 billion square meters, and there are a bit over 8 billion people on Earth. Almost any person can easily fit within a square meter with room to spare, so every living human could absolutely fit on Cyprus standing shoulder to shoulder.


I could see there being a real problem if any one of them wanted to catch some sleep or take a dump. Edit spelling.


That's nothing compared to the thought experiments that place every human alive into the grand canyon if you mashed them into a 3D cube. We would all fit, I'd call it a comfortable fit but there is nothing comfortable about that arrangement.


The other famous one is you could fit the entire global population into texas if we all lived in metro areas, with the same density as central Paris France sometimes NYC gets used too The BBC has podcast that breaks these kind of numbers down. [more or less](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qshd)


Pretty sure it was on a vsauce video


Assuming 5 people per square meter 8.1 billion humans=1.62 billion square meters Divided by 1.000.000 (square meters in a square kilometer) = 1620 square kilometers Cyprus is 9251 square kilometers


Randall Munro, the guy who does the XKCD comic did the math and we'd all fit into a space about the size of Rhode Island. Then we'd all starve trying to get away from there.


What? The math isn’t hard.


Cyprus land area = 9241 sq km = 9241*10^6 sq m Assuming 1sq m standing area per human being, 9.241 bn people can stand all over Cyprus.


I assume this is correct for an area the exact size of Cyprus, as I‘m pretty sure they have lakes and rivers.


10 sq km water bodies already counted


I'm going in 3 weeks can everyone please come too so we can test this? Thanks.


They must stay off my property! Bloody foreigners.


And if every human being alive lived as close together as people in New York City they would all fit in a land area roughly the size of Texas


Finally something where an XKCD What If? Comic is relevant! [https://what-if.xkcd.com/8/](https://what-if.xkcd.com/8/)


Imagine getting out of the parking lot after that event.


Who looked up Cyprus after this


No, Russians are just bigger


You described a single line of people


They better take a shower cause it’s hot down here right now.


Shhhhhhh, there is an overpopulation crisis.


tourists go home!


that room to spare will quickly be filled up with human feces.


If everyone on Earth lived as densely as New Yorkers every human could fit in Norway.


Well, you need the spare part to shit.


they would fit in most if not all states in the US


Easy, Be hot and wet all the time


Hot and wet as in attractive and horny or temperature and high humidity? because both kinda work.


![gif](giphy|46gvKZIeHwQrS) *It's gonna be hot and wet! That's nice if you're with a lady, but it ain't no good if you're in the jungle*


That's the joke.


Fertile Indus Valley civilization finding more fertile land near the bay of bengal. Humanity grew rapidly when conditions allowed for it.


Not enough condom sense.


Arable land and all that. 


Easy: fucking.


mass reproduction


There's nothing else to do!!!!


And don't throw the youth in unnecessary wars.


While the others are pointing to the different factors, I'd like to highlight that the representation of relative sizes of the two countries in the pic isn't correct. The Mercator projection blows northern countries out of proportion. Here are the true sizes of the two countries. Type Bangladesh and drag it over Russia (near Moscow). https://www.thetruesize.com If you consider the fact that most of Russia is the extreme Siberian Arctic and not suitable for a large human population, and also the fact that the majority of the Russian population is centred around a few hotspots, then the Scale becomes a bit easier to compare.


Im sure you've heard about whisky dick, but have you heard about vodka dick? Is hard to reproduce when you cant get it up


bs, drunkards almost always have at least few kids the types of ppl with most kids are: - stupid rich - stupid poor - religious ones


well living in Russia sucks, even compared to Bangladesh, and nobody wants to have baby there to serve Putin's imperialist aims or die hungover in the cold. btw it's hilarious Putin is so adamant on getting more land for fucking Russia, the last thing they need! he should be focused on figuring out how to get Russians to have more kids, that'll destroy his little empire far more than lack of land or some natural resources.


Compared to Bangladesh, living in any civilized country sucks, no one wants to have children there.


Have you seen Bangladesh?


He don't , just spreading some propaganda 😅


Basically every country over the equator has a lower population that bangladesh lol, is bangladesh better than germany or france ? Extremely stupid argument


If you go by pop density, it has higher density than India lol. The entire Bengal region (Bangladesh and West Bengal in India) are on a large river delta. It's very fertile land.


>btw it's hilarious Putin is so adamant on getting more land for fucking Russia Ukraine is the most developed of all the old SSRs. It's a gold mine with resources that you don't need to invest into since the hard work has already been done and all Russia needs to do now is reap the cash. Russia itself is filled with resources but investing in not only extraction but logistics to get the resources to market are costly, easier (so they thought) to swoop in and take it.


Putin invaded Ukraine because he wants more land? Not because of worsening relations with Ukraine since 2014?


I’m quite sure the people of Russia have much better lives in general. Atleast materially, Russias hdi is much higher. Also, Bangladesh is not a particularly free country either.


You’ve never been to Bangladesh and it shows.


Living in Russia really isn't that bad. It's just that 90% of Russia is Siberian tundra or arctic. The same reason hardly anyone lives in most of Canada or Alaska. Also, any country with decent living standards has a low birthrate.


we Bangladeshis should invade Russia for more land 😆


Have you lived in Russia?


Че за хуйню несеш ? Россия страна третего мира но по сравнению с Бангладешом стоит как рай.


Why bro so eager to rant about putin when knowing it wont do anything at all to make ukraine win the war


Russia is shitty but nowhere near as shitty as Bangladesh. There is simply no comparison


This is such a typical dumbass reddit take.


Today (everyday) on reddit: absolute bullshit brainrot propaganda, atleast make some sense man, 1.HDI of Russia is 0.825 ranked 56 in the world Bangladesh's is 0.670 ranked in 129 2.Russia has universal healthcare system, 3.Also in case of education: Education in state-owned secondary schools is free; *first* tertiary (university level) education is free with reservations: a substantial number of students enroll on full pay. Male and female students have equal shares in all stages of education,[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Russia#cite_note-EFA82-7) except in [tertiary education](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tertiary_education) where women lead with 57%.[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Russia#cite_note-EFA316-8) A 2015 estimate by the United States [Central Intelligence Agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agency) puts the [literacy rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy_rate) in [Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia) at 99.7% (99.7% for men, 99.6% for women).[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Russia#cite_note-9) According to a 2016 [OECD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organisation_for_Economic_Co-operation_and_Development) estimate, 54% of Russia's adults (25- to 64-year-olds) have attained tertiary education, giving Russia the second-highest attainment of tertiary education among 35 OECD member countries. unemployment rate (from june 2022, cause thats the latest data i could find plz update me with current if u have one) was 3.90 in Russia compared to 5.20 of Bangladesh and equal to current US rate of 3.90 4.Talking about birth rates : * For the population in a given area to remain stable, an overall total fertility rate of 2.1 is needed, assuming no immigration or emigration occurs. * Russian birth rate is 10 acc to PRB 2022 and 9.22 acc to CIA WF 2023 so u dont need to worry about the Russian people dying out anytime soon. TL;DR : absolute bullshit take by u/orangotai , dosen't know shit except spewing propaganda everywhere


That's not it. Russia is big because the Land is useless. _No one wants it_. Up until the 1900s. There was absolutely 0 use for the land. Even today it's just held because "maybe it can be used in the future". Norway controls the South Pole and no one cares because it's useless. Norway also controls a few planets and starsystems, but no one can really live there.


Готов поспорить, ты либо пиздюк, либо съебавшийся к прибалтам соевый релокант


Russia is vastly larger than Bangladesh but it’s not as large as that type of map makes it look.


Good point


Yeah, its about the size of US actually. Only a little bit larger. Also a large part of it has very harsh conditions for living.


Underrated comment.


Bangladesh is highly tropical with heavy rain throughout the year, meaning crops like rice, fruits and vegetables can be grown in huge quantities. Rivers from the Himalayas make Bangladesh basically a big delta, it's one of the most fertile regions in all of Asia. Access to the sea makes it easy to transport goods to the rest of the world. Russia is the opposite, cold for most of the year, the only crops that grow are hardy ones or fast growing ones like wheat, potatoes, sugar beet and most cereals. Most of Russia is too far inland to sustain cities and it gets so cold and so dry that it's not worth it. Russia has a long coastline but most of it is near the North pole, meaning it can only be used in warmer month (this is the reason they want climate change to get worse). Most Russian live in the Western part near Europe where temperatures are milder due to the Gulf Stream.


What’s crazier, almost half of that is in like 5 cities. The largest city west of the Urals is like 10K people at most.


“Bangladesh is a de facto Islamic country with Islam as its state religion and the majority of its population identifying as Muslim. According to the 2022 national census, 91% of the population is Sunni Muslim. As of March 2021, abortion is illegal in Bangladesh except to save a woman's life. Access to family planning services and contraceptives has been limited in Bangladesh, particularly in rural areas. This has contributed to higher birth rates.”


Bangladesh has a birth rate of less than replacement level but. It has quote a successful birth control campaign


Quality over quantity of the land.


Islam gives lots of importance to Procreation, that's why Bangladesh, Pakistan and West African countries have exploding Birth rates. Western Feminists and Liberals have no idea how the rest of World functions.


UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia all have declining birth rates just like the west. Birth rate seems much more tied to wealth than religion.


It's more because of demographic transition. What about china and India. They're not muslims.


Bangladesh has 87% arable land, while Russia has only ~7%, I'd wager that's a factor too. 


It's called demographic transition, that's a vastly studied theory that explains the birthday variations of developing countries. There is ont that much of a correlation with religions.


Actually Bangladesh has a relatively low birth rate, but any excuse to bring up feminism hey. Actually my husbands family are all educated, and all have 1 child. Damn the feminists for not wanting to spend they life having 4 children when they can control their own finances.




Russia is mostly a rural frozen wasteland Go east of Moscow and it quickly becomes individual villages seperated by miles and miles of nothing


* **Nigeria** * Population: Approximately 223 million * **Pakistan** * Population: Approximately 240 million * **Brazil** * Population: Approximately 213 million * **Indonesia** * Population: Approximately 273 million


Russia should start welcoming masses of immigrants then


They already are. One of the highest migration rates of you compare to Europe.


People don't want to live there for obvious reasons


Guys, falling fertility rates are common across the majority of urbanised countries. Russia is no different. The Russian war has exacerbated the situation where many people have escaped the draft and others have left to avoid the dire living conditions. The war will end hopefully once Putin dies and people will drift back. Bangladeshi on the other hand is typical of a country with poor infrastructure (hospitals, clinics, access to contraceptives etc.) So it has a growing population. Once it improves the conditions of its people, fertility rates will also drop.


>Once it improves the conditions of its people, fertility rates will also drop. Yep. Increases in standard of living and amenities have shown that. Though I will say that there was a mass exodus from Russia and other former SSRs in the 90s.


First of all, the map is using misleading projection, which makes countries which are closer to equator - smaller


Even without the Mercator projection, Russia is much, much bigger than Bangladesh


https://preview.redd.it/t6ovngr6h38d1.png?width=1074&format=png&auto=webp&s=53bfaf53a5eb63a989f2bda6382e82d3519e8a19 The true size of Russia, overlayed on the southern half of Asia, zoomed in to show Bangladesh on the map. Russia isn't half the size it appears to be on classic world maps, because of the projection. Of course, Russia is still gigantic compared to Bangladesh, but this put it a litte more into perspective.


Biggest regions of Russia like Sakha (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakha\_Republic) or Krasnoyarskiy Krai (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krasnoyarsk\_Krai) are heavily underpopulated. And just those two make up to 5.8m sqkm of space. Whole europe is 10.8m. But what exactly is the point of that comparison?


Tbf that’s an unfair comparison. Isn’t every country smaller than Russia


I just read this week that the population of India 🇮🇳 is greater than China !!! 🇨🇳 It can’t be !!!


Easy, learn some geography and history)


I do not know but perhaps the reason is that communism killed like 100 million russians, but what do i know.


Russia is cold vast and empty. Bangladesh is hot, small and crowded.


that's like saying wyoming has \~590000 people austin tx has 974,447 russia is mostly land locked wilderness subasia has been doing massive amounts of trade/industry since 1500bc [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spice\_trade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spice_trade) obviously trade routes with industry will have more people than areas that freeze over


That’s why most of Bangladesh looks a trash dump.


Russia does keep sending its young men off to die in wars so….


I red somewhere thar most of the Russian territory is not good for living. There is also a chance that the government created policies to control population growth.


Also, Mercator projection.


Google Mercator Projection




Republicans probably went and outlawed birth control…….


Will be broken apart soon enough


World big people small


Russia is mostly empty space. That’s how. Same with Alaska.


.zip that’s how


WW2 didn’t help. Also, in underdeveloped countries they have more kids per family. Gotta work the farm and increase the chance that you have a caretaker when you get older


Come take a 1 km drive down here and you'll find out how lmao. It'd probably take you around 40 minutes.


People living over people living over people with no room to spare


Russia is like 95% frozen wasteland(also isn’t as big as this map suggests due to map warping)


Fertile land and history. Bangladesh hasn't had as much decimating wars for it's population as the WW2 for Russia, and Russia's inhabited land is way smaller


Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries due to being extremely underdeveloped, undereducated and religion basically. Russia is one of the least densely populated countries because nearly 3/4 of the country is almost uninhahibatble


Shitty map projection plays a part


Cause most of Russia (land wise) is uninhabitable


muslim country


Fucking. It's all the fucking that happens in Bangladesh. Russians are too busy sucking Putin's dick.


A lot of the land in Russia sucks or is completely undeveloped. Almost 3 billion people live in just two countries, so China and India contain about 3/8 of all people currently alive.


Why are you so surprised? Peoples in russia live in the europe part of russia mostly, and live terms in siberia is very rough. And Russia is not as big as it is on the map this is mercator projector folks


Lack of condoms


Isn’t common knowledge that Russia is mostly empty frozen land


More than half of Russia is unlivable.


It’s called “BANGladesh” for a reason! They be Bangin’ 24/7.


Isn’t like most of Russia an icy tundra? So despite it being very large its population is very sparse I assume.




Given losses in Ukraine 142.9 million *


It's called being half frozen tundra areas and the other part being that human lives mean nothing to them in war. That and many left during the Stalin era or after the fall of the Soviet Union to live in other countries.


How is this even possible? What a stupid question. There are so many factors involved in the reason for large population in Bangladesh and reasons for a lot of land that is not being our cannot be utilized, political and agricultural reasons.


Bangladesh be fucking.


The population of California is larger then Canada


Because overpopulation is a huge myth/scare tactic, and always has been


Bangladesh is way hungrier to grow due to their high sexual desire 😂


There's many parts of Russia that's uninhabitable. It's the same with Canada.


That is really wild to think about… it’s a miracle that sustainable in such a small area. It’s going to be a global issue when sea levels rise in Bangladesh.


russia is very famous for concentration camps like ( google GULAG ), also constant imperial wars to grab neighbours land, this plays badly on demography.


Wait until you hear about the population of the sun


Its interesting for me that western people find this interesting haha.


As a Bangladeshi, we are cooked 🗣️🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯


First and foremost, Mercator projection.




fertile land -> more food = more people


Russia should not be part of Asia - the fact it has so much land east of Urals is part of Russia should be reversed.


Mercator Projection. Russia is way smaller in real life than how it is portraited in common maps.


No one is mentioning that most of Russia is essentially a wasteland and not worth living in. Plus, what you see in the map is referred to as a Mercator projection. Russia is not actually that large.


Total world population: about 8b. Surface area of Cyprus: 9251 km square. Giving standing space of 1 square meter per person, we can fit 1 million people per sq km, so Cyprus can take up to 9.251 billion people. Please take a shower and eat carefully before coming over. Also, it’s going to be a long wait for the toilet.


Lower living standards make higher birth rates. Also like 99% of Russia is empty and nigh unliveable.


I'm assuming because of the cold people in Russia live close to each other for easier heat distribution.


At some point, please stop breeding


The only reason is 1. Majority of Bangladesh is muslims 2. Most of them consider using condom is haram 3. People consider children as assets rather than burden. 4. And their obsession that muslims should be the dominating religion


The only reason is 1. Majority of Bangladesh is muslims 2. Most of them consider using condom is haram 3. People consider children as assets rather than burden. 4. And their obsession that muslims should be the dominating religion


The environment in the vast majority of Russia's area is hostile if not outright uninhabitable, the mountains in the middle combined with the harsh climate make basically the entire right half difficult to urbanize. Novosibirsk is the only large-ish city in the entire right half, and even that's located roughly where the arrow is, in an area with very mild climate, and also not that large by world standards.


Bangladesh is overpopulated, Russia is underpopulated


Mercator projection..


There are more people living on the island of Java than in Russia


It's weird how this thread is so eager to be racist to Bangledeshis nobody has even bothered to answer that most of Russia is just colonized land.


Very simple answer is bangaladesh has been continuously populated for millennia and is a place with very rich agriculture land while most of Russia is inhospitable siberia. And bangladesh was never attacked by ghegiz khan or it never lost a significant population to plague. So unlike russia which had wars and plagues to reduce population the people in Bangladesh just survived for all these years .


Step 1. Use an accurate map projection which preserves area, not Mercator. Try TheTrueSizeOf... https://www.thetruesize.com/#?borders=1~!MTY5ODAxMzI.NjU4OTY5MA*MzQ5NzAzOQ(MTMxODI1ODY~!BD*NTgyNDQyMA.MTg3MDI2NTM)Mw Step 2. Think about how agriculturally productive somewhere tropical and wet is, compared to Siberia. Step 3. Realise why most of humanity lives in Asia. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/cp/3d-mapping-the-worlds-largest-population-densities/


The Mercator projection distorts the shape and size of regions far from the equator. Russia is not actually this large when compared to Bangladesh. It is still pretty large, more than 100 times in area, but not all the regions in Russia are equally inhabited, unlike countries like Bangladesh. About 75-80% of Russia has very little population, especially Siberia and nearby regions in the Far East. Adding to this the nuances like literacy, societal conditions, climate, etc., the population difference starts making sense.


Cause south asian people have ample amount of time to reproduce. We really love to have babies (don't know about the future though) 👼




Some cultures are awfully inclined to breed like actual rodents with zero regard for space and resources.


Wait until you hear about Canada.


80% of Russia is just so inhabitable the vast majority of the year that populations, when they spread around 15000-5000BC, they stopped before going up there. Simple as that.


Most Russians don't live in Siberia which is most of Russia's land because it is so cold there, few are able the bear the cold most likely locals.


That’s what a lack of sex education and proper birth control does to a country - a Bangladeshi.


Reddit when one place is more habitable than another


For starters, your map projection is making Russia appear larger.


The whole country of Bangladesh is on a massive river delta. Having very, very fertile land and being a rice culture, which means you have the most suitable land to grow grain with one of the highest yield of all grain. Enable the ability to sustain a really huge population. While Russia's fertile land is mostly in the west of the country in the European part. So Russia's population is also mostly concentrated in the west.


russia is just one big shithole country with no ppl around...


Sardines motherfucker


How? 165 > 149. Checkmate.


Now that explains those crazy overcrowded train videos


A few words: Mercator Siberia and Russian Winter And cultural differences


Maps are very deceiving about size. Countries closer to the equator are depicted as smaller while those at poles appear to be bigger.


Isn't like the actual inhabited part of Russia almost equal to Bangladesh if you would mash it together?


Thats why Bangladesh cities look loke this and probably should go to r/UrbanHell.. https://preview.redd.it/t1dazy023z8d1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5426df1b3d69b4b385dc02b2b70c9eedf426dd8