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Have you actually tested to see if you can place an order yourself?


Yes. We’ve also had someone test that has no prior connection to the site. I’ve rolled back WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin and still have the same issue. The only other plug in that was update this week is the WooCommerce plugin which is now at version 8.9.2.


Could be a plugin issue, have you got a link or a list of plugins? Also make sure to clear caches after each plugin update.


Thanks. How do I cleare the cache? Sorry, I’m not very knowledgeable of all this.


That is a basic thing when it comes to Wordpress and Web Hosting in general, get the person who made the site to do it for you. I would advise learning these basic things if you are going to continue with Wordpress and Woocommerce.


We had a problem a few weeks ago whereby payments cleared by PayPal were showing up as payment pending in WooCommerce. We had what we thought was an unrelated problem with a delivery date plug-in but this prompted us to roll back woocommerce and the delivery date plug-in because our current server is on an ancient version of PHP. We eventually got woocommerce and delivery date working well and magically, the payment pending problem has disappeared. We’re moving to a new server in July and hopefully we should be fully up-to-date with everything and all plug-ins once we get there.


You need to test with all the major browsers, certainly Chrome and Safari. I'm not sure of your server setup, but it's important to clear the server cache as well. Depending on the setup, cache layers like varnish or cloudflare are sometimes not cleared when you clear cache from the WordPress dashboard. You also need to test right through to purchase, create a test product with a low price and purchase with live payment details. Are most of your orders from new customers or repeat customers? If the caching settings on your website are not correct you can sometimes run into situations where the stored browser cache on your customer's browser is causing issues, Unfortunately, this cannot be cleared from your end apart from having cache versioning on your site. But the first step is always to test thoroughly.


New and old customers. Finally got support and it has something to do with Jetpack and the PHP version not being compatible 🤷🏻‍♀️. They rolled it back and it’s working. I have until June 30 to figure it out. Jetpack is active but I don’t have it actually set up.


Google analytics should show you the abandoned carts. What is your data telling you.


It could be coincidental to the update - is there anything aside from the timing that shows a lack of orders but your visitors and such are the same? Do you have logging enabled in the payment gateway to help identify any errors that are being triggered?


Only the timing. Nothing on the site was changed, visitors are still coming in. They could add to the cart, but couldn’t view the cart and it they could the screen either greyed out or gave a critical error. It’s fixed for now rolling back the PHP or something (support did it for us) but I have to figure it out before the end of the month


Yep, I'm having the same issue.


Do you have Jetpack? This apparently is our issue.


Yes, I do have Jetpack. I don't like it, but it's a necessary pain because the features on the Woo app, such as notifications, rely on it. I finally got an order today. Did you remove Jetpack? If so, what effect did that have? 🤔