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All I can see is a wooden heart. Looks so cool. I would oil it up and put it on display on a shelf.




That might make the mummy wake up tho. Pretty sure you have to chant something like 'Hootash im Ahmenophus!' while stabbing the heart with some kind of sacred blade or mcguffin. Edit: putting the heart back in will work sometimes. I guess it depends on the mummy.


Imagine how many people are reading your comment and saying that phrase. What have you done?!


Nah, it's what Brendan Frasier reads to finally vanquish Imhotep. Just got make sure not to read from the book of the dead.


Or saying his do you stab something with a Mc muffin


"Spider, what have you done?" 😝


8 year old me memorized that is "kaddy schmall, kaddy schmall. Pair a duce, pair a duce. Then stab. In case the mummy ever came to our house. It stuck.


Hey I remember that last symbol. It's a bird -- a stork.


My brain read McMuffin lmao


Brendan Fraser approves this message


The heart of Tafiti


Put it in a jar of dirt!


The last one is a cat


This is what Elvis was singing about.


Indiana Jones intro scene diorama was my immediate thought.


Oh yea. A really well carved heart would be awesome.


I was thinking king it was a heart they made and was gonna say. That’s so cool. Good work. Hahaha


Yes that is the way to go


I like this idea.


“We’re all born to broken people on their most honest day of living”


Heart Burl for sale!


Can I just be that guy today.. you're not supposed to take things out of the national parks


It’s ok, I left my soda bottle in exchange.


The park clearly wins in that case because that bottle will last a lot longer than a piece of wood!


Petrified wood has entered the chat. Makes me wonder though, would plastics be able to be petrified?


Although it's called petrified “wood”, it isn't wood at all! It's a mix of minerals that have replaced the wood that was once there, so it is more closely related to stone than wood. As for plastic, it can't petrify because that particular fossilisation process only applies to organic materials. But researchers have recently found that it can fossilize in a different way and become [plastiglomerate.](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/10/science/earth/future-fossils-plastic-stone.html) We now live in [the Anthropocene,](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/01/160127083854.htm) and [Plastic pollution has entered fossil record.](https://earthsky.org/earth/plastic-pollution-fossil-record/) 🥲


Why is it called petrified wood when it's really fossilized wood? Is there another petrified object that's actually petrified or are they all a form of fossilization? Also now I'm realizing I don't know what petrified actually means.


[Petrifaction](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrifaction) is the name for two processes that transform porous organic materials into fossils. All organisms can become petrified if the right conditions are present (like being buried underwater, in mud, sediment, or volcanic ash. Low oxygen is the key, it prevents decomposition by bacteria or fungi).


Ahhh thank you! So fossilization is the broader category that includes petrifaction. Learned something today!


I wouldn’t think so. Plastic just kind of degrades and breaks down. Iirc petrification is when all the organic material is replaced by minerals. Or is that fossilization? Idk and I’m at work with no time to google it.


From what I know, petrified wood is basically fossilized wood. Pretty sure it the same thing/process. Just when it's wood it's called petrified for some reason.


I'd be scared too if I was that old.


Equivalent Exchange doesn't work out like how you normally would expect. Just ask my friend Edward


Thank you for your service


Thank you. I was about to say the same thing. National Parks are to be preserved, not stolen.


100% this. You found a cool thing. I would love to see what it could be made into. But it does not belong to you, and you don't have the right to take it, to keep it, or to make it into anything. It sounds like you love the National Parks. Please return it to the rangers. Pay the fine. Say you're sorry. It's a cool artifact, so it's possible they may display it at an education center.


You're allowed to pick up dead and downed wood. What is going on with these comments


The NP regularly removes downed wood from California parks to help reduce wildfires. Also this isn’t an artifact. It’s a piece of wood that grew kinda funky.


I’m confused bud, You can’t take wood that looks funky from a national park. Besides - you need a permit to take dead and downed wood. You need a permit to take firewood  National parks are one of the few public treasures we have, and the rules are really simple. Why do y’all want to fuck with that lol


Look man we are on the same team, I swear to you, if you love trees more than me I'd be really f****** surprised l...but this is piece of wood. It is not a f****** treasure. Seriously


My man, it’s not about loving trees or pieces of wood  It’s about following the basic rules we’ve got in national parks so they are available for all of us  Get permits and collect the wood. If you love trees, then take the very very simple steps to follow the rules and respect nature and your fellow humans. Reddit is a big community. This post has a lot of visibility. I’d much rather people learn that we need permits and we need to be responsible in our parks vs “if it looks like dead wood, snag it!!” 


That is a fair argument.


I still disagree, but politely


People THINK they know everything. A simple search shows the Kings Canyon allows up to six cords of wood to be taken by each family every year. Also most National and state parks allow for downed wood, as well as other items to be removed by patrons as it helps them since they must do it.


Your inbox about to get flooded.. turns out not only am I am idiot but I'm a liar too


Seems a lot of people like to run their mouths (fingers ) without researching first. Some maybe haven’t even been to a park, or that park before. I get that some THINK in the way of “Only leave footprints” but they don’t know the actual NEEDS that have been determined from many years of research. Such as NEEDING some things removed for safety of preserving the area. Just like some yelling about the planned or “allowed to burn” fires in the sequoias because they actually NEED the burn/ash to be able to survive. These people would probably have a freaking stroke if the saw the video of us picking up a basket full of Obsidian. A ranger was showing us some things and I saw a small chuck and was oohing and ahhing over it when he laughed and said “ If you like it so much, why not help us out and go clean up a bunch and take it home so we don’t have to clean it up”. Then he took us to a place where there were hundreds of pounds of it all over the ground. So he told us to take all we wanted, then went to get a bigger bag for us. While he was gone several people stopped just to yell at us, even after telling them that we were told to take it. One called the rangers to “come quick because someone was destroying park property” when they arrived (yes it was the guy who told us) the people swore they knew the truth and that he, a 30 yr park ranger and conservation specialist, was wrong, and called the police. They were ticketed for that “false report” If more people would have consequences for their know it all claims, maybe they’d stop it. Or at least research before going off half cocked. LoL note: I take a small rock and piece of wood from every “special” place we visit.


Except for nonliving dead wood you're absolutely allowed to take. You're supposed to burn it there but I doubt this little piece of wood in his hand is harboring any kind of fungus or insect that's in a Wipeout his local Forest


You are correct that in many parks where fires are permitted you must burn heat treated or dead wood from within the park, but that is to prevent the spread of pests and disease. There is no countrywide freedom to take or burn dead wood across all national parks. The deadfall/firewood harvesting regulations are location-specific. As with burning for heat or cooking, it is never allowed in some parks, seasonally/according to risk assesment in others and -in every case I know of- always by permit if removed from the park. They are usually free but many parks limit your take to say 6 cords per year.


6 cords a year. A cord is 4x2x4(ft) right? I'm only saying my man has done nothing wrong by picking up this piece of wood and bringing home


This is not true. you still need a permit, for most national parks (including kings canyon).  You need permits for firewood, you need permits for deadwood   You keep posting your comments all over this thread that folks can take these things, and it’s just not true.    Also why do you lie and say a park ranger will agree with you? I’ve camped in kings canyon, and sequoia and rangers told me I needed a permit to collect firewood or some campsites will have some for me.  Bogus.


I was pretty shocked when I read the description. Who does such a shitty thing and then brag about it on the internet. "Take only photos; leave only footprints."


Actually, when we were at a national park I asked about what could be taken and what could not. I was told I could take any downed, dead, petrified, or unplanted wood, any rock fragments that weren’t attached securely to a formation, any dirt that was not compacted (think sand) any dead animal bones/artifacts/shells not preserved in attached wood/rock, and any foliage not attached to a living tree, shrubbery, or growing/live in the soil. They actually have to go through and clear all of this periodically themselves so do not prohibit you from doing it. As for where she/he found this KINGS CANYON NATIONAL PARK. You are permitted to remove up to SIX CORDS of wood every year. A simple search will confirm this if in doubt of my comment @kilowatt. Beautiful find. I agree with some who say it’s beautiful as is and looks like a human heart. Since my husband is a heart patient, I’d probably make a stand with an engraved plaque that said “Kings Heart” and the date of your find


Let’s help the guy out and say he found it at King’s Canyon Nation Park *in the gift shop where he bought it for cash*. Now he knows better and he’s not going to prison for petty pilfery.


If you do a quick search, you’ll find you can actually remove six cords of wood each year per family. This chunk is not illegal


Return it to Te Fiti




You’re welcome!


Please put it back at the park. If everyone took from national parks, there would be nothing left of the park for others. Be considerate and leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but pictures.


As much as I like that saying feel free to take garbage that you happen to find while out there




The plastic bottles are returning to the national parks for their yearly migration. Nature is healing.


Deadwood is completely acceptable to take from a park, or even burn... Even the parks will tell you this.


Burn, yes. Take from, no, the parks will never tell you that. Edit: [Don't move firewood](https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/idkt_firewood.htm)


There is a bullet in there to check if you can collect firewood or not. This is actually a really interesting bullet - there was a span a while ago where the forest service was encouraging people to go collect firewood and even go in and cut down beetle kill pine because it was such a problem that it was better to let people take it than leave it to add fuel to the forest fires. (Plus there was a lot of artesian interest for the blue wood). I think you had to pay for a permit though. Point being, if you are a hiking klepto, there are often opportunities to do authorized scavenging when appropriate, and even volunteer with clean up detail. I have a stack of t-posts from a fence removal op a few years ago too. Go check your local forest service org.


This is great info, thanks for sharing!


I'm going to fill my basket with any edible saprophytic mushroom I find, up to 25% of a batch of chanterelles, and any piece of wood on the ground that is not attached to a living thing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact ask your park ranger and they'll tell you the same thing. What this person has in their hand is arguably firewood


Please take nothing and leave nothing when you visit parks, trails, wilderness or wildlife preserves. Google 'Leave no trace' for more insight. Take it back on your next visit and leave for others to see and enjoy.


Deadwood is perfectly fine to collect in a national park, which this hunk of wood is. Some evildoers even go so far as to *burn* the wood they find using these sacrificial altar rings of rock so nobody can enjoy it. 😱 Edit: >Dead wood on the ground may be collected for use as fuel for campfires within the parks in all areas except sequoia groves and where fires are prohibited https://www.nps.gov/seki/planyourvisit/wherecani.htm Y'all need to get out more. Camping is nice.


I've been told it's more about what insects/things might be living in the wood. Don't wanna spread new invasive species like the lantern flies.




Yeah, this dude thinks he's smokey the bear over here. He probably builds ducks along rivers and what not. I'm surprised he didn't say "touch grass".


The link you posted specifically says that items may not be collected and brought home. Dead wood may be collected for fires INSIDE the park, but is not allowed to be brought home. As others have mentioned already this to prevent the spread of diseases and invasive insects.


In the section immediately above the one you linked: >Collecting Inedible Natural Objects (e.g., wildflowers, pine cones, rocks, bones, antlers) >Collecting objects is not allowed in the parks. Leave everything to play its natural role in the ecosystem. It's a National Park, and this isn't firewood. The NPS specifically states it's not okay to take objects from their parks.


Yeah, no. I’m pretty sure you can’t take dead wood out of the national parks either (source = my sister in law who was a ranger in the 4 corners area a few years back).


They specifically ask you not to take dead wood out of the parks in that area, and places like arches. Because the dead organic matter is crucial to the ecosystem. Taking a dead hunk of wood from the Olympic national park isn’t going to harm a thing.


They ask you not to take wood anywhere really. It's because you could be transporting insects like pine beetles that can literally devastate entire ecosystems. That's why you are supposed to buy or collect firewood on site when you camp.


If they threw this in a fire during their stay, you would be cool with that because da rulez. But because they thought it was neat enough to keep instead of burn, that's totally over the line? Bloody pedants.


The only real concern with transporting wood is the potential insects or diseases that come with it. Something like the pine beetle can take out entire forests.


Or god forbid it's left where it was for others to enjoy. and then leave for the next person.


You can collect dead and down wood for fires within the park; you are not allowed to remove it. Your own quote says it right there.


Take em out for a walk?


Give Pinocchio his heart back you heathen!! Nah but that is very cool, nice find - a better woodworker can offer better advice than me though


Return it to the national park where it was never supposed to leave in the first place?


shift knob




Boil it, mash it or stick it in a stew


Lovely big, golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish


I only see a fat angry cat somehow https://preview.redd.it/vlmzrfx8115d1.jpeg?width=1542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad94ee5ea587356ff54ba75787ea896f70a89c3 Edit to add: It’s probably angry cause it wants to go back


Put it back and apologize.


but how will you sleep at night now though knowing that some losers on reddit are mad you took a dead twig from a park?!


Plant it and grow yourself an ent friend


Take it to a vet


You could make a hat, or a brooch, or a pterodactyl...


Surely, you can't be serious...


with cool little pieces like that, you can leave it as is and have it as decoration or you can seal it or apply some finish to it and use it as decoration. Theres not too much you could do with that. I wouldnt do stain though


Or they could have left it for others to admire, and then leave behind.


That last picture looks like looking down at a sleeping cat...


Put it down and pet the dog


Boof it?


Put it back in the Scarecrow you monster!




Came here to post this!


Nothing, it’s beautiful.


You took that from your dog didn’t you?


Don't do *anything* to it !!!! It's beautiful all on its own, just like Fitwoodworker stated. It's actually a piece of art.


Maybe a deep red stain and polish it. Looks like a heart kinda


You're cursed buddy... Not cause it's a mummy's heart or anything like that, just cause you took from a national park


Coat it in epoxy and put it on the end of a cane


Make it into a grotesque heart for want of a better description. There is a lot of art around at the moment that looks at human anatomy differently or even subverts it. Such as combining pictures of human skeletons or internal organs with flowers. Or a human internal organ that is deformed, mutated or altered. Which is in the mainstream art community although some people would think it looks grotesque.


That last picture kinda looks like a cat sleeping...


Feed it and get it some exercise


Pet it. Oh you mean the wood.




Carve, grind off the bottom knot and you'll have a cool, textured apple.


I mean they look like potatoes.


Eat it.


Well pet the poor doggo of corse!!!


Eat it




Gift it to a cardiologist.


Coddle them and it will grow


Devil fruit from one piece


Fetch doge!


Carve them into hearts


Cherish it with love and tenderness. No really,, or I will ❤️


Obviously boil it in a stew and eat it


You should give a treat to that dog


I like it the way it is. It seems like it has a nice finish as is naturally right? It's kind of a worry stone made of wood. It seems like it would be comforting to handle. If you want to make it smoother cut off the protruding sticks Then grab some sandpaper and sand it to your hearts content. You could just see what you feel like doing as you're sanding it. Do it intuitively. Some people use beeswax finish for a natural finish but any finish you try to put on it may radically alter its feel. Yes I d call that a burl


Make a kuksa


Butt plug


Find the dryad whose chest it was plucked from and put it back. Maybe she'll grant you a boon.


You have a perfectly good friend right there, and a perfectly throwable round-stick I know what I’d do


Clearly a wooden turnip


hey i have one of those! i meant to carve it into a animal skull (with a very light touch, leaving it mostly in tact) but havent gotten around to it.


Rub its belly!


Burn it!


It already looks like a devil fruit. [Devil Fruit](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/several-devil-fruits-one-piece-600nw-2380118033.jpg)


A heart or an apple.


Hang it upside down from the back of your truck, obviously.


Snailshell and then add on another section of alt colored wood and make a snail


I’d put that in a nutcracker..lol..j/k..I’d lacker it up and make it a Christmas ornament..lol


Could turn it into a top, or carve it down and smooth it into a paperweight or Christmas ornament


I’m not exactly sure but is that a wood gall or possibly burl?


You should give it pets and belly rubs and tell it how good it is. ....Oh, you meant the wood.


All I see here is ocarina potential.


Looks like a pumpkin to me




A mummy’s nut sack?




Rather than take the word(s) of all the internet experts here, you ay be wise to call the National Park in question....do it anonymously if you wish...and ask Them. if they say you're good, you're good. If they say you can't/should not have it, let your morals guide you. I would hope that you would do the right thing, but that's your call. It is a stunning piece. I would really struggle with whether to leave it as is, with an oil finish, or sticking it on the lathe and see what it wants to become


You should put an edit at the top of this saying “Before you tell me I did something illegal, please go do a search. You will find that I was allowed to remove up to 6 CORDS of wood per year. And even give them the link so the lazy ones can have something to click. https://www.nps.gov/


I told my fiance that this is a tree heart and she asked where in the tree it's at lmao I told her it's like right in the center of the tree like how it is for a human but I went too far and she caught on when I said it beats like a human heart too


Hahaha..you’re setting yourself up for this one dude..


Make an ocarina!


One piece devil fruit




One side a heart the other side, picture 4 make it a human embryo. Just my opinion.


Mini majoras mask


Dude I didn’t realize this group was filled with so many Karen’s. Keep it and display it. Ignore everyone saying to take it back. They all apparently don’t like things being taken since they prefer to keep the sticks in their ass rather than remove them.


Make a snail


Cool dog you got there.


Maybe an anatomical looking heart


All I know is you shouldn't have said where you took it from, otherwise people wouldn't be here giving speeches. P.s.: I'm with the guy that said something about oil and put it on the shelf, it's beautiful.


Turn it into a tap root!


Slice him in half and carve a couple wood spirits. Make them twins, two sides of one heart.


Feed it some treats


Tobacco pipe


first thing you need to do is to call the vet and get that thing removed from your dog. pups looking kinda tired


It’s 102 out! Shes not use to the heat, she’s a SoCal dog!


Last time this came up it was Make Frog


Anyone can CLEARLY see it's a devil fruit


Anitomical heart


I see a snail or a heart


Place it on a stand and display as is.


Put it down and pet the dog.


I think sanding it would take something special away from it. It'd look artificial when what's cool about it is nature made that all on her own. Maybe rub it with a few coats of linseed oil to shine up and preserve.


Buttplug for sure


I thought it was a small wasp nest…then I looked at the subreddit name


Looks a lot like the hornet nest hanging off my garage


Build a stand for it, I wouldn’t sand it at all. I would personally turn it on my lathe to let more shine of the burl and it would be a cool paperweight, but I also have little chunks like this just hanging out in my shop just to admire nature.




Looks like a giant chrysalis. You sure it won't hatch in a few weeks?


I would sand/carve it into an apple, it has the little stem and everything. Sand it down to a fine 400 and oil that baby


I’d make it into a ball.


Seems like a nice dog. I’d keep it.


All I see it your dog, is that an ACD?


I’d walk it; seems like a high energy breed that needs lots of exercise. I’d even suggest throwing that piece of wood and playing a little fetch. Might be fun.


Daedra Heart from Skyrim!


Take it back and update us when you do so.


Return it.