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Are you required to clock in and out at work?


No, I log my hours through the portal at the end of the week.


If the tasks you’re responsible for are able to be done remotely, then I don’t see anyone giving you problems about it - GRANTED that you are a self-starter type, and need little to no supervision when performing your expected duties. People that do not have these traits - typically do not get the offer to work from home. In your specific case, It sounds like your responsibilities are mostly in-house. Are you TRULY able to perform your duties - to the same ability as you do in office - from home? If so, than yes, it’s weird that others are allowed but you are not. I wouldn’t push it tho unless you’re okay with making the waves. But one more thing - I get the vibe from your post that you’re making a giant assumption here by thinking everyone who works from home “has no viable work”. That’s asinine. Thousands if not millions of jobs are 100% computer work only. The people working from home that I know - myself included - work incredibly hard, no matter where they log in from. I can even go as far to say that I am MORE productive from home than I am in the office. I’m not saying that’s typical - but to assume everyone working from home is just slacking off is BS.


I was told in the interview that I would be able to work from home on Fridays. But once I took the job that wasnt the case. I know that I would be very productive working from home, but the tasks that would be required would be mostly meetings. My work never includes me in any meetings and it sucks not knowing what is a priority before its too late. I guess im just jealous of the people who WFH. I feel like im doing all of the physical work and its just very frustrating.


Yes, it's the hourly contractor thing. You aren't an equal to the salaried employees and shouldn't be expected to be treated like one. What they do has no relevance to you. You are paid by the hour to do a job. If you are completing your job before its scheduled duration, you should adjust your scheduling.


Thank you, that's helpful to know. Ive never been a contractor before and its kind of debilitating as someone who thrives as an actual employee. I dont feel like im apart of the team and its kinda sad. Not to mention the pay and benefits are horrible. Thanks again.