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I don't know anything about this so grain of salt, but this sounds like "constructive dismissal." Go ahead and file unemployment now. Go look for a new job. If you get one and every schedule you, you can figure out that problem with fewer missed paychecks.


And remember that the first decision on whether you qualify for unemployment is essentially up to the employer. When you file, they get some questions to answer about whether you're eligible or not. If they respond that you're still employed, you will get a denial letter. It will have a form to appeal the decision - write out what happened with dates of when you last worked and what your boss has said. If you have texts, print screenshots and send in with it. Then the unemployment office determines if that qualifies for constructive dismissal. When it does, they'll approve you and send the employer a letter letting them know that they're full of shit.


You don’t have to be fired to collect unemployment. You can collect if your hours have been cut and 0 is about as “cut” as it gets!


Since you were not put on the schedule, you can file for unemployment technically. If someone gets reduced or no hours, you can be compensated by unemployment. If you haven’t been scheduled to work for the last three weeks, it’s safe to say you were probably fired. The thing is, if you do talk to your manager, don’t say anything about quitting because you probably won’t qualify if you say “I quit”. Don’t even speak to the manager unless they contact you but be careful not to say that you are quitting in any way. File for unemployment immediately.


yeah no, definitely keep reaching out to ask for hours or you'll be at risk of being terminated due to job abandonment. But say it like "Checking to see what shifts I'm on this week" or something.


File for unemployment on the grounds that your employer doesn't have work for you. If you're rejected due to not having enough recent work, you can still use career services like interest and aptitude tests, interview classes, resume/CV analysis, and job search services. If you qualify, your employer may challenge the ruling. However, if you haven't been scheduled, hell have a difficult time proving his case.


Yes this. Anyone reading this please use the services at the unemployment office. They can help with a lot of things. Especially people with little to no skills. They will match you to places that will train you for better jobs.


They want you to quit for unemployment reasons.


Why, and what if i just don’t quit?


If you quit you aren’t eligible for unemployment payments in most states. These payments are partially funded by unemployment insurance payments that companies pay, the amount of money they pay the government goes up if they fire more people and therefore cause more people to claim unemployment. Usually it’s really not that much of an increase if they aren’t doing massive layoffs but some companies/bosses are assholes and would rather you quit so their rates don’t go up. Don’t quit. This would probably qualify as constructive dismissal which will still qualify you for unemployment for exactly this reason. Stops assholes from skirting the law. In some states you can claim unemployment from a reduction of hours in general, so go put in an application and don’t quit. Make them fire you


I haven’t been working long enough to claim unemployment


9 months out of the last 12 months. It does not have to be at the same job. Just 9 months out of the last 12. If you qualify for this you can collect benefits if you aren't getting hours. Your manager will break his neck getting you on the schedule.


Don’t quit. Technically you were probably fired so when you file the claim to unemployment, just let them know you haven’t been on the schedule for three weeks so far.


That likely constitutes constructive dismissal. If you have some sort of labour board, see what they say?


Honestly, i don’t even know what a labor board is


Labor board is at your local unemployment office. They do more than just process unemployment claims. Go check them out. They can help you make a profile n match you to jobs. They also have training programs that is free to the general public. This info is for you n anyone else reading. The unemployment office does much more than just process claims. In some states it's called Job Service. They can help anyone who goes there n ask for help. Good jobs hire thru unemployment. State n federal jobs are listed there n the workers can help you apply. If anyone needs help like this go to their office .


I’ll check that out


If you edit your post with where you live, likely someone will have more specific advice


Mass. Love it or hate it kinda state.


Find another job if you can.




Some will put you on “suspension” until you receive a paycheck for the last shift worked. In MA, they MUST give you your final check the same day you are dismissed


Damn, that’s shitty that they kinda just leave ya hangin


Yep. If you ever find yourself “suspended until further notice”, start job searching and figure out what you need to do to collect unemployment


Honestly, I would be looking for a new job....


Yeah, currently searching.


Yo claim unemployment you must work the last 9 months. It can be at different jobs but 9 months. If you have been working long enough you can file for unemployment if you aren't given hours. Let me explain. Construction workers who can't work because it's raining can collect unemployment for missing hours. You can have a job n collect unemployment. When you fill out paperwork for unemployment there is a specific part for employed people who are not getting hrs for whatever reason. So people if you have a job n have worked for 9 months out of the last year you will qualify for benefits if your not getting your hours.


Retail? Sounds like Kohl’s, honestly.




Makes sense. Same ballpark. Places like that often have kind of unspoken policies about how long they will leave people off of schedules. Kohl’s will leave people off for a month, which means that because their budget is always very lean, they just pick the newer and less reliable ones to leave off. It used to be the case that they’d give everyone at least minimum hours. The shortest shift being 4 hours.


They are lying to you.


Damn, finna find another job


Is this a retail job? They get hours at certain times of year. You need to nicely demand at least one shift a week.




Look for a new job & state reason for leaving...better pay.


Im def gonna get a new job but imma let them fire me


We don’t even know if OP is in the US. .


Us, MA. Either hate it or love it, absolutely no in between.


Generally, they do this so you'll quit.


Why did you not use that time to job search that’s what I used to do when I worked in fast food and they weren’t giving me hours


I can unfortunately be a very patient person


Be impatient you’re wasting time. Start looking now


What do u do? Unemployment is next to nothing for certain jobs. Like I’m a server and I would only get like $200 a week. I know this cuz of the pandemic. I got the extra money on top of that during that time so I survived but I couldn’t survive off $200 a week. And by the time it’s approved you could already be working another job. So I say go find another job. You can file for unemployment too but I’m not sure what your situation is like but I would start getting really behind after 3 weeks of no work.


Regardless of job it's basically nothing. It's less than 1/6 of my usual paycheck if we get laid off for a week or two where I work. Unemployment has a maximum payout in general by my understanding.


Get a new job and just abandon the other. I applied for a few companies like this and they retaliated and took me off the schedule for no damn reason. This bs is why I like union jobs.