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The RRR, Regiment of Recon and Reactivations, is a covert ops branch of archeo-mages that moves behind enemy lines, searches for and identifies the precurser ruins strewn across the continent and depending on how savvy the enemy is with archeotech either destroys or steals it or -which is the main part- reactivates it in enemy territory to gain strategic advantages (one big thing would be reactivating the broken and scattered teleportation network to attack the backlines or cut off supplies, gathering some old archeotech weaponry and bring it to the front or power on precurser machinery and let it run havoc as a distraction.


•**Librian Sweepers:** *Cruel, cold and efficient these Librian Soldiers excel at urban warfare, riot control, and enforcing compliance. Sometimes even the mention of a *Sweep* or this very branch of the Librian Order itself is enough to quell a rebellious populace.* •**Librian Guard:** *Donning gilded white equipment the Librian Guard is THE branch representing the finest of the Librian Order's veterans. They embody the adage of* ***"Fear the old in a profession where people die young."*** *Their presence is as breathtaking as it is an omen of how far up you are in the order.* •**Librian Headhunters:** *A branch of hardened and merciless killers these experts put bounty hunters to shame. Few, if any are beyond the reach of these terror troopers.* •**Librian Exterminators:** *The extermination branch of the Librian Order are dedicated to chemical warfare, marked in greens, beige, and browns.* •**Librian Eyes:** *This branch is secretive to the extreme, and rumored to be responsible for engineering artificial internal conflicts within the order to suit a grander design.* •**Librian Executioners:** *When order dies so do we march in crimson clad. Armor once white 'till drenched in life, knee deep in blood of chaos' wake. Forgive their' screams and despair n' woe, for it is time such t'oblivion flow.* •**Librian Outriders:** *This branch handles operations outside the safety of city walls, typically engaging wasteland raiders, mutants and more. It's a hard position, with high mortality rates.* •**Librian HazOps:** *"Somebody's gotta ~~satisfy their' pyromaniac urges~~ do the cleanup and decontamination."* •**Librian Keepers:** *Military Police, Law Enforcement, and SWAT all wrapped up into one compliant branch!* •**Librian Skycrushers:** *"Watching the skies for your peace of mind!"* •**Librian Deepers:** *"Naval food is mid."* •**Librian Gravers:** *"If all other branches fail, and the order collapses then we shall take the entire empire with us into the ashes of ashes, the end of days."* •**Librian Mutors:** *An entire branch dedicated to mutant soldiers? Yes, yes indeed! Mutation does not mean useless!* •**Librian Delvers:** *A branch for experts in trench warfare and underground/tunnel combat.* •**Librian Holders:** *The containment branch, for all your 'lock it away' needs!* •**Librian Medicant:** *Dedicated medic branch.* •**Librian Spacers:** *"Somebody has to man this giant spaceship!"* •**Librian Logistar:** *"Wars are not won without logistics and supply chains!"*


I was hoping that these were librarians, but sadly, they're librians. Well, food for my next worldbuilding :)


I must have read Librian 40 times and not noticed.


Some ancient states had laws mandating that any books people brought with them must be surrendered upon entering the country so a copy could be made for the state library, one can imagine an armed service tasked with the enforcement of such a law.


While another branch of the Librarian service is tasked with infiltrating cities before the main army invades, looking for books, to make sure that they can be stored safely and recovered after the fighting, even if the city were to burn in the meantime.


You could have a recovery division. Tasked with hunting down those who have stolen texts or harbor forbidden knowledge. Could lean into the absurdity a la Seinfeld's Lt. Bookman.


The Avanton Honourable Guild of Mercenaries are the only official armed force in the kingdom of Avanton because international treaty prevents it from having a standing army. However, they use a loophole in their founding charter to essentially ensure they can act as an army if they need to. They can be hired by anybody for any purpose - usually small squads of bodyguards or a ship or two escorting a trade vessel, but occasionally foreign powers fighting wars amongst each other - but they can never turn their blades on the mother kingdom. They are led by the President of the Guild, under him are the Vice Presidents of the Divisions - land and sea - and the Board of Directors. The President even sits on the ruling council of the kingdom's capital. They work closely with the Guild of Trades and Moneylenders to create a sort of pre-gunpowder East India Company sorta thing.


I'm currently in a post-war setting. While there are many military branches, they don't matter as much as former soldiers. The state has not handled their disbanding gracefully. Gangs of veterans now rule the streets of the capital, while other veterans have joined rebellions and wage guerilla warfare against the state. And of course, prisons are full of veterans, but also the police and the secret police. So who are you most loyal to? Your current employer, your former officers, or the enemies with whom you suffered in the trenches?


This sounds amazing - a 'have your cake and eat it too' idea, tackling a real world issue while (presumably) providing cool fights with fantasy magic or tech? What general technology level is the world? What's the ideology of the guerrillas and how does it clash with that of the state?


Technologically, the world is mostly in the 1920s-1930s. Biplane fights, car chases and tommy guns! The main technological divergence from our world is that a few prototype ships in the imperial navy are being equipped with something like nuclear engines (but not nuclear weapons), giving them the ability to spend months at sea without refueling. Useful for hunting down rebels. Fantasy wise, there are quite a few differences. A few monsters/inhuman creatures haven't been exterminated yet and some of them live discreetly within cities. In the right place, with the right person, you can barter away your dreams, your memories, your soul, and gain intangible but very real power - over luck, order or chaos, over age, perception or mortality (so yes, imagine combats with one protagonist being able to project bad luck and the other one drawing power from collateral damage). The dead only vanish once nobody remembers them with enough emotion, so the ghost of long dead heroes and emperors are still political figures and faction leaders - and summoning your loved ones is an industry. The Republic lost the Great War against the Great Army of Restauration. A new regime now rules, maskerading as the imperial stability that had previously governed the empire. For the rich, very little has changed. The once-common Distillate has become essentially illegal, but it's not very hard to find for those with money. The Imperial Cult, once the foremost of a thousand religions, has been reformed to purge the dead emperor who still clashes with the new state, and the new generation of the once peaceful Religious Guard now has many of the trappings of a secret police, but such things are beneath the concern of high society. For the poor, prospects are grim, as the once shining hope of equality has been squashed and debt slavery has entered the law. For those who were captured during the war, for the opponents, expect life-long slavery in the harshest conditions. But there are those who still fight the Regime. Some who will help escaped slaves and those who will try to get the slaves to raise up in arms. Some who have decided that the war isn't quite over yet, and who lead guerilla operations in the corners of the empire, trying to break the grip of the army against the distant regions and colonies -- and those who would bring the war closer to the capital, with bombs and street executions. Some across the empire still worship the purged emperor and he is gathering a host of ghosts and mortals within the catacombs of the capital, ready to rise. And of course, there are those who were blessed or cursed with Chaos. They fought secretly the imperial order because it represented Order. They are now heroes of the Regime, but they fight it with the same zeal. And they, or their inheritors will fight whatever comes next.


Sounds like a great selection of tried and tested tropes put together in a cool and compelling way. I'm a big fan of creepy, bargin-based magic that's both more subtle and more existentially terrifying than fireballs and lightening bolts. Ghosts being political leaders is a very interesting idea. It sounds like if they lose power and hence relevance they'd pass into the afterlife - is that something they fear, so they cling to relevance like their un-life depends on it?


> Ghosts being political leaders is a very interesting idea. It sounds like if they lose power and hence relevance they'd pass into the afterlife - is that something they fear, so they cling to relevance like their un-life depends on it? Some of them look forward to the afterlife, but yes, definitely, those who have gone into politics are the ones who either cling to relevance or feel that they have to give everything to a cause, even beyond death. One of the most important characters in the setting has been a ghost leader for more than a thousand years. He's barely the shadow of what he once was – some days, he barely remembers which century it is – but he's convinced that he's the only person capable of protecting his city and he has a cult of devotees keeping him in anchored in this realm. Another important ghost is a general fallen during the last war, who is obsessed with protecting the memories of his dead daughter, at any cost.


Sounds like a bad way of running things, in an interesting way that's good for stories. And perhaps a hint of satire in an era when IRL it seems in some countries the very old are too dominant in politics.


Exo-Solar Expeditionary Force (ESEF) - a newly formed military coalition of various colonies of the Solar system to secure human interests on a new habitable planet outside of the solar system. This is the first time ever humanity had gone beyond their solar system and encounter aliens so it is a rather awkward affair with military units mixing with various xenoscientists organizations as advisors to ensure successful and peaceful colonisation without antagonizing the natives needlessly but also not seeming like an easy prey. They cover a wide variety of missions, from diplomatic ones such as security details for ambassadors to suppression of dangerous wildlife to logistics and construction support...


Sounds like James Cameron's Avatar but less ham-fisted and more nuanced - something I for one am in the market for. Is the ESEF similarly desperate for resources? And are the natives sapient, capable of communication?


That is the idea yeah, I didn't like how ham-fisted Avatar was, so I want to do it in a way that have human being more rational. Here, the solar system just went through a big interplanetary war that turned surface of many planets and moons into radioactive wastelands and glassed surface, and the survivors under bunker cities are now strapped for resources and habitable space. One of their programs to rectify this was to send von neumann probes to open wormhole portals to potential earth like planet, and by luck they found the planet the setting is on. Many of the native species are sapient too, but communication is a bit complex, since most of them are not human like, and use all sort of ways to communicate from sounds that human can't produce normally to pheromones to bioluminescent light. Adding on to that, their cultures and temperament are very diverse, and require different approach for each. Finally the technological development of the natives is not as advanced as humanity, but they are also developing, and the appearance of human cause unintentional uplifting with reverse engineering of human technology causing sudden leaps of development in some natives tech development as their scientists got their "eureka" moments from being exposed to human tech and paradigms. Overall this is a serious headache for ESEF, since they don't know what the potential ramification of what they are doing down the line could be, and thus they have adopted a more neutral and isolationist stance that avoid interaction unless absolutely necessary.


This sounds brilliant. Have you put any stories out? What tech level are we talking for, say, the most advanced native faction?


Haha Nope, I am just world building for fun at the moment and hopefully at one point a story comes out of it. There are still many parts I need to figure out atm too to make the world more logically sound. The most advanced native faction is around Renaissance era tech though they had some stagnation due to over reliance on slave labour and magic - they could create steam engines and kick start an industrial revolution on their own, but didn't really make that leap since labour was plenty and magic bridged some technological gaps that makes them used to it instead of bothering to invent tech as replacement.


I'm guessing whoever they're enslaving would be very interested in convincing the sky people to take their oppressors down a peg. Either way, sounds like a good amount of moral complexity. I'm guessing there are humans with opinions ranging from "we shouldn't be on this planet at all, we've got not right to it" to "we should bomb everyone back to the stone age from orbit and resettle our whole population here". And those in charge are trying to keep everyone happy-ish. Does humanity have magic too, or is that something we only encountered once we made it to this new world?


Magic is a unique property of matter in this sector of space, kinda like a 5th fundamental force. Human can get magic too if they get a significant amount of their body mass being made from the matter here, but since at this point human have just very reccently arrived to this place, they don't have it yet, and would need at least a generation or 2 to develop magical abilities as they live here and their children were made from matter here.


Oh wow, that's very clever. That's a great blend of sci-fi and fantasy.


**Mythria** The **Imperial Beast Corps (I.B.C)**, formerly the **Colonial Auxiliaries**, was a military cohort made up almost exclusively from the Mythrian Empire's Dragon population; the commanding officers were Humans. Originally established during the Mythik Crusade, as a means of conscripting loyalist Beastfolk to fight their rebellious kin, later adapted to the modernised Imperial military - albeit, with only the Dragon race permitted. The other Beaastfolk races were subjected to forced migration to secluded reservations following a drastic social reform after the conclusion of the Mythik Crusade. The **I.B.C** was largely for logistics and heavy weapons handling, artillery and early rocketry - the Dragons' superior strength put to good use. Carrying out ad hoc duties, as well as loading and guarding, at docks and munitions depots. During the latter half of the Great Civil War the corps was repurposed as shock infantry, utilising more modern heavy weapons such as the machinegun and flamethrower. Some continued basic logistical tasks, like trench digging and other frontline construction.


* the soldiers-they go fight * the church soldiers-they defend the church i still have to do research on army names


Air Militias. All volunteer pilot groups who are organized to defend the various platforms and stations across the ice wastes. The forces of Columbian State's Air Force are primarily set to defend high value infrastructure like space elevators so it falls to the citizenry to defend their homes against those who failed to get along in the tight confines of the extraction stations and industrial crafts and were cast out onto the ice. Following tests and inspections, citizens with who've demonstrated their skill as a pilot and having an aircraft of suitable capacity of militia service are given a government license for the "keeping, maintaining, and operation of one aircraft machine gun, not exceeding a caliber 7.62mm" as well as the permission to purchase ammunition for training and operation. Air Militias are then organized around their stations, or in some cases, a group of stations that sit within a few miles of each other. Each militia squadron has a leader who is selected by the Columbian State Air Force, and the job of militia captain is seen as full-time work. Just like a volunteer firefighter, if the call goes out for the air militia to take off, then they can drop everything to scramble into the air to face the threat.


This is really cool. A refreshing middle ground between the "grand navy/army/airforce of the United Human Democracy" and "everyone is a solo mercenary out for themselves" options you see in action sci-fi. Do these exiled enemies have air forces of their own, or is it more of a "shooting fish in a barrel" situation if they try some sort of raid?


Exciled groups have their own small crafts, mostly of similar size, though generally in worse repair. A person who will be exciled is presented with a small plane generally as a way to say, "Here's your way to get out of the trouble you're in, now leave." This means it's usually a fair, if comical fight between raiders and the militia.


Respectfully, that sounds like a terrible choice of "parting gift" for both the exile and the Colombian State. The exile would probably rather have a nice well-insulated caravan with a few solar panels on it than a vehicle that drinks fuel that you can't live in. You're almost forcing them to resort to raiding if their only survival tool is a war plane? I'm guessing there's something special about this frozen waste that makes planes super important? Storms that you have to move fast to avoid?


On a vast plain of ice, the man who can fly above it very seldom must change tires or track links. The ice wastes are just one part of a larger planet covered in ice, and throughout the world, the desire to learn to fly and obtain a pilot's license is seen in a similar vein to how we view obtaining a driver's license. It both gives one freedom but is also an expectation for most teenagers. During the early years of colonization, it was found that the ice and sustained subzero temperatures rapidly destroyed vehicle tires, which had to be imported from off-world and rapidly drove up the price to an unsustainable level. Tracked vehicles are slower, and if left idle on the ice, they are liable to have their tracks frozen solid. Meaning that hours meant for traveling are instead spent thawing out the tracks. Trains are out of the question because of the resources required to maintain and de-ice the tracks. There is some use of hovercraft, though they are generally for industrial uses like large cranes, drilling platforms, and mobile refineries. So a small plane which can be flown and maintained by one person but with seating for a small family became the standard mode of transport for anyone who wanted to go between stations. Now giving an excile their own small plane does seem like a bad idea, however, the aim of exciling them isn't to kill them. If death were the goal, then the Columbian State would be more than happy to oblige, but no. Similar to Alaska, there are plenty who will come to marvel at ice caves and other natural phenomena, but few will actually stay without significant incentive. So, instead of simply shoving people who've broken with societal norms out onto the ice to live for a few hours in their Thermal Suit, you give them a small plane and directions on how to find one of the nomadic excile camps and have them go off to be with all the other trouble makers. They can find work setting up new settlements or other temporary work. Sometimes, this bites you in the ass when they fall in with one of the violent groups, but there's always the Air Militia to see them off. Edit: I spend all this time yammering, and I forget one of my own key points that you mention. Fuel. Pollution is a big deal when you live on the ice and as such, pollution must be kept to a minimum. So planes and most other equipment are fueled on Hydrogen cells with larger machines like hovercraft using miniaturized nuclear reactors. And similar to a convenience store with a lock-up full of propane tanks (I really hope you're American or that probably doesn't make sense) most small retail craft, like mobile grocery stores are more than happy to sell you fresh cells with a discount if you trade in the old one. The hover will usually have on board machinery to refill old fuel cells to keep them all in circulation. The only downside is the occasional horrific explosion, but rates of that have been steadily decreasing year on year.


I've loving the sound of this setting. I've fantasised about getting a little sea plane and flying to hidden parts of the world barely touched by humanity, so I can see the appeal of a world that revolves around small propeller planes. You've explained why light aircraft are the best way of getting around, but not why someone exiled would want to get around in the first place. Is there enough unclaimed territory in the world that being nomadic is the way to go? What's life like for an exile that 'follows the rules' - are you strafing space caribou herds for food and hopping between rare bodies of liquid water looking for space salmon? And how are you meant to get spare parts and fuel for your plane? I guess being exiled is for crimes that would carry a long prison sentence IRL - I imagine running prisons on a resource scarce world is viewed as wasteful compared to buying one cheap plane and telling a convict to fuck off? Or is it more dystopian than that - voicing the wrong opinions or annoying the in-group gets you kicked out?


I have some others that are more directly based off historical military structures but the most distinctly fictional is the Arcanum, virtually the only way to be legally trained in arcane magic is to join the Arcanum, after your years of study in return you are obligated to spend a period of service for the state. The Arcanum doesn't exclusively serve the state in a military capacity, many roles where one of the relatively limited number of mages may provide value high enough to justify their rarity will see the use of mages from the Arcanum, but most of the dedicated mages that serve the army are effectively members of the Arcanum attached to other military units be that one of the land branches or the navy. Members of the Arcanum are explicitly not supposed to have command authority over anyone outside of their organisation, though to attempt to limit the possibility of mage's making a power grab and particularly mages with a combat focus are regularly swapped stations to try to avoid the chance that an army officer will be able to get mages attached to their unit to assist them in a coup.


The Naval Patrol, based on a mentioned only Star Trek Federation branch, specifically regarding the wet navy of a space alliance. No matter what technology is invented, boats always have a use. A mega freighter can be built more easily on a planet's surface than a giant space freighter. The primary purpose of this though is that a naval patrol, while potentially vulnerable from space, is also a useful deterrent. Surface to space lasers have been tested in the real world. In the eighties, a squadron of F-15s, and MiGs, were both equipped with US and Soviet equivalent anti satellite missiles. Current USN ships have some of their own as well. Submarines can run silent and deep to avoid orbital detection, and shooting at a sub can be difficult unless you want to boil the ocean or cause a tidal wave. The water refracts light from directed energy weapons. It is my firm belief that on ocean or earth like worlds of sufficient size, a wet navy is built for a final defense. It's not going to defeat an enemy fleet any more than naval forts in the real world were going to defeat a determined invasion(depending on the era), it's meant to deter pirates and harass the enemy. Surface vessels could deploy ancient cheap fighters like the F-15 to fire at the enemy, and dump a load of Surface to space missiles or laser fire. A submarine is much more viable because they won't get taken out in the first strike. They can not only run silent for as long as their munitions and food hold out, they don't even have to surface. Sure, modern subs need to get pretty far up to launch missiles, but a sub with a bunch of Unmanned Sea Vehicles and a 3-D printer doesn't need to! It could deploy a laser array with a tether to the reactor that could float to the surface and fire at the enemy without ever putting the mothership in danger. Now, the counter argument is always that the enemy can just blow up the planet, or something. People will occasionally wonder what the point of ground forces are in an interstellar war. Well, in 1947, the Army Air Force was wondering what the point of the Navy and the Marines was with the advent of nuclear weapons. The very first conflict they got into next proved why. There can be politics, there can be strategic restrictions. Just because you can blow something up doesn't mean that you automatically win a war. To quote Starship Troopers, "There can be circumstances when it's just as foolish to hit an enemy city with an H-bomb as it would be to spank a baby with an axe. War is not violence and killing, pure and simple; war is controlled violence, for a purpose. The purpose of war is to support your government's decisions by force. The purpose is never to kill the enemy just to be killing him...but to make him do what you want him to do. Not killing...but controlled and purposeful violence."


Whoo! Orbital defence subs! I always through that was a good idea. It never occurred to me that a weapon could be small and its power source big, though, and thus weapons could surface while the main sub stays submerged. That's brilliant. Have the Navy Patrol ever changed the outcome of a planetary attack in your setting's history? I.e. an attacking force failed its objective due to the presence of orbital defence subs / the naval patrol in general?


I got the idea from the website atomic rockets. I find that the writers on the site can be... a bit uptight and obnoxious, yet sometimes have some good ideas. I haven't been able to use them too often in many of my stories, unfortunately, though that doesn't mean I haven't! I first used them in a Star Trek fanfic. A Dominion ship attacked a Federation colony, and had a fight with a Federation naval patrol sub. The sub was a total loss, but won the fight! The Dominion picked it up with a tractor beam and flung it into a corn field😅🤣 I've got a few settings where they act as deterrents. They'd be able to spoil the enemy's aim in orbital bombardment, even if they can't destroy the ship. I found recently surface to space weapons can be more mobile and creative than sci-fi usually gives them credit for. One short story of mine has a bunch of old F-15s stationed on a distant colony launching ASAT missiles, supported by a laser sub, to blast a pirate ship. Those ASATs(anti satellite missile) did indeed exist in the 80s! Unfortunately that's really the most I've been able to write them in.


In my setting, I believe the most unique military branch is the Imperial Watch. Essentially, all emergency responders; police, firefighters, paramedics, etc.... are part of the military, there is no civilian equivalent. The reasoning behind this is that in the event of a city being attacked by a foreign power or experiencing civil unrest, there is already a large military force within the city.


In mine the Watch or “Hearth Guard” is a National Paramilitary force. Separate chain of command from the military. And every Imperial subject is required to support a branch in every major city. So protection from both External and Internal threats.


There are three distinct police forces (+ dispatch which is unified, but you can also call the police of your choice) and policemen get assigned one of them after finishing police school. The purpose of them is to police each other to prevent corruption. They work like rock-paper-scissors. Rock Police can investigate Scissors Police but has to allow themselves to be investigated by Paper Police, and so on. If Scissors Police for example gets violent during interrogation, it's a responsibility of Rock Police to check if investigations are done without breaking law and arrest Scissors Policemen that were violent.


Terran Space Fleet: These are the spacecraft used to defend the space lanes and attack hostile planets. Terran Marine Corp: These are the men and women that are sent as an invasion force or defend against boarding actions. Planetary Defense Forces: These are the Army, Navy, and Air Force to protect the planet from invasion.


Spektra is an elitely covert paramilitary, spec-ops organization that operates beyond the scope of international law to protect the world from the threats of the Underworld. These guys are insane, given all manner of the best tech, experimental and on the market and all of the current best weapons and gear to hunt down terrorists and assassins and scientists of the highest priory that could bring ruin to any nation. Another thing that separates them from everyone else is the superhuman conditioning in the form of gene and musculoskeletal therapy they undergo to operate on realistic though still superhuman levels to better deal with the forces of the Underworld. They're accepting of only truly promising soldiers, minds and strategists of the highest level, especially those who have been outcast by their governments and nations. At Spektra, those who wish to see their talents fully recognized without scrutiny or fear of discharge or worse are loved, respected, and encouraged to push the boundaries. Honestly, they're so hush-hush that most governmental agents don't know they exist and even the people that have heard of them co aider them to be these mythical figures akin to boogeyman. The idea is still in its infancy but I've got half a dozen members so far and what they can do, still designing the structure of the organization and also what tech is even possible in 2062. 🤔 I'm absolutely in love with what I got so far and have been having a blast writing.


That's awesome you've found an idea that's really clicked for you. It sounds really cool. Does the experimental gear you mention ever just utterly fail in a real combat scenario and jeopardise a mission?


With many of the advancements being fresh prototypes, various agents, refered to as Spectres, have had their missions seriously jeopardized or were even killed when gear exploded or just didn't work. The tech guys that build all this stuff though give it their all, going big rather than going home so it's reliable just not 100%. I've got stuff like a camo-suit that gives functional and limited invisibility, "Spektrum" based goggles allowing Individuals to see in a bunch of different vision forms. One guy is working on a friend or foe HUD system, there's a lot going on in the departments apart of Spektra


When you say Underworld, is that referring to very powerful organized crime or terrorist networks or to some sort of demonic / supernatural threat? Your examples sound like the former, the capitalization makes it sound like the latter?


The Underworld is the term collectively referring to all "underground" and high-end illegal dealings. No supernatural nonsense, this setting is completely grounded. Every criminal enterprise, organization, faction, big name, etc, are all affiliated with the Underworld in some form or another. The name is also used to refer to the lawless subterranean city which Monarch (think of them as an illuminati style organization. They're the secret top dogs behind everything happening everywhere that is illegal or threatens civil peace and it's subjects in some form or another) rules over.


Sounds like GI Joe for a new generation. Love it. I guess this Monarch outfit are as heavily invested in transhumanism and moonshot weapon R&D as Spektra are, hence the need for "special forces plus"?


Spot on! I've never seen GI JOE though, lol. I saw the John Wick movies recently and play Rainbow 6 Siege a lot so the idea came from those and I built it up into its own pretty awesome thing, or so I think


Recently, I've come up with one military formation known as the **Janisarriat** (yan-is-arr-iat). They are the most prominent military force of the various clans of Senturya, which as the name implies, is a society comprised of centaurs. It's an evolution from the fact that each clan, once, had their own sovereign military forces that were used for self-defense and only fought as one when that was needed. Most commonly, during the recurrent invasions from the Godlands to the west. Recently, though, with the rise of the Khaggathai (chag-ga-thai), the force has been professionalized. A lot of young centaurs will join it for pay, promises of food and water security for their families, and a pension in the form of a land grant upon retirement. This force is most commonly used against the unrulier clans on the southern plains, but with increasing instability in the Godlands, it's likely that they will move to conquer portions of those as well. This new military institution is best known for two things: asymmetric warfare and shock tactics. Using their equine bodies to their advantage, one of their main methods of attack is that of the horse archer. Senturyan bows come in various forms, but some of them are extremely powerful, only able to be fired by a being on such a level of strength as a centaur. These bows are as big as a man, and fire arrows that are many feet long, powerful as a missile. This force also has access to some early matchlocks from the Silk Coast to the east. They field units of heavy infantry, too, known in the Godlands as 'Quadrophracts'. They are heavily armored and armed, usually carrying javelins for skirmishing prior to charging with spear and lance. They also have the added benefit of their lower bodies being equid, allowing them to trample enemy soldiers underfoot. Or, well, underhoof.


*Reichslegion, Karlovski-Hesser Kaiserreich The Imperial Legion is a corps-sized branch of the armed forces of the Imperium of Karlov-Hess. As the first serious attempt in the continent at congregating mage forces into a single branch, it specialized in direct action and maneuver warfare. Among their feats were rapidly conquering three minor countries within two weeks during the Liberation War. Selection to become a Legionnaire is shrouded in secrecy, but its rumored difficulty seem to reflect on their feats.They answer directly to the Kaiser/Kaiserin. With no surprise, they are based on the Waffen-SS. *Corps de Mage, Armée de Terre de Republique Verunien Although not a separate branch, the Republic of Verune Army's Mage Corps is Verune's answer to the evolving use of mage infantry in the battlefield. They are organized to fight at the regimental or battalion level, integrated with friendly or allied foreign units and often taking the role of maneuver elements and force multipliers. Though the Army is a volunteer force, the Mage Corps' selection is among the toughest to pass and only a few can earn the title of Mage Infantry. They are based on the US Army's Airborne divisions. Notable units of these branches: Verune's 402nd Mage Infantry Regiment, 4th Mage Division. The hero unit of the story. They are mostly composed of Western Estacian volunteers instead of native Verunian draftees. The Imperium's 247th Mage Assault Regiment, Imperial Legion. They are a line regiment in name only, primarily carrying out clandestine operations in countries that interests the Kaiser.


Paranormal Establishment of Research on the Supernatural and Extraterrestrial of the United States (P.E.R.S.E.U.S.) Headquartered in Chicago and funded by the U.S. government, this top-secret/spec-ops organization, made up of former military, law enforcement, and CIA officials, specializes in the elimination of supernatural and extraterrestrial threats, as well as investigations/research on supernatural and extraterrestrial-related crimes, the paranormal, the occult, and criminals/evil organizations. Non-humans are also apart of this organization (goblin, elves, vampires, etc.). It was founded by Dr. John Seward and General William H. Seward, Jr. in 1897.


The Amil Empire divides its military into three branches: The *Leggiye*, or army, the *Flotiye*, or navy, and the *Costruiye*, an engineering corp focused on the construction of roads, forts, bridges, fortifications, and other important infrastructure. Often a host will include at least one legion of Leggiye and Costruiye, assorted battalions of mercenaries and local militias, and and an associated fleet from the Flotiyes to transport them if need be.


Expeditionary, Naval, Police, Industrial, and Garrison corps. Expeditionary works with the navy, the establishment in the late 1790s basically outlines them as “offensive infantry forces for capturing and furthering naval objectives.” Basically Marines. Police is also in charge of the judicial system. The country is a military republic of sorts, where officers serve in the “parliament”, and five officers elected from the parliament serve for life as the high council. So the military is pervasive of the government as a whole. The country being a breakaway island from the “Isles” which is just GB, means they heavily focus on defense and trying to keep the country independent, over the corruptions and taxes that the Isles imposed. Industrial corps is focused on national projects for infrastructure, so railroad workers, post office, steel workers, and the medical system is nationalized. There is still some private enterprise competition, but they are more in line with a command economy, with certain requirements for war-time production capabilities being enforced on all industries in the country. Garrison corps is like a part time reservist force, mainly used to train on occasion and perform guard duty across the island.


Rubran Aerospace Force is the largest **in commission** fleet of Rubran Federal Monarchy, staying under direct command of the Ministry of Defense. They have around 30k active warships with a third of that being certified planet busters using turreted guns and star system killers with missiles. Before you ask, "won't that be boring and unrelatable?", Rubra is NOT designed to entertain a standard sci-fi war, but to incinerate things according to hypothetical ideas of a K2 civ where every ship-mounted weapon makes Death Star humble. You're essentially looking at a pseudo-K2 civilization whose energy output dwarfs stars. The Aerospace Force is organized likewise: * RAF Central High Command: One of the major departments of Ministry of Defense, they overlook RAF as a whole. * High Commands: Orbital Force, Deep Space Force and Reserve Force. * Commands: Each High Command is divided into multiple field commands, each field 3000 warships. For example, Deep Space Force has 4. Mobilizing a Command means Rubra wants a small galaxy (about the size of Large Magellanic Cloud) to cease existing altogether. * Fleets: 3-500 ships. * Divisions: 80-100 ships. * Mobile task forces: Comparable to a division in size, an MTF is an independent unit receiving orders directly from local Command, High Command or in very rare cases, Central High Command. MTF Agartha which the protagonist Octavia is working is even more unique as it answers only to *the emperor*. That means no one, not even the Parliament, can question their actions. * Regiments: 20-50 ships. * Groups: 4-10 ships. Why do I say largest **in commission** fleet? Because Rubra has the "strategic reserve fleet" which is different from the Aerospace Reserve Force. The strategic reserve fleet is made up entirely of automatic spaceships, many of which are old battlewagons with their planet busters intact. It's estimated that if Rubra reactivates this fleet, they will have an additional half a million mini-Death Stars, fully automated with no need of crew. And they hide that many ships in Hell.


The Imperator Intergalactic Navy is the largest Navy in the universe, the darling of the United Human Empire, larger than its ground counterpart. It consists of 61 Carriers, 45700 Dreadnoughts, 2.586 million Destroyers, 169 million cruisers, 56 billion frigates and 224 billion corvettes in the main Navy. It consists of 569 billion aircraft for space combat, 25000 space stations, 6.7 trillion orbital defense and offense satellites, 6.9 trillion spy and observation satellites, and 19.85 trillion non- orbital satellites, along with 22 trillion Unmanned Space Vehicles. It operates in more than 1700 galaxies as a dominant power and 2500 more galaxies as a major power with a foothold. The IIN consists of 4.57 gazillion combat personnel and 69.78 gazillion support personnel. The marine and intelligence agencies hold between them a further 678.99 trillion people. People of the Empire give lives to protect innocents on the Frontline and purge The Xenos. They locate, engage and destroy major Threats every week. They put their life on the line everyday to protect the interests of mankind in the intergalactic community. Citizens of mankind, contribute to our defense, enlist now!


Lmao, "4.57 gazillion combat personnel". Please tell me you're writing a comedy parody of a galactic war story, and aren't just unaware of the word 'quadrillion'


Sorry, internet trouble.


Ah, fair. All these massive numbers and only 61 carriers. A carrier must be a serious piece of hardware. In what circumstances would one of those be committed to a fight? Or is it more of a mobile base / logistics hub?


If one of these appear, a few galaxies could be bombed out of existence. A carrier is bigger than a supermassive black hole and carries huge numbers of ships. "The carrier. It's coming. " "Well, shit. We're screwed..." (*Extermination*)


My ships are divided into the following categories in March of Empires: 1. Carriers A. Rax- Class Function: Carries all other ships and troops, when opens fire destroys entire galaxies (in the dozens). Notable ships: Kylos Rax, Metellos Rax, Kalos Rax, Epimetheus Rax, Julius Rax, Gallius Rax. 2. Dreadnoughts A. Midnight- class Function: Most powerful in raw power, used for common Galactic bombardment using quasars. Notable ships: Midnight, Eclipse, Void, Hades, Quasar, Nothingness. B. Stellar- class Function: Causes supernovae strong enough to outshine galaxies, large fleet- killer. Notable ships: Stellar, Supernova, Phoenix, Pyrokinetic, Prometheus. C. Dominion- class Function: Since usually energy weapons and Shields, these utilize projectile weapons to bypass energy Shields. Notable ships: Dominion, Conquistador, Invincible, Victory, Devastator, Ares. D. Sovereign- class Function: FTL lightspeed bombardment with strong enough durability for that. Notable ships: Sovereign, Administrator, Governor, Senator, Parliament. 3. Destroyers A. Imperial- class Function: Powerhouse and troop carrier, can destroy star systems alone. Notable ships: Imperial, Throne, Imperator, Emperor, Sigmar. B. Avenger- class Function: Uses critical hits to increase already considerable power, landing devastating attacks. Notable ships: Avenger, Revenger, Vengeance. C. Mandator- class Function: Uses gamma bombardment to sterilize life from planets, spacecraft and Dyson Spheres. Notable ships: Mandator, Judgement, Order, Dreadknight. D. Interdictor- class Function: Intercepts FTL- travellers, to prevent escape by Hostile militaries. Notable ships: Interdictor, Interceptor, Destructor, Blockade, Intervention. 4. Cruisers A. Necromancer- class Function: Drops WMD like Star Beams, nanites, biochemical weapons, etc. Notable ships: Necromancer, Entropy, Doom, Lifeless, Barrage, Purgatory. B. Barricade- class Function: Used to perform military blockades and guard borders intergalactically. Notable ships: Barricade, Barrage, Enforcer, Enterprise, Operator. C. Enterprise- class Function: Used to perform economic blockades or prevent mercenaries escaping. Notable ships: Enterprise, Commercial, Sanction, Quadrillionaire. 5. Frigates: A. Refrigerator- class Function: Used to forcibly terraform various parts of a planet, or planets as a whole, and transport high- value prisoners. Notable ships: Refrigerator, Freezer, Zero. 6. Corvettes: A. Hydrator- class Function: Transports ordinary prisoners across long distances and serves assistant purpose in small battles. Notable ships: Hydrator, Hydraulic, Ocean, Poseidon. B. Tiniest- class Function: Tiny, used as ordinary patrol ships, can implement planetary destruction, transport cargo. Notable ships: Tiniest, Little, Microscopic. 7. Satellites and space stations: A. Intergalactic- class Function: Space station, capable of both observation and Defense, no offense, carries ships. Notable ships: Intergalactic, Universal, Golgomath, Olympus. B. Atomizer- class Function: Offensive and defensive Satellites, uses disintegration beams. Notable ships: Atomizer, Disintegrator, Convertor, Replicator. C. Observer- class Function: Military observation and Stealth Satellites. Notable ships: Observer, Discovery, Cloak, Telescope, Secrecy. 8. Combat Aircraft: A. Raider- class Function: Offensive, multi- role fighter Aircraft. Notable ships: Raider, Bombardier. B. Colossus- class Function: Defense- oriented, multi- role fighter Aircraft. Notable ships: Colossus, Indestructible, Invulnerable, Behemoth. C. Stealth- class Function: Bombers and interceptor dogfight Aircraft. Notable ships: Stealth, Sneaker, Silence. Note: This is the United Human Empire navy, the most diversified, complicated navy ever.


Reminds me of the Xeelee sequence in terms of scale and in the implication that humanity is genocidal, given the emphasis you place on destroying celestial bodies. When you're capable of harnessing as much power as you describe, unmaking measurable fractions of the universe, what could you possibly need to fight over? Who or what are these weapons used to fight?


These are humanity's "superweapons," So to speak. Powerful intergalactic Empires fight each other for Superiority in various ways. Some want to fight, others are genocidal, Some want lebensraum, others want their resources. Humanity... Well, the United Human Empire has a State Religion called the Religion of Rationality (look at my most recent post on my profile, a small overview is given). Humanity fights to get stronger and ascend to godhood, the genocidal part because humanity hates and fears most Xenos, partly because of their aggressive nature, partly because of their competitive nature. In the canon timeline, humanity's back is broken along with the rest of the intergalactic community by the Intergalactic Civil Wars. The Great Recovery results in the rise of an unified Entity, an Empire spanning all life across the universe. In the meantime, the upgraded version of the Internet (called Eternet and humanity's greatest Creation) evolves into a murderous Artificial Intelligence that destroys the universe shortly after. In the new Legends timeline, the Eternet remains a tool for functional immortality instead of an A.I. Humans become Gods and vanish from the scope of ordinary intergalactic life. The Eternet also vanishes beyond everything else. Meanwhile, Threats from beyond the observable universe emerge, and humanity resurfaces again.


Intergalactic army, and I happen to be very aware of the word quadrillion.


Quadrillion is an ineffective term for an intergalactic army like mine.


- The Imperial Army is the main fighting force of the Andurian Empire. It's a vast force that spans the entire continent of Tyrenor and fights based on ancient Andurian military techniques. - State Militia are local forces that are unique to each state. They usually are composed of local units and fight according to local traditions and with with local weapons. - The Seven Armies are the military force that are loyal to the Emperor and only the Emperor. They are much smaller but just as powerful as the Imperial Army due to the prevalence of magical troops. - There are other military orders, religious militias, mercenary groups, and household armies but the Empire limits the size of any group that could potentially be a threat to its hegemony


ODL, Orarkian Defense League. Commands three arms: The Expeditionary Forces, which largely focuses on securing uninhabited areas and coordinating the construction of new towns to move people into out of Safeguards they find. The Skymaster Corps, essentially the Empire of Orark's air force. They operate airships over imperial territory and enforce collectively agreed regulations over airship operations. Also helps transport military automata and the Imperial Heavy Weapons division. Mostly women operate in this branch as only women are permitted to fly airships,but some men have passed the mental health and dexterity tests needed to at least command fleets. Imperial Heavy Weapons is the only part of the ODL that has clearance for offensive warfare. They are a small group, only two squads, but they have among the most advanced and hard-hitting weaponry of the ODL. Regency Khanate sociologists have suggested that an IHW squad could singlehandedly take over an entire town.


Space Force: Mostly fights in interplanetary space Space Force Orbit Core: Specializes in fighting in planetary orbit Surface Force Air-Navy: Fights in the upper and lower atmosphere of gas giants Surface Force Army: Fights on solid surfaces Surface Force Navy: Fights underwater (both in open water like Earth and under ice like Europa) Sun Divers: Fights within the star's corona


Induction Corps were developed and deployed during the First War, when combat was characterized primarily by trench warfare. These were soldiers who were surgically and pharmaceutically augmented to weaponize the elemental fields in the Ether to ‘induce’ fire or lightning at range. Essentially, they’re techno-mages deployed specifically for Shock operations at the fronts, such as trench clearing or sabotage.


The Imperial Ptero Corps Which as the name suggests is a fantasy Air Force of Pterosaur riders and trainers. The riders wield a variety of weapons such as saber, lance, and firebombs, and spells for those with the aptitude. They are the finest aerial troops of the Continent and a pillar of Imperial domination. On some larger beasts they add an attached swarm of smaller pteros to harry the enemy when engaged in close quarters. Both the mounted and unmounted flying couriers under direct Imperial purview are trained and maintained by the Corps. Squadrons are most often attached to a Legion but as needed can also be detached and grouped together to form “Flying Legion” quick reaction forces with or without ground cavalry depending on whether speed or strength is more important. There is a small handful of permanent Flying Legions with attached airships for support. During the Great Air War the Ptero Corps were the only thing standing between the enemies and total collapse of Imperial lines and managed to hold the Reshethi dragons and Ouranian Avialans long enough for the foot Legions to do their work.


Rontak Empire Imperial army structure. Hadeki: Fresh recruits, equipped with a scutum-like shield, spear, and heavy armor, although some become skirmishers. Similar to Roman Hastati. Kardeki: Elite ranged unit. Already proficient in javlins and slings, they are taught to use war bows to great effect. Tradeki: after serving for 5 years, hadeki are promoted to tradeki. They are older and more experienced soldiers but carry the same gear. Tradeki serve as the recruiting pool for several other branches. The tradeki are the backbone of Imperial armies. Similar to roman principes. Rondeki: After serving for 10 years, tradeki are eligible to be promoted to rondeki. These are the elite fighting force of an Imperial army. They carry mithril weapons, rather than steel, and wear heavier armor. They wear a caplet over top their armor to signify their elite status. Similar to Roman Triarii. Rontoradeki: Only recruited from veteran rondeki, these are the most elite and capable soldiers in the Rontak Empire. Rather than serving in the military, they act as bodyguards for high ranking nobles, including the emperor, earning them the nickname 'Imperial Guard'. They wear full mithril armor and carry adamantium tipped weapons. It is said that to challenge the rontoradeki is to invite death. Similar to Roman Preatorian Guards. Marteko: Light cavalry recruited from the tradeki. Harasses the enemy, scouts, and conducts raids as necessary. Grateko: Heavy cavalry recruited from the tradeki. Protects skirmishers from enemy cavalry, and acts as shock cavalry on occasion. Helteko: Super heavy centaur cavalry recruited from the grateko. Heaviest cavalry in Imperial armies. The centaur gives each rider/mount pair an extra set of arms to carry more weapons into battle. Unlike horses, centaurs can and will charge directly into a formation of infantry, as they are trained soldiers themselves rather than trained animals. Centaurs are enslaved and forced into service, much like minotaurs. Minotaur Slaves: Very heavy melee infantry. They stand 7-8 ft tall and possess superior strength compared to humans. They carry swords, axes, and blunt force weapons, all scaled up to their size, into battle with devestating effect. Wyvern knights: Horse-to-car-ish sized flying reptile-like creatures. They can shoot fireballs out of their mouths. Knights also carry pouches of flachettes to drop on the enemy from a great height. To combat enemy wyverns, knights use a long spear tipped by a long curved blade to slice through wyvern wings. Land dragons: Larger than elephants, shorter and wider with significantly more mass, these reptile like creatures resemble an ankylosaurus. They are covered head to toe to tail in either heavy boney armor or thick leathery skin; they are biological tanks. They can use earth and fire magic in battle. Their riders also harass the enemy with javlins. Battlemages: Mages trained in defensive and offensive unit scale collaborative magic. They are embedded in infantry units to provide magic support. They can create a shield around their formation, launch fireballs, or counter offensive magic used by the enemy. Mages with a talent for Psionic magic become beast handlers and tend to the wyverns and land dragons. Mages with an aptitude for life magic become healers and perform battlefield triage/medic duties. While certainly important, mages are far from the sole deciding factor of a battle. Just as with any other type of troop, they need to be used properly in order to be effective and can be countered by other units. Summary: Despite their low level of technology, the fantastical elements of Rontak Imperial armies allow them to employ semi-modern combined armes tactics. They have an infantry division, armored division, and an air force. Their version of the blitzkrieg is remarkably effective, although costly in terms of casulties.


The Nightmares. A branch dedicated solely to create fear, they create chaos behind enemy lines while killing enemies as painfully as they can do it, usually on public spaces in front of civilians so they can maximize the amount of trauma. The intention is to scare the enemy into inaction by appearing as an unstoppable force where resistance is just painful and fruitless. They usually are deployed from space orbit drop pods while covered on fire to start attacking defending civilian sections behind enemy lines, so that when the army attack they have to fight on 2 fronts, they create chaos, disrupt supply lines, take hostages and lay traps. The mere concept of being able to be dropped from space itself created this sense of paranoia on the enemy as they never know when will they appear. Their arsenal looks very different from the usual standard issue weapons used by the actual army, they use more brutal weapons to maximize both pain and fear factor trying to not compromise too much effectiveness. Using things like flamethrowers, explosive ammo and chainsaws for melee. Sometimes all at the same time. Also the actual army hates them because they get too much glory while only being fake soldiers that are disorganized and a money pit.


The "expeditionary forces" is an independent command of an armed forces with the main objectives of waging or fighting conflicts in other locations. In this case, they're mainly sent to fight in other universes.


The Whites. They are an elite soldier group of 12. They only job is to protect the King, the Queen and their offsprings. They are wearing white bc if they had to shed blood, they failed their mission.


**9.A.R.O.H** **D.O.S ( Department of Science )** The Department of science is the armed republics science branch now technically its not a "military" branch but since the 9.A.R.O.H is a stratocracy it counts :) so anyway..... the D.O.S is solely dedicated to all scientific and mathematic problems in the nation now they mainly work in the capital N.H but if the capital is unavailable they'll work from N.A there contribution to the scientific community is astronomical they were able to discover the 119th 120th and 121st elements those being Quantanovium Antom and texa these elements though cool are very unstable and are prone to cause very negative and oftentimes fatal effects on the human body now they also worked on producing the N.H 50 a Assault rifle that was produced by them in N.H in 2150 now the AR is different from others of its type as its more similar to a canon then a gun its not Automatic as each shot has to be made manually but in return each shot is explosive but I'm getting side tracked in all the D.O.S is a very unique branch if you have any Questions just ask ill be happy to Answer them


[**SpaceGuard**](https://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/civmilitary.php#orbit) In the future, asteroid miners want to alter the orbits of valuable asteroids to send them to the refineries. SpaceGuard monitors all of these, in case some evil country tries to alter an asteroid orbit so it obliterates a nation the evil country dislikes. In which case SpaceGuard send their warships to raid the asteroid and send mobile mass drivers to nudge the killer asteroid into a safe orbit.


[**Designing a Space Navy organization chart**](https://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/astromilitary.php#designingnavy)


Wasteland Patrol is responsible for scouting the wastes, escorting civilians and government staff through the wastes, and culling mutant populations. City Watch protects the borders of human cities and keeps the peace within them.


My TTRPG setting/system has a shit ton. Players are meant to be black ops supersoldiers/spies with enhanced powers. This creates a fun blend of all kinds of genres and playstyles. The most notable is CGI (Chimera Group International), the PMSC the characters work for out of CA (mainly because Canada doesn't have any laws governing PMSCs). From there there happens to be probably something like 50 Major Mega Corps, all of which have private militaries, Several major capes supers groups, a butt ton of PMSCs, some major militarized borderless and/or global factions, etc. and that's before we consider any nationalized militaries. I wouldn't even know where to start counting necessarily, but there's a lot. The system has only been in production for maybe 3.5 years now, but the setting stretches back to over 2 decades of gaming history and development. Like all that data is written down and organized, but I never thought to count how many military factions there are. While there's a lot for all kinds of different story telling purposes, it's hardly a main draw point of the game or setting in general since there's just much more interesting bits to discuss before getting into the minutia where people's eyes start to glaze over from infodump overload. If you want to know more I've got a bunch of stuff listed [HERE](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1993142787742991), even though we're still not quite at alpha release yet.


Sol Progeny. The first contingent. They exist to ensure the continuity of humanity in the case of near extinction. At all times there will be 500 ADAMs (genetically different) and 500 EVEs (also genetically different) ready to be inserted into a habitable planet in or outside the galaxy. The planet will be named earth and the star will be called Sol. Once the population grows and stabilizes, they will be educated as to all the achievements of mankind and brought into the spotlight again. The second contingent is Lua Concordia. They exist solely to protect Sol Progeny and will go to any lengths necessary. In short, the moon is a fortress, Cadia level fortified. If the planet chosen to be the new cradle of man already has a moon, it will be evaluated as a possible extension of Lua or will simply be hollowed out for resources. The last contingent: The Swarm Fleet. A single, titanic vessel vaguely resembling an owl, designed to draw as much attention as possible, preferably away from earth. The radar signature is large to the point it can be considered a form of electronic warfare. Once the enemy fleets have launched WMDs or jumped close for heavy barrage hit and runs, the ship dissipates into a swarm of fighters numbering in, allegedly, 4 trillion pilot compatible autonomous drones. They are the product of thousands of hollowed out moons and planets and are quite cheap to produce. Accuracy by Volume is the norm. Unrelated but relevant, the Overwrite protocol. A kill switch that will inject a reverse singularity in the black hole at the center of the milky way upon the death of the last human. Basically, gravitons generate gravity, Anti-Gravitons repel things. By inserting an equivalent amount of AGs as the gravitons inside the singularity... No one knows what will happen, exactly. The first time a contained, man made microscopic black hole was detonated with AGs, it never happened. The testing site was an official location, the people related to the project existed and had families/social lives as well as official documentation and the test occurred on schedule as well as recorded... And then they were no more. They didn't cease to exist or never existed, there are ways to detect that. It was like an author deleting a part of their work to write something else over it. Perhaps that explains the addendum to the recorded files: "Try me."- God.


More of a PMC, Brimstone Security is the armed service of a company that deals in pseudomagical smart weapon systems, and handles security in the Hellmouth Bastion which sits between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers south of the great lakes.


I haven’t really designed it yet, but military guards of diplomats and politicians are necessary in Pasand. Assassination attempts are normal.


I gave the marines jet packs


In 'The Silent Cosmos', the **Yaran System** has the 'Electorate Legion'. **Yara** is a Military Dictatorship/Junta...sort of. The Head of the Military is also the Head of State, and is always a serving member of the Electorate Legion. The elite of the elite, always and only ever standing ten-thousand strong, the members of the EL are the only ones with the right to vote for the next High Marshal, and only ever from their own ranks. Despite how it sounds, the Yaran people have a damn good reputation for reliability and loyalty, providing a good chunk of the Galactic Confederation's anti-piracy forces.


The Scytherian Valkyries first corps and second corps, an all-woman corps of Scytherian warriors specialized in guerilla warfare and fast overwhelming assaults on urban centers (high fantasy setting)


I always have Naval, Special Forces and Mainline infantry


**Arami the Demiurge** The Inquisition. Not really a Military Branch, but more of a Internal Policing service modeled like the FBI. As part of the Church of the Great Mother, they are dedicated to rooting out heresy and preserve harmony throughout the Galactic Empire among the many species as well as the Demiurges that rule them.


The Outer Worlds Militia A paramilitary force that keeps piracy and raiders at bay in the scattered star systems in the Outer Worlds. They have a mixed reputation, while they are fair in their dealings they can be shockingly brutal in how they deal with threats. This can include massive orbital bombardment. They have a fleet of powerful battleships, older than what the core worlds use but sturdy and heavily armed. The Militia is made up of humans, elves, and hybrids. The universe is where magic and tech collided, the Militia use both, employing sorcerers and sorceress along with older and reliable tech. They keep things simple, quite willing to slam a fusion warhead into a pirate warlords fortress instead of trying to attack head on. Their main weakness is their relatively small numbers, with only a few hundred of the big battleships combined with a decentralized command structure make them unlikely to oppose a large coordinated assault by enemy fleets. Few have tried yet though, especially since they showed willingness to completely exterminate alien races who attempted to push into their territory.


In my setting, Earth’s existence has been kept a secret from the rest of the galaxy for several thousand years through the efforts of a secret alien group, with the goal of allowing us to develop independently from everything else going on. They keep the knowledge of humanity and Earth a with a giant array of satellites on the edge of our solar system that distort the light of our sun, have secret forces of soldiers/spies to “take care” of any breaches of the secret, and have enough political influence to keep the wider universe from expanding further in our direction. However, recently a major breach occurred that went unchecked for around 27 earth years, and while they managed to fix it without our existence fully getting out, there’s enough concern of who else knows, combined with a small sect of our government knowing about them, to justify partnering with Earth to increase protections to keep us a secret and prevent a certain dangerous species from from coming to Earth. Thus, the Bureau of ExtraTerrestrial Affairs **(BETA)** was formed in 1982, with a task force nicknamed **The Sol Patrol** working as the main enforcing group. Initially a small group of 30 or so humans and Kalzyks working with outdated alien tech (because that’s harder to track and they’re still keeping us secret), it would gradually expand as more and more discoveries were made in our solar system and as things became harder to manage.


The firefighters. In a mediaeval world with magic being abundant Army's are smaller with magic and enchantments baked into units One of the heavy magic based units is the firefighters One third of the unit is sorcerers and Wizards heavily specked into fire And the rest are heavy armour troops who each carry A bunch of fire resistant rings There Most effective in cramped spaces Castles, caves, and dense Woods The fire casters will spread liquid fire before them And the troops will advance through the fire Any enemies with fire resistance who try to charge through to slay the fire casters Will be met with a wall of steel And as liquid fire produces a lot of smoke, it's quite a effective concealer for their numbers


### Task Force Pandora A crack team with members drawn from every elite branch of every military in the entire world. The TFP has its own ships, aircraft and mechanized ground troops. They operate outside of any national command structure with a singular mission to bring the crew of the FFS Pandora to justice.


I'm building a world from scratch for D&D, and I'm terrible at naming, whether it's people/nations/institutions etc. I have a kingdom that on the surface is practically idyllic, everyone's happy, nobody's against the government. The reason is a group of literal thought police who use divination magic to read minds and predict the future, removing troublesome, or potentially troublesome elements before they ever have a chance to start a kerfuffle. It's pretty common to hear that someone was "reassigned" to an outpost or different city, and because there wasn't any sign of trouble, the populace accepts that the government is acting in their best interest.


Aegis - An inter-dimensional defense force that works to keep dimensions balanced and unaffected by outside forces until those worlds are ready to connect to the rest of the dimensions that have opened up. Unfortunately they've recently been gutted and betrayed by an insider faction that wishes to remove conflict from the greater dimension-space through force. Scythe - That insider faction. Some of the higher ranking members of Aegis saw how much chaos and destruction happen and decided that the best way to remove the conflict was with an iron fist. To their credit, once they've established a world as "theirs" the inhabitants do generally have a pretty good quality of life, it's just that their methodology in achieving that goal leaves much to be desired.


space navy?


I had to develop different armed forces for factions with WIDLY different missions. Some branches blur the line between civilian services and military. The International Space Treaty Organization has: 1) ISTO Spacey - The folks who drive warships for a living. They are primarily focused on fighting off another faction's naval warships. 2) ISTO Merchant Spacey - The military space lift command branch. Also manages bulk logistics for civilian settlements in deep space. 3) ISTO Postal Service - They deliver time sensitive communications and packages. They also perform law-enforcement patrols, customs and safety inspections, search and rescue operations, pirate interdiction, and peace-time convoy escorts. 4) ISTO Sparine - The space infantry of the ISTO. They perform boarding actions, counter-boarding defenses, invasions, invasion defenses, and whatever other miltary adventurism the ISTO is deciding to perform this week. 5) ISTO Citizen Reserve - Military service is obligatory for citizens in the ISTO. The Reserve is a program of training, drilling, and stockpiles of small-arms that would allow the residents of a settlement to hold off an armed invasion. Krasnovia (the evil empire) basically has an armed force for every major department in their government. Yes, the education ministry has its own security force. You would think that an ostensibly military civilization in the spirit of Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" would be completely top-down. But while all of the ministries report to the Fuerer, everyone within the ministry really only reports to their board of directors. And as resource allocation is a "use it or lose it" sort of system, there is every incentive for duplication of effort on the part of the various ministries. Ministries fork of from one another, and recombine, like a giant political lava lamp as scandals and ambition shake things up, so keeping track requires a near-sentient computer. The Circle Trigon Syndicate is broken into corporations and families, each is responsible for their own defense. Most have a set of "enforcers" who operate around bases of operation. In times of war, the first question is "Is the war between the Syndicate and another faction, or is it yet another war between two families WITHIN the syndicate?" When combatting external threats, each Family and Corporation offers up what it can in the way troops, warships, and logistics. According to the CTS charter, "a overall commander will be nominated", but seeing as how this has never been actually done, nobody is quite sure how. Just getting all of the families and corporations to agree that a particular threat is existential to the Syndicate as a whole is something of a big ask, that nothing short of alien invasion would probably satisfy. What typically happens when Krasnovia and ISTO throw down is that part of the CTS backs one side, part of the CTS backs the other, and the rest of the CTS makes a ton of money selling to both sides.


There are notable units types that are common in the soup of military organizations: 1) Less-than-Serious Response Units. (LTSR) In a world full of magic and thermonuclear weapons, it is all too easy for a political response to escalate up to bright burts that scatter flotsum around the Solar System. LTSR are covert forces who operate deep behind enemy lines. They perform mock acts of kidnapping, sabotage, and assassination. Generally they remind the various politicians that, if one of the factions REALLY wanted them eliminated, they could do so easily. The example I like to use is breaking into the palace and replacing a noble's child's favorite stuffed animal with a mascot for their own faction. On its face, harmless. But the message is clear: any force who can swipe a stuffed animal could have easily grabbed the child instead. 2) The Order of Chaos - Vigilante Mages who work tirelessly to ensure the events of the Cataclysm will never be repeated. They are high level mages who work in cells to protect the world from deep magic, stop dangerous practices, and prevent any one person or faction from gaining total dominance. They regularly infiltrate military research organizations, the labs of bond villians, royal courts, etc. and keep an eye on what is being developed. When something potentially dangerous is discovered, they work to shut it down, sabotage it, or failing that marshal the resources to mitigate the damage it will cause. The OOC has made a lot of enemies around the Solar System and is considered a terrorist group by all of the major factions. But they also enjoy a lot of popular support from the people they have saved from magical disaster, or liberated from thralldom. 3) DWARF - Diminutive Warrior ARtficial Form. Vat grown shock troops from Krasnovia. As most of their population grows up on Moon gravity, specialized forces are needed for conducting invasions. DWARF are engineered without a vestibular system, in order to make them immune to motion sickness. Their small stature allows them to withstand higher-G-forces. They are deaf as a post, however, and require telepathy to communicate with. The NCOs of the DWARFs legions are ELFs (Erudiate Life Forms). These being are engineered to be somewhat taller than DWARF, to maximize interoperability with human forces. They are engineered to be telepathic, in order to alllow them to coordinate with the DWARF. They are also cybernetically enhanced, which allows them to act as living computers, as well as control the on-board AIs on Krasonovian strike craft. ELFs always operate under a human officer who is ostensibly "in charge". Even if the ELF is actually producing the battle plan, leading the troops, etc.


Question, since I’m just a lurker here, I don’t world build too much. Anyways, how does Orbital Armed Forces initialize into OAS? Shouldn’t it be OAF?


Well in reality that is a typo. But in my world it is actually called the Orbital Armed Service. The OAS is like the DoD with the OAF being one of it's armed branches.


The pockets of independant human settlements often have a militia to handle major emergencies and defense. These militias vary widely in terms of training, equipment, and structure. Most of them are basically meant to hold a line until the forces of the Mutual Defense Coalition roll in and take care of the situation. The MDC is the only thing on earth resemblimg a true nation after the devestation wrought by a centuries long alien invasion. It's closest analogue IRL would be a military junta with every citizen being considered an active duty soldier. They field 3 conventional primary branches in the form of the army, navy, and airforce. These have similar structures to the US military which was the foundation of the coalition's early establishment. Outside of these regular forces are the Frontier corps, the Aid Distribution and Logistics corps, and the Integrated Man Machine Operations Group. The frontier corps is responsible for expeditions into the South Aamerican Exclusion Zone or SAEZ. They're often referred to as SAEZers (pronounced ceasars) and operate in expedition teams of ~100. Their purpose is to study the mutaions in fauna and flora observed around the old alien beach head. The heart of their operations is a science team, and engineering team, and a portable, lowgrade AI core for operating survey equipment and support drones. The security teams are equipped with top of the line power armor meant to afford each operator the same fire power as a full fire team. This is the most respected and most dangerous of the specialo operations forces. The Aid Distribution and Logistics Corps (ADLiC) is the largest single branch of the armed forces. This branch is responsible for building, securing, and maintaining the connective infrastructure between the coalition's fortress cities and protected settlements. ADLiC also carries the responsibility of delivering food, medicine, ammunition, information, and high grade batteries across coalition territory and to all known human settlements. ADLiC operates a vast fleet of freight aircraft, trucks and trains. They once operated the largest maritime fleet but the dangers of alien sea fauna made maritime shipping of freight too costly and dangerous. Lastly, the Integrated Man Machine Operations Group (IMMO-G) is the newest branch. It's establishment is highly controversial as it represents the end of a century long mandate that AI only be used for civilian functions to free up manpower for the war effort. This branch is largely made up of AI operated UAVs and UGVs with a small contingent of supervisory human troops to support the drone operations and provide an element of human accountability.


Close to a branch, I created the Order of the Eye. They’re a specialized section of the military made up of arcanely inclined soldiers that receive training from the High Mages. They’re mostly used as shock troopers, and “special ops”


The Lancaz Imperial Guards: Handpicked and trained in the distinguished military province of Lancaz, the Lancaz Imperial Guards are respected soldiers who had swore an oath to protect, safeguard, and ensure the safety of all Imperial Member of the Soldirian Imperial Family. Murizs (plural form of "Muriz" which means 'Candidate' in Soldirian) for the this honorable position is often handpicked by a trainer who would visit a town and choose the strongest, smartest, and most able boy and/or girl from the age of 12 to 16. Murizs would the be brought to Lancaz where they would be trained to be loyal, strong, intelligent, agile, and quick-witted.Parents whose children were chosen and taken as candidates will be compensated with up to 30,000 Laurels (300,000 USD) and will be given 20% of their child's total salary if they became a guard. Usually, it takes around 5 years for a Murizs to be trained and educated before their graduation into guards. When a guard graduates from the Lancaz Imperial School, they would swore an oath, the detailed contents of said oath is kept in secret but some guards who have confessed recalled the oath to be something like this:  "I, a Lancaz, is bound by duty and destiny to safeguard and protect the Emperor and His Imperial Family. I will do what is right, and avoid any wrongs. I am the Protector of the Empire and the Empire also protects me. I am gifted with intelligence, but I must still learn from others, but must not copy them, for copying is evil. I am strong, but I am aware that I am not invincible. I am able and talented, but I am aware of my weakness, for knowing is the first step towards improvement. I will protect those I swore to protect to the best of my abilities, and I will brand myself as a failure and a coward if I failed to do so. With this oath, I have entrusted myself as the Protector of the Empire, and I know and will do what a protector must do."


**•Golden Star Army Rocket Forces:** It is The Revian Federation’s most powerful wing. Headquartered in Shaykova province at Shaykova SFB, the rocket forces provide constant nuclear deterrence with hundreds of interstellar missiles scattered across the planet. Major basings: **•350th missile wing:** Dombarovsky, Cherkhakiv and Sarah-Olehansk provinces, 450 missile silos **•480th missile wing:** Novokamska (Linguo) province, 300 missile silos **•760th missile wing:** Severopol province, 150 missile silos **•Major space force basings:** Shaykova SFB, Engels SFB, Belaya SFB, Ukrainia SFB.


The Purple Dragon Knights. Cormanthyr's elite warriors and magi belong to a traveling order dedicated to the people. They do outreach, help people sign up for the Cormanthyran military, establish militias, and aid in rebuilding efforts. Elves, humans, dwarves, orcs, gnomes, jotunn, and purple dragons all serve alongside one another. They were initially named for the First King of Cormanthyr, Aremoth, a draconic god of magic who shared the magical arts with his humanoid subjects. Aremoth's lineage, be they draconic or humanoid, tend to have naturally purple hair and eyes as well as an affinity for magic. There's also the Cormanthyran Scale Guard, a legion of Samurai consisting of dragonborn, lizardfolk, skyriders, and the odd dragon. Known for being fearless and fearsome in battle, they defend Cormanthyr from domestic threats and are among the last line of defense against threats to the people.


Die Aufblitzen. Shock troops that leap from airships and engage alchemical Feather Fall (meteor-like firetrails) and operate gnomish magi-tech power armor (similar to Artificer abilities, but homebrewed). The drop ship has a bay for each Aufblitzen and a Gnome Artificer dedicated to the upkeep of their armor and remote support. Very close team dynamic there. SOP is before the troops land, a probe will spear into the earth suddenly, a vertical plane of light will shoot out and then sweep 360 degrees, scanning the area, then the troops drop 1d3 rounds later. They can't fly, but they do have a 3 round ritual cast of Dimension Door (interruptible and therefore vulnerable), a couple of Misty Steps, default 5th lvl cast Cantrip "guns", and each suit has unique and limited uses of either a high damage long range or area effect cannon/spell configured by the soldier and Gnome Artificer. Damage gets split between the suit and the soldier with the suit HP scaled by level. I usually tweak some of the suits to have higher hardness (5 - 10) but inverse damage, and possibly one technical specialist with high armor hardness, no special weapon, but a situation specific spell or alchemical payload. (Polymorph, Dominate Person, and Fear are defaults)


Other then just *This nations Army/Navy*, I have a few 1) The Imperial Aerial Corp. a Branch of the Imperial Armed Forces consisting of a small Airship Fleet and Draconic Aerial units. It’s basically a fantasy airforce with dragons 2) The Sword Bearers. The Laskarian’s most feared and exalted soliders. They first started as the empire’s strongest warriors, the Emperors sword if you will. But overtime they have evolved to be more of a Stormtrooper brigade used to blitz through enemy positions and poke holes through the frontline.


Polaris Alliance Armed Forces, or PAAF. Wanted to do Polaris Commonwealth Armed Forces, but PCAF sounded silly 😂


Dragonslayers- Established to defeat monsters the size of Godzilla that threaten the power supply from another planet


**HRA -** Human Republican Army. Responsible for invading and defending planets. Has three corps; land, sea, and air. Broken up into 8 sector commands which each watch over a portion of Human territory. Has around 60 million members. **HRN -** Human Republican Navy. Responsible for exploration and capturing of star systems. Has around 20 million members. **ISMA -** Inter-System Marshalling Agency. Patrols trade routes and engages in anti-piracy activities. Has around 15,000 Marshalls


THE SECRET TIME BRANCH (they don't actually exist it's just a conspiracy theory [as far as you know {yes you have to say it in all caps, that's how it's spelled}])


The United Nations space force (UNSF) is responsible for all spacecraft belonging to the United Nations self defense service. They operate every non atmospheric vessel and space station. Their typical duties involve planetary defense and interplanetary and interstellar transportation. They don’t command any tanks, aircraft or watercraft.


BERT- Break Evacuation and rescue team (might remove. These posts give me ideas for my world/01000001 01010010 01000111)


The Regency are the winged warriors of the skies, hailing from a militarian, constant war society who fight epic battles against extreme weather events. They tame tornadoes, vanquish hurricanes, subdue windstorms, and alter the climate of an entire continent. They even fight enchanted storms like the Freezing or the Vortex, though many lose their lives in the process. They form the weather branch of Their Majesty's Military, maintaing a stable climate and protecting their continental civilization from the naturally deadly weather patterns of the skies. By the standards of our world, they would be the air force.


The Colonization Project Security Corps is the paramilitary branch of The Colonization Project, from my eventually-to-be-self published (I hope) science fiction novel *Saint Constance.* There's no more war in my world, so Project Security acts as police/investigation/intelligence body on earth and in the orbital colonies.


The Royal Spec Ops Division, also known as the "King's Executioners", is the special forces branch of the Godzone(the planet Earth) military. They are said to be the finest soldiers in all of the settled galaxy, mastering every form of combat from zero-g shootouts to primitive melee fights. They operate on all of the planets within the Realms of Humanity and even some of the pimitive "Borderworlds" that reside outside the influence of Godzone. The Royal Spec Ops Division war formed around 1500 years ago during the Robotic Skirmishes as the Anti-Mech Brigade, in an attempt to create soldiers that could counter sentient robotic fighters. Through dangerous experimental training, human soldiers were conditioned to think faster, react quicker and shoot more accuratly than any robot at the time. Thanks to these soldiers, humanity stood victorious over the robot threat. The King at the time decreed that the Anti-Mech Brigade would continiue to exist at Godzone's special forces in order to further ascertain the Royal Familys power over the settled planets and the noble houses controlling them. Today the Royal Spec Ops Division draws recruits from all of the Realms of Humanity. It is not uncommon for aspiring military leaders of the planetary noble houses to serve for a period. It is considered great honor to directly serve the King, and to be able to use what they have learnt to train the armies of their own planet.


USA mage core


In the goblinoid kingdom of Drekurosh, there is the Merchant Saboteur Corps. These are goblin arms dealers that sell outdated firearms at inflated prices to less advanced peoples to sabotage the economies of foreign powers. Particularly, they sell flintlocks when the hobgoblins are equipped with revolvers, rifles, and shotguns. Only the goblins know the secret of gunpowder, which they sell at a gouging premium.


The **King's Rangers** are the best of the best. Basically, if something seems impossible, the King's Rangers are sent in to accomplish it. They're like a composite of IRL Seals/Rangers/Green Berets .


Well, one of my favourites are the Frontiersmen, whose main goal is to expand the nations borders by establishing outposts and clearing the the unconquered west of the continent. (No natives, they live further south.)


The Deep Space Division (DSD) was originally simply a service intended to explore and map space within and beyond human boundaries (kind of like NASA with a bunch of high-tech lab ships and probes). Due to this position on the borders, they are the types most likely to have to manage first contact, so they are now another branch of the Human Armed Forces, with their own ships and war fleets, as well as assigned diplomatics. This is because they are adding to its original mission of exploration and mapping that of establishing first contacts and being the first intervention force in case the contact in question turns out to be hostile.


National Health Emergency Response Command (NHEC). Formed in response to a mutated CWDB bacteria strain which was detected in Wisconsin national park deer faeces and involuntarily released from the Milwaukee County Institute for Biosciences (MCIB) lab during a containment transfer (2 deer + faeces were going to Washington National Disease Laboratory)


St. Veronica's Battalion, more commonly known as St. Veronica's Regiments, is an elite unit of the Confederate Combined Forces of the Confederation of Edohr and D'Nalsi. Comprised entirely of volunteer, conscientious objectors, they are a boon to friendly troops on the battlefield. > Veronica's First Regiment serves on the battlefield, alongside regular soldiery. Common tasks include running intel to and from officers in the field to the command post, evacuating injured and deceased friendlies, and keeping the armed soldiery well supplied. > Veronica's Second Regiment serves at base. They are ancillary to logistic coordination, strategy development and implementation, as well as as taking on the role of cooks, doctors, and couriers, among other duties. > Veronica's Third Regiment is a marine expeditionary unit. They are just as comfortable storming beaches as they are scouting miles behind enemy lines. They are primarily tasked with reconnaissance, espionage, and sabotage. They may participate in joint operations, or operate on their own.


The Aquatic Defence Forces is a branch of the standard Ground Mech Forces. They specialize in underwater submarine robots that protect the public from giant sea beasts, they are under funded though.


The Monitors: An off-shoot of the main Watchers Organization, their main purpose is to act as a policing force to protect Watcher personnel and its allies. It handles typical policing affairs and acts as a defense force/militia that can defend settlements and cities across the Underground. The twist is that these guys will only go out of their way to protect the people under their authority. Anyone else will be left alone unless they cause trouble for the Watchers and their allies. This means they will overlook crime and things affecting groups outside their own group.


The Storvult volunteer Halfling scout Corp! In the duchy of Storvult there's many halflings who wish to aid their Duchess and so they sign up for the volunteer scout Corp! They often act as well... scouts but also Medics and Messengers


The Swan Guard. They are the most elite group of knights after the Royal Guard in one specific country, but the RG are always guarding the palace or the king and queen if they leave on business. The SG have very strict training and are always looking the best of the various groups of knights. Lots of white, bit of blue and probably some gold. Weapons look very pretty but are not ceremonial at all. If a group tried to ambush them when they were on the move they would realize just how not ceremonial all of their pretty gear actually is. They typically are the first sent out in an emergency or when something absolutely needs to get done. They are as vicious as the devil birds for which they are named. I've also got the Blackthorns, who guard the Blackthorn Citadel. The Citadel is a large vault/prison that was built into some mountains. It houses some very deadly artifacts that lay behind a lot of very deadly traps, and in a separate wing (I'll eventually come up with why the prisoners can't just riot and cross over to the vault area) there is the prison, where a lot of very notorious enemies would be locked up. The Blackthorns would be comprised of some of the best of the best from every race due to the Citadel holding artifacts and criminals from all over, so it is in everyone's best interest to work together to guard this, and to also hold each other accountable to make sure everyone is on the same page. Each member of the Blackthorns will go through a rigorous check to make sure they have no connections to someone or something in the Citadel, and eventually each member will get rotated out of serving in the Citadel due to the gloominess of the place. The rotations will also help keep corruption from growing in the ranks. Similar to the 40k Deathwatch in some aspects.


Space Navies Space Assault forces Espaladiers Null G Troops


The MU1, a unit that can be deployed to other worlds to support local forces.