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**Entity X795-1 "Apollyon"**, formerly known as the Moon. Apollyon itself has been given an X6 rating on the Paranormal Threat Response Agency's Threat vector scale, the only entity to be classed as such. The origins of the entity are unknown. How long it has inhabited the celestial body, and its true capabilities are also not known. The entity as of now (2026) is semi-dormant. It briefly became active from 1991-1993, long enough to collapse practically every national government, and throw humanity into an apocalypse it is only just now starting to recover from. Most occultists and researchers have described the entity as a *Psychomemetic beacon of pure hatred*. Its brief spikes of activity are enough to induce hysteria in most abberant humans and leads to a large increase in supernatural phenomena.


that's fun. sounds like SCP foundation stuff.


hi! could u explain what are the other ratings on the paranormal threat response agency's threat vector scale? and what is this agency itself? is it the new un after the collapse of society and governments?


Threat Vectors are a simple PTRA "at a glance" rating on how dangerous an entity or type of phenomenon is. X0 - Absolutely Harmless. **Flares** are the poster child for this rating, essentially just floating balls of light that only materialize in low-population areas. X1 - Potentially dangerous if you're negligent or a child/elder. Things that can easily be avoided are placed in this category, like an anomalous pond that sedates anyone who intentionally walks into it. X2 - May pose a danger to a single individual or small unarmed groups. Things like roaming bands of anamolous opportunity predators fall into this category. X3 - Poses a danger to small to medium groups of people. This is the most varied group and contains things such as **Dopplegangers**, **Poltergeists**, and **Reavers** (De-evolved and Hostile humans). X4 - Can pose a serious threat to large groups or small settlements. Objects such as the **Red Sigil** (an obelisk that drives everyone around it insane and homicidal), and extremely Hostile **Revenants** are in this category. X5 - The highest conventional threat level. These creatures/events pose a serious threat to entire settlements, and are capable of wiping out entire groups of heavily armed and well-trained combatants. Entities such as the enigmatic **Morvaaki** (possibly intelligent and sadistic telepath-type entities) and **Hydras** are placed in this category. A single report of an X5 in an area is enough to cause an evacuation of every nearby settlement. X6 - Apollyon's Rating. It is the only entity to possess it. Apollyon has been theorized to have been responsible for *some* historical disasters due to prior awakenings, such as the Bronze Age Collapse. **PTRA** is the Cascadian Commonwealth's official Supernatural Response Agency. Their job is to kill, contain (mostly kill), and study Paranormal phenomena. Paranormal humans with minor supernatural powers are known as **Abberants** and fall across many spectrums.


Cascadia Mentioned?! Is this the same Cascadia as the real world bioregion?


In spirit, yes. Realistically, the Commonwealth, after the **Great Reclamation** in 2022, only controls about half of Washington State, parts of northern Oregon and a sliver of British Colombia. This still makes Cascadia the largest faction in the wasteland by both size and population, making it one of two actual "nations" in the known world. The distant **Republic of Quebec** is the only other faction to possibly rival Cascadia in sheer power.


Cool. Always kind of fun to see someone else bring up Cascadia. It makes me somewhat nostalgic for an old worldbuilding project of mine that featured it. What was the Great Reclamation, and what happened to make a wasteland in the first place?


Long story short, Apollyon became active in 1991 for two years. Natural and supernatural disasters absolutely devastated human civilization, directly or indirectly killing around 70% of the human population in two years. The U.S. itself was split in half, with the Midwestern deadzone separated east from west. For unknown reasons, Washington State wasn't hit as hard as the other states, allowed the National Guard and Police to establish multiple safe zones in many coastal cities. This caused a mass wave of other military units and federal government remnants to make their way to WS, forming the Provisional Military Authority. This state of martial law existed until 2018, when the threat of civil war forced a transition to a semi-democratic system. Chancellor Elijah Stone, the first elected leader of the new Commonwealth, declared a "Reclamation" in 2020, launching a massive military and civil campaign to retake and rebuild Washington State. By 2026, the Reclamation proved to be a relative success.


Somebody reads a lot of SCPs


I played alot of S.T.A.L.K.E.R to


Yeah that's an archotech if I've ever heard one


Oh sweet, eldritch horrors beyond my comprehension!




Mosquitoes or ancient gods jumping down on earth from space. Idk your choice


I'll take the ancient gods, thanks.


Your world has Mosquitoes ?? Unforgivable…


It's called the Greater Mimic. It's a tall, slim ape species with a large and complex throat sack which allows it to copy the calls of prey items. It will attract a, for instance, beaked cattle using sounds similar to clacks of beaks(the cattles mating call), spending as long as it must to get it's hunt as close to it's hiding place as it can. When the time is right, it launches out of its post, often a treeline. Using it's specially adapted arms and legs to propel itself from between to trees and grab the cow. It digs it's thin claws into the neck, almost always striking a vital artery. It has a near 100% death rate, with the few that do not end in a kill being because of a third party (like a larger animal interfering or the herd surrounding the prey before the chance strikes to pounce). Could go into more detail like it's colourations, locations, age, breeding habits, etc but it would take an hour to type out


Why of course the beast that walks on two legs. That cares for its young and doesn't lay eggs. The beast that introduces itself as having dignity and charm. All while it's enemies know nothing, but harm. It is a beast that can bring prosperity or ruin. Of course I'm talking about the being that is human.


It is featherless and biped behold a human


*sigh* “Yes, my student?” “Yeah, uh, what the fuck?”


It's a reference to a Diogenes incident. Plato defined man as a featherless biped, so Diogenes comes in with a plucked chicken, shouting "Behold—a man!"


And that was a reference to the Sam o' Nella video about it XD


Ah, good to know. I'll look that up


Indeed they don't have feathers.


Dr Seuss has been really quiet after that one…


Lol. Appreciate it.


Probably The Grand Giants, extremely tall giants who rose out of the sea 1400 years ago and caused the collapse of a continent -spanning empire before they were driven back by an order of the world's greatest Spellcasters working together, ultimately resulting the formation in a crazy powerful dominant order of wizards


The three Emperor Beasts of land (Behemot), sea (Leviatan) and sky (Ziz). They have no limit to their growth (both size and power -whise) and every time they're slain, they reincarnate.


Can you describe how you imagined their design?


Every time they resurrect the form is different. Ziz in her 1st incarnation was an enormous golden bird. She's the progenitor of many flying species in my world (like phoenixes, rocs or gryphins). In her 2nd form she was a four-winged, feathered dragon-like creature. She later took form of the first gryphin. Her most recent form is something too hard to describe, maybe some day I'll post an image depicting it. Leviatan at first was a serpent with a four-way opening jaw (like the Predator), then he was something like a huge crab with squid tentacles in place of legs. He's the most agressive emperor feared so much people of my world refuse to cross one of the oceans he occupies. Behemot has been slain many times over the ages because resources from his corpses are highly sought after. He was a mountain-sized rhino, bull, mammoth. At one point he became a turtle and went into the ocean to fight it out with the Leviatan. In my world there is only one desert and its the Behemot's habitat that he stomped to its barren shape.


That sounds incredibly sick


That’s genius my guy


I legit have the exact same idea and presentation with all 3 being sort of the species of beings like this 😂


It's a little hard to determine overall most dangerous. but at least on the main world where the main story begins, there is a world tree and around it's base is the world serpent jormungunder. jormungunder is fated to eat the world. i would say that makes him pretty dangerous.


Dragons are at the top of the food chain but barely interact with the world. Only two dragons have ever had prolonged contact with humans and both were leaders of nations. One died for it.


Why can’t they interact?


The Damnayoca. It’s said that, when a Yoca(bear) becomes consumed with hatred and malice, it’s very soul becomes separated from its body, cast adrift into the darkness of half-life, while demons and various other abominations occupy its form. This twists them into massive, hideous parodies of bears; possessed of infinite strength, cruelty and endless hatred for all that draws breath. Thus, they become Damnayoca: roughly translated from the Yocan language to mean “Forgotten Son.” The only reason the Yocan(the species of my world)haven’t wiped them out is because bears are sacred to their religion, and so killing one is seen as a grave sin. Instead, they are captured and put to sleep, bound in chains of steel, and then locked away within secret places so that no one can disturb their rest. Damnayoca cannot be reasoned with, cannot be tamed, and cannot be stopped once they get a good slaughter rolling. Your only choices are to run, find something to hide behind, or pray that it kills you quickly… _because if it doesn’t…_


the emerald snake, a colossal mass of toxic vegetation, plants in a continuous process of decomposition and birth, and so on. In my setting all the vegetation, called Rhizoma, is toxic to humans. In Sheron, a mostly arid continent, the Emerald Serpent moves and climbs like a real snake, with branches and brambles that drag the combined body of this creature, capable of creating Oases, mirages almost indistinguishable from reality for a human being.


Wow, that’s one of the best ones so far


Love the concept of this one.


Love the concept of this one.


**Maar** Hakaizar are a species of reptilian Kaiju that average about 50 meters tall but can grow to be as large as 300 meters tall. These Kaiju have a reputation of being the gods' wrath incarnate as a single hakaizar is capable of leveling multiple modern nations (which each have armed forces stronger than current day USA). * They can generate plasma as hot as 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit inside their bodies and expel this plasma from their mouths or the various spines that grow on the backs of their bodies. * They are immune, or at least very resistant to most conventional forms of weaponry. Only weapons made of Chogokin Steel (a steel alloy that combines adamantine, mythril, and iron) can pierce through a hakaizar's hide. Also if you pierce the wrong part the hakaizar will violently explode, most likely leveling whatever area it's in.


Godzilla 👉👉


The Gibbering Shadows. They are... it is? An incredibly powerful demon, but that no longer has a mind. It has no set shape and, as you might have guessed, babbles and gibbers constantly to itself. Luckily, it is locked to a region known as the blackwood, a grove of demonic trees. It acts as part parasite and part protector to the trees. It's extremely violent and territorial and far stronger than even The Archdemon, in raw power. Though, it is possible that the archdemon could kill it anyway. He has a lot of tricks.


The Otso. Named after the Finnish bear god it's exactly as it appears. a 15 foot tall semi-bipedal bear monster with antlers. Native to the Polaris region in the Milky Way the Otso is able to burrow underground and rapidly move long distances to emerge behind enemy lines, able rip apart artillery and tanks with ease.


Glad I am not the only one to use Finnish mythology as inspiration. It's really a great mythology to explore


I built a world around the concept of “firsts” being special and often powerful. Within the pantheon, the Second Son made the First Beast, an answer (and antithesis) to the First Son’s man (or humanoids). It was fated to kill the world but was sealed away within the moon by the First Daughters (the 3 suns). This was a helpful way to explain the dynamics between the suns, moon, day, night, man and beast; i.e., people good/monster bad, day good/night bad. Simple but I like it.


The Nanarviir is a giant Octopus-like creature with teeth lining all of its tentacles. It was placed on the abode of the Black Bands, specifically the Black Band of Arbur, to rid the forests there of the Omunkun. This fails, just as the experiment with the Omunkun failed, but the gods will figure it out eventually. The Nanarviir from tip to tip is around 200 meters I believe, as I don't have my compendium handy.


perhaps not the usual kind of beast, but technically a living organism; the creachling core, which is the creation of everything evil, grotesque, dangerous etc. It’s a ball of slimy, black, hot goo that infects everything it touches. Its effect is so powerful that the ice empress had to freeze it in seven ria (pounds) of ice in order to transport it to the only place they could: the middle of nowhere. They chucked it into the Creachinia Desert which covers half of the planet of Anadelia where it thawed and infected almost all of it. This is also where most of the most dangerous beings reside, or rather people or animals unfortunate enough to be in distance of the infection area. They are mutated for by anger, then sickness, then death, then reanimation, then mutation. Once the mutation is complete, they are nothing like their past self, and only know evil.


Its the Diavolos. Its origins are unknown. Its age is unknown. Its appearance resembles a white furred dragon, whith scarlet red marks and christallic eyes. From what has been told, it arrived suddenly one day and quickly began destroying cities and entire kingdoms. Only after one night, the entire world feared it, which led to a ancient war.


I love it when evil appears out of nowhere with no explanation


Crazy you mention virus…in the main timeline, my BBEG was punished by the Dark God of True Death and became a sentient virus slowly turning the world’s populace into stone trees until the time was right to unleash them as his army. That same BBEG was a genius scientist, blending magic and technology. His most terrifying creation was a genetically modified t-Rex with the tactical brain of a legendary general, and a cloaking implant. I set up the trex encounters like the Predator. It was glorious.


A government bureaucrat


I'd say humans but if we're talking a true animal like beast, the Swarms leviathan wyrms. Gargantuan spaceborne creatures that can be as much as 4 miles long, they propel themselves much like rockets with gasses produced from digested ice asteroids. Dangerous on their own but the swarm then turns them into living ships with archaic weapon emplacements along its thick carapace.


An *ôrixa* can smear a human across an infinite number of orthogonal dimensions pretty much on a whim, but they're less hostile and more... whimsical. The luscapǎ are maybe more dangerous. They are huge six-legged wolves with wings that can dive on cattle or people as swift and quiet as a bird of prey. They don't normally bother to hunt humans unless they're either particularly hungry or frustrated in mating season, but some of the larger females can take down an elephant without too much trouble. Worse, they can hunt in packs.


Probably dragons, or cosmic beings, and the player character in my imaginary video game.


You also have one in your head ????


Don't we all? 🐈‍⬛ But, yeah. I do. It'll be the only thing I will make, and then I will disappear. Like a ghost 👻


Assuming we have to rule out magical monsters A Gor'chet an orcish riding mount that is half way between a horse and a komodo dragon. They are very aggressive so taming them takes a lot of work and they are as useful for directly attacking targets as the rider is himself.


***Maelid, the Empyreal one*** Maelid is one of many nymphs, enemies to the gods. As gods were from with **Pleroma**, the source of the known, nymphs were made from the **Abyssal Void**, the source of the unknown. Maelid is one of the only nymphs left that are atagonistic towards the gods. Maelid was only brought down (momentarily) when **Michael Von Angeles**, the new god of justice, fought her. Maelid harbors the power of "**Zeno’s paradox**". As in, none shall touch her as when they approach, their size will be cut in half whenever they've covered halfway. *Nymphs cannot truly die, only weakened. They come from the unknown and them dying would be definitive, known.*


Titans are kaiju like monsters born out of liberated divine essence, they each embody an aspect of reality and are skyscraper sized creatures of different shapes and form related to their domain. They constantly bleed a sort of resonance themed around their domain strong enough to infuse an aspect of themselves in everything within the are of their hunting grounds (that are roughly 300-500 k square miles each, although it depends on the titans), altering the land, the climate and even the laws of physics. Living creatures as well as the souls of the dead that come into contact with concentrated resonance transofrm in bestial titan-spawns dangerous predators themselves. Killing a titan transfer their divine essence within the killer (or the nearest sentient creature if there isn't any), for a short while all of the titans powers are at the disposal of the slayer, however it doesn't take much for the domain resonance to overwhelm the killer (there is only one case that had managed to keep their sanity and form for years, but they have an entire nation pretty much dedicated to the task and had taken the titanic essence while it was within a god not a titan). Eventually the slayer loses their mind transforms into a new version of the titan. The gods once held the titanic essences within themselves, they used the worship of mortals living and dead alike to keep the resonance contained, but when mankind turned against the gods and killed them the titanic essence broke free. The current titans are in fact the tranformed the first generation of godslayers. After the war between humanity and the gods that liberated the titans there is only a single known case of a titan having been slained, but even that one is debatable. The titan of nightmares is said to have been killed by another titan, but while its physical form hasn't been seen since, its resonance bleed effect is now stronger than when it was supposed to be alive and the titan who "killed it" doesn't seem to have changed after the fact, nor to have taken over the victim's former territory.


Dangerous to whom? Because almost every sapient race and species would probably answer "humans" to that question. And a lot of humans would probably agree.




It *was* Aerleochroal, a dragon larger than a modern super-carrier like the USS G. Ford capable of devastating entire countries and burn entire city districts in a single gout of white-hot fire. Now that the last dragon is extinct, it’d probably be the Kraken who’d otherwise compare to that dragon like a category 3 hurricane to a high category 5.


Usually for me, I like to make my beasts rock paper scissors, and this is no exception, this race is called ille qui cadit See this beast isn't particularly dangerous physical wise or magic wise, in fact its barely above a human in that aspect, however it has a special property. If you kill it, it has multiple spores, around millions of spores. These spores are communicable so, if you are even near a humanyou will also have spores grow on you. Whats even worse about the spores is that it will eventually you into into a member of the ille qui cadit gene wise but it will still keep the properties of a human. For example, if a dragon was corrupted, it would have human as well as ille qui cadit properties. Some properties of the ille qui cadit is the curse of propagation. This curse of propagation basically accelerates wounds off the body. It goes through the process of healing the body and it does it instantly, going through the whole process of healing. This however sustains incredible pain on the ille qui cadit. These ille qui cadit were created from the desire for retribution against humanity/humanities crimes against nature. And thus, the spores ability only targets humans. Powerful enough Ille qui Cadit's(Earl Class or higher) can generate a principle or authority that can override natural laws that represent their fundamental nature. For example, an ille qui Cadit who has a gluttonous urge can make a principle that allows it to generate a gravitational singularity. Also, Ille qui Cadits have a type advantage against humans as a race, as they are meant to suppress humans from becoming an overwhelming monopoly of a race, in exchange for that, their abilities against other races are 0.75x. This means that if a human is using a supernatural weapon from another race, such as a elf or a demon, its effect is nullified as part of its purpose to negate human's monopoly on the physical and supernatural world. One more fun fact is that the ille qui cadit are ranked via European ways of ranking via feudal system, and ille qui cadit nobles are subdivided into duke, marquis, earl, viscount, and baron, but the ranking system for royals is backwards. So Duke would be the lowest ranked royals and baron would be the highest ranked royals.


Black entities of the Ashlands are the worst non intelligent beast and hardest to fight as they are basically just enormous semi conscious ash storms. Next would be living woods, literally just enormous forests that can stand up and move as one. Finally there’s the Immortal Prince Mastezarai and as a god incarnate his power is pretty much game breaking in most situations


**Zharkra, god of beasts**. Though, the title would be better worded as "God among beasts.". It's a giant winged animal capable of destruction. All of its body is covered with feathers strong as iron, which is also capable of throwing in mass. Its beak and talons have enough strength to destroy small buildings and armored vehicles with ease. It flies at massive speeds that can cross a continents in a day, and running is also capable of massive sprints which no other animal can out run. In combat it is also capable of really quick dashes that makes it impossible to hit a shot from a long distance. Its screams are capable of lifting people from it's feets with the shock wave alone, also destroying any spell or magic a mage could be using. It is unknown where does it origins from, or which species it is. Not really something surprising, as creatures that held the title before are either super aggressive and killed most of their kind, or individuals of species that have extremely long lives with few members. The main theory is that it is an albino individual of the species of Horizon-birds that suffers of some sort of hyperaggressive mutation. It got it's title after going on a rampage in which it managed to kill the holder of the title. Since it got it and got the benefits of having it (No need for food, slowed down aging and a presence other creatures can feel. This was made so that the holder was less likely to go aggressive) it mostly stays in the nest it made inside a northern mountain of Silvaster(Xeroc), with a clan of goblins near it to have it controlled.


I’ve always imagined a “goddess of beats” as a feline, specially since the domestic house cats are apparently responsible for the global extinction of 33 animal species (and they can kill for fun 🫠)


Foverós, the King of the Giants. Giants are heavily tied to the Earth, as they are the ‘children’ of the Earth itself. Foverós is the eldest of the giants, and he is the most powerful. Strongest, smartest, and can control the Earth itself at a much larger scale than the rest.


I have a tank named after a cat, does that count?


It has no true name, he is the entity that likes to go by Grymme. He is an elder being that at one point was known as the other, as he shared celestial domain of the world with a me other that was his equal. They were neither good nor lawful, neither chaotic or evil for that was what mortality called their differing domains. They just simply oversaw creation, and ruled by what they saw as fit and equal, one would take the sun, the other the moon. For every action has an equal opposite. And just as such everything have a beginning, so d does everything have an ending. At that time, Grymme did not see fit to end his rule. For this he was deemed evil and selfish by mortals. There came a time when his chosen of his many domains threw him down in a celestial coup, stripping him of everything except his immortality. Now he strides the different worlds and planes aiding adventurers, and growing his fields of followers from seed once more. In order to overthrow the insolent children that stole what was his, and reap what was dealt to him ten fold. When his time of return comes, pantheons will be erased from time, so that no one, not even the ashes of their souls will remember who they were.




Elaborate ?


The Wildlanders are gangs in North America, killing everyone for the sake of power, and really, just for fun. In the post-apocalyptic world of the Americas, they are trying to destroy every single developing government and cause chaos in the lands. They are all over the New World. You can see my full summary of my world here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapChart/comments/1d4cdxz/the\_americas\_2245/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapChart/comments/1d4cdxz/the_americas_2245/)


I have basically dragons, which evolved as ambush predators, with their teeth and fangs and venom and claws and the ability to getchu from up in the sky if needed. And a pair of sharp-ass horns that I haven't decided why they're there yet. But now they're just like humans in mood and social situations and so they're not typically aggressive/deadly. Then there are the wraith/vampire creatures that can freeze you to death if they hang out within 20 feet/6ish meters of you. Or they can just move super fast and grab you and eat your life force (be it by blood drinking or soul drinking, I haven't decided). Even by the people who regularly deal with these creatures, they are regarded as highly dangerous and are sure to kill at least one person in the group. But they're restricted to places with snow and cannot get close to liquid water. And they're typically humanoid, uncommonly with animal features. And finally there are the literal embodiments of Original Evil that may not kill you directly, but can push many people all at once into extreme distress that may result in them hurting or killing each other. So it's all up to your definition.


Whatever it was that chewed the protagonist's arm off. (Haven't named the creature yet)


In one of my stories that I haven’t managed to write down yet, the whole plot revolves around a horrible genetic experiment gone wrong. A cell was created in England with extreme mutation possibilities, which could revolutionise farming and other industries like medicine. It was first tested on other cells, then small microorganisms, and it eventually was tested all the way up until it was tested on a rat. As it mutated, it also engulfed the cells of the other organism, making it a part of itself. Eventually it breached containment and slowly spread throughout the area, getting larger and larger. It slowly but surely evolved itself to become better at coping with its size until eventually it became a huge clumped mass, though in order to spread itself, it used winds to blow its own blood across Britain in order to engulf more stuff. Eventually the chunky mass manages to grow to such a scale and size, protecting itself with the debris of rock and buildings, that it spreads around the whole world, engulfing all life into it, and forming a solid crust around itself and the whole earth out of the debris. It has gained intelligence through the engulfing of so many humans. It now finds a problem, it lacks any energy sources. So using the cells of plants it engulfed, it caused branches to come off itself and to breach the crust to perform photosynthesis. As it performed this, as it’s plants decayed naturally it had to form decomposers out of old cells. Slowly but surely it forms every required niche for its ecosystems using the old cells and genetic information from its victims. It now rules the Earth from below, now its ecosystem it’s created is separate to it, and it can only watch as it knows that this is what will keep it alive. So yeah I guess that’s pretty dangerous.


Centipedes. A curled up centipede can cover an area larger than Rhode Island. They prey on dragons by luring them with a plume of mana, though they only eat once every thousand years or so. The real problem is that they also burrow, accidentally luring settlers when they kick up gold and ores. People settle on top, then the centipede gets hungry, sends up a plume, and the whole settlement goes up in flames when it wakes up. The juveniles aren't that friendly either. A baby isn't much larger than a house centipede, but its poison will kill a horse. They can start reproducing at two years old, by which time they're the size of large dogs, but out of millions of centipedes that are born each year, only a few dozen have grown to the size of the Elder Centipedes. Even so, the smaller ones are still the size of a subway, and they will eat anything that runs on magic or is made of meat. Unfortunately, humans are both.


If we exclude gods and gods related (angels, demons, archons, legendary dragons, primals, outergods etc.), it would probably be Bahamuts, big monsters from the Middleworld in Jotunheimen, that can reach mountain size.


A creature known at the Blackwing (I'm still in the naming process and thus am using lame placeholders) The Blackwing is an enormous four legged beast with a 40 foot wingspan. These creatures are as dark as the night sky itself, almost invisible to any who are unlocky enough to be away from a town. The Blackwing have two things which make them as dangerous as they are, one is their screech, reaching up to 190dB, which is enough to kill easily. The other part of the Blackwing is their tail, which has a barb on the tip which administers a hyper-lethal toxin. This toxin is known as Blackrot Disease, where whoever is unfortunate enough to experience it will die within minutes as there is no way to survive. The Blackrot disease starts the moment the poison enter its prey, where the cells of the body lose all of their fluids which leak from them, their skin shrivel as all of their orifices expel the blood and every other liquid from their body, eventually leaving them a dry husk. During the time that they are losing their fluids their flesh is falling off piece by piece, leaving it the most gruesome way someone can die in my world.


I'm glad you asked most dangerous rather than most powerful. I like making the distinction between the two clear. Dangerous would be a void dimension being that's either trapped or lost in our plane. They aren't very powerful, but they have nothing to lose, and aren't limited by our laws, even the laws of physics. Void beings are directly responsible for stories about things like Djinn, Ghosts, Possession, Vampires, and Werewolves.


mortal engine sized steam trains going 99% the speed of light. and the time dilated stations they stop at.


a timid boy named wyatt. dangerous because of what they are capable of doing, but very pasifistic and docile in nature. no matter how harmless you think something is, beware a cornered animal.


Elaborate. What can Wyatt do?


he's the child of worms. he can makes holes. small holes, big holes, deep holes, wide holes. he makes worm holes. Thats all I can share though, don't want go give too much away


Dragons — womp. Outside of dragons, there’s two that come right behind. • Cloudtouchers — Titans of multi-state leveling power. born from the anger and pain of a witch, cursing the land. Her death site is in a chasm of a mountain named after Pallas, these beast emerge from ‘The Wound.’ Bringing natural disasters in their wake. • The Patience — If I had to compare them to anything, if you’re familiar with Bleach, they’d be similar to the Espada. Patience are born when a soul unable to cross over amasses enough souls (via consumption) that can be used to transform. These souls are called ‘The Unforgiven’ in my world, unable to cross over for whatever reason. These souls are restless and aggressive, often attacking each other and consuming each other. The concentrated negative energy collapses on itself and forms the Patience. Powerful beings cursed to walk the Earth, causing chaos.


Mine is The Keeper of the Universe Azure, he is a very long ferret who holds the universe on his back.




Rustbeasts, a four-legged creature, covered with armor plating, which can camouflage in its environment. Known for teleportation, attracted to metal and resistance to damage. Any metal iseikaid often is consumed, leaving only rust. With metal, often devour crops and livestock, leaving only famine. Wounds left the rustbeast, which often cause tetanus. Worse is a rusting curse, which would turn the blood to red dust. A disease of mana that needs immediate clerical attention. Its primordial progenitor is called the Rust Rajah, a kaiju sized beast known to lay waste to countries. Often leaving the land fallow and spent. It is said that the Rajah rusts the land itself. The sheer terror of the rustbeast has made metallurgy onpar with necromancy. Blacksmiths and Necromancers are sequestered in their own sectors within cities. Towns and hamlets often forbade entry unless under Draconic remit. With blades made of bamboo and stone. The only exception are iseikaid warriors and their decendants. To the point, "steel blade" is synonymous with "noble, lord, or effendi."


The dragons. Think of your typical D&D dragon (so not just sapient, but often highly intelligent and wise beyond their immortal years), and they have an Illuminati-like council that sends liaisons to the kings, queens, emperors, etc. to ensure the world maintains a natural order, and slowly but surely enslaving the mortal races without them realizing.


A ghoul known as the boogeyman. Ghouls are humans who underwent a genetic mutation during the the convergence( and event that caused mana, a dormant energy, to permeate the world and give birth to magic). They became mindless, disfigured abominations with an insatiable thirst for mana, their way of quenching this thirst is by absorbing mana by sucking the life force out of their prey, they grow stronger as they absorb more and more mana. The boogeyman is one of the few intelligent ghouls, but what separates him from the others is his uncontrollable desire to defile everything in sight, he’s estimated to have hundreds of thousands of victims including a few gods. His aura is so repulsive that it causes people to experience extreme nausea, discomfort, and dread.


Ravelisks. They’re smart, vicious and cunning and even though they’re beasts they have been known to seek revenge. They’re described as having elongated necks, circular mouths filled with hundreds of teeth, thick muscular bodies and four toes with razor sharp claws that can slice through steel. They have thin, long tails they use as whips. Capable of flight, these creatures can travel long distances, or use their wings in short bursts. Any warrior thinking about slicing off their wings must be warned - when they are on the ground, their wings are tucked inside skin slots on their ribcages. Removing a wing is capable only during flight.


My world has a copious amount of demons and monsters, but the most dangerous beings are religious zealots.


if you say human, you're unoriginal.


The king lol. Who is decidedly human.


Why tho ?


Mostly because there is no magic and humans are pretty awful.


Mosquitoes (red fever, it rises blood pressure the hell up. Many end up with a stroke); Also the damn spectral hive mund of beetles that follow and channel higher mana, usually specters (mana to powerful to be dragged by gravity and other mana, but too weak to have actual sentience and fight back. It copies souls before they dissipate from the realm. These bugs channel their personality and memories and follow the thread of life/karma to those attached to them, usually grievers, and haunt them. until you follow them and speak with the echo of the echo of the dead as they feed on you Danhellions (Not due to hell but rather "hellios" as in the sun, because the water, specially when it freezes, causes it to sparkles high up. Its a big grass plant whose seed is like a dandellion in the way it spreads but as it detaches the seed, as short lived as it is, "burns" or rather spoils or something with a symbiotic fungus/mold, im not sure, the point is that it ends up in very very high altitudes and therefore spreads pretty much everywhere. It falls when it encounters enough humidity to soak and become heavier, so it often falls on fertile lands. That is not the issue however but rather that the fungus it uses has spores that causes very severe allergic reactions. Think peanut allergy. Does this count as a beast?) ~~Humans and their wars.~~ ~~Goblins and their organized rapey raids~~. Probably among the animals it would be one similar to a slugcat but more like a mix between a racoon, or a squirrel, and a ferret. They are small but absolutely vicious if you invade their territory. Freakishly fast and dexterous, it is hard to pin them down. They will run all over your body scratching eyes, rippping your throath out with their bucker teeth, or your stomach in a flurry of scratching with their powerful legs. What is worse is that their claws are full of shit, literally and if they dont kill you of blood loss, or using their bodies, tail included, to catapult a rock at you, they will with an infection On the sea it has to be sea serpents because they spit high pressure water and can wreak havoc on any small boat, or if you are unlucky, your sail. They are also numerous, although the migration of the younglings is actually fished for food which controls the population. They are not the deadliest in power on the sea, even ignoring poison and such, but they cause the most death by drowning or thirst On the sky it has to be wyverns. Dragons are too smart to meddle with any society, and birds tend to be on the small side. Wyverns are not THE most dangerous beast, but they are a menace if you are a sheep, or a kid, or traversing a mountain of their territory. If they cant fight you they WILL drag your horse, and cart with it, over the edge of a cliff. It is not that much of a menace if you are armed and armored though


Previously, it was the shrieker dragon for its destructive power, as it can reduce a castle to dust using weaponized sound. Original size was four houses long, and was as tall as a four storey building (of course, I am revising the size because the logistics made no sense after looking back at it). For what it looked like: imagine a giant black bat with a long tail. Nowadays, one of the more notably dangerous creatures is either the phoenix dragon or the greater owl dragon. The phoenix dragon is dangerous NOT just because it likes to cosplay as the human torch from time to time, but it lets out a fiery explosion when it reaches the end of its life for reasons not yet widely understood (it doesn't reincarnate, sorry). The greater owl dragon is effectively an apex predator of the skies, and isn't adverse to taking on prey larger than itself like FREAKING TITANOSAURS. The thing these two dragons have in common (other than looking like birds), is they're both sapient. Besides that, my world is boring and has plain-old dinosaurs like Tarbosaurus and maybe Nanuqsaurus (someone suggested I had Alioramus in another post). There is no T. rex, not because I don't like him or think he's overrated, but because T. rex is... *weird* in that it's currently the only known large land carnivore in North America during its time (it's possible it literally ate out its competition, as in: it ate all their food and probably ate them too).


theres a gargantuan mountains sized gorilla lizard hybrid called the Ladon that guards the tree of life and the golden apples that grow from it, the Ladon can use illusion magic and is freakishly fast so theres a large likelyhood that you wont even see it before it kills you.


Do Eldritch horrors count? Chhuthlu. Hydra. Kraken. Gorgon. Leviathan. Jormungandr. All those horrors you could hope for. My own horrors are added too. Dark Succubus. World Razor. The Blip. The Dark Age Monster. Black Sun. Tyrant Quasar. Dead Galaxy. Necronomicon. The Beast. The Eternal War Monster. And so many others. So many to see. To feel despair and horror. To fight and kill. They come from beyond the limits of the observable universe. The Black Beacon is their Champion. Their Emperor. They surpass even the Star Gods. The Star Gods who rivaled Godlike humanity at its height. The horrors they perpetrated were too Grimdark. Too terrifying. So they were removed from canon. Along with the Star Gods. Godlike humanity and the United intergalactic community and the entire canon after the Great Recovery were also removed. It was replaced by the terrifying Artificial Intelligence who destroyed the entire universe. Eternet. It was unfortunate. And I think it might be one of my greatest mistakes. Do you think it was a mistake? Even in the Grimdark World of March of Empires they were deemed too Grimdark to be kept canon.


Lot of things to pick from, frankly, but I'll go with the only one that actively hunts humans year round. The Scintillator is a huge, heavyset predator native to the Blighted Forests of the dead continent, where Thaum seeps from the ground and life has evolved to survive and wield magic. Technically descended from maniraptoran dinosaurs, a distant relative of the common and domesticated houndfowl who've lived among humans for millennia, the Scintillator is barely reconizable as a close relative of birds or even a dinosaur, appearing as little more than a shambling, shaggy mass illuminated from within by the two searingly bright points of light that are it's eyes, the Scintillator's greatest weapon as a predator. The Scintillator's eyes are capable of leaving a magical mark on a prey item, and no matter how far it travels, the Scintillator will be able to track them with it's specialized larvae. Like most magical fauna of the dead continent, the Scintillator produces two forms of offspring. Those created through sexual reproduction that will grow into adults, and those periodically produced asexually, called Larvae. Larvae evolved first as basically a way to vent excess thaum from the system, but one clade, of which the Scintillator is a part, evolved to take advantage of these extremely magical, disposable clone babies. Both male and female Scintillator's produce larva in a specialized fork of their reproductive system, typically in clutches of 4 or 5. The larvae are born flighted, and will live in the Scintillator's shaggy ratite-like feathers until it marks a target. When a potential prey item is marked, the current clutch of larvae will spend the rest of their short lifespans tracking that specific target for the Scintillator. A Scintillator can have multiple overlapping clutches, each clutch locked onto a different target, and each time a larvae returns to the scintillator, it will magically transfer a detailed set of information on the target's status, keeping it updated on when the ideal time to try and ambush a given prey item. Their preferred method for taking down prey is to use their freaky jaws to crush it's head while they're asleep. The clade the Scintillator is apart of has integrated their arms into their jaw structure, allowing them to shoot out their lower jaw at high speeds. In the case of the scintillator the front teeth of the lower jaw have evolved into an armored plate ideal for intraspecific combat, knocking over fleeing prey, and using the earth as an anvil upon which to pulverize brains. Scary predator behavior aside, it's worth noting they are also amazing parents. A mated pair will stick together until their proper offspring can hunt on their own, and are very protective of them, to the point they'll even kill other Scintillators who hang around the nest (scintillators will crush rivals eggs if left unattended)


In one of my (wip) worlds the answer is “enigma radiation”, the alloy that the alien ships are made of carried an unknown radioactive particle, which mutated the local fauna and flora, killing humans and creating Kaijus (mutated animals), an alien nuclear fallout


The furor/furoris outbreak, zombies


In Ambron, its properly the King’s Aid, which can effectively wipe out a nation given some a few weeks. In the Province Reports, it’s probably The Blue Valley Shaman or the Cloud Mountain Goat. The Shaman is a creature thar while once human is now anything but. Resembling a wendigo, his face is semi human and he leads the Cult of the Deer. The Cloud Mountain Goat is largely believed to be Saran personified, which isn’t actually correct, its Paimon. The Goat is unusually large, has vivid red eyes, and seems to always cause doom and death where it is. Theres also a couple reports of it morphing into a humanoid creature usually followed by several deaths and a supernatural occurrence or two. The Librarian and the CPD have tried to capture or kill both, and have always failed. Usually resulting in more death, including the infamous Province Massacre.


In my homebrew galaxy, the main world of my main character is a world of dinosaurs - the dinosaurs were "saved" 65 million years ago by another spacial entity that saves dying non-sentient races (and then is able to speed up the evolutionary process to make them sentient). The sentient inhabitants of this galaxy are varients of Raptor Species. They are considered races. Velociraptor, Deonychus, Utahraptor And yes, they are the feathered variety of dinosaurs. Evolution had varied them to stand more upright than their predecessors and there height range is between 4' and 6'5 as adults. There are of course exceptions to the rule (each race has a height range due to genetics - ill probably specify later when I figure more of the details out). That being said, on this world, your normal titanic predators still exist - TRex, Giganotosaus, spinosaurus, etc. Cities and commonly travelled roads are protected agains the beasts but occasionally can cause issue for the inhabitants. On this world, named Cretacea (imaginitive, lol) (the star system is named Mezozoa) - they are the most dangerous of the worlds inhabitants. However, other worlds have other dangers.


The prehistoric dragons. They didn't have fire breath but instead had their version of Godzilla's atomic breath which could destroy things on a molecular level. They were also immortal and could come in any size


Infernals roaming around would be the most dangerous due to their resistance to magic. Technically they're not from the same reality as they come from the Downworld but every 30 years incursions happen, 99% are contained and go well but every now and then, infernals invade the land. They come in all shapes but they're all vicious monsters. Good thing we got Infernal Slayers around to hunt them down tho


Deep within the forests of the northeast, there resides a white-haired creature so foul, so cruel, so underestimated, that few have fought with it, and emerged unbruised.


Beast? Dragons. Yeah, i know cliche, but it's a goodie. Though most people don't believe they exist, since they are *extremely* rare, being hunted close to extinction by heroes and Weavers of ages past. Most that are still alive are either exceedingly reclusive or live among humanoids in plain sight. Though if we are talking about creatures? Humans. No need for elaboration, me thinks.




An apple.


Probably demons. Some are 2 stories tall and you need artillery to take them down. Those aren't the scary ones. The scary ones are like terminators. They look like people but are better in every way. They are diverse and don't have a strategy or orders, just a biological compulsion to kill. If one is after you, you have no hope.


As a group? Gotta go with the Titans, towering abominations fused with various animals. They wander aimlessly trampling and destroying everything in their wake. There are on a fixed number of them. But the issue is that they are immortal. Killing one simply puts it on a timer till it revives, this can take weeks, months or years. But it will happen. Then they hunt the ones that killed them, or anyone related to them. This Titan Slayers are outcastes and sent far away from their home in voluntary exiles. They are leftover bioweapons from the final days of the war of Dawn when the gods were at their most desperate. As an individual probably the Dread Sea King. A massive sea serpent that slumbers in the deep places of the world. Thankfully the magic that binds him to sleep have held for now.


More than a thousand bodies fused together after a huge explosion erupted amidst the battle between neanderthal knights and warriors. It was the king who “wished” the battle won, and so, “magic” with its twisted own thought made everyone one. The one man army was born, every armored body was like a cell, every spear was either just a spear or like a flagella, it moved like a giant microbe and it was uncharacteristically fast. It would roam for hundreds of years in a 10km radius like a dog tied to a leash. It was disturbed a few times until it was hailed as a moving landmark, people of planet Fort love power and they cannot bring themselves to kill such a fine specimen. But just right after that battle, the king’s emergency son came to rescue, although not a biological son, he was bred throughout generations by king’s ascendants to become a medieval super-soldier neanderthal. He was there to finish the one man army and free everyone, but even though he was 2.4 meters tall with a heavy build and thick bones, armored up with an experimental exoskeleton plates (medieval mind you), 10 cans of magic, a fat spear, he was just an ant near the One. The battle was fierce, the son would use cans of magic to “blink” from one place to another just to avoid the weight of the One. While holding a can he “wished” his spear to decimate, the spear would glitter in all colors, anything in its path getting mangled, frozen, burnt, but even a strike from such a deadly weapon was nothing to One. There were many more wishes, explosions but all in vain, at the end, Son fused with the One… There are more powerful beings than One, but those beings arent beasts like One.


The Eternal Black Dragon. A beast of incomprehensible power and size, the EBD is a massive wyvern with varying shades of obsidian black scales, it has rainbow colored crystals growing out of it and can be seen all over its body. The crystals are a direct result of its mana output and capacity, it is unknown why mana crystallizes but it can't controlled either so the crystals can form anywhere on or in its body such as a vein or organ. Thus, being the only known natural death for it, theoretically of course. It has many abilities but aside from being able to use every element and possessing immense physical strength, it can also drain and feed of mana. Those 2 particular abilities are what allows it to keep my other titans in check and reign supreme as the alpha. Surprisingly there have only been 3 EBDs since the first one, the one currently alive is over 24 thousand years old while the previous 2 were well over 200 thousand individually, what's more it isn't fully grown either and it's only around 500 ft tall when on all fours.


Aside from the obligatory "humans": **Elenon**: Dirginaks and chat-yanis, which are two closely related species of wyvern. ***Man of the Dinosaurs***: fraught with many dangers. The most feared are *Allosauruses* and packs of raptors.


Zantia - Wrathlings were the most dangerous non-bacteria and the disease that made them and 99.9% of the total global dragon population extinct being the black breath. Andrean - whatever hellspawn is going to come from Kaladin and Anesia's union. Gods have Mercy on whoever happens to be the nurse for that child. Olm - Astyanax, if it wasn't for his own morality and the Magistrates incompetence he would have taken over the nine Kingdoms easily.


The rare Omikuem Mosquito, one incident in which a human was bitten led to the largest disease outbreak in Koran history, killing 20% of the entire population. Luckily for humans, they mainly live around pools in empty grasslands, but a rare encounter could threaten all of humankind.


Inostrancevia and Daeodon.


The Mu-Ku-Ku AKA giant apes 🦍. Literally giants but as apes 🦧 with semi human intelligence they effectively cut off two human kingdoms completely.


I will consider the most dangerous as "You have the least chance of survival in case of a direct encounter" Across the Desolated Mountains that split two continents,for hundreds of kilometers relics of bones from an entire nation on the run, harassed by thousands upon thousands of speard and blades, and followed by the patient spectre of hunger. But tonight is not the tale of this tragedy, but of the unspeakable horror those millions uncovered. Inside the desert of salt, where water is but an illusion as fleeting as their thin legs, they were tracked by the armies of hatred, and in front of them a silent figure, sucking out the dry marrow of a old bone. There Thrond was standing, it's obscene and vulgar attribute erected at the sight of so many new toys. For he was condemned to eternal damnation and boredom in the heart of a land of death. For he who sought to stay immortal through his bloodline, was condemned to immortality in a sterile land. For he who violated the most primeval taboos in an era where civilisations were made of stone and fire, would seek nothing else but to violate and desacrate until the wind of time erode the whole world. Some scholars estimate the population of the Exodus at about 4 millions people. Arriving at the other side of the world, the 1000 that survived stated that half of them and nearly every of the armies on their tracks were anihilated by Thrond, escaping his thick and unbreakable limbs only because he couldn't kill so many at once. Was he a human? A primitive Wijs that degenerated far beyond the model of calm and erudition this race would reach? A biped Lothar? Is thick and savage fur hid too much details to be sure.


Afintis (lovers touch) When a afintis touches you, your heart stops in a unique way, you are still alive and heart beating but your heart cant move on any axis but the rest of your body can. Think of it like this keep your hand in the air in one place and dont move it now try and walk forward. Your stuck,if you are one that accidentally moved their hand and walked forward congratulations if u were touched by a afintis your heart would be ripped out loose inside you. Just a fate of standing in one place or you die the only way to escape is to rip your heart out thats why its nicknamed lovers touch.only other choice is to starve or go insane why any victims are called wailing statues


Currently I have no name for them, but they look like a bioluminescent cross between an elephant, a rhino, and a horse. They also *look* like herbivores, but they’re actually pack-hunting omnivores that can turn cannibalistic if there’s a shortage of food.


This is an interesting question with several different possible answers. Most dangerous beast to people? Probably a dragon. With a natural affinity for magic, an aggressive and often violent predator roughly the size of a saltwater crocodile but with more traditional dragon proportions, these are one of the most dangerous creatures in normal person could conceivably run into. Most powerful single creature capable of fighting another, that isn't some form of person? Probably a sea dragon. These beasts usually live deep underwater and could no longer fly, and generally posed no danger at all to people, but they are significantly larger than other dragons, and their strength in magical power has increased proportionally. What most nations were considered to be threat to their existence? Zombies. Not technically a creature so much as a parasitic fungus reanimating a body it has consumed from the inside out making use of the muscles and bones of the dead host in order to move about, attack and consume other life, and spread its spores, zombies are a threat that can grow exponentially in danger if not dealt with immediately. Even the potential of a zombie outbreak is enough for warring Nations to put aside their differences and work together to end the mutual threat.


Human. Human is the most dangerous animal.


A pack of teenage girls given absolute power over a boy.


Kinda looks like a hellhound from CoD, but more skeleton-like. It screams and when it does the sound travels out like a cone and instantaneously evaporates any organic matter in its path. It’s very fun writing them into my story without nerfing them or giving characters plot armor. Yeah people get messed up when they’re around.


The Genocide Beast of Siren. Genocide Beasts being rare demons formed when a great number of people die en masse via war, genocide, or hunger. What makes the Genocide Beast of Siren the worst of them all is that it was born from the mass killing of the Siren people - beings who could manipulate energy by the sound and resonance of their voice. So what happens when you have a near mindless creature who can scream at frequencies that could literally kill in  proximity? A walking death machine. It is likely first to deafen and because its footsteps create no sound or vibration, you may not even notice how close it is to you unless you see it. But hard to see if your eyes have exploded by other frequencies. The main power in this world are magics which bind and seal. Sirens were unique in their abilities that they earned the moniker of "Sealbreakers". Luckily the entity is trapped in a demonic maze where sound is dampened but that doesn't stop it from killing folks near enough to still hear its' cries.




Of lions ?


I'm not gonna say the most, because that's a main story plotline so no thank you, but I'm gonna say the second most. Dragons: 250-300kg in weight, about the size of a Polar Bear fully able to fly, They are related to Yi Qi and although they do not spit fire but is an extremely unpredictable kleptoparasitic creature. Highly violent against anything they consider a threat. If one sees you and decides you are a threat you are better of death


The top three, in order: #3, the Drake. A massive beast, known to rampage villages and destroy anything standing between them and their next meal. They stand at about 60 feet tall, and can usually breath fire or spit acid. #2, The Unicorn. A horrible, mind-controlling horse-like creature. As a yearling, they are about the size of a full grown Clydesdale horse. They are known for their single horn, and putrid smell. There are only about 170 of them in the world right now. #1, The Wyrm. The most feared, respected, and hated creature in all the land. Able to fly through the ground just as easy they do the air. Their mouths are a disgusting maw of death, consuming anything and everything they please. They are known to destroy entire strongholds in seconds. To the luck of humans, only eleven of them remain in the world today.


In my first world it's the crawling continent, so basically the world has zombies named coronals after the spikes that the infected nerves turn into, and they often meld together into a more powerful chimera, one of these became large enough to be considered a living tectonic plate. My second world is quite young so I don't have something like this yet, and I don't have anything that really fits the necessary bill.


In my realm, there's a leonin continent. Those from outside of it must undergo a trial to be worthy of traveling there. This trial involves going to a middleman Island between the mainland and leonin mainland. You have to make it to the other side of the island alive, that's it. There's a giant arcane charged bear in the woods on the small island and players aren't tasked with taking it down, it's pretty fucking crazy powerful. They just have to survive and make it to the other side. I haven't designed the specific specs for this bear yet but, it's supposed to be so powerful that players have very little hope of defeating it.


Demons They range from shadows, to eldritch abominations and there are billions of them




The veil itself. Paralytic time magic, covers most of the world like toxic smog. Get caught out there and you’re stuck as a living statue, aware of every moment of your eternity. Get stuck where the veil is thickest and you’ll at least know death. You’ll crumble into dust, albeit slowly.


I read this as most dangerous breast


ironscale dragons. while all dragons produce biological iron for their teeth ironscales take it a step further by having iron scales. bullets bounce right off of them and even artillery fire has a hard time taking them down. the only strategy to kill them is for a thermal signal seeking missile to be fired at them from the side when they start breathing fire so the concussive force breaks their neck or to trick them into going into deep water because they are unable to swim.


Krakens (mainly the fabled Primordial Kraken that slapped several hundred seemingly immortal dragons so hard that it turned them into comparatively stunted and impotent hydras and wyrms over several hundreds of thousands of years of psionic torment) are probably the single strongest individual creatures in the Material Plane. Whether the Primordial Kraken is still around or not keeps the gods awake at night because nobody really knows but if it's out there its easily millions of years old and capable of some seriously reality warping shit. The Abyssal Plane has several horrendously powerful unknown entities within it that nobody talks about because even thinking about them is said to draw them nearer, including a seemingly sentient creeping blackness that even the gods fear because it can (and has) devoured god-adjacent beings before.


Probably still mosquitoes. That's the most deadly animal in the world today.


Some rogue AI defense systems still roam the once thriving core systems of the fallen galactic empire. Everything from planetary surface patrol robots to spaceborne fleets of unmanned warships. They prey upon any outsider trespassing with accuracy and fury unmatched by any human. Few survive encountering them, and they have become something akin to supernatural beasts to the remnants of primitive civilisations still inhabiting the galaxy.


In my story, it really depends on time, place, and many other factors Mostly because their isn’t just ONE deadly thing to worry about


That depends on your definition of dangerous, the most powerful single combatant my party will face is Tian-Zhou a draconic god, but the worst he will do is kill you, there are flesh abomination that fester in the dark places of the world that will absorb you into them where you can never truly die but your consciousness is one of eternal torment on the verge of life and death so the thing can use your soul as a necromantic power source


The monstrosities My world is a post apocalyptic city full of sentient living dolls that are trying to survive. There are different monsters in the world that vary in size shape and lethality towards the doll people. The most dangerous types being “The Monstrosities.” They tower over the dolls because they take the vague shape of humans, but they look to be made of a think dark ink like substance. They have strength that far exceeds the average human yet there bodies look fragile and frail. Magic in this world usually involves using the blood of the various monsters. The stronger blood, the stronger the magic. Just the smallest amount of blood from a Monstrosity can make incredibly powerful magic.


The Shadow King. Lurking in the dark, the Shadow King steals the shadows of people and turns them into Shades, which are extensions of himself, leaving his victims in a comatose state. The victim’s breath and heartbeat slow, and the comatose state is so deep that most people often think the victims are dead. If the Shadow King is able to amass a large enough army, he’ll be able to cover all the world of Eretor in darkness, leaving everyone asleep as he remains the only conscious being left. The world will be populated by his Shades, and he will forever be alone




Oh no…


Humans. Unless we are talking kill count, then it is bacteriophages.


Specifically for Beasts, Fehrehn the Lover. He's a soul who died in the middle of killing the dudes who killed his wife in front of him and now, in the spirit realm, he is the literal embodiment of Rage. Even other Legends are scared of him lol


In folklore it’s known as “The Beast that Does Not Die” Many ages ago, when the borders between realms were thinner, someone managed to pull a fragment of the Great Hunter (elder god of rage, bloodshed, and the wilds) into the mortal realm. Specifically a fragment of his hide. When that hide comes into contact with a living creature, it bonds to both their body and soul, transforming them into a near unstoppable force that knows only rage and slaughter. Even if they manage to be subdued, the Beast does not die. For the beast is not the bearer of the hide, but the hide itself. Indestructible by all known means, and imbued with a fragment of the Great Hunter’s will, with bearer’s death the hide gets more powerful, gaining both the physical strength of the bearer and some modicum of intelligence from their soul now shackled to the hide. No one knows how many times the Beast has awoken and been subdued, but careful scholars have noted that each time the Beast was harder to take down, destroyed more in its swath of destruction, and has been slowly acting smarter and with tactical strategy. At some point, it’s going to be too much, and it won’t be able to be stopped.


Some silly furry dragon thats shorter than most humans Its a bit silly :3


Bylhaut. An absolutely colossal boar like beast, large as a city. Two massive horns with a set of tusks to go with it, a flame colored orange main with hair that trails down its back, purple and black skin stretched across its body, and cold dead ice blue eyes. It's flaming breath is near inconsequential to it's mere existence. It is so heavy that the earth itself cannot support it. Every time it takes a step, its feet sink hundreds of feet, causing shockwaves as it moves. It's roar is powerful enough to knock down trees, and its tail can cause extreme winds just by waving quickly. Its body is so massive that as it began forming it swallowed elements of the city it was in and its people and used them to form itself. Metal fused to support its skeleton, stone and brick were transformed into horns and armor, any flesh that was caught was used to fuel the beasts muscle. The name Bylhaut is not its true name, for it does not have one. But upon its arrival people believed the beast was Bylhaut, the God of the apocalypse.


The most dangerous beast is the mountain quake. Its elemental breath can cause giant dust storms that can wipe out a whole kingdom. Luckily there are only 5 of these dragons in existence and they mate at a very slow rate.


A dumb looking robot when say too many mean words to him. I still have the cracks.


The Hush. The hush looks like a mix between a dragon and a wolf. It is covered in a light blue fur with patches of scale. The hush has the ability to modify sound in an certain area it chooses. It can quiet the sound around itself to move quietly and amplify sound around its target to stun them. If more than a stun is needed it will let out a loud bark amplified around the target. It has an enraged state that makes its fur receede and only scale is visible. It moves around faster and it amps up sound so much that the sound of your heartbeat or just you breathing could kill you. This is only the second most dangerous cause i dont know how to explain the first.


Definitly the Incarnations, fundamental forces of reality, but they are limited by their equal and opposite incarnations, so their not much of an active threat. So the next up are dragons, in my world they are beings of the two fundamental "forces" that created everything, the incarnations are unbalanced, with their counter balances being unbalanced the other way. The largest concentration of Dymar and Void that are balanced is the 6 Imperiums, matter, energy, and the abstraction of physical laws. The other 3 are the half and half combos of those three. Dymar and Void in density will gain sentience. But they are too fundamental and transient to become sentient fully, so instead, dragons are formed by the power, and as such dragons are the sentient creatures with the greatest volume of Dymar and Void that is balanced. They have powers of fundamental reality.


In an old story I had it was Oblivion, Soul, and Heart Dragons. They were summoned using the Megeron (ancient artifact that hosted a god) in order to destroy the Residom Empire (Ancient Race) and reset the world and free the slaves. Oblivion destroyed the Residom and their empire, Soul resorted the land, and heart protected the people both mind and body. All dragons descended from these 3 dragons. After their mission was complete they separated and all went into hibernation in different areas across the world with one culture considering them gods in their own rights eventually.


The One That Speaks Last A strange creature which was trapped in a cave deep underground amongst the ruins of a decimated dwarven city. Its enormous body is something like a complicated stick insect made of coral. It uses it’s endless thin-forked protrusions to find the tiniest sounds which it then hunts down to the source and ends it with terrifying sound-based abilities Through thread-thin cracks in the cave, it’s picked up faint sounds from the outside which it cannot reach with its normal abilities and so it reaches out with far-reaching whispers to pierce and persuade minds It seeks to be free of its prison so it can finally and devastatingly, truly be what it is so named. When it is finally the last thing alive that makes noise, it will speak aloud of it‘s own voice and no one will be there to hear it Had an odd dream which led to this - (Art imitating life?)


Probably Vanar.   Vanar is the oldest and the strongest Omen to continue to exist. Omens are beings/super-organisms basically fatalistically predestined to cause and usher in cataclysmic and chaotic events, whether it be something such as a small towns collapse or entire apocalyptic extinction-level events.  They cannot die by any conventional means, other than another Omen, having a form of “plot armor”. Even if they do die by anything other than another Omen, they will simply be reborn later.   Vanar is a massive, quadrupedal lupine-esque being with a jaws that open/split into a quad-hinged fashion, similar to a grotesque flower. It is basically a the literal physical embodiment of the archetype of the “Beast of Destruction” trope present within all myths. Nothing could cause any great harm to him and he knew it, with no age being disclosed but he’s estimated to have been around 389 million years old as a simple estimate; that’s simply from carbon dating his remains however.   The Omens jaws, teeth, and bite force were so incredibly potent, due to that of Vanars occult ability of consumption occult- a very simple ability elevated to extreme levels, allowing him to be capable of consuming, ingesting, digesting and metabolizing anything…. And I mean anything. This consumption could outright erase matter or energy from existence once digested. His teeth could shear, tear, and rip through legitimately anything including intangible concepts and non-Newtonian substances such as god cells, the flesh of deities. The beast was so powerful in fact  that it was given the epithet of the “Jaws of Omen”.   However despite its immense power, somehow, some way; Vanar’s corpse is all that remains of the once great Omen. This beings death was never “meant” to occur- it went against  directive:


Former King Atrit of the Sulihians. Atrit was once a regular Sulihian (race of bat like humanoids) who was the king of one of there meany kingdom. Atrit was ambitious and viewed himself as the greatest Sulihian to have ever been birthed, rivalled only by there god Suliho. Thus he began to unify the meany Sulihian kingdom, conquering all the kingdoms in the western mountains of Heph before being halted by the Faintut, one of the leaders of the Dilios (armadillo like humanoids). During his conquests, Atrit would use magic to fuse the wings and body mass of the fallen kings into his own, giving him substantially more power and speed beyond what any Sulihians could ever hope to achieve. Atrit would become obsessed with the power he was gaining and soon would begin to consume the other Sulihians in his realm to become more powerful, with hopes to surpass Suliho and perhaps even the might of the Couple (the top gods), with his ambition soon catching on with the nobles and leading them to copy his canabalistic actions, soon naming themselves Atriticites. This would capture the eye of Suliho, who deemed the abomination that Atrit had become to be unfit to rule. Conspiring with the priests of the kingdom, his brother Tersitis, and Faintut, Suliho would orchestrate a plan to dispel the consumed from Atrit by changing his energy through the priests to cripple the beast and using Faintuts army of Dilios to push Atrit and his followers deep into a mountain while Tersitis commanded the earth to envelop the Sulihians in the cave. It was a bloody conflict, the Atriticite were strong and capable of destroying entire groups of Dilios in one swipe of there claws, even giving the gods some difficulty. But the Dilios were brave and fought on, with Suliho landing a devastating blow on Atrit and forcing the Atriticites back into the mountain. The plan almost succeeded, however not only did a few of Atrits followers escape, but before the mountain could be close completely Atrit almost escaped by holding back the stone summoned by Tersitis. Only being sealed when Faintut sacrificed himself by tackling Atrit further into the mountain. It’s thought however, that Atrit carved his way out of the cave by consuming most of his followers trapped inside with him and flew over his former kingdom at night, as to avoid the sight of the gods. His mind broken, more beast than sentient. The unlucky who live on the mountains of Heph may encounter a Atriticite. But the truly damed, who choose to roam around the mountains at night while invoicing the name of Faintut will be torn apart in the blink of an eye by the Former King Atrit of the Sulihians. **TL;DR**) Mad Bat King and followers canablises there race to become powerful beasts, gose mad after trying to fight two gods and an army and thus gets locked in a mountain, escapes with a few followers and will kill you at night


Ir'yku a fallen true angle (which means hes not made through belief like the gods that actually play a role in the world, instead he has true god power). he is a 70 meter tall monster with greatswords for hands, a spiky bird cage with a biblically accurate angle inside for a head, a semi humanoid body, a long whip like tail, and 8 50 km long tentacles coming out its back that can swing so fast they break massively hypersonic speeds while having 3 spear heads on the ends that open like claws which then shoot laser beams that can shop through anything... also it can fly by forming membranes between its tentacle to make wings. it can survive the barrage from a super battleship armed with soul fueled guns that shoot mini nukes while also taking the full firepower of 400 galleons and being pretty much fine. one of the most powerful gods (who follow the power of belief rules) tried to manifest in the mortal realm for a second to try and subjugate this creature to its will before getting backslapped so hard by it that an entire city of over 100k people had their souls obliterated from the burst of energy. and it has even killed a giant bug monster from space that was a species with one member who survived being shot by a giant dwarf schwerer gustav that launched it straight through a mountain range (the monster died shortly after because of basically being torn apart by the blast, but still impressive that it wasent totally disintegrated), and Ir'yku sliced it into diced bits each about the size of a elephant (the bug monster was around 120 meters tall) for reference people have to fight this thing with early cannons when not using magic


**Serious:** Essentially god himself, who views the world as a petri dish that continuously goes wrong. **Funny:** Andreas Breuer, german baker, capable of being everywhere at the same time because I once messed up and somehow roleplayed in two groups that were miles apart.


Dragons and fairies are pretty dangerous.


The Oro Superorganism. Imagine a cross between Pando/Armillaria and the Mystery Flesh Pit. It's an ancient, gargantuan organism descended from lichens. Mostly underground, it is a vast network of mycelium that somewhat resemble neural synapses. These mycelium have grown so large in some areas that they actually form cave systems known as "the Graveroot". Almost all of the "plant" life in the Kershaw Basin, the region the OS inhabits, stems from the OS itself. Many of these species exhibit traits from both flora and fungi, and all can receive communication signals from the OS. The OS therefore controls and heavily influences the ecosystem of the Basin. It can redirect nutrients from one area to another. It can kill off huge swathes by releasing toxic spores. It can decay and mulch the forest floor to "reset" areas. It can even distribute psychoactive spores to relay signals to non-fungal and non-floral organisms. The OS is the God of the Kershaw basin.


if we arent talking about gods themselves that would be a primordial. magic/psyker abilities exist because basically god is dying. he can no longer uphold the laws of the universe by himself. in my universe a god actually has to give up a part of his soul to creat a living being, mining every being technically has the inherent potential to reshape reality. so, since god/the architect cannot uphold the laws of the universe by himself anymore people can do magic. people fucking with the universes laws and doing magic basically accelerates gods death and makes him more and more fragmented. so he created primordials. beings made from stone and crystal that can take on any shape they wish. they dont just have extremely big soul fragments, making them inherently powerful, but they also share all knowledge with the other primordials. they are walking libraries of gods will, taking care of any that may overstep their boundaries. they are one of the conequences of what happens when you delve too deep into the arcane


The Xharwyrms, which I've talked about before on this sub. Enormous worm-like creatures that don't have any mind until given one by a living person. They are integral to the continued existence of the universe, as they eat errant extra-universal debris, acting as antibodies. Unfortunately, that includes everything not specifically marked as ok, which means anything that registers above Xharral-1.0 (the baseline 'level' of reality, smaller the number the more you can scrutinise it before it breaks down into essentially magic.) gets eaten. Oh, and, due to the things they're eating, the food that their teeth pierce into start leaking internal Xharral complexes, which are essentially the history/identity of the thing. This, unfortunately, includes people, and the property of the wyrms extends to their teeth even when disconnected, meaning that there exists several blades that can just remove a person from history and effectively memory-whole them. Fun!


A Vishargo. Similar to a Behir from D&D, except they don't have a breath-weapon, but they're intelligent and devious.


Probably the Great Drake since he is literally the core of the earth. He’s sleeping though


Sapient life and some disease carrying insects aside. When talking animals, corruptions and beasts alike then statistically the most dangerous and fatal is not any of the sea monsters or larger land dwelling creatures domesticated nor wild alike. It would in fact be the quite humble "chimney drake". This rather small omnivorous flying lizard in the order of bat-wyverns is not only known for its social nature, chirps, bright and interesting colour patterns or even capabilities as a fuzzy pet. More interestingly it is known for its choice of housing by nestling deep in hollow trees, small chasms and narrow cracks in cliffs where they and their families can form large intricate social colonies. Since ancient times this bold and chipper creature has likewise also found the homes of our peoples equally as attractive for nesting if not much moreso. By gathering many tiny sticks, leaves, feathers, fur and small branches alongside shiny baubles and other junk they like to create very warm, very insulated dense nests inside chimneys of common homes during spring and summer to survive fall and winter. The creature is also smart and intelligent enough to circumvent, remodel and remove many protective measures placed to defend against intrusion, going as far as trying random keys it finds or steals if they manage to recognise a lock. A behaviour it probably mimicks from its close neighbours. Multiple nests can be present in a single chimney. Each year thousands of families die by housefires, smoke or asphyxiation. either caused by the drakes defending their nests as they can spray a small and limited amount of burning liquid on other hostile chimney drakes, the homeowners set to remove them unprofessionally or fireplace fires being lit with owners oblivious of the hidden occupants. As such it is always a good idea to inspect and clean every chimney regularly, preferably by calling a professional chimney sweeper. Additionally by providing adequate nesting boxes or decoy chimneys nearby as alternative may also redirect returning drakes from ravaging your chimneys. Beware, while hunting and deterring drakes on local properties, besides involving poison, is not illegal. Aggressive action in general is ill advised deu to the many risks and potential consequences involved especially if a local colony takes note and gets involved.


The Bedgaar is an enormous shark-like sea monster created in the ancient past by a cyborg vampire mad scientist. For most of its several thousand year existence it made its home in an area of the ocean so polluted by industry that ships couldn't venture there anyway because the water would melt through their undersides. Recently though it has moved to a new hunting ground, which unfortunately is smack dab in the middle of one of the world's most important sea lane, which has now been rendered impassable because of the Bedgaar preying on ships. This has the knock on of causing a drawn out war for control of the only alternative passage.


The psychopomps are some of the most dangerous. They’re the result of magicka partially unmaking a person but failing to do so entirely – usually this happens because a mage gets a bit too bold and goes overboard with his casting. They’re half-collapsed into the stream of magicka but still half-physical, so they exist in the physical world and just emit massive quantities of magicka until they inevitably collapse fully and become part of the manastream. They emit so much magicka that they locally distort space and cause weird phenomena around them. For example, they turn their immediate surroundings into brightly-coloured glass near-instantaneously, and due to the way magic works in the setting, being in their presence causes symptoms akin to severe radiation poisoning. Although there’s no known way to kill or banish a psychopomp, their instability only allows them to exist in the physical plane for a few minutes at most before they collapse.


"Untamed shady mists" these could destroy most things it gets into contact with but it moves in a completely random pathing which is why it terrorized the civilizations for centuries. The only way of preventing the mists from causing mass destruction is for a holy priest with atleast 50 years of experience to "tame" the mists and order them into blessed silver containers powered by a sapphire powerstone. In an omniscient POV, these mists are actually the ungodly body odor of an adolescent god.


The Triplet Frog A species of frog that propagated from a single relative. It is actually 3 frogs that occupie the same point in space. Not inherently dangerous or violent. Just the average frog, really. But. If they ever develop enough sentient to recognize themselves, they produce so much psychic backlash that everything within a 30-mile radius suffers 20d12 psychic damage. Additionally: "separating" them creates a spacial ripple that causes everything in a 50-mile radius to suffer 20d12 force damage. The truly wacky part though is when they die of non natural causes it really upsets the gods of death as its three souks and 1 life which throws off their whole domain, confuses their system, and violates the laws of life and death. So while not dangerous om it's own.it has the potential to wipe out cities, and bring down the wrath of a God.


In one story I have a single dragon that has the power/curse of being intensely empathetic. While it’s the loving companion of the main character, it has the potential to be a world-ender in the wrong situations.


According to me it's the very idea of viruses, I mean with the human nature to question everything till getting believable answers is quite deviating from the theory of origin of viruses, I mean the 5-6 theories provided, we are supposed to believe in that? Like seriously? It doesn't even make any sense! Plus, no proofs! With the world turned over due to covid, we developed vaccines, strategies and theories but, where is the truth? Where is our human curiosity? How did we normalise viruses so that we don't seek answers to their existence?! It's very weird to me, virus one of the most unique beings, well I don't know if I should say it's living, I mean it needs hoat machinery, is quite impactful but is just a bunch of proteins? Huh, so damn weird And we the human race, being so curious how did we normalise these viruses, all the viruses, prions and virions, how do we even categorise them? How are we accepting this as normal????


The Tarrasque, of course.


Me >:)


For now it's gotta be the Pale Children, which is what happens when a wizard (who are very long lived) loses their mind and is thus no longer able to control their magic, resulting in the magic's own will taking over and reshaping the former human into what's essentially a violent, destructive caster in the shape of an obelisk with eyes and legs


Humans.  It will always be humans. 


“Poll Finds 6% Of Americans Think They Could Beat A Grizzly Bear In A Fight”, I don’t think so brother…


Probably Adept (magic wielding) Homo Biberus Noctum (common night vampire). Vampires are one of the few monsters bold enough to take up residence in human settlements. They also proliferate entire regions very quickly. If a settlemtn is known to contain an H.Biberus colony, it is immediately quarantined while Hunters are dispatched from surrounding localities to address the problem. H.Biberus specimens have been observed consuming crude quintessence (which is partly why refining the material is so important - it will render it unusable for vampires) to power metamagical effects. The ramifications of an Adept vampire colony are still being discussed among the High Clergy, but suffice to say, it could set back human expansion decades.


That is a tough one. I have something called a Rine, a predatory telepathic cloud of mana. It is extremely dangerous, but also my rarest monster. Most dangerous, would have to be a monster called a Blood demon spider. Not only are they physically strong, absolutely ginormous, and can wield magic, but they are also incredibly poisonous and worst of all, they swarm.


not entirely sure yet, but either the faefolk or the Whistling Flowers. of course, the entire world is still pretty early in the construction stages, but that's what it is for now


Well, you know. It's a crow. Named Crowe. They are absurdly lucky.


Tegats. Self replicating weapons designed to inflict as much harm as possible on concious beings without annihilating them outright Built as blasphemy to the god of creation, they were designed to be inverted symbols of virtue. Based on the hand of creation and mocking the words of life, they look like like symmetrical hands, sometimes with legs, sometimes tails or other more practical forms, with a mouth set in the palm. They show nothing but contempt to concious beings and torment them mercilessly. Nothing is spared, from the angels on high, to the demons of the lowest pit. If you see one, it knows you're there, and it wants to hurt you


AM 2.0


"The embodiment of the End" or if you want something much more common "The Reality Eaters"


A bit late to the party, but one of the most dangerous creatures in my world is called **"The Shadow of the Forest"**. Legends say that their evil hearts lie in the darkest corner of the woods. A forest with a shadow is said to feel "off". Even if the canopy isn't very thick, little light reaches the forest floor. The trees silently judge your worth as fertilizer. Few have ever escaped the direct attention of the forest's shadow. Half of them lost a part of themselves in the process, never speaking of the event. Those who can, describe it as a loss of civility, a revelation of one's smallness before the vastness of the forest. The limbs of the trees reached for them as one shadowy embrace. Many describe being swallowed, body and spirit. There has never been a recorded kill of a forest's shadow.


I would say it's Lucifer but he's dead so- 💀 I'M JUST KIDDING. I think, if we're talking about beasts that are still living, it would be Azazel, honestly. He's a demon, and demons are considered beasts? But Averna would probably come close. I mean, not right now, because she's locked up, but if she ever escapes and starts practicing and learning how to use her powers, she could probably surpass her uncle and maybe even her father. Her powers consist of: .Shadow Manipulation: She can basically transform shadows into... Anything. By materializing any bit of darkness, she could basically swallow you up whole or use your own shadow against you and rip you to shreds ig. She could use the shadows to rip down massive buildings and even other beasts. . Teleportation: Yeah, she can teleport. Do I need to explain more? . Telepathy: just... Reading minds. Self explanatory. . Photographic memory: as she would like to call it, "Superior memory", because she's an arrogant bi- . Shield making: Btw she can make both mental and physical shields. . Immortality: it's immortality. She can live forever. Self explanatory. But problem is she hasn't been trained. She doesn't know how to use any of these, apart from photographic memory and immortality, because those are passive powers. I would go on about Leviathan but I'm not going to because I'm lazy af.


(Dead) gorgoroth slayer of dwarves Gorgoroth is a ruhnandling they are the race of giant sand trolls (20-120 feet tall) they are dark yellowish in skin one day a ruhnandling called “gorgoroth was born” his growth was slow he was the smallest kid in the whole village he was the main victim the punching bag since ruhnandlings eat sand worms he was given ones that went bad or expired but one time he left to hunt for one himself and found one but sand worms alive and normally are either deadly or radioactive he ate on alive and suddenly he felt an intense pain in his stomach he slept it off but then woke up his height increased and strength went skyrocketing he was already 40 feet at 5 years old He took his revenge he destroyed his whole village and headed for the main city at age 20 he was there as a great one the biggest of them all he at age 400 was the king he was alerted that the mutant dwarves of the mountains were attacking them and he took matters into his own hands with his bodyguards they headed to the mountains Little did he know his bodyguards were survivors of the village he destroyed and his old bullies they attacked suddenly but gorgoroths reflex made him dodge then gorgoroth with his 180 feet length he ate the heads of both bodyguards before tearing them organ from organ Fully eaten and rested he continued to march he then reached the mountain of the mutant dwarves he was stopped with an arrow to his eye he wasn’t affected and he then attacked the mountain from the top the top of it flying over at a sand dune destroying it and causing a large blast The dwarves rushed outside and attacked him even though he took these attacks and smiled they were slowly but surely damaging him so he attacked fought back suddenly hooks were shot at him as he was pulled to the ground he fell killing a lot of dwarved actually all of them except one the king thorn Gorgoroth woke up to see thorn you see thorn was titled thorn for stabbing people like a thorn another hook was launched this time into gorgoroth eyes and since his eyes were already damaged and weak the hook reached his Brian and cut it killing gorgoroth, gorgoroth fell on the mountain it falling with the corpse of gorgoroth killing both him the mountain and thorn Legend has it that gorgoroth is still there that he still is alive he came back and ventured off never to be seen again


The World Eater is a large invisible entity which moves around in a worm like manner which releases acid around it and on land, whatever it slides on and dissolves anything it has slid on, before replicating them in the Otherworld. Since the Otherworld has not been discovered yet, scientists think that it simply erases all it slithers on and is universally feared since it has transplanted entire continents and species and is invulnerable to all but the most powerful nukes which could destroy the world. spielberg


Cotrons could be deemed as such, because while they can bend reality with their ability to manipulate the forces of physics, they leave little to no evidence of not just their activity, but their existance. So either they mess with everything and cover up whatever evidence ther is with such mastery that nothing can be traced back to them, or they may be able to straight-up delete the universe but for whatever reason choose not to.


Wights were folk that were tampered with by these deities in a quest to create a perfect army without any empathy, they ended up with these things without souls...... And dragons